The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1920, Image 10

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for thi
Wilt dispel nn
doubu you ma
have regarding
Ihe matter
tMT '' ft
DUKE & OVREN, Distributors
218 East Fifth
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
RESOURCES JUNE 30, 1920, $1,329,173.53.
Installment Stock.
The installment stock of this association is issued in
shares of $200.00 each and may bo subscribed for at any
timo upon the payment of 25 cents per sharo entry fee
and a monthly payment of $1.00. This stock earns divi
dends rof eight per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
and matures in 128 months. This maturity is ef
fected by adding to tho $128.00 paid by the investor, $72.00
to cover the earned dividends for that period.
$10.00 per month so invested will yield in 128
months $2000.00.
510.00 per month so invested vill yield in 25G
months $6000.00.
Prnslilfint. Snnrfttnrv.
Clean your rugs thoroughly without removing
them from the floors. The HOOVER will do it by
gently beating them a thousand thorough beats a
minute to shake out every bit of destructive grit.
Powerful suction withdraws the dirt. And tho
swiftly revolving brush takes up the lint and
straightens tne nap.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
open Tin: noon ami look
First wo glvo your onglno and car
ii superficial oxamluntlon; than If wo
And Bomelhlng radlcnlly wrong, we
go over It Inch by Inch, vory carefully
and thoroughly. Wo miss nothing.
Whon wo havo overhauled your car,
It Is right- we'll nay so. And so will
you '
Roy V. Buskirk Garage
215 Eost Fifth St.
ham rt
Pays Two-fold
U 1 -.
In Conservation and Bcautification
You not only cash in on (he rise in
building values by protecting your property
against the elements, but also get the satis,
faction of living in a well painted home.
Pattern's Sun Proof Paint pays bigger
dividends because you can expect more of
it than the standard set by paint experts for
the better Krade o( modern paint; it docs
not chalk, peel, scale or flake and is above
standard in covering capacity.
Phone 270
Deads in the Levant.
nends are more necessary than
bread to tho Levantine. Men, women
and children wear tufd carry bonds to
wnrd off III luck. liven the horses
and donkeys have strnnds of beads
about their necks "to bailie tho evil
eyo" and the long horns of the work,
oxen are decorated with blue nnd
white bends to keep them from fall.
Ing prey to dlsenso.
In Athens, Constantinople, Tlflls,
Smyrna and other cities of the Levant
men of all classes carry short strands
of ildgel beadtf which they play with
while wnlklng In the street, riding In
street ears and trains, Just as nervous
men In the West linger their watch
chains. Head shops abound every,
where In tho larger cities and general
stores and market stalls II them In
the smaller places. Peddlers hawk
them In the streets everywhere.
Old wallpaper will often look like
new If 11 new border Is put at the top
of the room. This will change tho
color scheme also If desired. If one
of the up-to-date cut-out borders Is
used the average person can on.
If n pnperhanger Is employed n saving
Is made by cutting out tho border one's
self, thus waving the paperhunger's
time. A good sticking paste for heavy
papers can be mnde of eight parts of
rye flour to one part water, adding
three more parts of boiling water nnd
a little powdered resin. It pays to
patch a soiled or torn bit of wnllpapcr,
us a neat patch Is not noticeable.
Uncovered Ancient Grave.
While cxcnvatlons were being mnde
on a small conical-shaped hill near
Dolphlnton station, England, In prep
aration for the foundation for n monu
ment, tho workmen came upon an Ir
regularly shaped stone measuring
about four feet four Inches square and
six Inches thick, which wns found to
1)0 covering ancient human remains In
their place of scpulchcr. Flagstones
about four Inches thick line tho grave,
which measures three feet nine Inches
by two feet by two feet. Tho stones
nro recognized as having been quarried
locally. Tho grave was situated only
nbout two feet sis Inches from tho
surfnee, and the deceased person had
evidently been Interred with legs
drawn tip. The stones have Icon re
placed. ::o::
Dig lino of cut glass, silver waro
and novoltios Just received Is includ
ed in our sale. Don't miss it. Sale
ends Saturday night, Oct. lGth. C.
M. Austin, Jowolor.
On Saturday, Oct. 123 at Lexington,
In tho Salo Pavllllon, wo will sell as
classy an offering ot Poland Chinas
as will go through any sale ring this
W:; havo studied tno hog business
from a practical farmers standpoint
for 20 years and havo spared no effort
possible in developing that type.
Tho Judge at the County Fair said
1 had a distinct large type with un
iformity, smoothness nnd quality not
found In many herds.
We appreciated -the compliment
most because nil our winners and 27
of the 28 head shown by us wero of
own breodlng.
From our herd of 200 head we will
select 15 fall and 15 spring boar pigs
Including tho winners. Wo will also
Includo 10 sows with litters and 10
open fall gilts, and 10 stock shoats.
Come, buy thorn at your own prlco.
Fot further particulars send for a
ca'alog to
Worms are a common and destruc
tive onomy of Ivo stock. They under
mine the health of tho animals leaving
them easily susceptible to disease.
Their effect la often mistaken for
hog cholera.
Stock Tonic Block
Is an offectlvo means ot ridding live
Block of worms. It contains two
thoroughly tested worm-destroying in
grodlonts. It is also a flno tonic and
hood purifier, keeping fnrm aimalns
healthy and disease-resisting.
Wo sell it on n sixty-day guarantee
and will gladly refund your money in
case you aro not satisfied.
North Platte Feed Store,
720 No. Dewey.
8 Plumage
. 1320, Western Newspaper t'nlon )
In serious family council Joel Tul
bott, his wife nnd the daughter of the
house,. Ruth, discussed the Important
subject of the murrlnge of the son and
brother, Waldron, for two years man
ager of a small wholesale mercantile
house In tho city.
" 'Miss Arllnc Uni t spoko Joel Tal
bott "a pretty name."
"And pretty herself," volunteered
Ruth spontaneously. "Have you seen
her pictures, father?"
"I am about to show them to you,"
Intf ri uptod Mrs. Tnlliott with a certain
severe dignity that was rather oml- !
nous. "Niiiilron has sent us four a
sort of goddess of the season series,"
and Mr. Talbott regarded ln speaker
a trlllo uneasily, for his wife's tones
were tinged with something of sar
casm and bitterness. He wondered
why, and wns soon enlightened. An
envelop containing four photographs
was handed to him. Ho Inspected them
with curiosity and admiration and
niado the sprightly remark :
"Pretty as a picture, Isn't she?"
"Thnt Is a question," remarked Mrs.
Talbott rather snappishly. "I am not
the woman to criticise or Intcrero In
my son's prlvntc nlTalrs, but I am
bound to think of his welfare."
"Why, what are yon talking about,
Martha?" Interrogated her husband In
vague surprise.
"If you havo eyes, can't you see for
yourself?" challenged Mrs, Talbott.
"Those four pictures tell the tale, don't
"I think she Is the most charmingly
dressed being I ever looked upon," salil
"Why, yes," nodded Mr. Talbott ap
provingly. "Oh! yon do?" flared forth the wife
and mother. "And let me ask, havo
you considered what those clothes
must eost? Why. the girl simply has
the latest and costliest gowns that
Paris can make."
"Well, even so." suggested the tol
erant Mr. Talbott. "she's fitted out for
a whole year, Isn't slip?"
"Yes. and oh ! how I would like to
see those lovC$y dresses," cried Ruth.
Mrs. Talbott was for writing at
once to Waldron, exhorting him to
think twice before he took to himself
it ruinously extravagant wife. There
her husband set his foot down hard.
Tt was not (heir province to Interfere
In the heart affairs of Waldron. Per
haps he was wedding an heiress who
could anord to wear what she liked.
Rut this Idea Mrs. Talbott scouted ut
terly by alluding to a letter written
In the past by Waldron. In which he
had stated that his fiancee way poor,
worked for her living, but was good as
gold, and would mnke him n helpful,
economical wife.
"Economical !" shrugged Mrs. Tal
bott, and looked desperate.
"A sister-in-law to be proud of, any
way!" whispered Ruth to herself.
"I don't blame Waldron for falling
In love with such a dream of a beauty,"
soliloquized the old man.
In a covplo of weeks the news came
Informing tho family of the wedding.
Tt was a modest, unpretentious affair.
The happy wedded pair were to come
to the Talbott home for a week and
dtie preparations were made to re
ceive them, although Mrs. Talbott went
about her duties under protest. She
feared that the bride was likely to ap
pear as a capricious, overdressed crea
ture, vain and extravagant, a sort of
human doll, with llnery and display the
leading characteristics of her shallow
It was upon a Tuesday that the wed
ded pair were expected. Ruth, at tho
gate on the tiptoe of expectation look
ing for them, was surprised to see a
cab drive up In front of the house dis
charging a single passenger, a plain,
but neatly dressed lady with a suit
case, whom she Immediately recog
nized as her sister-ln-law. Arllnc was
wondrously pretty and graceful and
there was no affectation, but eager,
pleased delight as she was welcomed
by ltuth and her mother.
"Waldron had some business to at
tend to at Wyndham," explained Ar
'llne, "and will be on with the trunks
tomorrow. How homelike and cozy It
Is here. Mother, dear, let me help
around until Waldron comes, won't
She reappeared from her room clnd
In a simple gingham gown, wearing no
Jewelry but her wedding ring, and pre
senting not the slightest trace of arti
ficiality. Mrs. Talbott was disarmed
by her simple, sensible wnys, but ltuth
awaited the arrival of those trunks
with Joyful anticipations.
"There certainly Is no Hash and gilt
ter about her," admitted Mrs. Talbott
to her husband. "She seems anxious
nnd pleased to fall right Into our home
spun ways and help all she can."
"i never was so disappointed In my
life I" pouted Ruth to girl friends tho
next, day, when tho expected treasure
house, the trunk, arrived. "Why, I've
got as pretty a glnghum frock and a
pink organdie and a white lawn as sho
"Dainty but economical," voted Mrs
Talbott. and blurted out tho lndlcn
tlons of magnificence tho pictures hnd
fixed In their minds.
"Oh I did you think all that llnery
belonged to mo?" smiled Arllnc. "In
deed, no ! You see, I was working for
a garment house as camera girl. That
Is, I posed for their fashion plates In
their newest and finest frocks."
"Arllne needs no gay plumage to
make her prettier tlwnn she Is!" de
clnreil Waldron.
"She certnlnly does not !" said hi
father admiringly, uud with enthn
I havo $3000.00 on hand to loan on
first mortgage on Lincoln county lnnd
for a client.
largo basement. Oak floors, elegant
location close in. Owner must sell
It's n bargain. Lei nic show this to
78-2 0. 11. TIIOL'LECKK.
Having beon asked by a number of
voters of Lincoln County, to run for
County Commissioner from tho Third
District by petition, I havo consented
to allow my nnmo to bo placed on tho
ballot nnd will appreciate any sup-'
port givon mo. If elected I will de
voto all tho time necessary to carry
on tho business of Lincoln County and
will do tho best I can to glvo It good
I desire to nnnounco that -I am the
Rcpvb,;can candidato for Commission
er of Lincoln County from tho Third
Sutherland, Nebr.
Vote ior KF.-ELECTION of
Andrew EL Morrissey
"The political parties have made no
nominations for Chief Justice. The
Chief Justice is not elected as a party
candidate, but his name will be found
with other Judicial Candidates, and
school officers on a separate ballot.
"We favor the re-election of Chief
Justice Morrissey because we believe
In the taw designed to take the
courts out of politics and to elect
Judges because of their qualifications.
"Six years ago when he became
Chief Justice the court was about
three years behind. Today the court
Is as nearly up with Its work as It Is
practicable for a supreme court to be.
Credit for tins Is not wholly due to
the Chief Justice, but other members
of the court who have contributed to
this result give full credit to Chief
Justice Morrissey for his share In Its
"He has executive ability that gets
results. He enjoys the friendship and
co-operation of his associates. He has.
the respect and confidence of the
lawyers who have business In the
Supreme Court. He has helped to
clear away many technicalities of the
law. Law-breakers have been brought
to Justice and honest men enjoy the
protection of the courts.
"If you are In doubt about how to
vote on Chief Justice, ask your Dis
trict Judge." Lincoln Tribune.
Datlielor cf Science
Craduate student Univerilty of Nebraska
Candidate for
State Superintendent
30 years in Nebraska.
12 years in rural schools.
20 years teaching experience.
Former Assistant State
Nullco to N'on-Kcsldcnt Defendant.
Floronco Hayes, defendant will take
notico that on tho 30th du of June,
1920, Frank Hayes, Plaintifl, nled his
petition In tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nobrnska, tho object and
(prayer of which nro to obtain a di-
vorco from tho said defendant on tho
grounds that tho defendant willfully
abandoned tho plaintiff without good
causo for moro than two years im
mediately proceeding the filing of his
You are required to answer said
petition on or boforo Monday, tho 22d.
day of Novembor 1920.
012-lwks Plaintiff.
Notico is heroby given that tho
Mayor and Council of Uio City ot
North Platto, Nobr., will receive bids
for paving and curbing whoro noces
sarp in Paving Districts Numbers 3,
4, 5 nnd G In said city according to
plans and specifications adopted and
now on file In tho office of tho City
12 Room Strictly Modern home.
Clerk of said City.
Said bids to cover pnvlng of the
following doscrlbcd materials to-wlt:
Vertical Fibre Brick, Sheet Asphnrft.
Asphnltic Concrete, Wauenlto Blthull
tic nnd Rolnforccd Concreto pave
ments. Tho City Engineer's estlmato on the
cost of paving said four districts com
prising approximately 09,900 sq. yds.,
Is as follows:
Vertical Fibre Brick on Concreto
baso $4.8S por sq. yd.
Shoot Asphalt on Concrete base
$3.77 per sq. yd.
Asphnltic concrolo on Concrete base
$3.38 por sq. yd.
Wucnlte Blthullic on Concreto base
$ 1.5S por sq. yd.
Reinforced Concreto $3.S0 por sq.
Bids must bo on file with tho City
Clerk on or beforo eight o'clock p.
m., of October 29, 1920, nt which time
they will bo opened.
They must bo made on tho proposal
in tho specifications furnished by tho
City Clerk and accompanied by a, cer
tified check for an amount equal to
two por cent of tho bid made.
Said specification furnished upon
application to tho City Clerk for n fee
of Five Dollars, said amount to be
returned when plans nnd specifica
tions are roturncd. Tho Mayor and
Council rcservo tho right to reject any
nnd all bids.
Dated October 7, 1920.
08-029 City Clerk.
Lcgnl Notice.
Mary E. Wolf, Charles L. Wolf, her
husband, Ilcsslo Long and Frank
Long, her husband, defendants, will
tako notice thnt on tho 21st day of
September, 1920, George E. SlauV),
plaintiff herein, filed his petition
in tho District Court, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, against said defendants
tho object and prayer of which U
forecloso a certain mortgage executed
by tho defendants Mary v. Wolf and
Charles L. Wolf to tho plaintiff upon
tho following described real estato
situated In Lincoln County, Nebraska,
to-wlt: Tho North-cast quarter
(NEii) of Section Nineteen .(19)
Township Eleven (11) North of Range
I Thitry-two (32) West of tho C P. M. to
secure tho payment or a certain prom
isory coupon note" dated Juno 1st,
1915, forthe sum of $700.00 duo aid
ipayablo on Juno 1st. 1920, and five
certain interest coupon notes thereto
attached for tho sum of $42.00 each,
ono payable Juno 1st, 1910, ono pay
able Juno 1st, 1917, one payablo Jdno
1st, 1918, ono payablo Juno 1st, 1919,
and ono payable Juno 1st, 1920, and
also to secure tho payment of taxes
which tho plaintiff did pay after
default and neglect of said defendants
to pay tho same; that there is now
due upon said notes and for taxes
pald and on this mortgage tho sum of
$820.38, for which sum with interest
from this date plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants bo required to
pay tho same orf that said premises
may be sold to satisfy tho amount
found duo.
You and each of you aro required
to answer said petition on or boforo
tho 15th day of November, 1920.
Dated this 4th day of October, 1,920.
GEORGE F. SLADE, Plaintiff
By Hoagland & Carr,
0r-4wks. His Attorneys.
By virtue of tho authority in me
vested and by direction of tho laws
of the State of Nebraska In such case
mado and provided, I, A. S. Alien,
County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, do hereby proclaim that on
Tuesday, the second day of November,
1920, during tho hours designated by
law, there will be held a general elec
tion at the usual voting places in said
county for the election of tho follow
ing officers, to-wit:
One (1) President of the United
On (1) Vice President of tho United
One (1) Governor.
Ono (1) Lieutenant Governor.
Ono (1) Secretary of State.
Ono (1) Auditor of Public Accounts.
Ono (1) Commissioner of Public
Lands nnd Buildings.
Ono (1) Stato Treasurer
One (1) Attorney General.
Ono .(1) Superintendent of Public
Two (2) Railway Commissioners.
Two (2) Regents of the Stato Uni
versity. Ono (1) Member of Congress, Sixth
Congressional District.
Ono (1) Stato Senator, Twenty-fifth
Senatorial District
Ono (1) State Representative, Sixty-
eighth District.
Ono (1) Stato Representative,
Sovcnty-sovonth District.
Ono (t) Judge of tho Supremo Cdurt
Ono (1) Chief Justice.
Ono (1) Judgo of District Court,
Thirteenth Judicial District.
Ono (1) County Judge.
Ono (1) Clerk of tho District Court.
Ono (1) County Commislsoner, First
One (1) County Commislsoner,
Third District.
Ono (1) Pollco Magistrate for tho
City of North Platto.
Ono (1) Precinct Assessor for each
Ono (1) Overseer of Highways for
each Road District.
Two (2) Justices of tho Peaco for
each Precinct. ,
At tho samo time and places, a ref
erendum on tho Primary Law (House
Roll No. 323, 1919) will bo taken.
Said election will bo held on tho
second day of November, A. D. 1920,
nt tho sovoral polling places within
tho county, between tho hours of eight
o'clock In tho forenoon and eight
o'clock In tho nftcrnoon of tho same
Given under my hand and official
rsoal this 4th day of October, A. D.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.
O8-30da (SEAL)