The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1920, Image 5

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News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
Prof. II. J. Grnmllcli, head of the
Nebraska College of Agriculture, De
partment of Animal Husbandry, says
'there ure Indications that this mny be
;n good time for farmers to enter the
livestock business, or expand their
livestock raising and feeding oner
intlous. Mr. and Mrs. David Uarrel of Paw
moo City have Just celebrated their
00th wedding anniversary at their
'home In that place, whero they have
Hived for the past 120 years.
The body of John W. Cook, a promt
aiont Lincoln man, was found at the
'entrance of Antelope park, having evi
dently died of heart failure while
'walking In the park.
Sparks from a threshing engine sot
:tlre to stacks of oats on the farm of
Henry Hoy near Adams atid live were
-destroyed, causing a loss of about
1,000 bushels of grain.
According to the preliminary an
nouncement from the census bureau
the population of Pawnee county Is
,578, a decrease of 1,00-1 from the
ilgures of 1010.
The board of commissioners for
Holt county submitted the question of
an extra five mill levy for throe years
for bridge building. Tile question lost
by 1-M votes.
The Adams county farm bureau has
been organized" at Hastings by about
150 farmers, Between 400 and 500
farmers signed the petition for the
.Tesso O. Guard, 21, a brukemnn em
ployed by the Burlington, was Instant
ly killed when ho fell between two
:frelght cars In the yards at Grand
Hog cholera has suddenly appeared
In several places In the state and nn
.official' warning has been sent broad
cast urging farmers to be on their
The Hebron Commercial club will
conduct a lecture course, consisting of
live numbers, the proceeds of which
-will go to the benefit of the city library.
Paxlon has voted to issue $00,000 In
municipal bonds to build a municipal
-water and light system. The vote was
112 for and eight against the bonds.
May Short and Victor Alsop, avia
tors, were seriously Injured at Lincoln
when the plane In which they were
riding fell from a great height.
Newton Strode, 70, civil war vet
enui, died at Blair shortly after his
return from the national encampment
of the G. A. It. at Indlnnapolls.
Uaisers of pure stock In Antelope,
Holt, Brown nnd Rock counties have
organized the Elkhorn Valley Pure
15red Stock i-soclatlon.
The sum of .$8,000 was subscribed by
"Falrbury business men to defray ex
penses for the B. B. B. IJ. festival
being held there.
Hay Is so plentiful In Richardson
county that an unusual amount of
clover has bee'n cut for seed and1 will
x -soon be threshed
Nebraska College of Agriculture
:stood third In the stock Judging con
test at the national swine show held
:ut Des Moines.
Home-coming day at the state uni
versity has been set for Saturday, Oct.
10, the day of the Notre Dame foot
boll game.
It cost Frank" Drier, a York man,
:$100 and trimmings to operate a llsli
trap In the Blue river, contrary to the
state law.
The State High School Athletic as
sociation will hold Its annual meeting
at the Omaha Y. M. C. A. November 4.
Cheighton High school and Lincoln
High school foot ball teams fought
four quarters to a 0 0 tlo at Omaha.
Sixteen stalls of the horse barn of
the County Fair association at Madison
Inirned last week.
A Nebraska club with fifteen mem
bers has been organized at the Unlver
ulty of Missouri. . .
The State Teachers' Association will
hold Its next session at Omaha Novem
ber 8, 4 and 5.
A community association has been
formed by citizens In add near Hub
hell. '
Graduato nurses of Norfolk hnvo In
creased their salaries, 0 to $7 a day.
The Elks' lodge at Hastings recently
Initiated a class of 250 candidates.
Efforts arc being made to establish
ji recruiting oillce at Nebraska City.
Nebraska's Increase In population Is
declared to bo unsatisfactory by Ar
thur Thomas, publicity director of the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Ho
estimates the 1020 population of Ne-
1raska will bo In the neighborhood of
1,200,000. According to this estimate
the population of Nebraska has only
increased about 2.'50,000 In the last 20
Following resolutions adopted dur
ing the war, tho Salem Lutheran
church at Fremont has unanimously
voted to withdraw from the German
Nebraska synod nnd united with the
'English synod.
Specific lnstnnces of car shortage
luive been requested In a message to
tho banks of Omaha from tho inter
state Commerce commission. Tho
inessace was in responso to one
froin the hanks calling attention to tho
fnct that Nebraska was not getting Its
share of grain cars. Tho reply prom
ised "gradual relief."
"Mother" Louisa Collins, first set
tler of Kearney, halo nnd henrty yet at
00, proudly exhibits as her most cher
ished possession her own obituary,
published thirty years ago In a re
ligious Journal that long since ceased
to exist.
Mcl'tfok capitalists have completed
the organization of two banks which
will be opened as soon as cqulpmout
can be obtained. The State bank will
start with n subscribed capital of
$100,000. Tho Farmers and Merchants
State bank will havo an authorized
capital of $150,000, of which $00,000 Is
paid up. Tho two banks are strongly
backed by their local capitalists.
At n special meeting of tho Central
City Commercial club It was decided
to petition the census enumerator of
the third congressional district for n
recount on tho population of thn
place or to demand a new census. '
Residents feel that the growth of both
tho business district nnd residence dis
trict Indicate a substantial growth.
A petition Is being circulated among
tho voters of Colfax county for tho re
moval of the county court house from
Schuyler to Clnrkson. As soon as a
sulllclcnt number of signatures arc se
cured, the document will be presented
to tho commissioners to place the prop-
osltlqn before tho voters ut the coming
Rev. A. R. E. Olschlaeger, postor-of
St. Paul's Lutheran church at "st
Point, celebrated tho twenty-fifth an
niversary of his coming to that placo
last week. A valuable purse was given
to him and nn entertainment wus got
ten up In his honor. He has had a suc
cessful pastorate.
Five hundred boys and girls arc ex
pected to enroll In the University
School of Agriculture. Boys 17 years
old and girls 10 years old with at least
an eighth grade education may enter
this school. Boys entering for tho
first time must have had at least threo
months of farm experience.
"Founder's day," the thirty-first an
niversary of Cotner university, at Lin
coln, was observed by faculty and stu
dents and n large In-gathering of thoso
Interested In the school. The event
celebrated tho founding of Cotner uni
versity October 7, 18S0.
Sherman county claims the distinc
tion of having the oldest sheriff of any
county In the United States L. A.
Williams, who Is past eighty years of
age, is as spry as any man of sixty nnd
attends to his duties In a very elliclent
Roy O. Swnnson, 20, sophomore In
the University of Nebraska Medical
college at Oniuhn, was killed when the
Ford car he was cranking plunged for
ward down an Incline nnd pinned his
body against the side of a fraternity
Nebraska's 1021 whont crop is start
ing off under favorable conditions, In
spite of reports of Injury from Hes
sian lly, army worms or white grubs,
and lice, according to experts ut tho
State College of Agriculture.
The Columbus Canning compnny has
finished Its season's run of conf. The
seuson's pack is about 22,000 cases,
which is nearly twice tho production of
any previous year. The quality Is said
to be exceptionally good.
Herman, two-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Wusk, living near Ster
ling, was severely scalded when ho
pulled the plug from a washing itm
chlno into which his mother had Just
poured boiling wnter.
York's volunteer fire department will
have a "booster" week, for the purpose
of raising money to defray the ex
penses of 'entertaining the state fire
men convention, to bo held there In
Experts at. the College of Agri
culture predict considerable smut In
the wheat next year, as much of tho
seed sowed this fall was smutfy, espe
cially the wheat Imported from other
Tho Tecumseh city wnter plant It
suffering a decided lack of water slnco
the wells appear to be giving out. Tho
pressure is low und houscholderslinve
been ndvlsed to use as little as pos-
Owing to heavy disbursements nnd
slow receipts, tho total cash on hand In
all funds of tho state during September
declined from $2,208,000 nt the begin
ning of tho month to $1,703,000 at tho
Petitions have been filed with the
city council at Norfolk asking for a
special election to sell $1100,000 worth
of bonds to buy a municipal gas and
electric light plant for that place.
The Southeast Nebraska District
Medical association met In Table Rock
last week. Members from Kansas City,
St. Joseph, Omaha, Lincoln, Beatrlco
and adjacent counties attended.
Seed potntoes from the north and
western portions of Nebraska out
yield other ilotato seeds about 21 per
cent, according to an experiment of tho
Douglas county farm bureau.
The Nebraska-Notre Damo football
game will be played Saturday, October
1G, on the Cornhusker field at Lincoln.
FoUr thousand nnd twelve students
hnve completed their registration at tho
Slate University and Indications are
thut the enrollment will como up to
Tho Nebraska school of agrlculturo
is setting a now record with a seven
year-old ilolstcln cow. In 28:i days
she has produced 24,881.8 pounds o
milk and 1,101 pounds of butter. With
eighty-two days remaining In her year
she Is still giving moro than seventy
pounds of nrtlk dally.
The Union Pacific railroad has grant
ed storage and transit privileges on
hny, effective October 25, which will
ennble hay shlpmonts to bo held In
Omaha for grading und sorting, and
for a suitable mnrUet, Is a culmination
of n two-year fight, carried on by tho
traffic bureau of tho chamber of com
merce and tho Omnha hay exchange.
Warning farmers of tho spread of
hog cholera among herds In tho eastern
part of tho state, Dr. H. Kersten, fed
eral veterinarian, has advised Imme
diate vaccination of herds that have
not been previously made Immune from
the dlscaso.
Federal Reserve Board Endorses Re
cent Shipment of Gold As O. K.-
To Thresh Out Rato
Washington. D. C. The recent ship
ment of Russian gold, receipt of which
was reported by' tho federal reserve
board last week, was Imported for "at.
entirely proper commercial purpose"
the department of justice has an
nounced. Tho shipment was sent from
Reval, Esthonln, and consigned to a
commercial agent of tho Esthonlan
government, It was stated.
Olllclnls said the gold had come Into
the United Stntes with the knowledge
and consent of the proper American of
ficials. The shipment aggregated $:U),-
OHO, and was tho first from Russia, In
Europe, since 1010.
To Thresh Out Rate Question.
, Washington, D. C The conflict he.
tween the Nebraska state railway com.
mission and the Interstate commerco
commission over the proposed Increase
In railroad rates promulgated by tliu
Interstate commerce commission earlier
In the summer Is to bu threshed out In
Lincoln October 25, before Examiner
Dlsque,' In the .United States court
room, it Is announced by the commis
sion here. Tho order of the commis
sion specified that all railroads "sub
ject to our Jurisdiction operating with
in said state of Nebraska are hereby
made respondents to this proceeding.
Facing Prison and $10,000 Fine.
Chicago, 111. Assistant State's At
torney Hartley Repligle, In charge of
the "crooked baseball" case, says that
li.dictments to be drawn up on true
bills may contain several counts. The
true bills themselves specified but one
alleged offense, "conspiracy to commit
an illegal act." The penalty provided
upon conviction on this count would he
one to five years in the penitentiary
and a fine of not more than $10,000.
"And this Is Just the beginning," Mr.
Repligle said.
To Develop Co-operative Marketing.
Chicago. A permanent organization
hns been effected here by the commlt
tee'of 17, representing principal fann
ers' organizations of grain-growing
states and appointed to develop a co
operative marketing plan, to handle
the grain crop of the United States. "C.
II. Gustafson, president of the Nebras
ka Fanners union, was elected chair
man and A. L. Mlddieton of the Farm
ers National Grain Dealers' associa
tion wns named vice chairman.
Red Cross Aids in 7,000,000 Cases.
Washington, D. C.Tho American
Red Cross gave aid to the country's
lighting mentor their families at home
In 7,000,000 cases from the entrance of
the United Stntes Into the war until
lust June. The cost was about $10,
000,000. These fncts are shown in n
statement just Issued by that organiza
tion. The Red Cross also describes
how it is continuing In peacetime to
hid the world war veterans.
New York. New low record prices
for the year have been established In
both tho raw and refined sugar mar
kets. Prices are half a cent lower
than at the close of last week, with
raw sugar selling on the basis of 8.51c,
duty paid, while refined wns quoted at
12c a pound by the Federal Sugar
Refining company.
Many Soldiers Re-enlist.
Chicago, 111. About one out of
every five soldiers whose enlistments
expired during September havo re
enllsted, the army recruiting service
reports. A totnl of. 10,401 men were
accepted for service In September. The
army strength now Is 100.432.
German Prisoners Paroled.
Leavenworth, Kns. Eckhai'd von
Schack and Franz von Bopp, at one
time consul and vice consul for the
German imperial government nt Snn
Francisco, have been paroled.
Austin, Texas. Governor W. P.
Hobby hns signed tho bill pnssed by
the special session of the legislature
creating an act to Investigate causes
and all facts pertaining to labor dis
putes In Texns.
Cleveland Wins First of Series.
New York. The Cleveland American
League club decisively defeated the
Brooklyn Nationals by the score of 3
to 1 In the Initial game of the 1020
world series here Tuesday afternoon.
Washington, D. G. Sad havoc has
been created In some of the most 1m
portnnt legislative committees In the
house of representatives mis the result
of primary elections In the . various
states, most of which are now con
eluded. In three Instances, at least,
members of tho house who by reason
of long service have attained chair
manshlps, have been refused renoinl
nation by their party constituents, nnci
the next congress will see them no
more. And of course new chairmen
will he named to the committees over
which they preside.
Former if. S. Senator Dead.
Dalton, Mass. W. Murray Cm no
former United States senator nnd for
yours a power in the political world, Is
dead at "Sugar Hill," tho family home,
Tho end came qulutly, after four
days of heavy sleep, almost of un
consciousness. The sleeping sickness
had stt In after an Illness of several
months, and It was this which Im
mediately preceded death, the actual
cause of which was said by his
physicians to bo encephalitis, or in
flammatlon of the brain.
"Ho you ever repent?" asked the
Water Moccasin, snake of the Cobra-
"What does that mean?" linked the
J he Water Moccasin laughed, a
long and hissing, ugly laugh.
I am not surprised you do not
know what It means." said the Water
Moccasin, "for I am sure you, never do
"I am glad you know whether I do
or not." said tho Cobra-de-Cnpello, "as
of course I don't know when I don't
know what the word means."
"Ah." said tho Water .Moccasin, "I
am a cousin of the Copperhead. Ho
Is a vicious, dangerous old fellow but
he Is handsome Just the same.
"I come from this continent North
America and I am one of the few
dangerous snakes of North America.
"It is fine to be that way. I wouldn't
be one of the many snnkes to be found
about who crawl nnd who hiss a little
but who are quite harmless. No, I
believe In being dnngerous.
"In fact I am more dangerous than
the old rattlesnake. And why am I
more vicious?"
"I didn't uisk you why," said the
Cohra-de-Cnpello, "but 1 like to bear
about vlclousness and all of such
tilings so I will listen while you nn
swer your own question."
"I knew, or I felt I knew, that you
wanted to hear the answer of that
question I. asked myself," said tho
Water Moccasin.
"I am more vicious because a rattle
snake will let folks know he Is coin
ing by the rattle he makes. But I
move quietly. Fur down South where
I live I will strike anything I choose
to strike without any reason often
times and without any warning nt all
"That Is why I am more dreaded
and more feared and more hated than
the rattlesnake. 1 consider that an
honor. How does It strike you,
Cobra?" 4 '
"I am glnd to hear such good ac
counts of n vicious snake," said the
Cobra. "For as you sny too many
snakes are mild nnd It Is well to bo
wild amj to be wicked."
"I hope you admire me," said the
Water Moccasin, "for I admire my-
"I Understand You."
self. I am rather dull in color but I
think thirt Is a good thing, for I enn
do more harm when I am not so eas
ily seen.
"I have rough scales and an ugly,
clumsy, awkward, badly-shaped, out-of-proportlon,
ungraceful body.
"But that docs not bother me I Tho
ugliest thing about mo Is my temper.
It Is a good one and by n good one I
mean a bad one."
"I understand you," snld the Cobra.
"Yes, I understand you perfectly.
"You mean, of course, thnt to your
way of thinking a bad disposition Is
the finest tiling to lfave, nnd the mean
er you are the better it Is? Yes, I
see that Is what you mean."
"It Is what I mean," said the Water
"And I ngree with you," snld the
"But I asked you If you had repent
ed," said the Water Moccasin, "nnd
you didn't know whnt I meant.
mennt hnd you felt sorry you had
been such n vicious, bad snnke nnd
hnd you mended your ways and be
come n mild snnke. I don't fnncy you
hnvo from our talk, but that was what
I first asked you.
"To repent means to feel .sorry for
a thing and to do better."
"I repent?" hissed the Cobni-dc-Copelld.
"Well, I should Just say I
"Of course here In tho 7.00 I can
not do anything hnrmful. But 1
would If I could.
"I am still bad at heart. And my
family are still bad. They kill people
whenever they get a chance In lndln
where they live. Ah, yes; though 1
He here with my grent body colled
around If I were let out how hnd I
would bo!
"I would Ik? wicked, I would be
poisonous. No, the Cobra-de-Capello
will never repent, never worry about
"Good," hissed tho mean Wnter
Moccasin. "J am glnd to hear such
Spoke Broken English,
Elizabeth, aged four, heard her mam
ma say that the new cook spoke brok
en English, and running to her fa
ther she exclaimed : "Oh, papa, ze
cookie Is a broken Englishman, an'
she tant talk plain."
Feed and Management Will De
pend Greatly on Time of Year
Animal Was Dropped.
Standard Ration May Do Made by Us
ing Corn, Oats and Bran of Equal
Parts by Weight Pasture Is
Most Essential.
Tho feed, care nnd management
which the high-class beef calf should
recolvo after It Is weaned will depend
largely on the time of year It was
dropped. A spring calf should be fed
differently from one dropped In the
fall. It Is assumed that In either case
however, tho principal part of the
calf's feed for the first few months
wns Its mother's milk. In addition to
the milk, It should hnvo been fed grain
so that at wcnnlng time It would be
getting from two to six pounds, de
pending upon the age of the calf and
time of year weaned, with a little sil
age and n liberal amount of hay as
If the calf has not been tnught to
eat grain before It was weaned It
should be taught nt once. Begin by
feeding It ns one does for the calf be
fore weaning. The amount of feed,
however, may be Incrensed more rap
Idly than with the unwenned calf. In
a month or six weeks after It Is weaned
It should be eating from two to threo
pounds of grain with six pounds of
silage and from two to three pounds
of clover hny, with a small amount
of other roughages like stover or straw
In addition, unless sulllclent pnsturo Is
A standard grain ration for tho calf
may be mnde by using corn, oats and
bran, equnl parts by weight, or corn
five parts and oats or bran three parts
by weight, with one part of linseed meal
added to both unless the ration seems
too luxatlve. It Is expected that In
many enses all theso feeds will not
be available. It will be necessary then
to substitute other feeds. The follow
ing substitutions nre recommended:
Feed. Substitutes.
Corn Barley, kullr, mllo, oat.
or other feeds high In
carbohydrates nnd
Oats Bran, ground oats,
coarso middlings.
Bran around oatB. coarse
Cottonseed meal. .Cottonseed cake, linseed
meal, peanut meal, velvet-bean
meal, Boy
bean meal, or other
feeds hlgn tn protoln.
Corn silage Sorghum silage, other
silage, roots or man
gels. Clover liny Alfalfa, lesp'cdcza, pea
nut vine, soy bean or
grass hays.
Corn stover Oat straw, other straws
or stoverB.
The qunntity of grain to feed should
be determined at all times by the ap
petite of the cair. Feed what It will
clean up In a short time nnd wish It
had Just a little more. A variety of
hays should bo provided If possible.
While the beef calf can use cheap
roughages to advantage, good buys,
preferably legumes such as clover ill-
Heavy Sklmmilk P-nons, It Has Been
Found, Are Beneficial for Calves.
falfa, and lespedezn, are moro satis
factory. Well-cured, bright, corn stov
er or oat straw may be used to supply
a part of tho roughage needed and
keep the cnlf's appetite good and Its
digestion In proper order. Give us
much hny us It will consume, but do
not allow any waste. If the calf Is
on good pasture It will not consume
much hay. As It InCrenscs In age, It
can ho fed stingo to advantage. Avoid
overfeeding with silage, as there 1b
danger of dlgestlvo disturbances, espe
cially when getting a liberal supply of
milk. '
' Pasture should bo provided ut all
times. Next to milk It Is nnturo's bal
anced ration. Sulllclent pasture may
be obtained from such pasture plnnts
ns blue grass, Bermuda, lespedeza. carr
pet grass, clover, alfalfu and. prairie
grass. Lnto fall, winter or early spring
pnsture may also be obtained by graz
ing such crops as rye, oats, wheat, soy
beans, cowpens and velvet beans. Use
great core in pasturing legumes, such
as alfalfa and the cloTers, also winter
pasture crops. Turn the calf on such
crops for only n short .tlmo at first,
because the calf may bloat from over
eatlng on such feeds. After It becomes
used to them It mny graze with safety.
Rules of Feeding.
There are innny things to remember
In feeding the calf. They mny be
called rules of feeding and should be
carefully followed:
1. Provide a Variety of feeds at all
times, If possible. It Is easier to sup
ply the proper amounts of the desired
nutrients which the calf needs, If sev
eral different feeds nre used. The ra
tion will also be more palatable.
SI. Do not make sudden changes In the
feeds used or In the nmounts given.
If It becomes necessary to change
feeds from, say, clover to alfalfa hay.
feed part clover and part nlfalfa for
a few days. Gradually reduce the
amount of clover nnd at the same time
Increase the alfalfa.
. 3. Do not overfeed the calf. Feed
,ns much grain ns It will clenn up In
30 minutes and wish It had Just a lit
tle more. Feed left In the trough to
ho brcnthed over Is worse than wasted.
If any remnlns It should be removed
nnd less given the next time. Diges
tive disorders occur from feeding too
much rather thnu too little.
4. Do not underfeed the cnlf. It
should make a continuous gain. If It
does not grow each day the feed given
It Is about the same as wasted. It nev
er pays to starve a cnlf. In fact, the
calf does not begin to pay for feed un
til It Is given more than enough to
make some gain.
o. Do not nnnoy or disturb the cnlf
unnecessnrlly. The fnttcnlng or crow
ing cnlf should be kept as quiet ns pos
sible. It requires more feed to keep It
growing whllo standing r moving
about thnn while lying down nt rest.
0. Do not feed moldy, musty or
spoiled feeds. To d so may cause se
rious digestive disorders, All hoys
Farmers Are Urged to Conserve Then
Dull Calves Wherever Practicable,
Instead of Butchering Them.
should be bright, well cured and free
from dirt, mold und mustlness. If
ground feeds get wet they nre likely
to mold. This Is cspeclnlly true of cot
tonseed meal and ground corn. They
should not be fed If In bad condition.
7. Do not waste time In feeding tho
cnlf. To waste time In feeding or pre
paring feeds needlessly Increuses tho
cost of grains. Gralii should be fed
whole except when teaching the calf
to eat and possibly also near the end
of tho fitting or finishing period. Whole
grain ns n rule Is more palatable than
ground feeds, Ear "corn - may bo
shelled, broken or chopped up. In the
feed box rather than ground. Husks
on snapped corn need not be removed
for this purpose. It rarely pays to
shred stover or to cut or chaff hay for
the calf. It need not he fed threo
times n day when twice a day will do
as well, although the former may be
practiced when fitting the nnlmal for
show or sale. Do not go to the ex
pense of buying prepnred "stock feeds"
or, "remedies." Home-mixed feeds are
cheaper and equnlly, If not more, satis
factory. A healthy calf does not need
condition powders.
I Nebraska Live Stock Owner Disposes
I of Scrub Bull and Five Cows
to Improve Herd.
"I disposed of one scrub bull and
live cows that were not profitable."
With this explanation a live-stock
owner In Dodge county, Nebraska, en
rolled In the "Better Sires Better
Stock" movement which provides for
purebred sires In nil classes of domes
tic animals kept.
A purebred Ilolstoln bull now heads
his herd of 25 grade cattle and tho
Duroc swine on the fnrm nre all pure
lred. Horses, sheep, goats and poul
try complete the kinds of live stock
kept. Whllo these nre not purebred,
they will if Improved by breeding to
purebred sires only.
The experience of live-stock owners
thnt scrub sires aro unprofitable sup
ports the results of numerous official
experiments which show the superior
ity of good purebred sires over all
other kinds.
Sllnge and nlfalfa make cheap beef
nnd milk.
Keep cholera hogs and carcasses
nway from tho stream nnd Insist that
your neighbors do tho same.
Stnflower silage, when combined
with com, cottonseed meal and alfalfu
hny, Is an Important feed In producing
beef. .
Too much direct sunlight and heat Is
a frequent cause of hogs falling to
thrive, and is often the cause of hogs
dying ,