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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1920)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ANNUAL TAX BILL OVER MILLIONS Revenue is Mostly Derived from Incomes and Excess Profits. SENATOR HARDING AT OMAHA Republican Candidate for President Addresses Immense Throng at the Auditorium In Omaha. Washington, D. 0. America's tax bill for the flHcnl year ending Juno 30, amounted to .$fJyl08,075,408, approxi mately a billion and a half million dol lars more than wan paid Into tho fed eral treasury In the previous twclvo tnontliM. The figures arc contained In the preliminary report of the commis sioner of Internal revenue, Just mado public. It shows that from Income and prolltH taxes the government received approximately throe-fourths of all Its revenue. In those two Items tljere was an Increase of $1,350,000,000 over the lineal year of 1010, receipts for the two years being 1020, !?3,.)7,70 1,000; 1010, $2,000,000,000. From inultlfnrloiis sources of "mis cellaneous" taxation the levy produced $1,150,374,000, an Increase over the pre vious year of $1201,000,000. AlthouKh there was a big decrease In (axes on liquors there was a corre spondingly greater Increase in the rev enue from tobacco In all of Its forms. Senator Harding Speaks at Omaha. Omaha, Neb. Senator Warren O. Hording, republican candidate for president, spoke to an immense crowd, estimated at 10,000 to 1J,000, at the Auditorium here Thursday evening, at the close of a speaking tour through Iowu, where he made eleven addresses during the day. lie was accompanied by his wife, who was Introduced by Congressman A. V. .IclYerls', and who bowed her greetings to the throng. The audience took kindly to the scn ator's address, and applauded onthus lastlcally as he presented his views on the political issues of the cniripulgn. Although considerably fatigued by the strenuous work during the day's trip, lie was in good voice, and spoke for over an hour, after having previously addressed an overllow gathering on the outside of the Auditorium, which was crowded to capacity. On bis drlvo from the station to bis hotel, he was greeted by thousands who bad gathered to pay respect to the presidential nom In ec. DIQGE3T CORN CROP IN HISTORY. Ex- Forecast of 3,216,192,000 Bushels ceeds Record by 99,000,000. Washington, l). C The 1020 corn crop promises to be the largest In the history of the country by more than 00,000,000 bushels. A yield of ,'1,210,102,000 bushels, com pared with the previous record produc tiou of 3,1 U 1,7-1 0.0(H) bushels In 1012, Is forecast by the department of agrlcul tare from a condition of 80.1 on Octo her 1. The yield would exceed that of last year by practically !S)0,000,000 bushels. Kansas, Nebraska and Alls sour! will contribute practically all the Increase. Warm and dry September weather, free from widespread frosts, aided the maturing of the late crop and during the month the prospects for this year were Increased by 85,000.000 bushels. The frosts near tho end it the month did little damage, and tmt great bulk of the crop Is now safoJn that score, government experts say. GiVETRADE PRACTICE AS CAUSE Business Interests Confer With Trade Commssion on High Pr.ces Heywood and Others Sentenced to Serve Time In Federal Prison More Evidence In Ball Scandal. Washington, D. C Partial responsi bility for high prices is laid on the trade practice of manufacturers' guar antee against price decline by thosu Who protested against the custom at the hearing before the Federal Trade commission. More than 200 spokes men for business Interests were pres ent to advise with the commission In formulating a policy. The statement that prices would have gone down soon after the armi stice In many linos had the price guar antee practice been unknown In com merce was brought out In answer to questions by Chairman Murdock, who asked for opinions on that phase. Without exception, opponents of the system declared their belief had been onllrmed by breaks In commodities whore the practice was not employed. They cited the sugar and silk markets as typical. More Evidence In Ball Scandal. Chicago, III. Evidence which ofilc- lals In the state attorney's ofllce said will result In the Indictment of several National league baseball players has been given tho Cook county grand Jury by players and club olllcluls who testi fied in the Inquiry Into the baseball scandal. There will be no Indictments for sev eral days, however, for the Jury ad journed, subject to cull and is not ex pected to reconvene until after the world's series. Adjournment was ta ken because It was fount that several witnesses scheduled to testify ure at tending the series games. UPHOLD CONVICTION OF I. W. W'S. Sen- Haywood and Fourteen Others tenced for Twenty Years. Chicago, III. Tho United States cir cuit court of appeals has 'landed down a decision upholding the conviction of William D. Haywood and ninety-three other I. W. W.'s who were found guilty and sentenced to Leavenworth for ob structing the draft law during the war. Two counts were thrown out by thu appellate court, but In all others the decision of the lower court was af firmed. Haywood and fourteen other defend ants were sentenced to twenty years In prison by Judge IC. M, Lnndls and In addition were lined sums ranging from $20,000 to 15,000. Big Money Back of Deal. New York. Relief 'that a half-million dollar pool, hacked by "big mon eyed men," was arranged in New York to llx the 1010 world's series, Is ex pressed by Assistant District Attorney James 10. Smith. Mr. Smith, who has been ordered by District Attorney Swann to take charge of local Investi gations of the baseball Irregularities, said that ho Intended to push bis In quiry until "some of these crooks have been landed In the penitentiary." Grand Jury subpoenaes for three al leged gamblers, Including Abe Attell, have been Issued, Mr. Smith an nounced. Plenty of Coal in Sight. Des Moines, la. Prospects are good for plenty of coal for all purposes dur ing the coming winter, In the opinions of D. IJ. Wentz and J. D. A. Morrow, president and vice presIdcnt,of the na tional coal association, who say there Is no occasion for alarm. Triple Made by One Player. Cleveland, O. In a game abounding with sensational, unique and thrilling plays, the Cleveland Americans defeat ed the Brooklyn Nationals, 8 to 1, In tho fifth contest of the world's series hero Sunday afternoon. An unassist ed triple , piny by William Wnnibs gunss, of Cleveland, the first In the history of the World's series, and homo runs by Elmer Smith and Jim llugby, were a trio of individual feats. Oklahoma City, Okla. Pleas of not guilty were entered by thirty-six Okla homa City, Enid and Amularko, retail merchants and restaurant owners In dicted for alleged violation of the Lev er net. Judge' Lee Estelle Passes Away, Qmaha, Neb. Judge Ley S. Estelle, dean of the Douglas county district court, died Sunday morning bore, from a complication of diseases affecting his heart, lungs and kidneys, after an 111 ness of seven weeks. He was 751 years of use. Washington, D. 0. Poland through Its legation here, has made Informal request of the State department for vthe extension of aid by the United States to l'olnud In the form of food supplies. i Predicts War With Mexico. Itoston, Mass. Henry Morgenthnu, recently appointed ambassador to Me.X' I cp, speaking before thu National Fed oration of Itellglous Liberals, said "If tho United States does not enter the league of nations, but keei a free hand, it will mean war with Mexico in ,nlde of a year." Santiago, Chile. Arturo Alessandrln of tho liberal alliance has been pro claimed president of Chile for the per iod 1020-25 by the Joint session of con cross. U. S. POPULATION IS 105,683,108; Nebraska Has 1,295,502, an In crease of 103,288 Above uensus or ion rears Ago Washington, D. C. The 1020 popular tlon of the continental United States is announced by the census bureau n 105,081,108. This Is nn increase oC 13,710,842, or 14.0 per cent since 1010. The total does not Include the popu lation of outlying possessions, which will be announced as soon as tho fig ures for AlaBka and the military an naval service abroad nre tabulated. It Is estimated, however, that these pos sessions have 12,250,000 Inhabitants, bo- the total number of people living under the American flag In round numbers 1st 118,000,000. The figures compare with, 01,072,200 ten years ago and 75,091,575. twenty years ago. 1 -General Fnyolle conferring the Medallle Mllltalre of France on General Pershing at Fort Myer. 2 Some of the wooden ships built by the shipping board during the war and now rotting in the James river. 8. Col. Frederick W. Onlbralth of Cincinnati, new national commander of the American Legion. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENT Russian Reds, Whipped in the Field, Agree to Armistice With the Poles. Busy Month In the Mints. Washington, United States' mints during September coined 7S0.000 pieces of silver money for Cuba and 010.000 pieces of silver for Peru, ac cording to director of the Mint linker No gold coins were executed for the United States during the mouth. t Flour Continues Drop. Minneapolis Flour prices continued their downward trend when mills of fected a reduction of 10 to 00 cents a harrol for family "patents here. Attack on Japanese, Toklo. Japanese troops have been sent to Hun-Chun, a town In Manchu rla, near the Korean frontier which was raided ny minium. Atlanta, Ga. A call for all agricul tural Interests to meet In Washington, October 12 and 111 to "protest against government efforts to begin deflation with the farm" has been Issued here bv otllclals of the. national hoard of farm organizations. SUBMIT TO ALL DEMANDS Soviet Forcec-May Concentrate Against Wrangel Peace In Ireland Nearer Some Late Developments In Our Presidential Campaign. ' By EDWARD W. PICKARD. Thoroughly whipped by tho Poles. Hie Russian P.olshevlkl hnve signed nn nrmlstlco with their opponents, nnrt on October 14 hostilities ore supposed to cease. The full terms agreed upon nt Itlga have not yet been given to the public, but enough has been told to show that Poland has won virtually all her contentions. M. .Toffe, head of the Russian delegation, was In no po sition to refuse anything within rea son, nnd Indeed he had been Instruct ed to ncccpt almost any terms the Poles might offer. . The western boundnry line of soviet Russia was the mnln mntter under discussion, nnd this was settled entire ly In favor of tho Poles, according to reports from Riga. The lino Is placed so far east that Llthuanln is cut off en tirely from Russia, and Poland Is given a corridor between those two countries. The boundary agreed upon begins east of Dvlnsk. runs south through liarano.vltehl. Lunlnlets and Snrny. anil vlrtuallv along the Gorninn lino of 1015 to tho Roumanian frontier. The Poles have asserted repeatedly that the Lithuanians have been fight ing alongside the Russians, and this boundnry settlement should, therefore. go far In bringing nbnut a peaceful agreement between Poland and Lithu ania; when that Is accomplished the Poles will be free to turn their atten tion to the establishment of their own government nnd tho development of their country. They have agreed to be neutral In the Ukraine, where the so viet nnd Potlurn' forces are fighting, and Russia gives up all claims to east ern Onllcla. It Is asertfd by some correspond ents that Pombskl, bend of the Polish mission at Riga, was moved to hurry up the agreement with the Russians by the admonitions of the British em bnssadnr In Warsaw and also by the movements of his political opponent. Prince Snplehn. Tn addition, say tlioso correspondents, the liberal Domhskl element In Poland, Is somewhat nlarmed by the successes of Iinron Wrangel In southern Russln: consider ing that the restoration of the old uussian empire would constitute a great danger to Poland. Many exports believe that n Russo-Pollsb pence will result In the crushing of Wrangel nnd Ills armies. It Is taken for grunted that the soviet government will at once concentrate its ertorts on the Crimean front. tn the fact that the Russian crop out look Is the worst ever experienced nnd that In consequence the country faces starvation during the coming winter. Lenlne nnd tho other leaders have been making desperate efforts to re open commercial relations with Great Britain and Italy and to make peace with Rounuuila, but these efforts hnve been fruitless so far. The Red sol diers are mutinying and assassinating their ofllcers, nnd the Russian people generally are in despair. In Petrograd especially the condi tions are terrible, and all the Inhab itants who enn are lleelng from the city. The Finnish Red Cross has Just issued an appeal to the Red Crqs,s So cieties of the World describing the shocking stnte.of affairs In the former cnpltal. The population hns shrunk to about 000,000, and thousands are dying every month of various kinds of epi demics. There Is no fuel, no hot wa ter for baths, no street cleaning or re moval of garbage, nnd the streets nre becoming lmpassnble because the pav ing blocks nre being burned and the water pipes are bursting. The hos pitals are overturning with pntlents and their equipment Is wretchedly Inadequate. "Death," says the report, "stalks on every side, waiting ror winter to niu in the grim work of mowing down the silent, hungry sick, and dying thou sands. With streets nnd houses choked with filth that is nlready spreading spotted and Intermittent typhus, the cold weather will finish the task with pneumonia and abdomlnnl typhus." Chicago. Ono thousand bars In Chi cago are openly selling real beer and moonshine whisky In llagrant viola tion of prohibition laws, according to Major A. V. Dnlryniple, federal pro hibition enforcement director for this district. Tho nllted mission nnmed to handle the dispute between Poland and Lith uania arrived at Suwalkl Tuesday to begin work, nnd on the snme day, It was announced, the Poles nnd Lltliu nnlans stopped fighting. The Adriatic dispute between Italy nnd Jugo-Slnvla Is In a fair way of settlement, for cabinet members of both nntions met Frldny In Venice and resumed direct negotiations. Some tlnieago Lloyd George nnd Mlllernnd, then premier of France, said if the Jugo-SIavs and Italians got together It was nobody else's business, which was taken as a warning to the United Stntes government to keep Its hands off, whatever may be the disposition of Flume. this support, and It may send n depu tation to Lloyd George this week. The first step in thrt; plan Is the creation of a constituent assembly In Ireland In which Ulster will be represented. President Wilson got Into the presi dential campaign at the beginning of the week with a long letter addressed to his fellow citizens, urging them to place the seal of their approval of the League of Nations covenunt by their votes nt the polls In November. He said : "The chief question that Is put to you Is, of course, this : Do you want your country's honor vindicated and the treaty of Versailles ratified? Do you in particular approve of the League of Is'atjons as organized nnd empowered In "flint treaty? And do you wish to see the United Stntes piny Its responsible part In It?" He snld the opponents of fte lengue hnd mlslend the voters nnd hnd dls played gross Ignorance nnd Impudent audacity In their-"attempt to Invent an 'Americanism' of their own, which has no foundation whatever In any of the authentic traditions of the govern ment." Following this lend, Governor Cox nnd Franklin Itoosovelt In their cam palgn speeches are now making the League of Nations the grent Issue and are devoting to It most of their nrgu ments. Homer S. Cunimlngs. former SDcinocrntic nntlonnl cllnlrmnn, also hns been called on and will speak for the lengue In Ohio. Kansas, Indlnnn, Kentucky, New Mexico nnd California Nebraska's Record of Growth. Nebrasku's population as nnnouncect by the bureau is 1,205,502. Tho In crease during the lust ten years Is-. 103.2S8, or 8.7 per cent In 1010 tho population of Nebraska was 1,102,214, ranking it us twenty ninth most populous state In the union. It showed nn Increase of 125,014, or 11.8 per cent over 100Q. In area Ne braska ranked ns fifteenth state In. 1010 with a land area of 70,808, mak ing Its population 15.5 per square-mile. Nebraska's record of growth. Is as. follows: Year. Population, 1020 205,502 1010 1,102,214 1000 1,000,300 1800 1,002,050 1880 452,402 1870 122,093 18G0 2S.811 Inc. 103,288 125,914 3,0-14 010,25-1 320,409 04,152 Per Ct. 8.7 11 .8; 0.3. Non. Partisan Names to Qo on Ballot. Lincoln, Neb. Petitions covering tho nomination of tho Nonpartisan league candidates d"or stale ofllces have been filed with Secretary of Stato Amsberry. They Include Arthur G. Wniv for governor, Robert I, Mousel for lieutenant governor and Floyd D. llollen for attorney general. Petitions wore also filed for Marie Wueks as.ln- dependent candldato for congress In tho Third district. Tho names of these candldntes will go on the ballot labeled by "petition." However. Wrangel hns been mnklng such progress In his onmpalsn that his chances st'll seem good. Tn his nil vnnce nnrtnward lie tins tnKen ninny thousnnds of prisoners and vast qunn titles of material, and his forces nlsn pushed along the const of the Sen of Azov northenstwanl toward Important cities on the lower Don. Ha'iy In the week It was snld that Makno. the Ukraine Insurgent lender, had formed a Junction with Wrnngel's troops' nnd in n living mid had seized Kharkov. Lnter a wireless dispatch from Mos cow assorted that Mnkno hnd lnlnod the Tlolshevlkl jind had been given n command against Wrangel. It wns said his shift was due to the refusal of his troops td fight nirnlnst the Rot- Vhevlkl. Mnknn's past history Inclines ono to doubt the truth of this report. According to a Copenhagen newspa per, General Weygnnd, who assisted the Polo, has gone to South Russln to take supreme commnnd of the nntl soviet armies there. If It wero not for the people of Cali fornia and a few Jingoes on both sides of the Pnclllc, the threat of unplensant relntlons between America and Japan would quickly fade away. The Ameri can associations of Tokyo nnd Yoko hama hnve cabled' to Secretary of State Colby a set of Joint resolutions urging that Americans "act with sober deliberation and patience, trusting the respective governments to find a so lution satisfactory and effective with out affronting Jnpnn or sacrificing the principles of equity on either hand." Viscount Ishll. the new Jnpanese nmbnssndor to France and one of his country's wisest stntesmen, Is qimtcd ns saying: "War will never come be tween the United States and Japan, unless the United States seizes Japa nese territory or Japan seizes Anierl can territory. Japan bus not the re motest Intention of ever nttemptlng to appropriate any Amerlcnn territory." He says there Is no trade war on be tween the two countries, nnd thnt In hor and land problems cannot ho per mitted to be inngnlfled Into questions where war might he even envisaged. He and other Japanese lenders nssert that most of the peoplo of Japan real ize that most of the talk of Interna tional trouble Is due to the fnct thnt the United Stntes Is In the throes of a presidential election. Senntor nardlng nbandnned his porch again for n quick speaking tour through part of the Middle West, nnd in his nddress at Des Moines he ac cepted the direct Issue of ratifying or rejecting the Lengue of Nations cov ennnt. He declared flatly he would .fnvor staving out of the lengue as formed nt Versailles: he said be want ed no acceptance of the league with or without reservations to clnrlfy America's obligations, nnd thnt he thought the proper thing to do wns to relect the covenant altogether. As for what he does favor doing in the way of an association of nations, he said "I shall not risk embarrassing the flnnl solutlon: of n problem so mo mentous by undertaking to Iny down In ndvnnce specific details or plans. As soon ns possible after my election T shall advise with tho best minds in the United States and especially I shall consult In advance with the sennte, with whom, by tho terms of the Con stltutlon. I shall Indeed be hound to counsel and without whose consent no such International association can be formed. I shall do this to the end that we shall have an association of nut Ions for the promotion of Interna tlonal peace, but one which shall defi nitely snfeguard our sovereignty nnd recognize our ultimate and unmort- gaged freedom of notion." "The percentages of Increases showa for the several states, vary greatly,. due in part to the causes which hnvo- been noted as affecting the Increase of population of the country ns n whole. but also In part to the abnormal Inter nal movement of population required to meet tho excessive demands of the- war work In certain sections. For three stntes: Mississippi, Nevadn and! Vermont, there have been small de creases in population, the lnrgest de crease being for Nevnda, 5.5 pen cent. Population by States. 1920 1920 1910 1919, Hunk. State. Pop. Pop. llank 1 Now York 10,384,144 9.113,614 1 c tennayjvania . 3 Illinois 0.485.098 4 Ohio 5.769.368 0 TcxaB 4.G61.027 6 Massachusetts.. 3,851.615 7 Michigan ...... 3.6C7.222 8 California 3,426,536 9 Missouri 3.403.547 10 New Jersey .... 3,155,374 11 Indiana 2.930.544 12 Georgia 2,893.955 13 Wisconsin 2.613,839 14 Kentucky 2.557.618 15 North Carolina. 2,563,485 10 lowa 2,403,630 17 Minnesota 18 Alabama . 19 Tennessee :0 Vlrcinla .. 21 Oklahoma 22 Louisiana 23 Mississippi 24i Kansas .. , 25 Arkansas . 26 South Carolina. 1,683,662 :7 west viruima . i,463,tiu Maryland '29 Connecticut . 30 Washlnnton . 31 Nebraska .... 32 Florida 33 Colorado 31 Oregon 35 Mnino 767,996 36 South Dakota. 635.839 37 Hhode Island . . 38 North Dakota. 39 Montana 40 Utah 41 N. Hampshire.. 42. DIst. of Col.... 43 Idaho 1.386.371 ,. 2,347,295 .. 2,337.469 .. .2,306,361 , . 2,027,661 , . 1,797,798 .. 1,789,182 .. 1.709.185 1,750,995 1.449,610 1,380,385 1,356,316. 1,295,502 966,296 939.376 83,285 604,379 649,667 647,593 449,446 443,083 437,571 431.826 44 Vermont 352,421 45 New Mexico ... 360.247 46 Arizona 333,273 47 Delaware 223,003 48 Wyoming 194,402 49 Nevada 77,407 7,665.111 5,638,591 4,767,121 3,896,542 3,366,416 2,810,173 2,377,549 3,293,335 2,537,167 2.700,876 2,609,121 2,333,860 2,289.905 2,206,287 2.224,771 2.075,708 2,138,092 2,184,789 2,061,612 1,657,155 1.656,388 1,797,114 1.690,949 1,574,449 1,515,400 1,221,119 1.295,346 1,114,756 1,141,990 1,192.214 752,619 799,024 672,765 742,371 583,888 542,610 577.056 376,053 373,351 430,572 331,069 325,594 356,956 327,301 204.354 202,322 145,965 81,375 0. 8 12; 7' 11 9 14 16V. 15. 19' 18. IT 20 23 24 21 26 28. 27 31 30. 29' . 32 35- 34 36- 38 37 40- 41 39- 43 45. 4 44 4G.' 4T 48 49- The apparent collapse of the llolshe- I vlkl Is probably due In large measure The efforts of the Irish peace coun cil, made up of moderates from all parts of the Island, are slowly lead ing to a settlement of the Irish prob lem. The council hns completed its plan for dominion rule nf the Islnnd. nnd Its members say the leaders of the Sinn Fein have Intimated that, though of course they still desire en tire Independence, they will not oppose the plnn If It can be shown that a ma jority of the Irish people desire It. Premier Lloyd George nlso told the council It must he able to assure hlui of sufficient support In Ireland to guar antee that the scheme would be work able, before he would submit It to par liament. The council claims to have An ncrlmonlous controversy has nrlsen between President Wilson nnd Senntor Spencer of Missouri. The Int. ter, in cnmpnlgn speeches, nsserted thnt the President during the pence conference promised Roumnnln and Sorbin that If needed the Amerlcnn urmy and navy would be sent to their nid. Thjs charge Mr. Wilson branded as absolutely false. The senntor re torted thnt the alleged promise wns to lie found Id the stenographic report of the eighth plenary session of the eon ference, In which Mr. Wilson wns re ported to-have said to Premier Urn- tlnnii of Roumnnln: "You must not forget thnt It Is force thnt Is the final guaranty of the public pence. If the world Is again troubled the United States will send to this side of the ocenn their army and their Hoot." Spencer nsked the President to pro duce the report, hut Secretory Tumulty snld on l liiirsitny the President had no stenographic report of the eighth r'en. nry session and, so far as the Presi dent knows, there Is no such record In this country. Nebraska's Five Largest Counties. Omuhu, Neb. Figures compiled by the publicity bureau of the Chamber of Commerce here show population of the five largest counties In Nebraska as follows : Douglas, 120-1,524 ; Loncns- ter, S.VJ02; Gage. 29,721; Custer 20,407 and IlutTalo, 2:1,787. Greatest gains were In Seottsbluff,. 1-17.0 per cent; Klmhnll, 131.0 per cent; Morrill, 99.0 per cent; Cheyenne, 84.T per cent, and Deuel, 83.8 per cent. Greatest losses wero in Sioux, 19.1 per cent ; Johnson, 12.2 per cent ; J,oup, 11.1 per cent; Pawnee, 9.5 per cent. nnd Webster, 0 per cent. Farms Increase In U. S. Wnshlngton, D. 0. There nre in the United Stntes fl,459,0S8 farms, an In crease of 08,190, or 1.5 per cent over the total number recorded In 1010, the census bureau announces. London. William B. (Pussyfoot Johnson, the American temperance ad vocute, narrowly escaped from im nngry crowd which interrupted one of Ills temperance meetings nt Rending, Berkshire, nnd tried to break through the locked doors of the hall to reach him. Unless the Supreme court of the United States says no. "Illg Hill" Hay wood and the 03 other I, W. W. mem bers who were tried some time ago be fore Judge Lnndis will have to go to the penitentiary. Their conviction on; chnrges of conspiracy to violate the t-elcetlve draft and espionage nets has been affirmed by the United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals. Wheat Futures Touch Low Level. Chicago, III. Wheat futures have declined 10 to 12 cents n bushel in the principal grain mnrkets of the west. in Home cases touching low levels not before reached since tho government fixed the wartime wheat price. First Woman Sheriff Elected. Plttsboro, N. C. Miss Myrtle Slier, of Plttsboro, is tho first woman h North America to hold tho ofllce of sheriff, having been elected to thut of fice by the Chatham county commissioners.