A SemMSJcrkly Erfbune. WILSON TOUT, Editor mid Publisher. SUBSCIUJL'TION MUCK: Ono l'enr, In ndrnnco $2.00 Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Poatofflco as Socond Clans Matter. FJtlDAV, OCTOIIKJl loth, 11)20. LOOK WHAT'S COMING LMT01UAL. Cltlzons may not know tho roal tnciii nbout tho wntor ayatcm In North Platte but If anyone wants to know tUh condition of things, lie should fet the Information before the elec tion noxt Tuosday. We have eleotod Mr roprosentntivo to tho Council and It In their business to know all nbout J.hls department of tho city j govornnient. Ask your Councilman bout it. He will toll you to vote for the bonds. Ho will toll you that tho wator ratos Is just sufflclont to pay serious, Thoro Is just ono pump be tween tho prcsont condition and a comploto shutdown of tho plant. Un sanitary conditions provull In somo parts of tho city because- tho residents of thoso parts do not havo city water nnd cannot bo served until the mains are extended. In othor parts, tho lorvlco is poor bocauso of too small mains. Tho fire station needs atten tion. Tho Income from the prcsont watr rates Is Just sufficient to pay tho running oxponsos. With tho do oUno in prices of coal and materials, a different condition will exist. Until then, thoro docs not seem to bo any other way of mooting tho .emergency, except ,to glvo tho Mayor and Council added funds for improvements and ropalrs. Tho only way to got these funds Ih by Issuing bonds. Wo should got back of tho city government nnd vpto thoso bonds by a majority that will satisfy purchasers that tho people of North Platto aro behind these brtnds. Thou thoy will soil and work can bo commoncod that will placo us Ih better shapo for noxt season. Ite incmhor to voto for tho bonds Tues day, Oct. 19th. ::o:: For tho first time In tho history of North Platto High School a football team has gono out of town to play a -game and Ip ticcompnniod by Its own 'baud. Tho Cadet Hand, forty strong, bpurdec' tho early train ycs'tordjny nvjrninfj and will furnish tho spirit lht Is expected to bring rlctory to tho (pniii. . It was a big undertaking to carry tho band on this trip but when tho pupils and teachers unite on -a rroi'osltlon It cannot bo too big .tqbn done. Wo commend the spirit rossn ln; onr approval of tho proprie ty of such a trip until wo learn tho fronts on tho boys and on tho school. j ::o:: J. C. Strahorn today presented The Trjbuiio with a copy of tho Chicago Thnos which was printed when -tho editor of Tho Trlbuno wnB only six woka old. Tho price of tho Dally nntl.Funi'uy dollverud nt that tlmo was $1 G.00. The front pago contains n ppe;cfi by Wirt. M. Everts' and a full column of pootry by Bayard Taylor, . Tho Philadelphia Centennial was bo- ::o:: This week. Frank Strolborg and ,Gu Brnntlng each shipped a pig to tho Lutheran Orphnnago at Stroma burg as a gift. Frank says tho boys thoro llko to ralso pigs and two Isn't onough. Othors might do tho tho samo thing that those mon did. I'MDAV 1:30 Central High School Teacher's Instltuto 3:00 IC P. Hall Lady Trainmen 7:d0 Crystal Challengo of the Law 7:30 Kolth Gladys Slaytor and Tho Uluo Bonnet 7:30 Sun Tho Vlgllnntos 9:00 K. C. Hall Danco SATURDAY 9:00 Baptist Church Teacher's In stltuto , 1:80 Contral School Audltdrlum Tonohor's Instltuto 2:30 Kolth Matinee 7:80 Crystal Loarnln' of Jim Hon ton 7:30 Keith Blue Bontiot 7:30 Sun Blue Stroak McCoy SUNDAY 9:4B Lutheran Sunday School 0:1B Baptist Sunday School 9:40 Episcopal Sunday School 9:4Ti Christian Sunday School 9:45 Methodist Sunday School 10:00 Presbytorlan Sunday School 11:00 Baptist "Triumph of Faith" 11:00 Methodist "Tho Incomparable Atonomont" 11:00 Christian "Our Weakness In Prayer'' 11:00 Lutheran "Qualifications and Duties of Church Councllmen" 0:30 Chrlstlnn a E. 0:30 Baptist B. Y. P. U. 0:30 Presbyterian C. E. 0:30 Methodist Ep worth Lcaguo 7:30 Baptist nov. and Mrs. Dudley. v Missionaries to Burmali 7:30 Christian "Tho Greatest Vic tory of History" 7:30 Mothodlst "Dives and Lazarus' 8:00 Lutheran "Tho Potter nnd tho Wheel" MONDAY 2:30 Fireman Hall Homo Economic Department of Twentieth Century Club 7:30 Keith Green Flamo 7:30! Crystal LcarnlnTof Jim Ben ton 7:30 Sun Tangled Thrends 9:00 K. C. Hall Amorlcan Legion Danco POLITICAj AD VE ItTISK 3IK NT. TO TDK PUBLIC. My namo having been filed with tho County Clerk of Lincoln County for tho office of County Commissioner In tho Third District: This being tho sec ond tlmo I havo been drafted for this offlco I wnnt my friends to know I fully appreciate all that has been dona I will accept this nomination and am n live candldato from this time until tho polls close- If I am elected, I will rondor to( tho voters of Lincoln County my best efforts In filling tho offlco of County- Commissioner. GEORGE M. CAREY, Horshoy, Nobr. Want Ads For Rent 2-Room houso. Inquire 812 So. Chestnut. Wnnled Flromon. 'North Light! and Powor Co. Platte Tor Sale Call S80W. ducks, Photic :.:o::- W, L. Park, formerly with tho Union iPaclflc R. R. and later with the Il linois Central and now giving his full tlmo to tho Fcdornl Railway Labor Board, passed through North Platto . yostorday, on his way to Denver whoro ho will hold a labor meeting. Tho Homo Economics Department of tho Twentieth Century Club will . meet Monday afternoon Instead of ( Tuesday. Tho program has boon worked out by Mrs. it. F. cotterou, tho chairman of tho Commlttoo and promises to bo n good one. It will begin nt 2:30 at Fireman Hall. 1 1 Mm. ' An Important Detail I w of Sales P Tho clerking of your auction sales Is an v-iKSS3 Important dotall. Upon tho clerk doponds Bajarecuw- 1,1 a lnrg0 Jrtonsuro tho real success of tho ANTEED UNCH sale. STATfcU" - . Tho offlcors of this bank aro fully oxpor- i lonced nnd capnblo In this brancli of bank- , ing and their past succossos mako them of especial valuo to you at Uils time. Como In and lot ub help you plan your snlo from beginning to end f' , The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. l'or Sale An outbuilding." 109 W. Socond St. l'or Rent Ono slooplug room. In quire J L' caro of Trlbuno. Tor Sale 70 bushel grain body for truck. Phone 1031W. For. Sale Grant Six car In good, shape. Call at 114 E. Ninth at. For Rent Fivo room houso for rent furnished. Apply at GIG E. 6th St. after sevon o'clock In evening. For Sale Ono No. 5 Radiant Homo hard coal stove. 220 W. Sixth St.. A. O. Kocken. Wanted All kinds of sowing and dressmaking. Prices very reasonable. 314 S. Walnut. Call for Mrs. Brown. For Rent 2 furnished and heated bedrooms In private- homo. Call 267J. For Rent: Six room houso In good condition, modern except heat. G08 W. 5th. Phone 1G9W. Wanted Janitor at Prcsbytorlai Church. Apply and furnish referen ces to J. C. Hollman, Brodbeck Bldg. Wanted Three corn shuckers with or wlthotu wagons. Phono or write J. H. Marovish. North Platte. For Sale Second Hand Cadillac car GO gallon air-tight tin tank. Inqulro D. C. Congdon. For Sale: CO ft. corner lot In 1000 block on East 5th St. Phono 537 or call at 1109 East 4th. Ono Jersey cow or calf for sale or trade on Ford car. Phone 719W. or call at 1003 W. 8th. Onions for Sale 1 mllo north and Vt mllo east of Platte Valley School House. Wanted Experienced girl for Gen eral housework. Mrs. J. S. Twincm, Phone 283. 71tf For Snlo A quarter section Platto hay land, all good for alfalfa.'. $75.00 per acre. Box 172, North Platte, Neb. call at 1109 East 4th. For Sale Farm well Imprpovedy Four hundred acres. Ten miles south west of-North Platte. Caro G. M. C. Tribune. For Sale Malo pigs. It Is getting time to buy your malo hogs. I havo a fow good ones. Cmo nnd see mo. Frank Strolborg, North Platte. "Wnntcd Two hundred horses to winter. Best of feed and sheds. Ono dollar a month. Phono or write J. II. Marovish, North Platto Strayed Dark Iron grny mare from the farm on tho Blrdwood sometlmo in May. 4-years old, weight about 1400 Guy Coleman, North Platto. Wanted A compotent School girl Ui assist with general houso work after school hours nnd on Saturday. In qulro at tho A, T. Johnston Dept. Store. For Sale: Six hundred acres of farm grazing land.. North of Flats. Good ImprovomentSi windmill and tank. Cuts nbout fifty tons of hay. Address Mlnnlo Zehr, Flats, Nebraska. For Sale Storo fixtures, fivo floor show cases, fivo 16-foot wall cases, ono ribbon case, ono threat cabinet, two 16-foot counters, ono Elliott but ton fastening machine. NELSON & CO. 717 No. Locust. Wanted: Horses to wintor nnd pas turo. Two sections for horses to run on and two wells for watering. Ono section has never been feed oft of. Inqulro C. SODACOTT. North Platto. Genl. Del. Wautcd A Lonely Young man 'of good character, small means and car, would llko to meet somo young lady, no objections to young widow. Object friendship, possibly matrimony. Ad dross LL caro Tribune. For Sale Early Ohio Potatoes, good keepors for wintor use will dollvor In ton bushel lots nt $1.20 per bushel or $1.00 at tho farm. Roy R. Spurrier. Elmwood farm. RR1 Phono Horshoy G7E22. lost, Strayed or Stolen Black saddlo horso, woight nbout 1200 lbs., whlto spot on forehead, whlto saddle mark on back no brand. Reward. Notify D. M. Loypoldt, North Plntto or J. C. Mooro, Horshoy. For Salo All modern homo built for ownor's home. Eight rooms and bath, oak floors, full basement, doublo garage nil now. On account of monoy condition will soil nt a bargain If sold For Snlc: Whlto Loghorn, Barred Rock, WhltcWyandotto and S. C. R. I. Rod cockerels Good vigorous birds of Exhibition quality. Hatched from Unl. of. Nebr.. trapnostod, pedi greed stock. Prlco $3.00 each until Novj 1st. Also havo a fow S. C. R. I. Red lions for salo at' $2. 50 each. Fifty White Loghorns hens nt $3 each. Fresh oggs retailed at Plant. Poultry Department, Unl. of Nebr. Exp. Substation,- North Plntto. Wanted: Young man with book keoplng ability, capable of handling a growing buslnoss proposition near No Platto. Married man prof orrcd. Good opportunity for ambitious young man. Apply in writing to W. F. Caro Trib une. Lost A pair of brown kid gloves on tho street. ' Reward. Return to this office. Harry Carey Vigorous and likable whimsical and human ready to laugh or to fight at tho drop of a hat that's HARRY CAREY In his latest big production "BLUE STREAK McCOY." A stirring outdoors story rich with romanco and winding up with ono of tho most des Jperato fights you evor ' saw on tho screen. Don't miss this picture it's tho real thing. IN Blue Streak McCoy AIso 2 Reel Comedy Galo llcnr DON'T CHASE YOUR WIFE." Notice of First Sleeting of Creditors. In tho District Court of the Unlte.d States, for the District of Nebraska, Non.i Platto Division. In tho Matter of John, R. Thomas, Bankrupt. Caso No. 50, In Bankruptcy, Volun tary Petition.. To tho Creditors of John R. Thomas, of North Platte, of tho County of Lin coln, in the District aforesaid. Notlco Is hereby given that on the Gth day of October, A. D., 1920, the said John R. Thomas was duly ad judicated bankrupt, nnd that the first meeting of his creditors will bo held nt the Office of the Referee In Bank ruptcy, nt North Plntto, Llncpln Coun ty, Nebraska, In said District on tlic "0th day of Oct. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which tlmo the said creditors may attend) rrovo their claims, ap point tho trustee, examine tho bank rupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before tho said meeting. WALTER V. HOAGLAND, l)15-lwk Rofereo In Bankruptcy. AT THE SUN THEATRE. n rrrT a -t "The Vigilantes" A love story of the Great West in the Days of "49" A1SO The WindoWaTrimmer Al St. John Comedy SATURDAY ''Blue Streak McCoy" STARRING HARRY CAREY A1S0 Don't Chase Your Wife WITH GALE HENRY MONDAY Tangled Threads" STARRING BESSIE BARRICALE A1SO Radium Mystery CHICKEN DINNER IN 30 MINUTES Delicious food because really cooked and because all Juices nnd flavors aro retained by the SECHRIST PRES SURE COOKER. Pressuro forces 259 degrees of heat to very center of meat and vegetables, cooking ovory partlclo tonder and djgestlblo In 1-3 usual tlmo Navy bonus In 30 mlnutos. Govern ment nnd domostlc scientists recom mend pressuro cooking and canning. Mndo of rolldlPplnto aluminum. Free booklot with roclpos. Demonstrator hero dlroct from fac tory will cook 3 year old chicken ten dor in Iosb than an hour in our win dow on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, At The Sun Saturday Reduce the High Cost of Living by trading at The A. T. Johnson Department Store. Specials For Saturday Fancy Patent Flour, guaranteed . . . . . '. $3.00 Potatoes per bushel . $1.25 No. 1 Michigan II. P. Navy, Beans,' 3 lbs 25c Butter Nut Codee, 3 lbs $1.45 Macaroni and Spaghetti, 3 pkgs 25c Wisconsin Early June Peas, 2 cans .....'... . 35c Fancy Iowa Corn, '2 cans 35c White Karo Syrup, 1 gal..; $1.05 Dark Karo Syrup, 1 gal ; 90c Canned Milk, 3 cans , . : 25c Baking Soda, 3 pkgs 25c Come in and take advantage of our Special Reduction in Millinery and Dry Goods. The A. T. Johnson Dept. Store. Special Sales of Ginghams, Outing Flannels and Bleached Muslin. 25c per Yard. W. J. O'CONNOR -5-10 & 25c Store. Keith Theatre Program SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 P. M. Admission General 28c. ' Children 15c. Price including tax. EVENING PROGRAM Billy Rhodes Comedy in Blue Bonnet. Evening Prices 35c, 25c, 15c Including tax. Special Attraction MONDAY AND TUESDAY J. Warren Kerrigan IN "THE GREEN FLAME" SPECIAL . 9 Reels SPECIAL Admission 40c ard 30c Children 15c Prices Include War Tax OCT. 16th. Como in nnd have n taste. DERRYBERRY& FORBES, INC. soon. Call at S01 E. 3rd St., North Platto.