OR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Oflici! over tile .-.McUbnald Slat liHiik. I- OVll LtiTTtilMJOX. onj. V. Bkor or Maxwoll in ro nowlng liis subscription to The Trib 41110 writes "I have been a subscriber to Tlio Trlbuno for 84 yours. Tho writer Is now 85 yonrs old ami hopos to tako Tlio Tribune many yoar yet."'l Tho editor appreciates tho loyalty of Its old rondors and will do everything poswlblo to rotaln tholr good-will. Wo tilnawoly hopo Mr. Dakar wilt read Tho Trlbuno for many more years. ..Tho Nebraska Stato Itallroad Com mission nnd tho "Wyoming Public Utliities Commission met tho Union Pacific Officials at Coring last Tuos day ovonlng and tho Joint commis sions gavo tho Union pacific permis sion to extend their 'linos from Haig wot into Wyoming. Eventually this line will connect with the main line at Medicine How. The banquet Js said to have cost hIx dollars a plate. : Jfl; V. Crossgrovo, Treasurer of tho Jllglillnc Shorthorn Drcodors Associ ation, writing from Farnam, says: "Your papor reprcsonts tho agricul tural Interests of some of tho richest (Inrt of Nobraska and in this territory " thoro aro somo of tho greatest lrrds of live stock in tho stato or in tho Untied Statos, owned by representa tive men who tako a keen interest in tho upbuilding of tho country." Mr. .Crossgrovo Is right and n booster. Mrs. J. L. Sinclair, 34 South Ave., jBattlo Creek, Mich., ordorB tho Trlb 'urio sent to their nddross nnd adds '"Wo have just moved from North :Platto and Hko it very much hero." A Soldior in U. 9. A. sent us a com- munication, forgetful that wo havo k declared, time and time again that wo, it; cannot print anything communicated ' to us unloss wo havo tho namo of tho author or writer. Wo do not print , those names unloss wo havo pormis- "slonbut wo must know tho namo. Miss Amanda Mylandor, who signs her' namo now ns Mrs. B. M. Dixon, of Lod Angolos, writes that nho has a little girl thirteen months old nnd "that her sister Martha is tho proud , mother of a ten weoks old daughter. Mrs,r Dixon says she likes tho Scrap npto., column vory much. Myrtlo A. Day Bonds us her sub tcrlptl6n to Tho Trlbuno and asks us to send it to her at 1110 Doulovardo, Slirovoport, .Lo. This Is a long way from North Platte but their paper will , bo started that way twice a week nndvQ trust Unclp Sam to, see that It-gels there. -t:o;s- Tho mooting of tho D. A. H. which wns hold at tho homo of Mrs. L. R. Duko last Thursday was woll nttond ed. At this meeting, plans woro made for tho work of tho ypar. A good mus ical program was rendered, Tho ad dress by Rev. II. K. Hess was especi ally tuijoycd. Rov. IIoss fipoko on tho Pilgrim Parado in tho Centonnry Colobratlon recontly held In Omaha. The singer: Miss Betsy Lnnc Shepherd, famous soprano. The test; A direct comparison be tween her voice and its He Crkation by New Edison. The Jury: 185 public audiences, aggre gating over 100,000 people. The verdict (unanimous J: No difference 1 that mftdc this toor& of tfealigm Como in and tell us which voice or instruments "get" you most quickly. We'll give you the "personal fa vorites" Realism Test, This test will show you what tlio New Edison's perfect real ism docs, how. it brings tho keener, finer, subtler joys in'music. Horry Dixon Dealer. WELL How much and which ones for Friday and Saturday Only, OcL 15 and 16. OCT. 15th AND 16th. ' ' Another largo shipment of BROOMS. 1 Fancy Parlor Broom (only 2 to a customer) each .48 1 Can Light House Cleanser ,05 1 Bar, Lava Soap .07 3 Bars Cream Oil SoapT .25 20 Bars Laundry Soap , .92 Six Bars P. & G. White Naptha Soap . 48 Six Packages Star Naptha Washing Powder 28 2 Cans Lewis Lye --4' 25 21u Lbs. Navy Beans itizLZL .25 2 Lbs- Fancy Japan Rice .25 3 Pacakages Soda .24 2' Largo Packages Cora Flakes .38 3 Packago E C Corn Flakes ' 25 1 Large 45c Packago Crackers! .35 1-4 oz. Bottle Vanilla Flavoring 35 1-V lb. Can G & S Cocoa .25 1-iolb can G & S Black Popper1 25 Six Packages Matches ' ' .35 1 Bushel Potatoes ,. 1.35 1 Largo Jar Apple Butter .45 1 largo quart Jar Trovojo Jam .58 1 Largo 14 Oz. Jar Prepared Mustard 15 1 Largo Packago Quaker Oats 34 1-5 lb Can Calumet Baking Powdler 1.00 1-5 lb. Can K C Baking Powder .75 1-48 lb. Sack Best Guaranteed flour 3.05 1 lb Can Coffee ; 50 1-3 lb Can Coffee 1 1.35 1 lb G & S quality Coffee 45 . 1 ,1b G & S Silver Nut Oleomargarlon 35 1- 15c Glass G & S Mustard 12 3tiCans No 2 Tomatoes 42 3 Cans No 2 Peas 42 2 - Cans No 2y Hominy 44 ,Got our prices on potatoes.apples cabbage and onions for fc winter. Theso prices aro good at all four storesr Gamble & Springer,. ' Men's Fine Made-to-Measure $37.50 $49.00 55 MMMO 0k You Save an Average of 25 Per Cent Now No Need to Wait for Clothes Costs to Come Down We Have Brought Them Down Already Every Garment in this Sale Bears the Famous KAHW Trade-Mark This Reduction t Brings the Price of Tailored Clothes below the Level of Fine Ready-Mades . . EXCLUSIVELY AT BURKE'S TAILOR SHOP STYLE LEADERS FOR YOUNG MEN LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho funeral o Mrs. Mary Chlsnhall was held Friday afternoon from the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Clement, 1109 W. Tonth St. Burial will bo mado In tho TVellileet como- tory, with Itov. Shonlc officiating. Mrs. Chlsnhall was almost' eighty-four years of age. Dr. Morrill, Dontlst. offico over Wilcox Department Store. Mnrrlago licenses woro Issued dur ing tlio past week to Glenn B. Jones, 21. a druggist of Merna, Nobr., and Mtsi Huse.1 L. Brooks, 18, of Ilorshoy; Leal D Brewer 19, a clerk of Ilor- shey nnd Mario A. Bunting, 17, also of Ilorshey ; John P. McDormott, 22 of Wollfloet, farmer and Violet A. Hal- Hoy 18 also of Wollfleot. Real human men aro tho kind wo I like to see on tho screen. Men who j aro a Hying shadow of tho people who movo about us loving, fighting, hat inglike tho humans wo know and understand. Such a character is, Big Jim O'Kano as protrayed by William Russell in "Tho Man Who Dared" which will bo tho attraction at tho Crystal Theatre Thursday and Fri day. Tho author has mado him no aligelio sanctimonious hero. Neither has ho mado him an unreal, unscrup ulous vllllan. Instead ho is a regular man llko you and I might know. Playing with him Is Eileen Percy. Tolll-Du-Nord Gingham $.50 valuo special $.35 at tho A. T. Johnson Dept. Storo. Dr. Howard lost, "Dentist, Twlnoui nnUdlnp. Phono 007. 77tf A reduction in green coffee enables us to reduce our prico or our Homo Roast Coffee 10 cents per pound. We will retain the same high grade as .formerly and sell it at 40 cents per pound which makes 10, cents per pound less to tho consumer over any other coffee sold in North Platte of equal grade. , ' i3f! Rush Mercantile Co. ETHEL CLAYTON IN A Lady in Love 9 An apaptlon of a successful play and with Miss Clayton's superb acting supported by Harrison Ford will surely entertain you. Tonight's Comedy-Alice Howell in Her Bargain Day Tomorrow's comedy--A Movie Hero. Excellent Music. What more do you want? Let's tlo! Crystal, Tuesday and Wednesday. LOCAL AND PEltSONAL B. J. VanderhQof left yesterday for a business trip to Omaha. Tho Roxall handles the goods. 14tf Billlken Shoes for children. Try a pair on our recommendation. Wilcox Department Storo. Queen Quality Shoes for Ladles at Wilcox Department Storo. Mrs. D. Stockwell left yesterday for her home in Sutherland. A comple(o line of ladies all silk hose at tho A. T, Johnson Dopt. Storo. Special at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. 78-2 MOORE'S THREE WAY HEATER ill f$j I STOVE THAT WILL KEEP YOU WARM Heats all parts of house down and up-stairs liko a furnace Heat will circulate, ventilate tho rooms and make warm floors Moore's three-way heater does it all without a large in vestment for either stove or fuel Slotted fife-pot and deflector at bottom of casing throws heat to the floor All the time the casing reflects heat fnto theVnjm Rooms UPSTAIRS may also be heated by connecting register to the double collar or merely placing one in ceiling directly over the stove SAVES 38 CENTS OUT OF EVERY DOLLARS WORTH OF COAL as burned in tho ordinary 'stovo by con verting all of the GAS, SMOKE and SOOT into HEAT ING POWER W. IL Maloney Co