Y;. f & WILLIAM RUSSELL la what orltlos say ig Mils vory tbatt work to dato 'The Man Who Dared' A roniarkablJ dramatic story 'A story of the California Redwoods. Spoclal two real comedy each day. Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ernest Rlnckor will leave today to attend tho ball gamo at Lincoln. t Edward Malonoy, of Omaha la visit ing at tho homo of Dick Evans. . Mrs G. W. Cloplno left tho last of tho week for a short visit In Ilershey. pir. and Mrs. Kennedy and children left Saturday for a visit in Cheyenne? Albrocht Furs. Tho quality line. See thorn at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Geo. McGlnloy returned Sat urday from a trip to Omaha and Lin coln. Wilfred Nelson returned tho latter part of tho week from a visit In Cozad. Georgo Carey returned yesterday from Lincoln whero ho transacted business. Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Last week of sale at 15 discount. Austin. W. A. O'Donnoll who spent Sunday at tho LeDloyt home left for Denver yesterday. Mrs. A. P. Streltz entertained the Tuesday Bridge CJub at her home Friday afternoon. "Oh Min" Look, The Gumps arc nt Uio Sun Theatre Todny ami Tomorrow for the first tlmo in Pictures. Bernard Connors of Wood River was a business visitor In tho city the last of tho week. John Leland who has been visiting at tho homo of Ted Boguo left Friday for his homo in Lincoln. Victor, Halligan left Friday for Grand Island whero he will transact legal business for a few days. Big lino of cut glass, silver ware and novelties just received is includ ed in our sale. Don't miss it., Sale ends Saturday night, Oct. lGth. C' M. Austin, Jeweler. . ' A'" Mrs. Joo Quiun"bt Choyonno loft Saturday for her homo after visiting for some UmOjat tho homo of friends. The boat overalls in Nortir Platto ?2.7B a pair at Wilcox Department Store. " Merle Maupln who has boon visiting at the home of his father loft Friday for Lincoln whoro ho Is attondlng school. Outing flannols 29c and 39c a yard at Wilcox Dapartrrient Store. Mr. and Mrs. Jbo. Nolan, rotumoil Sunday from Oniahn and other oasl orn points whero thoy" havo boon for sonio tlmo. Guy Swope. PorrySurson and Don ald McFarland wont to 'Cozad Friday to witness tho ball game botweon North Platte nnd Cozad. Percales 3G inch width, 35o n yard at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. A. Slbblt of Roed Point, Mont., loft Saturday morning for' her homo after visiting at tho homo of her brother-in-law C. E. Slbblt. Attornoy nnd Mri'"M. D. King of MInden who havo been visiting at tho home of Fred Nelson loft tho last of tho week for their home. Pearl beads, fancy beaded handbags purses, mesh bags, over-nito bags, all on sale at 25 discount this wook only. Austin's vJowolery. Members of tho G. I. A. to the B. of L. T. are invited to attend a ken slngton Thursday tffternoon, Oct. 14th at three o'clock aUtho homo of Mrs. E. E. Moody, 1301 iE. Sixth St. Indian Chief tnlns. Dark Cloud and Fighting Bear on Wnr Path ngaln Lend their Tribes In Murderous Foray on Pioneers In "Thp Vlgllniitcs' nt The Sun Thursday i(nd Frldny. Miss Clara Sorenson will leavo to morrow for Grand Island to attend tho wedding of Miss Elizabeth" Woir of that city and Holmer .Peterson of Fre mont, which will pexfur at high' noon Thursday. Tho K. C. Delegation who went to Omaha to attend tho initiation camo home yesterday. This delegation con sisted of J. T. Keofo', W. J. O'Connor, Frank Murray, Georgo Chamberlain, Frank McGovern and Paul Nolan. Special display of models of sweat ers nnd fancy articles mado from Bucilla Yarns uro btHiig shown in tho show windows of AVilcox Department Store ' Paul Nolan, who attended tho K. C. initiation will go from Omaha to Lin coln to attend the football gamo be tween Nprth Platto and Lincoln and the football game the following clay bewcen Nebraska and Notro Dame. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Mansfield drovo over from Central City, Sunday and are visiting at tho Wilson Tout homo for a few days. Mr. Mansfield is in tho General Merchandiso business at Central City and owns a farm near North Platto. 'x uma.. STORE IN NEW LOCATION 31 a SUN You'll see some great acting at the Tuesday and Wednesday. A story so unusual as to be truly startling A SPLENDID HAZARD an ALLAN DVANf production. Henry B. Walthall "the Irving of the screen" whose masterly work is in itself worth the price of admission. ' We take pleasuie in presenting An Allan Dwan Production "A SPLENDID HAZARD" Directed by Allan Dwan Based on the Novel by y Harold MacGrath The 'starts thus: ' "And as the stars fall out of nothing into nothing We are born we live ' and we die in the midst of the marvelous" Also the Gumps Mutt & Jeff and News Reel. E. T. TRA3IP & SONS MOVE TO SEW HOME ON DEWEY STREET. The firm of B, T. Tramp & Sons hn moved Its Roady-To-Woar Depart ment from Front Stroot to ,510 Dowcy St. consolidating with tho Shoo De partment in its own building. About a year ago tho size of tho business and tho ending of certain lcas'os, brought ,,tho mattor of a now location beroro this firm and in tho end tho building then occupied by tho Gum-moro-Dont and tho Stone Drug Stores wns purchased by the Tramp inter ests Sonio monjhs ago tho south room wns vacated, and tho Shoo De partment took possesion. With tho removal of tho-Stono Drug Co. to tho McDonald Hank Building, tho altera tion of the north room started and during tho following weeks workmen wero busy In rcmodolling this room and Installing tho furniture. Moving was accomplished! tho first of the week. An arch between tho two rooms i.nlted under one management and iiLtlor Its own roof tho two depart ments of tho business. Tho south room Is In oak while, tho other, room has a mnhognny finish. Tho wall chses will bo covered with glass which will protect tho merchandise from dust and dirt. A French room is provided for customers looking for party dresses'. Hero tho customer nnd tho sales lady can retire to oxamino nnd discus's tho goods to be purchased. MIrror.s, comfortnblo chnlra and suit able rugs will add to tho attractive ness of this room. Tho fitting depart ment and tho alteration dopartmcnt aro located at tho rear of tho store nnd will bo complete In every detail. Special attention has been given to tho floor coverings, the electric light ing and the decoration of tho wallri1 throughout tho building. A now plate glass front -for the two rooms has been ordered but delays at tho manu facturing plant and in transportation mako it uncertain when this new front will bo installed. E. T. Tramp hal been ono of tho up-to-date merchants of North Platte for a number of years, Sometime ago ho associated his two sons, Herbert F. and Arthur F with h:m in thobuslness, tho boys tanSA charge of tho shoo department while hp looked after tho Rcady-To-Wear himself. With the location and equip ment now enjoyed and tho reputation of tho firm for square dealing, E. T. Tramp & Sons will now take a place among tho big mercantile establish ments of North Platte. Winsome HI T I " tn 1 1 " ffi L I I . 1 I WES? Hi m Shoes for Fall Those Glance Are They of Admiration or Criticism The glance that approves a chic Hat and swell costume, too often is changed to disapproval when it reaches the shoe. For too often a woman fails to realize how important her shoes really are. The result: wrong shoes, and a really ruined costume. You cannot be too careful. Therefore, before selecting your Fall shoes we extend you a cordial invita tion to inspect our new Fall Shoes in Cu ban and Louis heels. Favorite colors arc brown and black. HOE MARKET AVES YOU ONEY ON SHOES REGISTERED TRAP SHOOT WALLACE TOMORROW. AT Tho Old Scout Hunting and Fishing Club of Wallace will hold a two-days Registered Tournament at Wallace on Oct. 13 and 14. Tho Shooting will start at 9:30 each morning. There will be four ovonts each day. Keith Neville, F. C. Pielstlcker, Francis Conneally and C. II. Walters aro North Platto members of tho Club. Henry Bebout of Sutherland is also lasted among tho members. There aro many names on tho roll from Wallace and other Burlington towns. W. P. Killen of Wallaco writes Tho Tribune that they expect to havo ono of the finest shoots that has been hold in Nebraska this scaosn. ::o:: MILTON WEEKS ENTERTAINED. Milton Weeks, son of Robert Weeks was honor guest at a farewell recep tion ;Iven at tho parental homo last ovonlng, about fifty friends being present. Milton leaves today for Richmond, Va., whoro ho has accoptod a position in tho signal sorvico with tho C. & 0. railroad. Ho had been in tho same sorvlcd at this terminal. Tho congregated friends last night passed several hours pleasantly and expres sed tho wish of success in his now field of labor. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I desire to, announce that I am tho Ropub.tcan candldato for Commission er of Lincoln County from tho Third District. HENRY COKER, Sutherland, Nobr. ::o:: THIS WEEK ONLY. Tills week only owing to tho scar city of room wo will glvo a 10 dis count on nil cash orders purchased. Phono 212. STEGEMAN'S GRO CERY. 79-2 ::o:: Beaver Hata for children. Soo tho quality und bo agreeably surprised at tho price at Wilcox Department Store ::o::i - Our salo ends Saturday night, Oct. ICth. Do not miss it. 15 discount, on Diamonds, everything oIbo in storo 25 OFF. C. M. Austin. STATE CONVENTION OF LUTH ERAN WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Thq, Annual State Convention of tho , Woman's Missionary Society of tho Lutheran Church of Nebraska was opened Tuesday morning by Mrs. C. B. Harmon. Tho keynote of tho Cony vention was "Forward." Among the speakers wero Dr. Kruger of Midland, College, Rev. Walters of Tabitha' homo and Rov. C. W. Lowls, Presi dent of Synod. Little Ruth VnnFlcet of Omaha was mado a life member. In tho evening tho delegates 1 wore served a chicken dinner by tho Luth eran Brotherhood. Wednesday's session was taken up with roports and election of offlcors as follows: President, Mrs. W. I, Guss; Vico-Prosldont,Mrs. O. D. Bnlt zly; Recording Secrctnry, Mrs. L. A. Hornburg; Statistical Secrctnry, Mrs. E. H . VanFloet; Treasurer, Mrs. D. M. Nelswanger. Fivo trustees wero elected as follows: Mosdames Van Fleet, Guss, Koch, Harmon and Bad gor. Following tho closo of tho con vention, a reception was given to nil delegates. JUDGE WRAY SPEAKS IN COURT HOUSE PARK SATURDAY. Judge Arthur Wray, Independent candldato for Govornor, spoko from tho l and Blend ia Court Houso Park Saturday afternoon to a good sized crowd. Tho Judgo has boon Mayor of York, Nobr., for several years and Is an orator of more than usual ability. Ho is a member of tho Nebraska Board of Public Welfare and Is as dry as a man can bo. Ho has been In dorsed by tho Non-Partlsan Lcnguo and other organizations. WILL ANYONE ' ELSE TAKE HOBBY'S PLACE. Tho following letter is self-explanatory but we aro informod that Bobby Bylund docs not Hvo hero now: Sporting Editor Tribune: LNsr iir- Havo heard that Bobby Bylund Is wroBtling up around thoro and as I havo been after him for somo tlmo would llko to havo you publish this challengo for mo. If thoro is anyono who can nrrango a match for mo I would como up thoro and wrcstlo him, winner tako all or 70-30. Hoping that I may hear from someono and thank ing your In advanco, I remain as over, Yours in sport, CHARLEY PETERSON, ) Chicago, 111. 4230 N. Clcarmont Ave. ;;o:; ainghams of quality 39o a yard at Wilcox Dopartmont Storo. i WJ II '1 By Special Arrangement Emerson Williams and Jean MacNeil will give their favorite program, "Songs that America loves". These great Scotch artists will appear themselves in what will be the most notable musicale of the season. Friday Evening, October 15th at 8:15 p. m., the Lutheran Church North Platte, Nebr. Appearing with Mr. Williams and Miss Mac Neil will be Mr. Thomas A. Edison's Three Mil lion Dollar Phonograph. TICKETS FREE. ' Call, writo or tolophono us for tickets I of admittanco. Thoy will bo issuod in v order of application. Dixon's Music Shop. m Hi Hi 'nt V. 'a ' J) i hi