The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1920, Image 11

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. iimi. .Vuntern Nrwmal'or I'nlon,,)
Ilya Tolstoy
agent of the old Hussinn government, and Police Lieutenant Dennis Cronin, the
mayor's personal aid, were the witnesses to the ceremony. The bride gave her
address an ir Washington avenue, the home of Mr. Hirshovlts. Count Tolstoy
guve his occupation ns lecturer and writer and his home ns Brewster, N. Y.
When Count Tolstoy came here In 11)10 It was to lecture on the life and
Ideals of his father and during the wnr he contributed many articles to the
newspapers, mostly on Ilussln and the Hussinn situation.
Claim to Own
Two Chicago women, a little girl
named Harriot, an ofllcer in tho Po
lish army and his titled sister, now
In Poland, are making claims to own
ership of a lnrge part of the land up
on which Cldcngo is built.
The Chicago women are Mrs.
Martha Schuster, TAXI Vincennes ave
nue, and Mrs. II. P, Booth, 0001 Win
ston avenue (portrait herewith), who
believe that they have the key docu
ment needed to prove their direct
descent from Count Casimlr Pulaski,
the Polish patriot, who died fighting
beside George Washington in the
Revolutionary war.
The continental congress in 1777
Is said to have granted the foreign
fighter 830 acres of "worthless" land
In the Indian country, upon which to
day, it is asserted, the city of Chi
cago is situated.
Mrs. Schuster possesses an army
dlschnrge dated 1804 nnd signed by
the then king of Austria. The name on the dlschnrge Is Vladlsiaw von
Polcski, claimed to bo her ancestor. ,
Meanwhile a Philadelphia lawyer, Joseph Gross, Is attempting to prove
the claim of another descendant of the Polish adventurer. This other claim
ant is Count Clndlslov Burdlnsky, now fighting the Russian hordes ns an ofll
cer In "the Polish army. The count nlso claims direct descent from the Pollsli
volunteer of Revolutionary war fame. He has a sister who lives on their
Impoverished estate in Poland.
Sherman Must Rest or Go Blind I
their candidate to succeed him after a hurd-fought primary campnlgn.
Senator Sherman was born in Miami county, O.. in 1858 nnd was brought
by his parents to Illinois In 1850. lie got his schooling in Illinois Institutions.
He is a lawyer and was county Judge In McDonough county, 1880-00. He was
speaker of the Illinois house 1S90-1003, and lieutenant governor of Illinois'
100-1-08. From 1000-13 he was president of the board of administration which
has control of the state chnrltles. Senator Sherman has been twice married
and is now a widower.
j LeJeune, the Marines and Haiti
Gen. John A. Lc Jeune (portrait
herewith), the new head of the Uni
ted States murine corps, isi likely to
play n leading pnrt In the settlement
of tho controversy now raging In the
presidential campaign about the "un
constitutional warfare" in Haiti. He
fore the subject became n public con
troversy Secretary Daniels of the
navy department had secretly sent
General Lo Jeune to Haiti to Inves
tigate. As is well known, a fiscal pro
tectorate was established by the Uni
ted States over Haiti by treaty sev
eral years ago and the island repub
lic hn been virtually governed by an
ofllcer of the United States navy in
command of a forco of United States
Virtually the only source of newa
from Haiti hns been through the state
department or tho secretary of the
navy in Washington. Tho attitude
of the murine corps headquarters hns been simply that it acted as u polico
force for the state department nnd lield itself accountable to the elate dei
partuient through tho secretary of tho navy.
Marries Again
Count Ilyu Tolstoy, son of Count
Loo Tolstoy, was nmrrlotl to Nudum
Peryhtnn, said to be Hussion coun
tess, nt the city hull In Newark, N. J
,! Mayor Charles 1'. GlUen. Both
were married liefore and according
to thulr application for a license had
been divorced on the name day, July
1, H)1!0. It was said that tho count
met his bride on the Uallclan front
during the war while tHe countess was
engaged In lied Cross work.
Neither the count,, who gave his
Iige as llfty-four, nor the bride, who
snld she was thirty-four, would dis
cuss their percotiul afi'alrs after the
"I want no publicity." he snld. "I
will answer no questions. It Is our
own business."
Mrs. Tolstoy's former husband
was Nlekolnl rershlna. Mr. Tolstoy's
former wife was Sofia Phllosofo.
Gustav Illrs-hovlts. vice consular
Site of Chicago
united htqics Acnnior i.uwrenco
Y. Shermnn of Illinois, has given out
tho statement in Springfield that he
Is facing this alternative: A year's
complete rest or blindness. Special
ists have told him that he has almost
worn out his eyes from overwork,
and that lie must quit work or lose
his eyesight. This undoubtedly ex
plains Senator Sherman's attitude
during the last session of congress
when he more than once threatened
to withdraw from the political Held
at times when debate waxed warm in
party council.
Senator Sherman was elected
senator March 23, 1013, to fill the un
expired term (1013-ir.) of William
Lorlmer; he was re-elected for the
term 1015-21. Ills term therefore ex
pires March 3 next. Representative
William 15. McKlnley of Champaign,
nineteenth Illinois district, has been
nominated by the Republicans ns
BAGS, endless In variety and uses,
are made of many materials, but.
vivid and splendid ribbons appear to
tluiuhito the genius of designers In
the direction of v shopping bugs. Mil
linery fairly revels too In these gor
geous ribbons, that do so much to
tone up the brilliant huts of midwin
ter, but It hns come to pass that bngs
dispose of mnny more yurds of rich,
brocaded ribbons than huts find a use
for. Some fortunate darlings of the
gods can Indulge themselves In huts
with bugs to match, many others con
tent themselves with bugs or with a
lint mude of these gorgeous stuffs.
In any ense they carry a flavor of
genial opulence along with them.
A hut uud bug to mutch made of
rich metallic brocaded ribbon holds
the center of the stage In the elegant
little company shown above. N'enrly
olways brocaded ribbons nnd plain vel
vets bear each other company In hats
of this kind, but In tills Instnnce ri
plnln. heavy satin ribbon Is used for
the turned-buck bund across the front.
It Is fastened at each side with n lint
cuhoehon, of narrower satin ribbon
(braided Into n cord) and five short
ends are posed under the cabochons.
The companion bug employs an em
About Those Whimsical Brims
N SOME sensons milliners appear
to center attention on the brims
of huts nnd at other times It Is the
crowns that command all of their eon
sldcrutlnu. Just now, In winter milli
nery crowns ure playing nn Inconspi
cuous pnrt. They refuse to tnke nny
responsibility, being soft nnd unsup
ported, their contour Indefinite, except
nfter. they nre adjusted to the head.
Occasionally when assisted by n side
band they are equal to supporting n
little embroidery but usually they nre
merely n soft covering for the top of
the heud in all fabric lints.
Meanwhile designers are showing
Just bow many things can be done
with brims. They ure fanciful eccen
tric, whimsical, ami they are exceed
ingly pretty and becoming. With the
advance of the season nnd the up
penrnnre of midwinter lints for formal
wear n great many hnnilsnme velvet
hats show brims of uneven width
uud In addition to mere imeveiiuess
they nfo split, curved, dented, slushed,
folded and draped. Their ways are
devious and there Is no telling wliut
will happen to them next, but It Is a
safe gueH that they will not return
to the straight' and narrow path for
some time to conic.
bossed sliver mounting, set with mock
Jewels and Is finished with n cubochon
like those on the hut. Hlnck nnd sil
ver brocade. In n bold Japanese put
tern, makes a good choice for this set
and for the other bag of the same
shape, shown in the picture. Hut
there Is a world of patterns to choose
Tho third bag Is n very odd and
handsome combination of both bro
caded and plain ribbon. It makes a
good beginning with nn unusual
mounting of sliver and follows It with
a vivid brocaded ribbon body hnvlng
plain sntln ribbon shirred across Us
lower corners. The two ribbons go
well together, the plnln colors empha
sizing the vividness and richness of
the hroended pattern.
Changeable taffetas make lovely
bugs; the new celluloid mountings
hnrmonlze with this silk, lint there are
plenty, of bngs mmje without mount
ings of any kind. They have bundles
of nnrrow ribbon usually. Velvet bags
ornamented with bends or finished
with bend fringes nre sometimes sus
pended on fine steel chains to corre
spond with the steel nnd glass bends
used In their adornment.
Typical brims appear In tho group
of hats shown In the picture. One of
Jhem hns a very wide brim slashed
lit even Intervals. It Is made of vel
vet' and Its edges nre bound with
henver cloth. A rose and foliage de
sign Is embroidered nbout the side
crown with angora yarn and n little
flat bow of ribbon Is posed on the
brim at the front. A great favorite
in shapes has an upturned brim of
brocaded satin, folded Into a plait at
tho center with chain and ball orna
ments placed In (he folds. An up
turned brim draped with embroidered
velvet Is pinned to the duvetyn crown
with two lnrge. nrnumentnl pins.
sliiipe of black velvet, faced with blue,
has a brim tlnit widens ut the shies
where it Is spill, curls backward,
curves upward nnd turns downward
into u hat that Is as beautiful ns It is
eccentric and the simplest hut of the
group contents Itself with n brim inado
of velvet petals, chaln-slltche I with
heavy silk.
t. 1920. Weatern Newipaper Union.
It we would do something worth
whllo we nnmt first realise that wo
must bo domothlng. We must lie able
to think, plan, creuto, not be a mero
echo of what somono clue bus done.
Chestnuts nre the fnvorltc nut in tho
autumn, nnd when plentiful mny be
used freely In va
rious dishes, be
ing both nutri
tious and reason
able In jlrlce.
Chestnut Glace.
Holl two cup
fuls of sugar, one
cupful of water
aim a pinch of cream of tartar to a
caramel stage or until of n yellowish
tinge. Dip tho whole nuts, already
shelled and blanched, Into the hot sir
up, using n sharp skewer for dipping;
a hatpin Is n most convenient dipper,
i'ut, on pa ratlin paper to drain uud
dry. v
In rousting chestnuts before nn open
fire, the small ends should always be
well slit, that they may not burst too
violently with the bent. A corn-popper
Is a safe method of roasting them
better than a shovel or open dish.
If to be baked, place them on a per
forated dish In a hot oven nnd bnke
them until they nre thoroughly mealy
about ten minutes,
Chlpolata. Blanch nnd parboil some
chestnuts; chop them, ndd equal parts
of minced mushrooms, carrots, turnips
and small sausages; cover with con
somme nnd cook until tender. Season
with salt, pepper and a tablcspoouful
or orange Juice.
Chestnut Pancakes. Bent separate
ly the yolks of three eggs and tho
whites of two; add thrce-fdurths of n
cupful of cream, a tablespoonful each
of butter and sugar with sufllclent
Hour to make a batter. Drop on a hot
griddle and put together when baked
In pairs with a chestnut filling be
tween, or they mny be rolled with the
filling spread on the cake.
Chestnut Pudding. Blanch a pint
of chestnuts, hnlve them nnd cook
three-quarters of an hour with half a
pint of milk, letting them simmer un
til soft. Press through a sieve, ndd
one-half cupful of sugar, a little salt,
one-hnlf teaspoonful of vanilla, n grat
ing of nutmeg. Beatthd yolks of threo
eggs, ndd to the chestnut pulp, then
fold In the well-beaten whites. Put
into n pudding dish nnd bake fifteen
minutes; serve hot or cold with cream
or a thin custard.
Chantllly Chestnuts. Pierce one
pound of chestnuts nnd put them into
boiling water and cook for three-quur-ters
of an hour; peel carefully, pubs
through n potato ricer, sprinkle with
sugar, add a bit of vanilla and pile the
whole on n plate. Pour over whipped
cream sweetened nnd flavored, and
garnish with crystallzed apricots.
Ho camo up mulling lined to sny
Ho mude 1i!h fortune that u-way.
J . had hnrd luck a-plenty, too.
But Bottled down nnd fought
And every time ho got n Jolt
lie JlBt took on a tighter holt.
Slipped back some when ho tried to
Out came up smllln' every time.
James W. Foley.
For those who are fond of cheese,
the following recipe will be enjoyed:
Cheese Savory,
Soften n cuke
of cream cheese;
put It In u bowl
which lias been
rubbed with n
clove of garlic;
add' a tablespoon
ful of softened
butter, one teuspoonful of chopped
olives, hnlf a teuspoonful of chopped
parsley, one-tlilrd of n tenspoonful
each of Worcestershire' sauce nnd an
chovy paste. Season with suit, pep
per ami paprika and pack closely In
u glass mold. Turn onto u plate when
11 rm. Serve with toasted crackers.
Spinach Tlmbales. Chop fine a gen
erous cupful of cooked spinach. Press
It through a sieve; melt two table
spoonfuls of butter, cook In It two
tablespoonfuls of flour; add a dush
of cayenne, suit nnd paprika anil
three-quarters of a cupful of milk ;
stir until the mixture bolls. Then ndd
the spinach puree, Uvo well beaten
eggs und more seasoning, If needed.
Mix the whole thoroughly uud cook
in tlmbule molds, well buttered, until
the centers nre firm.
Rhubarb Pie. Hako in two crusts
the following mixture: Tnke one cup
ful of chopped rhubarb, one cupful of
sugar, one large cracker, rolled, and a
tablespoonful of butter. Hake as
Orange Wafers. Cream ono-qnnrter
of a cupful of butter; ndd one-half
cupful of sugar, one egg, well beaten,
the grated rind of an orange, two tu
blespoonfuls of orange Juice, a ten
spoonful of baking powder sifted with
one cupful of flour. .Mix und .oil thin;
cut with ii smull cutter mid bnke In a
hot oven.
Currant Jelly Sauce. .Muko u brown
sauce of three Inblcspooiifuls of Hour
uud the sumo of butter; ndd u cupful
of the meat stock or water, then add
half a glassful of currant Jelly, a tea
spoonful of lemon Juice and n few
drops of onion juice. Salt und pepper
to taste; holl five minutes and serve.
Camera Man Well, did you find out
the newest of HiIr guy Shakespcaro's
plays wo are to plcturlze next? ,
Director Yes. They've decided on
"King Lear." Hut I don't approve of
tho selection. You see Lear is n big
character and very exacting nnd calls
for n great actor, well on In years and
classic experience, to proporly assim
ilate It. We have no such actor. King
Lear Is of tho patriarch type, very
venerable and very, very old.
Camera Man Aw, thnt's all right.
We'll fix that. We'll piny him ns ho
was when he wns n young man. Film
"They must think a lot of us."
"To Invite us out to dinner with
the food at the present prices."
In nllenco Bits the chlselod sphinx
And peoplo wonder what It thinks.
Although It has a lioud of stone
Instead of. merely ono ot bono.
Highly Colored.
"They sny his life Is colored by his
moods. Is that so?"
"Partly. He 1s well . read nnd
thinks himself tho pink of propriety,
but he gets green with envy, nnd
when he Is blue, hns nothing but
black looks. You can easily see
there Is a streak of yellow In him."
A Proof.
"If women played football, they
would not be Injured ns badly ns the
"Why not?"
"Did you ever henr of women being
seriously hurt In the bargain salo
Consummation to Be Wished.
"There Is one thing I would like to
see nt the pence table."
"What Is that?"
"Somebody who knows how to curvo
Turkey." .
He Knew. '
Footpad Hold up your hnnds I ' '
Pedestrian (calmly) I've been out
shopping all day with my wife.
Footpad Go 1 You can't have much.
London TIt-Hlts.
Quite the Truth.
"Why don't you have Madame Fluf
lies make your gowns?"
"If I went to that woman nnd she
tried to make a gown to suit tny fig
ure, I'd have n lit I"
"The violinist's execution wa.8 sim
ply marvelous."
"Wasn't It, though? You could
see the audience banging on every
Belligerent Ballads.
Ho malum my temper bristle,
A worse post 1 never knew
Than the geezer who cun't whistle
But la ulways trying to.
Jobbs They sny thnt one-hnlf the
world doesn't know how the other half
Dobbs Do they? Well, the man
who wrote Hint never lived In the sub
urbs or kept ii talkative servant
Pearson's Weekly.
Had His Orders.
"You have been following that lady
for some time now."
"We do not allow that In tills de
partment store."
"Well, tell It to tlio lady. Sho's my
Their Diet.
"Pop, do nil creatures have "their
own natural food?"
"Yes, son."
"Then do sen horses nnd sou cows
feed on crab grass?"