NORTH PLATTE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, Sure Relief INDIGESnOtfJ 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief LL-ANS BtL warn mm fo FOR INDIGESTION Unnatural Flavor. A girl from Gotham was visiting friend "up the state," who was trying to run a model chicken farm. The frirl was much Interested In nil thnt was show)) her, particularly n lino of Incubators, In front of which she tnndo thlB ohscrvntlon : "So you have Incubators? Very nice, Indeed; but I nm afraid that artificial chickens can never tnsto llko natural ones." DYE RIGHT Buy only "Diamond Dyes" Eod) package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woiimn can diamond-dye worn, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, conts, glove, stocking sweaters, draperies every thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton -or mixed goods, new, rich fadeless col ors, llnve druggist show you "Dia mond Dyes Color Curd." Adv. The Human Dud. While he was making his way about Ids pliltooii one dark night a sergeant heard the roar of n "Q. I Can" over head and dived Into n shell hole. It was already occupied by a private, who was hit full In the wind by the noncom.'s head. A moment's silence a long, deep breath, and then: "Good lord, Is that you, sargo?" "That's me." "Thank heaven I I was Just waiting for you to explode!" Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin. On rising ,und retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. It 1s wonderful sometimes what Cutlcura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching and red rough hands. Adv. A New Definition. "What Is a widow?" asked the teacher of a Sunday school clnss, the -subject of the duy's lesson being the widow of Hum. There was silence until she nodt ded to a little boy on her left, and uld: "You know what n widow Is, don't you?" for she knew that the lit tle boy's mother was one. "Yes'm." he nnswered, "It's a lady vfhnt takes In washing 1" Edinburgh Scotsman. Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It thereforo requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces ot the System. HALL'S CATARRH .MEDICINE destroys the foundation oi the disease, gives the patient strength by improving tlio general health and aailau nature In doing Its vork. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Wasted Effort Vice Presidential Candldnto Cool Idge was commenting on a -rival politi cal party. "It reminds me," he said, "of the little boy who Kurt his finger. "'How did you do It?' cried the anxious mother. '"With a hammer,' sobbed Willie. "'But I didn't hear you cry.' " '1 didn't know you were In tho house,' was tho reply." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo o! CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see thut It Rnnra iht Signature otQXhsl In Ueo for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caetoria Could Leave It to Him. "I must brenk the engagement, and yet I don't, want people to say I Jilted him," said Maud. "I have It. Invito him to tea," bus Rested her friend. , "Yes?" "Make somo of your tea biscuits." "Yes." "And he will break It himself." A Polite Fiction. "Are luwyers truthful?" "In the nature of things they can't be." "Why not?" , "Aren't they nlwnys adaYessIng the Intelligent gentlemen of the Jury' 7" Ulrmlnghnm Age-Herald, Rather Mixed. "What Is his walk In life?" "He Is demonstrator for a now auto mobile." fUJUCt Have Strong, Healthy ris. - If they Tire,Itch, ton G&Md smart or uurn. u sora frtiZrCrC Irritated, Inflamed or UUR LYtO Granulated.useMurine often. Soothas, Refreshes. Safe for Infintor Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Miriao Eji Etacs CQktp GIVE INCUBATORS BEST CARE Machines Should Be Cleaned and Dis infected Before Storing Away for the Winter. After tho hntchtng season Is over, clenn nnd disinfect the Incubators, empty the lamps and carefully store the parts In tho machine. Lnmps con taining oil which are left In their prop er place on the Incubntor for somo time after the hatching season Is over will cause trouble when It Is started again, ns the oil tends to work up Into tho hood. Tho Incubator should be disinfected once a year, or oftcner If any disease Is present In the hens or chickens, say poultry specialists of tho United States department of agriculture. Some operntors prefer to disinfect Some Operators Disinfect Their Incu bators Before or After Each Hatch. their Incubators before or after each hatch. A 5 per cent solution of a re liable coal-tar disinfectant or carbolic ncld may be used to wash out the ma chine nnd to disinfect tho egg trays nnd nursery drawer. If tho burlap Is very dirty It may be cheaper to renew than to clenn It. For an Incubator of nbout three cu bic feet capacity one mny pour one half ounce of formalin, which contnlns 40 per cent formnldehyde, on one-hnlf ounce of pcrmnngnnntc of potash In n pan In the Incubator, which produces a very penetrating gna and thoroughly disinfects the mnchlne. The door of the Incubator should be closed Just as soon ns the liquid Is poured Into the pan and left closed for twelve hours or longer. Incubators should ho well aired before they are used after disin fecting, especially when formalde hyde or any disinfectant which pro duces a gas has been used. SUPPLY OF GRAIN FOR HENS Fowls Will Consume More Food in Spring Than In Fall Amount Varies With Breeds. The feeder must use his own Judg ment In deciding how much grain to give the hens, ns the amount of feed which they will ent varies with dif ferent pens nnd at different seasons of the year. They will eat more feed In the spring while lnylng henvlly than the summer nnd fall when laying fewer eggs. A fair general estlmnte Is nbout one quart of scratch grains nnd nn equal weight of mash (about one nnd a half quarts) dally lo 13 hens of the gen eral purpose breeds, such as the Ply mouth Rocks, Hhode Islnnd Reds, or Wynndottes, or to 10 hens of the small er or egg breeds. This would ho about seven nnd a half -pounds each of scratch grains nnd of mnsh dnlly to 300 Leghorns ni?tl nbout nine nnd a half pounds of ench to 100 general purpose fowls. If hens have free range or Inrge ynrds containing green feed a general purpose hen will ent about 75 pounds of feed In n year nnd a Leghorn will cat about 55 pounds, in addition to the green stuff consumed, It has been found In experiments con ducted on tho government poultry fnrm. RID FLOCKS OF ALL VERMIN Regular Attention and Proper Treat ment Will Prevent Troublesome Lice and Mites. It Is absolutely unnecessary for poul try to bo seriously troubled by either lice or mites. Regular attention and proper treatment of tho quarters will rid tho lloek of mites, nnd If body lice nre found the birds should bo trented for these also. Usually If a place Is provided where tho hens can dust themselves they will keep tho lice in check. LOUSY FLOCK UNPROFITABLE Lice Are Detrimental Because of Irri tation Caused by Crawling About and Gnawing. True bird lice of the order Mnllo phaga never feed upon the blond of their host but feed upon exudations from tho skin, epidermal scales, bits of feathers and hair. They are dotrl mcntnl to the host by causing Irrlta tlon due to crawling nbout and their gnawing hnblt. A "lousy" flock of chickens 1b not a profltablo Investment. TUBERCULOSIS OF FOWLS IS FOUND Efforts Being Made by County Agents to Locate and Pre vent Spread of Disease. AILMENT IS EASILY SPREAD Characterized by Development of Nodules Called Tubercles In Varl- , ous Organs of Body Best to Kill Off Whole Flock. County agents in .certain sections of the middle West report the finding of tuberculosis In some of the chicken flocks In their localities. In order to locate and chock any further out breaks of this dlseaso they are re questing nil farmers whose chickens die without nny apparent cause to notify the fnrm bureau and to send In tho livers of flic dead birds for ex amination. Tho disease Is likely to show In this organ most plnlnly. Chronic, Contagious Disease. Tuberculosis of fowls Is u chronic, contagious disease characterized by the development of nodules called tubercles In vnrlous organs of the body, hut most frequently In tho liver, spleen nnd Intestines. It Is readily communlcnted to most species of birds nnd to several species of mammnls. but It Is almost impossible to com munlcnte the tuberculosis of man arid cattle to fowls. One practical course to take when the disease Is found In n flock Is to kill off the whole (lock ns quickly ns possible nnd to disinfect thoroughly all the houses nnd runs Immediately, says the bureau of animal Industry of the United States department of agri culture. Thorough Disinfection Urged. Unless disinfection is thorough the new flock Is likely to contract the dis ease when placed In the Infected A Well-Cared for Flock of Hens Pro duces Economical Eggs and Meat for the Family. houses nnd ynrds. When possible new birds should be plnced on new ground. Another method of combntlng tuber culosis Is to dispose of nil hens nfter the second laying period and to de stroy nffected fowls as soon ns symp toms nppear. The eggs of the diseased birds fre quently contnln the bncllll, experi ments prove, nnd young chicks hatched from such Infected eggs are diseased. GLAZED STAGE BEST SILAGE When Corn Kernels Are Well Dented It Is Ready for Silo, Is Opinion of Specialists. The question, "When Is the best time to cut corn for silnge?" Is again being frequently asked. Tho weight of ex perience of experiment station men at University Farm Is thnt corn Is ready for tho silo when the kernels nre well dented or glnzcd. Analyses made by chemists Jinve shown thnt the corn from nn average acre cut at the glazing period contnlns 7,308 pounds of di gestible mntter as against 4.220 pounds when the corn Is cut at tnssellng time. Wliilo there Is a larger amount of green corn to the acre when tho corn Is In the tnssellng stage, the total amount of dry mntter Is not nenrly so great then as when the corn has glazed. The dry matter per ton nmounts to 285 pounds nt the tnssellng stngo, a'J.'l at the silking stage. 38!) In the early milk, 444 In the late milk, nnd 023 pounds nt the glazing stage. In ense there Is danger of frost, corn should ho cut early rather than al lowed to wait for the maximum pounds of dry mntter. RED CLOVER ON DAIRY FARM Little Excuse for Permitting Soli to Become Worn Manure Adds Needed Humus. The roots of red clover penetrate tho soil to n depth of Ave or six feet and bring up valuable fertilizing elements, hence the soil thai has become worn out for clover production Is In pretty bad condition. On the dairy farm, there Is little need for this condition to come about. The application of barnyard manure adds the necessary humus nnd if occasional liming Is nec essary, It should be done. Insects and fungus diseases occasionally day a considerable part In the dcclluo of clover. WOODLANDS ARE NOT PROPERLY UTILIZED Forest Service Compiles Infor mation on Conditions. In Various Sections Many Farmers Obliged to Cease or Curtail Im provements Requiring Use of Much Lumber. To show tho serious dlsndvnntncc nnd economic loss to which Inrge num bers of farmers have been put because they have not properly utilized avail able woodlands, the forest service, United Stntos department of agricul ture lias compiled Information re- Well.Managed Farm Timber Stand Is Source of Fuel and Affords Shelter From Cold Winter Winds. gnrdlng conditions In n number of sec tions of the country, of which the fol lowing cases are typical : Farmers In Rockbridge county, Vir ginia, who have timber on their own furms have been little nffected by high lumber prices, and have been nblo to mnke the necessary repairs and Im provements, while their neighbors whose homo woodlands failed to af ford the needed supplies of timber hnve been obliged to cease or greatly curtail Improvements requiring much lumber. These fnrms aro suffering from depreclntlon In vnlne. In Cali fornia, where the ngrlcultural pros perity has been marked for tho past three years, many ranchers are now tanking only such repairs and Im provements ns nro absolutely neces sary. This Is owing to the high prices, limited supply, nnd poor quality of available lumber. These and mnny other Instances nre' cited in tho re port which the forest service has pre pared on the condition of th fniistrv ! resources, of the country In response to a resolution paused by tho United States senate. MILLET HAY FED TO HORSES North Dakota Station Finds It Good When Given In Moderation With Some Concentrate. Millet hay fed In moderation Is a good food for horses. It should not be the. sole roughage nnd should be fed with some concentrate. Make sure that the hay has been cured prop erly. Several years ago the North Da kota experiment station found thnt millet bay when fed In excessive quan tities had a tendency to cnuse an Increased nctlon of the kidneys ns well' ns Inmeness nnd n swelling of . I 1 I t . fill. In ' . I ... 1... .1 . . 1 I mc juiiun. jiiib Mi';iiM-ii in iiu nue iu nn Infusion of the blood Into the Joints, which destroyed the texture of the hone. When fed In limited nmounts nnd In connection with groin there wus no such tendency, but on the other hnnd It proved a very good food. APT TO NEGLECT INCUBATOR Farmers So Busy In Late Summer They Often Fall to Give Needed Attention. The close of the batching season In Inte summer will find mnny people so busy that they are apt to neglect tho Incubntor nnd not give It the attention thnt It deserves before being pur nwny until next senson. Proper care of tho Incubator will prolong Its period of usefulness Just ns surely as It Is profit able to keep' the farm mnchlnery In proper condition. HELP IN RAISING RABBITS. An excellent bulletin on the profitable production of rab bits has Just been Issued by the government. This Is Farmers Hulletin No. 10! HJ. Itnbblt liais ing. It may be obtained free from the division of publica tions of the United Suites de partment of agriculture. Wash ington. Uvery person Interested In rabbit raising should get u copy. FORCING FEED FOR PULLETS Boiled Pumpkin Mixed With Bran la Recommended to Give Fowls Large Capacity Crops. Moiled pumpkin mixed with bran Is a good forcing feed to give the pul lets large capuclty crops. Figure on raising some pumpkins ench year for the hens nnd pullets. Pumpkins are a cheap crop to grow but usually of little value ou the market. WW-1 . ORIGIN OF AYRSHIRE BREED Scotch Cattle Are Quick, Brisk and Seem to Have Abundant Store of Efficiency Tho Ayrshire breed originated In the county of Ayr, In southwestern Scotland. In that region, which bor ders on the Irish sen, the surface Is rolling and has much rough woodland. Pastures, therefore, nro somewhat sparse and It Is necessary for nnlnmls to graze Inrge areas In order to ob tain sufficient feed. It In only within the Inst hundred years that Ayrshlres have had a type well enough established to be entitled to the designation of breed. No exact account of the different Infusions of blood of other breeds Into the nnllve Scotch cattlo to form the Ayrshire breed Is at hand. It Is prohnble. bow ever, that the Channel Islands, Dutch and English cnttlo were all repre sented. The first Importation of Ayrshlres to this country wus made In 1822. since which time there have been fre quent Importntlnns Into both the I'nlteil Stntca and Canada. New Eng land, New York nnd Pennsylvnnla probably contnln the Inrgcsf number of representatives of the breed. Thcro Is n smnll distribution In the other At luntlc atates nnd the Pacific North west. In Canada Avrshlres have hnd great popularity nnd the breed seems well nblo to withstand the rigors of the Canndlan climate. Tho merits of tho breed hnvo not been advertised widely; consequently If Is not well known In mnny sections of the United States. The colors of Ayrshlres mny vary from n medium red to n very dark mahogany brown nnd white, with either color predominating. Of Into years among breeders there hns been n decided tendency townrd white with red markings. A black muzzle and n white switch are desired, but are not necessary for registration. Perhaps the most picturesque feature of nnl inals of the breed Is their long horns, which turn outwnrd, then forward nnd upward. Another point of which ut A Typo of Ayrshire Whose Record Ic, Milk 21,123 Pounds; Butterfat, 888.33 Pounds. breeders of tho Ayrshire nro very proud Is tho uniform, square, level udder with long body attachment which Is common among the cows. Quick, brisk actions nre character istic of the animals, which seem al ways to hove an abundant store of energy nnd to be exceptionally alert. Ayrshlres have a highly uervous dis position, which Is useful for both pro duction urn' ' self-support. Probably none of tho other dnlry breeds can compare with the Ayrshlres In ability to obtain n livelihood on scant pas tures. Their ability us. "rustlers" has made them very useful In sections where tin-re is much rough land In pasture. In weight tho cows may vary from 1)00 to L.'IOO pounds (average about 1,000 pounds) ; bulls weigh between 1,400 nnd 2.000 pounds (average about 1.(500 pounds). The nnlmnls are no ticeably compact In body, with a ten dency to smoothness over nil parts, formerly they were criticized for their short tents, but that fault has been removed largely by careful breeding. As u breed Ayrshlres nre generally very hardy nnd show great constitutional vigor. At birth the cnlves weigh from C5 to 80 pounds, are very vigorous, easy to raise, and mnke rapid gains. Heifers rencli maturity of frame nt nn age between the Holsteln and tho Jersey. Milk from Ayrshire cows contnlns comparatively little color and has the fat In uniformly small globules which average smaller In size than In any other breed. For these reasons tho milk sometimes falls to show a dis tinct cream lino, by which the con sumer often Judges the quality of tho milk, Ayrshire milk, becnuae of tho small fat globules, stands shipping well without churning, nnd In other respects It Is well adapted to the mnr-ket-mllk trade. Tho percentage of tho butterfat In the milk Is medium, and consequently there Is no difficulty In conforming to local or state butterfat standards. REST COW AFTER FRESHENING Animal Should Be Fed to Build Up Body Rather Than for the Man- ufacture of Milk. A cow In poor condition at the stnrt of her lactation period Is not capable of tho bust, as the feeds she con sumes following freshening must bo devoted largely to tho building up of the body rather than toward the manu facture of milk mid butterfut. 1 'i SI COULD NOT WORK Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabla Compound Made Me Strong and Able to Work I Recommend It To All My Friends. Bayonne, N, J. "I had paina In back ana legs bo mat l coma noi sianu causea py icmaio trouoic. i ieit so urea an in time, had bad head aches, and for six months I could not work. I waa treat cd by a physician and took other re medics but got no roliof. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e tnblo Compound and i t has helped m very much. I am well and strong and now abld to do my work. I cannot thank you enough and I recommend your medicine to my friends who ore Blck.M-Mrs. Susib Sacataksky, 25 East 17th St, Bayonne, N. J. It must bo admitted by every fair minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow In popular ity for over forty years, and today hold a record for nucn wonderful success as does Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable , Compound, without possessing great virtuo and actual worth. 'Such med icines must bo looked upon nnd termed both standard and depcndablo by every thinking person Not His Class. "That old miser Is mil generis," "He ain't neither. Nothln' generous abbut him." "CORNS" Lift Right Off Without Pain Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a little "Freczono" on an aching corn, Instantly thnt corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift It right off with fingers. Truly I Your druggist sells n tiny bottle of "Freezono" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tho toes, nnd tho. calluses, without soreness or Irritation. Virtuo and riches seldom settlo on one man. Machlavclll. Some surgeons munage to carvo out large fortunes for themselves. Find the Cause! It isn't right to drag along feeling miserable half sick. Find out what is making you feci so badly and try to correct it. Perhaps your kidneys are caimng that throbbing backache or those sharp, stabbing pains. You may have morning lameness, too, headaches, dizzy spells and Irregular kidney action. Ue Doan's Kidney PHU. They have helped thounands of ailing folks. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Case Mrs. Anna Isnsr strum, 223 8. Arthur St., HoldrcRo, Neb., 15 troubled with my Kianoys. My oacK - wan mine una i nun terrible dizzy spells nmi specKH came before my eyes, almost blinding mo. I wns run down and felt mlaBrnhtn nil tho time. Doan's Kidney Pills were recommended to me and a fow boxes cured me." Get Dotn's ot Any Store, 60c Boz DOAN'S xlY FOSTER MILDURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old a3 his organs ; ho can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with Th world's standard remedy for kldny, llvsr, bladder and uric add trouble sines 1696; corrects disorders; stimulate Vita! orens. All druggists, thres tdsss. Look for U nam Gold Mdt on mimrf boat ad accaol M imlutioa rcMir euiiritil (GO) coTTAuToToumsTSronE OMAHA.Ulft. MONTH 5ii 'J 0 mm COLD MEDAL I W N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 40-1920.