4 North Platte Equity Association gll Dewey Streat Phono 195 MEATS AND GROCERIES (Quality and Satisfaction Our Motto; Try im with your next order and lie :itifird. THE NOUS" OF GOOD EATS & Highest Market Prire Paid for Produce FRKK DKLIVKRY L. Get a paint & that will protect your japiiaiiigs "from the elements MUt M Forms a Perfect Film that gives Protection Against Decay The kind ol paint that Alts In every fibre of the wood and presents a smooth, lough, moisture proof surface, (iivint! the wood absolute protection against rain, sun, rot. all the forces that depreciate the value of ,'our propeny. iVhen buvlntf. iton't liuv ItKl "mint" choose a standardized, proven product PATTON'S SUN PROOF. poiIPour "Profitable Painting tor uooklct the Building Owner." DUKE & OVREN. Distributors 218 Eaat Fifth Phone 270 Clean your rugs thoroughly without removing them Irom the iloors, Tito HOOVER will do it by gently beating them a thousand thorough beats a minute to shake out every bit of destructive grit. Powerful suction withdraws the dirt. And the swiftly revolving brush takes up the lint and straightens tne nap. North Platte Light & Power Co. HOOVER local asp vumoaxu ChM. Bacon left yesterday for Oma ha where he wjlt villi for a few days. A good many rooters accompanied the footlmll team lo Cozad today. Edward LIndquIst, of Omaha, came yesterday to transact business. Morris William is going to leave Saturday, for his homo in Grand Is land lo spend the wodk end. Mrs. Mary Miller, of Hershey, was a business visitor In town Wad Holi day. R. a. Hellens returned to his home in Lewollyn fills morning after visit ing local friends. J. 13. Nolson went to Sterling yes terday where he will transact busl noss. Mr. and Mr. Clark LeDIoyt, of Mul len, arc expected tomorrow to visit at tbn W. If. LeDIoyt home. For reliable transfer service phono your calls to C. II. Splcer, Donelson's Cigar Store, Phono 172W. 76-9 1 Jerry McDougall was fined five dol larg and costs tn the County Court yesterday, when he plead guilty to as-' sault. Tho ovidonce showed that ho had becomo exasperated nt a young follow in nn altercation over tho use of the McDougall car nnd slapped tho lad. To whom aro your going to sell your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. ' Gltf ADVERTISEMENT. Having been asked by a number of voters of Lincoln County, to run for County Commissioner from tho Third District by petition, I have consented to allow my name to bo placed on tho ballot and will appreciate any sup port given me. If elected I will de vote all tho timo necessary to carry on tho business of Lincoln County and will do tho best I can to give It good service. JOHN W. FOWLER The story of Harold Shaw gives us an Idea of the future of the aeroplane as a means of safe transportation. Dispatches from Paris tell of his hav ing made 317 trips from London to Paris, flying across the Channel on each trip and never breaking a wire or hurting a passenger. Ho has only once missed flying on scheduled time and that was when fog rendered it Impossible to start. Rain, snow, sleot, gales, none of these made any differ ence. The Navy Recruiting Officers havo arrived In North Platto and opened an office for the purpose of Recruiting for the navy. This oftlca Is on tho Third Floor of tho Federal Building. Enlistments are now open for men between the ages of 17 and 35 hi all trade. The Navy offers an exception al opportunity to those (nen not hav ing trades, for we have fifty-four dif ferent trade schools nnd they aro all oppn for enlistments. All service men are given special Inducements lo enlist in tho Navy now. MONEY TO LOAN. I havo $8000.00 on hand to loan on firt mortgage on Lincoln county land for a client. T. C. PATTERSON. : :o: : Visit our Grovery Dept. Special this week. With every ton dollar purchase ono dollar's worth of sugar. A. T. Johnson Dept. Store. 78-2 :!o:: PROLIFIC BREEDER IS BEETLE l'OR SALE, lii Room Strictly Modern home, large basement. Oak Iloors, elegant location close In. (huicr must sell It's a bargain. Let me show this (o you. 78-2 0. II. THOELECKE. ADVERTISEMENT. Vote for KE-FJ &CTION of Enemy of Pine Timber Only Kept In Check by Strenuous Natural and Artificial Control. j Clrw.lnl nil..!.. l.nr. l.. .1 - . ! Mil -M UIIJ. IIU ItL'UU UUIUU Ui. IHU number of nil singes of the western pine beetle In .'ilSO square feet of In fested hark selected' from G7 trees, which represented an nvcrngo Infesta tion within nn area of approximately 3G square miles, says the American Forestry, Magazine. It Is shown there Is a large percentage of mortality be tween the young and matured stages In the developing broods, but that nor mnlly an average of about 150 beetles to the sqnnrc foot of bark developed to the adult, or reproductive, stage: which would be 50.000 beetles to the average Infested tree, or, say 30.000 beetles to 1,000 board feet of tlmbeV. Since It requires nn average of about ten liei.tles to Hie s-quure foot to a. tack nnd kill n vigorous, healthy tree. It will be seen, says the American Forestry association, which Is cam paigning for a national forest policy.' that all the pine timber of the western forests would soon bo destroyed were It not for natural and artificial con-trol. CHIEF JUSTICE Andrew BL Morrissey "The political parties have made no nominations for Chief Justice. The Chief Justice Is not elected .is n party candidate, but his name will be found with other Judicial Candidates, and school officers on a separate ballot. "We favor the re-election of Chief Justice Morrlssey because we believe In the law deslfined to take the courts out of politics and to elect Judoes because of their qualifications. "Six years ago when he became Chief Justice the court was .".bout three years behind. Today the court Is as nearly up with its work as It Is practicable for a supreme court to be. Credit for tills Is not wholly due to the Chief Justice, but other members of the court who have contributed to this result njve full credit to Chief Justice Morrlssey for his share in Its accomplishment. "He has executive ability that gets results. He enjoys the friendship nnd co-operation of his associates. He has tho respect and confid:nce of the lawyers who have business In the Supreme Court. He has helped to clear away many technicalities of the law. Law-breakers have been brought to Justice nnd honest men enjoy the protection of tho courts. "If you are in doubt abet t how to vote on Chief Justice, r. your Dis trict Judge." Lincoln lilbune. , Palestine's Forests. "What do you eonslder Palestine's greatest need?" Miss Nathan, a Red Cross worker, was asked by a prom inent Zionist, says the American For estry Magazine of Washington, D. C. Roth wore returning from tho Holy Lnnd, where their duties bad taken them. "Forests," was Miss Nathan's In stant reply. "Whn t. before i tit- much-needed In dustries are brought In?" exclnlmcd the Zionist Incredulously. "Don't you j think Industrial rehabilitation should i eome before reforestation?" "Doesn't tho country's Industrial life depend paramountly upon refor estation?" countered the Red Cross woman. "Palestine, without forests, means Palestine ever the prey of Hoods nnd famine; ilooine.d to un nrnlile lands and to poverty. Even the Industries viust bo assured-fuel and power, iiiul without means to produce these i hoy inui Innglsh." count y; teachers' institute. The Lincoln County Teachers' In stitute will ho hold in North Platte, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 14th, ICth and lClh. Every teacher In tho county is oxpectcdt o attend this institute. A meeting for tho school hoard members of all tho schools in the county will ho hold In the courtroom of the Court IIouso Saturday aftor noon at two o'clock. An Interesting and Instructive program has boon ar ranged. 70-70 Aileon G. Cochran Co. Supt. SALE OF HOGS. On Saturday, Oct. 23 at Lexington, tn tho Salo Pavllllon, wo will sell as chwsv an offering of Poland Chinas as trill go through any sale ring this year. Wv havo studied tno hog business from n practical farmers standpoint for 20 years and havo spared no effort posslblo in developing that type. Tho Judgo at tho County Fair said I had a distinct large type with un iformity, smoothness and quality not found in many herds. Wo appreciated tho compliment most because all our winners and 27 of tho 2S head shown by us were of own breeding. From our herd of 200 head wo will jelect 15 fall and 15 spring boar pigs including the winners. Wo will also includo 10 sows with litters and 10 open fall gllty, and 10 stock shoats. Come, buy them at your own price. Fot further particulars send for a catalog to J. O. ANDERSON & SONS. ::o:: LOOK! LISTEN! OCTOBER 12TII AT MAY WOOD. At 1 p. m. central timo. The big event of the Hlghllne. Frank Hall will sell 45 of his famous Poland Chinas, 25 sows, most of which will farrow in October and-20 Spring boars I. E. Burton will disperse his herd of 31 head of Registered Shorthorn Cat tle, consisting of 2 yearling heifers, 0 yearling bulls, 11 cows with calves, at side and the liord bull, Woodrow (412438). Tho cattle will sell Imme diately after the hogs probably about 3:30. Clerk of said City. Said bids to cover paving of the following doscrlbod materials lo-wlt: Vertical Fibre Brick, Sheet Asphant, Asphalllc Concrete, Wauenlte BlthuH tlc and Reinforced Concrete pave ments. ' The City Engineer's estimate on the cost of paving said four districts com prising approximately 00,900 sq. yds., Is as follows: Vertical Fibre Brick on Concrete base $i.SS per sq. yd. Sheet Asphalt on Concrete lma-e $3.77 per sq. yd. Asphnltlc concrete on Concrete base $3.38 per sq. yd. Wuonlte Blthultic on Concrote base $1.68 per sq. yd. Reinforced Concrete $3.S0 per sq. yd". Bids must be on file with tho City Clerk on or heforo eight o'clock p. m., of October 20, 1020, at which lime they will ho opened. Y They must he made on the proposal in the specifications furnished by tho City Clerk and accompanied by a cer tified chock for an amount equal to two per cent of the bid made. Said specification furnished upon application to tho City Clerk for a feo of FIvo Dollars, said amount to be returned when plans and specifica tions aro returned. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to reject any and njl bids. Dated October 7, 1920. O. E. ELDER, 08-029 City Clerk. :o::- When tn North Platte stop at the 'w Hotel Palace and Cafe. Von will Hp fronted well. BStf CORN STALK DISEASE This trouble occurs only when the alimentary tract is working improp erly. Keep the digestion normal and cattle will be free from it. Allow them free access to A D VERT 1 SFMENT. n ft ORGANIZED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES JUNE 30, 1920, $1,329,175.33. . t H u : j.: :: it it i.t 3t Xt Installment Stock Tho installment stock of this association Is issued in shares of $200.00 each and may bo subscribed for at any timo upon tho payment of 25 cents per sharo entry feo and a monthly payment of $1.00. This stock earns divi dends of eight per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually and matures In 12S months. This maturity is ef fected by adding to tho $128.00 paid by tho investor, $72.00 to cover tho earned dividends for that period. $10.00 per month so invested will yield In months $2000.00. $10.00 per month so invested will yield in months $0000.00. T. C PATTERSON, BESSIE P. SALISBURY, President x Sccrotnry. 12S 25G j: .: u .: i.t j.t :.: i.t i.t it Ji Legal Notice. Mary E. "Wolf, Charles L. Wolf, her husband, Hesslo Long and Frank Long, her husband, deE?ndants, will tako notice that on tho 21st day of September, 1920, George E. Slade, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the District Court, Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defendants tho object and prayer of which forecloso a certain mortgage executed by tho defendants Mary E Wolf and Charles L. Wolf to tho p'alutlff upon tho following dest nued real cstato situated in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: The North-east quarter (NE&) of Section Nineteen (19) Township Eleven (11) North of Range Thltry-two (32) West of the G P. M. to secure the payment of a certain prom isory coupon note dated Juno 1st, 1915, forthe sum of $700.00 duo and ipayablo on June 1st. 1920, and Ato certain Interest coupon notes theroto attached for the sum of $42.00 each, ono payable Juno 1st, 191C, ono pay able Juno 1st, 1917, ono payable Jtfne 1st, 1918, ono payable Juno 1st, 1919, and ono payable Juno 1st, 1920, and also to securo the payment of taxes which tho plaintiff did pay after default and neglect of said defendants to pay the same; that thoro Is now duo upon said notes and for taxes pald and on this mortgage tho sum of $S2G.38. for which sum with Interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decreo that defendants bo required to pay tho same or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due. You and each of you arc required to answer said petition on or before tho 15th day of November, 1920. Dated this 4th day of October, 1920. GEORGE F. SLADE, Plaintiff By Hoagland & Carr, 05-4wks. His Attorneys. Stock Tonic Block It's beneficial Ingredients absorb tho gases, purify tho blood and tone tho digestive organs, and tho salt it j contains encourages frco drinking of water, thus avoiding tho impac tion of dry feed in tho intestines. Wo sell it on a sixty-day guaran tee and refund your money if not satisfied. North Platte Feed Store, 702 No. Dewey. Congressman Moses P. Kinkaul candidate for re-election as member of llic House of Representatives from the Sixth Con gressional District, Nebraska. Advertisement NOTICE TO PAY I Nil CONTRACTORS Notico Is hereby given that tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, Nobr., will receive bids for paving and curbing whoro ncccs sarp in Paving Districts Numbers 3, 4, 5 nnd G in said city according to, plnns and specifications adopted and now on fllo in tho office of tho City ELECTION PROCLAMATION 1920. By virtue of the authority In me vested and by direction of the laws of the State of Nebraska in such case mado and provided, I. A. S. Allen, County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ne braska, do hereby proclaim that on Tuesday, the second day of November, 1920, during the hours designated by law, there will bo hold a general elec tion at the usual "voting places in said county for the election of tho follow ing officers, to-wit: Ono (1) President of tho United States. On (1) Vice President of tho United States. One (1) Governor. Ono (li Lieutenant Govornor. Ono (1) Secretary of State. Ono (1) Auditor of Public Accounts. Ono (1) Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Ono (1) State Treasuror. Ono (1) Attorney General. Ono (1) Superintendent of Public Instruction. Two (2) Railway Commissioners. Two (2) Regents, of tho Stato Uni versity. Ono (1) Mombor of Congress, Sixth Congressional District. Ono (1) Stato Senator. Twenty-fifth Senatorial District. Ono (1) Stato Representative Sixty olghth District. Ono (1) Stato Roprosontative, Sovonty-sovonth District. Ono (1) Judgo of tho Supromo Court Ono (1) Chief Justice. Ono (1) Judgo of District Court, Thirteenth Judicial District. Ono (1) County Judgo. Ono (1) Clerk of tho District Court. Ono (1) County Commislsonor, First District Ono (1) County Commislsonor, Third District. Ono (1) Pollco Mngistrato for tho City of North Platto. Ono (1) Precinct Assossor for oaeh Precinct. Ono (1) Ovorsoor of Highways for each Road District. Two (2) Justices of tho Poaco for each Precinct. At the samo timo and placos, a ref erendum on tho Primary Law (IIouso Roll No. 323, 1919) will bo token. Said oloctlon will bo held on the second day of Novombor, A. D. 1920, nt tho sovoral polling placos within tho county, botwoen tho hours of olght o'clock in tho forenoon and eight o'clock in tho afternoon of tho same day. Given under my hand nnd official seal this 4th day of Octobor, A. D. 1920. A. S. ALLEN, County Clwk. O8-30dn (SEAL) t