The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 08, 1920, Image 12

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    Mrs. Nick Nelhm loft Wcdnoidny for
l'wcton to spcpnd sovornl days.
Lfcvaughn Hunrlch loft Wednesday
morning for n visit with her sister In
Lodge Pole-
Arthur Nolnn returned Wednesday
form a short visit In Alliance.
Mrs. Edward Weston loft a few days
ago for an extended visit In Pennsylvania.
Having hold his farm, tho undersigned will offer at Public Sale at
his place about 8 miles north and one-half mile cast of North Platto
mid one half mile oast of Canrlght school house, on
Wednesday, October 13th,
Commencing at one o'clock sharp, tho following property to-vvlt;
3 Head of Horses
3 Head of Mares.
5 Head of Cattle
One slock cow. two yearling heifers, good onos, one extra good milk
' and butter cow with calf by her side.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
Dcorlng mower In good shape, disk seeder, two-disk gang plow, rid
ing Hstor, cultivator, harrow, breaking plow, 2 wagons, buggy black
smith tools, vise bench, small carpenter bench, 2-II. P. engine, pump
Jack, cook stove, gasoline stove, bedstead, 2 tables chairs, about 75 or
SO chickens. Other articles to numerous too menllon.
Frco Lunch at Noon.
TERMS OF SALE: All sums under $20 cash; on sums over ?20, 8
monthB time will bo given on bunkablo paper bearing 10 per cout Inter
est from date of sale. 2 per cent discount for cash on sums over $20.
No property to bo removed until settled for.
COL. H. M. JOIIANSEN, Auctioneer. F. C riELSTICKEIt, Clerk
The Hour
of Atonement
Lodestone, Which Really Is a Mineral,
Can Not Be Induced to Act
chungn a tire out on the road, make it
a ford tiro ami tube and you will bo
able to make tho change quickly and
satlsfutcory. Also have along on rvi"
trip our tiro patches and cement.
Roy V.-vBuskirk Garage
215 East Fifth St.
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
RESOURCES JUNE 30. 1920, $1,329,173.53.
Installment Stock.
The installment stock of tills association is issued in
shares of $200.00 each and may bo subscribed for at any
time upon tho payment of 25 cents per share entry fee
and a monthly payment of $1.00. This stock earns divi
dends of eight per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
and matures In 128 months. This maturity is ef
fected by adding to the $128.00 paid by tho Investor, $72.00
to cover tho earned dividends for that period.
$10.00 per month so invested will yield In 128
months $2000.00.
$10.00 per month so invested vlll yield In 25G
months $6000.00.
President. Secretary.
1 will hold a Public Salo on tho old Louis Carlson place, 7 mllos south
vvost of Brady, and 10 miles southeast of Maxwoll, on
Sale boglnB at 11 o'clock. Frco Lunch at Noon.
2 good milch cows, a calvoa, 3 two-yea Isolds coming 3, 10yearllngs, 5
bolters. O. F. Bloom will also soil 4 coming two-year old stoors,
4 yearling hejfors, and 2 spring calves.
1 black team, 6 und 7 yearn old, wt. 1300; 1 grey team, 12 and 13 years
old, wt. 1200; 1 spon black mares, 4 and G years old; 1 black goldlng,
7 years old, wt, 120U. two good sots of work harnoss, ono noarly
CO Hi;Al OF HO(iS- OLD sows
Throo wagons, 2 with box, 1 with hay rack; 1 Overthrow hay stacker on
truck wagon, 1 Dain hay sweep, 1 Dcorlng hay rako, 1 McCormlck Mow
ing machine noarly now, 1 press drill, 1 ono horso drill, 1 lister, 1 cul
tivator, I Janusvlllo 2-row, 1 gang plow, 1 Bet Blacksmith tools, 1 throo
uoctloi harrow noarly now, 1 disc, 1 corn plnntor 1 Pullor & Johnson
1 II. 1'. engine, 1 powor washing machlno and tubs, 1 feed grinder,
many other urtlclos too numorous to mention. ,
1 hand corn nhellor. 1 grlndHtono.cook stovo, 1 Prlmroso Soparator,
TERMS All wuina of $10 and undor cnBh. On all sums over $10 a
aredlt of S months ttmo will bo given purchaser giving bankablo note
bearing 8 por con.t lntorost from dato. No proporly to bo romovod until
hoIUqiI for.
L. L. NEAL, Owner.
COL. Ill) K1EHHJ, Auctioneer. W. IV. W1NQUEST, Clerk.
((. 1920. Weitirn Nswiiiatper Union.)
Fate had dealt Warren Dale uu un
friendly blow und tht! effects of the
same lingered to harrow and discour
age. Just past his majority, ho had
left his native village for a busy, bus
tllug county sent with a thousand dol
lars ho had carefully saved. Ills
thought had been to start In business
In u limited wuy, but he soon found
that amount of capital iusulllclcnt.
By mischance he got acquainted
with a genlul, frlcndly-nejlng young
man who called himself Martin Bearce,
and who was u stock salesman for u
concern promoting un on company.
Bearco soon succeeded In persuading
Dale that ho could get hJm some of the
sloclr ut a bargain price, guaranteed
Its resale within sixty days at a prollt
of fully 100 per cent, nnd Dnlo handed
out tho money nnd took n temporary
Job In a fruit store, awaiting the prom
ised riches.
Ono morning tho newspaper con
tained an account of tho failure of the
oil company nnd the disappearance of
Its exploiters. Tho suave, fascinating
stock salesman was n hoodoo long re
membered by Dale with emotions of
bitterness and resentment, but as time
went on ho tried to take his loss less
severely, although his bright, ambitious
dreams were dissipated. IIo plodded
on Indifferently for a year and then
returned to Arden, got his old position
and settled down to a humdrum exist
ence, pcrsuuded that tho gifts of for
tune were not for him.
Then came compensation. During
his absence a young lady nnmed Nor
ma Layton had come to Arden nnd hnd
become an employee In Its one milli
nery establishment, what attracted
Dale to her was her subdued, almost
sorrowful nature, eoniewhnt In accord
ance with his. own. It was apparent
that she had known trouble. At the
homo she found with an old widow
lady she acted reserved and serious, as
though seeking Its loneliness to hide
from the world nt large.
Dale got acquainted with Miss Lny-
ton and their relations were friendly
and pleasant. She never alluded to
her past und Dnle suppressed his one
business experiment. Ho had saved
quite a sum of money and was assured
of permanency of employment.
"I shnll never And a woman more
suited to mo temperamentally," ho so
liloquized, "nnd she seems to be glnd
when I come to see her. Dnre I tell
her that I love her?"
Onco under tho Influence of lovo and
Its promptings every lmpulso wns
toward learning his fate, it was a
lovely summer evening when he
reached the cottnge home of Mrs. Wil
lis, to be Informed that Miss Layton
was somewhere in tho garden, nnd
Dalu went thither In quest of her.
IIo heard voices among some dense
shrubbery. The tones of Norma were
clearly recognizable and Dale started
as he caught the echoes of the voice
of a man. It, too, caused him to thrill,
conjecturo and utter a subdued excla
"Martin Bearce 1" ho brenthed, ana
then he uttered n groan. Tho man had
gathered Norma In his arms ami kissed
her. IIo handed her some papers. She
clung to him for a moment In a fren
zied way. Then as'he leaped the fence
and disappeared, Norma went toward
the house and Dulo could seo tears
In her eyes and hear her low sobbings,
Ills heart was crushed, n cruel des
tiny seemed to pursue him relentlessly,
Tho saino person who had robbed him
of his llttlo means had now purloined
his sweethenrt, for what could be the
meaning of those kisses nnd caresses
except that they wero lovers? For a
few moments hntred and Jeulousy
rankled In the soul of Dale nnd spurred
him on to pursue and apprehend tho
swindling Bearce. Then, comprehend
ing that to Injure him, unworthy ns he
was, might crush Norma, he bowed
his bend and tried to subdue tho sor
row nnd despair that had overw helmed
Tho next morning Dulo learned that
Miss Layton hnd resigned her position
nt tho millinery shop nnd was about
to leave Arden. IIo himself could not
conllno himself to his working duty
that day, distracted with the events
of tho evening provious. Ho wandered
about tho village nlmlessly until nfter-
noon, and was seated In Its llttlo park
gloomily meditating, when tho scat
besldo him wns suddenly filled nnd
Norma, palo and trembling, extended
nn envelope.
"This Is yours, Mr. Dnle," slio snld
simply. "It contains with Interest tho
money Martin Bearco got from you two
years ago. Spare mo the humiliation
nnd grief of going into his remissness
In detail, lie has repented his acts
whllo a tool for clever swindlers, and
Inst evening brought mo tho money ho
has made by hard work to repay all
those ho Induced to Invest In tho oil
"But why do you appear as his Inter
mediary?" questioned theamnzul Dale.
"Because ho Is my brother," enmo
tho low-toned response. "I am going
away "
"Then I will follow you, If tho path
leads to tho ends of tho earth!" ex
claimed Dalo spontaneously. "I came
last evening to tell you how I loved
"No, no my brother "
"Is fortunnto In having n sister, the
memory of whose great goodness prob
ably turned him from his wayward
course. My darling, wo will not forget
him, for he hns atoned, but for rost
from your sorrow come to me to mc,
who will glvo you all of n life's dfvo-tlon."
The lodestone is considered the most
wonderful stone In tin world, but It
Is renlly not n stone at all, but rightly
belongs to the mineral family. If
It Is suspended by a silken throad or
floated on mercury, or on a circular
raft In water, tho same end of tho
stone will nlways point to the "Lode
star," or North star; thnt fact Is
where It got Its name.
Tho lodestone Is u natural com
pass, such as the Vikings of old used
to mnko centuries before America was
discovered. By rubbing n needle or
thin steel bar on a lodestone It be
comes mngnetlzcd, and will flout on
wntcr and nlways point to tho north.
Tho most powerful lodostones come
from Sweden, nnd hunters tell stories
of not being nblc to pick up their guns
from tho ground after laying them
near lode3tones.
Galileo's original lodestone, with
which ho mnde so many experiments,
weighs only six ounces, yet It Is 300
ears old and holds us Urmly now as
ever did. It Is exhibited In tho
Tribune de Galileo, Florence, Italy.
The Iron weight at the bottom Is made
In tho form of n sepulchre, probably
suggested by the legend that Maho
met's cotlln was supported In mldnlr
by lodcstones.
At 1 p. m. central time. Tho big
evont of tho Illghllno. Frank Hall
will soli 45 of his famous Poland
Chinas, 25 sows, most of which will
farrow In October nnd 20 Spring boars
I. E. Burton will dlsporso his herd of
31 head of Registered Shorthorn Cat
tle, consisting of 2 yearling holfers,
G yoarllng bulls, 11 cows with calves,
at sldo and tho liord bull, Woodrow
(412438). Tho cattlo will sell Imme
diately after tho hogs probably
about 3:30.
For reliablo transfer service phono
your calls to C. II. Splcer, Donelson'a
CIgnr Store, Phono 172W. 7G-9t
When In North Platto stop at the
Vow Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will
ip trnatnrl wnll B8tf
One Used by Native Navigators of the
Marshall Islands Was Made
of Sticks.
A sea chart of the South Sea Islands
made of sticks, which served as nn ac
curate and authoritntlve guide for tho
daring navigators of the Marshall
Islands Just ns modern mnps do, Is one
of tho exhibits to be seen In tho South
Sea Islnnd hnll of the American
Museum of Natural History In New
York. The strange son chart Is the
gift of Robert Louis Stevenson, who
lived on the Island of Samoa four
years before his death.
Distances between the islands were
mensured by hours, not miles. These
charts are but little used now, but
there vvus a time when each young
chief was compelled to pass his exam
ination In the charts, knowing them by
heart, as they never were taken to sea.
Some students sny the sticks represent
currents, as there are four distinct
sets of swells from four qunrters of
the sens at various seasons of naviga
tion, which were closely studied by
the natives.
The Dlckclssel.
The dlckclssel is a small migratory
bird, about six and one-fourth inches
long, the mnle beautifully blended with
yellow, white nnd gray, nnd with n
black throat patch and brown shoulders.
The female Is duller. These birds are
very numerous in the middle portions
of the United States, frequenting dry,
bushy fields or prairies. The dlckclssel
Is a persistent songster, although Its
song Is weak and has little melody. In
July and August, when many birds are
silent, dlckclssels continue their plain
tive chant, even on the most sultry
days. Their chanting Is a simple
"chip, chip, ehp-ehe-eheo," They
build their nesH of weeds, grasses,
rootlets, corn husks and the like. They
build on the ground, In hushes nnd
thistles, and sometimes in trees. The
eggs of the dlckclssel nre four or five
In number. They are a plain, bluish
white, hnrdly distinguishable from
those of tho bluebird.
By virtue of tho authority In mo
vested and by direction of tho laws
of tho State of Nebraska In such case
mado and provided, I, A. S. Allen,
County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, do hereby proclaim that on
Tuesday, the second day of November,
1920. during tho hours designated uy
law, there will bo hold a general elec
tion at tho usual voting places In said
county for tho election of tho follow
inc officers, to-vvit:
One (1) President of the united
On (1) Vice President of the united
Ono (1) Governor.
Ono (1) Lieutenant Governor.
Ono (1) Secretary of State.
Ono (1) Auditor of Public Accounts.
Ono (1) Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings.
Ono (1) Stato Treasurer.
One (1) Attorney General.
Ono (1) Superintendent of Public
Two (2) Railway Commissioners.
Two (2) Regents of the State Uni
versity. Ono (1) Member of Congress, Sixth
Congressional District.
Ono (1) Stato Senator. Twenty-fifth
Senatorial District.
One (1) State Representative, Sixty
eighth District.
Ono (11 Stato Representative,
Seventy-seventh District.
Ono (1) Judge of tho Supreme Court
Ono m Chief Justice.
Ono (1) Judge of District Court.
Thirteenth Judicial District.
Ono (1) County Judge.
Ono (1) Clerk of the District Court.
Ono (1) County Cbmmisisoncr. First
One (1) County Commlsisoner,
Third District. '
Ono (1) Police Magistrate for the
City of North Platte.
One (1) Precinct Assessor for each
One (1) Overseer of Highways for
each Road District. "
Two (2) Justices of the Peace for
each Precinct.
At the same time and places, a ref
erendum on tho Primary Law (House
Roll No. 323. 1919) will bo taken.
cnA nioptlnn will be hold on the
second dny of November, A. D. 1920,
ut tho several polling places within
(v , nniintv. hot ween the hours of eight
...inMr in the forenoon and eight
o'clock in the afternoon of the same
1 Given under my hand nnd official
seal this 4th day of October, A. D.
1920. ,
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk .
O8-30da (SEAL)
nblo on tho 1st dny of April, 1921 and
on tho 1st day of October, 1921 and
on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st
day of October of each and overy year
thereafter until all of tho Interest on
said bonds shall have been paid, and
to levy a tax In tho yoar 1921 and
each nnd every year thuroafter suffic
ient to -pay tho interest and tho prin
cipal of said bonds as they becomo due
until sufficient tax has been levied to
pay all of tho principal and interost
of said bonds, such tax both for prin
cipal and interest to bo levied upon
nil of the taxablo property in tho city
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska." Thoso voting against tho issuing of
said bonds shall mark thoir ballot
with an "X" opposlto tho words
? AGAINST Issuing Fifty Thousand
and no-100 ($50,000.00) of tho City
of North Platto "Water Works Irh
provement Bonds in denominations of
Ono Thousand and no-100 ($1,000.0.0)
each, bearing interest at tho rato of
G por annum, payable semi-annually,
interest and principal payablo at
the olTico of tho County Treasurer oi
Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska,
said bonds to bear dato of October 1,
1920 and the interest on snld bonds
to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April,
1921 and tho 1st day of October, ,1921
and on tho 1st day of April and on
tho 1st day of October of each and
overy year thereafter until all of tho
interest on said bonds shall havo boon
paid and tho levy of a tax In tho yoar
1921 and each and every year thcio
aftcr sufficient to pay tho Interest rind
principal of said bonds as thoy bo
como duo, until sufficient tax has boon
levied to pay all of tho principal arid
Interost of said bonds, such tax bolh
for tho principal and interest to bo
lovied upon all of tho taxablo property
in the city of North Platto. Lincoln
County, Nobraska."
Dated September 13th, 1920.
O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.
To whom aro your going to soil your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer
cantile Co. will offer tho highest
prices. G4tf
Dr. Morrill. Dontlst, office over
Wilcox Department Store.
Legal Notice.
Mary E. Wolf, Charles L. "Wolf, her
husband, Hesslo Long and Frank
Long, her husband, defendants, will
tako notlco that on tho 21st day of
Soptombor, 1920, Gcorgo E. Slado,
plaintiff heroin, filed his petition
In tho District Court, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, against said defendants
tho object and prayer of -which is
forecloso a certain mortgage executed
by tho defendants Mary E. "Wolf and
Charles L. Wolf to tho plaintiff upon
tho following described real estate
situated in Lincoln County, Nobraska,
to-vvit: Tho North-east quarter
0NE) of Section Nineteen (19)
Township Eleven (11) North of Range
Thltry-tvvo (32) West of tho 6 P. M. to
securo tho paymont of a cortaln prom
lsory coupon noto dated Juno 1st,
11915, fortho sum of $700.00 duo and
fpaynblo on Juno 1st, 1920, and five
certain Intorcst coupon notes thereto
attached for tho sum of $42.00 each,
ono payablo Juno 1st, 191G, ono pay
ablo Juno 1st, 1917, ono payablo Juno
1st, 1918, ono payablo Juno 1st, 1919,
and ono payable Juno 1st, 1920, and
also to securo tho payment of taxes
which tho plaintiff did pay after
dofault and noglcct of said defendants
to pay tho same; that thero is now
duo upon said notes and for taxes
pald and on this mortgngo tho sum of
$S2G.38, for which Bum with Interest
from this dnto plaintiff prays for a
docrco that defendants bo required to
i pay tho samo or that said promisos
may bo sold to satisfy tho amount
found duo.
You and each of you aro required
to answer said potltion on or boforo
tho 15Mi day of Novombor, 1920.
. Dated this 4th day of Octobor, 1920.
GEORGE F. SLADE, Plaintiff
By Hoagland & Carr,
05-4vvks. His Attornoys.
Notice of Election.
Notlco Is hereby glvon to tho elec
tors of tho City of North Platto, Ne
braska, that tho mnyor and city coun
cil of tho City of North -Platto, Ne
braska, havo provided by ordinance
for tho submission to a direct vote of
tho voters of the City of North Platto,
Nebraska, tho following proposition:
An ordinance providing for the sub
mitting to tho electors of the City of
North Platto in tho Qounty of Lincoln,
Stato of Nobraska, tho following ques
tion to-vvit: "Shall tho City of North!
Platto in Lincoln County, Stato of
Nebraska issuo its City of North Platto
Water Works Improvement Bonds in
tho sum of Fifty Thousand & no-100
($50,000.00) Dollars for tho purpose
of raising money for tho improving,
extending nnd maintaining tho Water
Works of said City and tho building
and constructing of additional well or
wells, pump houses and Installing
pumps nnd motors nnd extending re
laying and enlarging watr mains in
said City In accordanco with tho plans
and specifications and estimates on
file with tho City Clerk ami to provide
for tho lovylng and collecting by tho
proper officers a tax annually, to pay
Interost and principal ot said bonds
as thoy mature." And by virtue ot tho
novvor in mo vested I hereby call an
election on said ordinnnco so submit
ted to bo hold in tho City of North
Platte, Nebraska, on the 1!Mi day of
Octoxr, 1920. Tho votln , ices of
said election shall bo as folio -s: Tho
1st ward at tho A. N. Durbln Garage
at tho intersection of Cth and Dovvoy
Streets; tho 2nd ward at tho County
Court Houso; tho 3rd ward at the Fire
Station and tho 4 th vnrd at tho North
Platto Bulck Garage. Tho polls to
bo open at S o'clock In tho morning
nnd to romnln open until 8 o'clock In
tho nftornoon of said day.
Thoso voting In favor of tho adop
tlon of snld ordinnnco shall mark their
ballot with an "X" opposlto tho words:
"For Issuing Fifty Thousand & no-100
($50,000.00) Dollars of tho City of
North Platto Water Works Improve
ment Bonds In denominations of Ono
Thousand & no-100 ($1,000.00) onch
boarlng Interost nt tho rato of G por
annum, pnyablo soml-annually interost
and principal payablo at tho offlco of
tho County Tronsuror of Lincoln
County, Slnto of NobraBka, said bonds
to bear date of October 1st, 1920, and
tho Interost ot snld bonds to bo pay-
Notlco of Election.
Notlco is hereby given to tho elec
tors of tho City of N'orth Platto, No
braska, that tho Mayor and City Coun
cil of tho City of North Platto, Ne
braska, havo provided by ordinance
for tho submission to a direct vote of
tho voters of the City of North,
Nebraska, tho following proposition:
An ordinance providing for tho sub
mitting to the voters of tho City of
North Platte in the County of Lincoln
and Stato of Nebraska tho following
question: "Shall the City of North
Platte in Lincoln County, Stato of No
braska, Issuo its North Platto Fire
Houso extension bonds in tho s,um
of Ten Thousand & no-100 ($10,00Q.00)
for tho purpose of raising money for
tho building of an extension to the
Fire House of tho City of North Platto
and for equipping the samo in accor
dance with tho phins, specifications,
and estimates on filo with the Olty
Clerk and to provide for levying and
collecting by tho propor officers a tax
annually to pay tho interest and prin
cipal of said bonds as thoy mature."
And by virtue of tho power In me
vested I hereby call an election on
said ordinance so submitted to bo hold
in tho City of North Platte, Nebraska
on tho 19th day of October, 1920. Tho
voting places of said election shall be
as follows: The 1st ward at the A.
N. Durbln Garage at tho intersections
of 5th and Dewey Streets; the 2nd
ward at the County Court Houso; tho
3rd ward at tho Fire Station and tho
4th ward at tne North Platto Bulok
Garage. Tho polls to be opened at 8
o'clock in the morning and to remain
open until 8 o'clock in the afternoon
of said day.
Thoso voting in fuvor of said ordin
ance shall mark their ballots with
an VX" opposite the word "FOR" is
suing Ton. Thousand & no-100
($10,000.00) Dollars of the "City of
North Platto Fire Houso Extension
Bonds," in denominations of ono
thousand & no-100 ($1000.00) Dollars,
each boarlng Interest at the rato of six
tier cent por annum, payable semi-annually
interest and principal payablo
at tho offlco of the County Treasurer
ot Lincoln County, State of Nobraska.
Said bonds to bear dato of Octobor 1,
1920 and tho Interest on said bonds to
bo payablo on tho 1st day of April,
1921 and on the 1st day of October,
1921 and on tho 1st day of April and
the 1st day of October of each and
every year thereafter, until all of the
interost on said bonds shall havo boon
paid; to levy a tax in tho year 1921
and each and overy year thereafter
sufficient to pay tho Interest nnd prin
cipal ot said bonds as they becomo
due, until sufficient tax has been lov
ied to pay all of tho principal and
Interest of said bonds, such tax both
for principal and Interest to bo levied
upon all of tho taxablo property in
said City of North Platte, Lincoln
County, State of Nobraska.
Thoso voting against shall mark
their ballot with an "X" In tho par
agraph beginning with tho word
"AGAINSnp Issuing Ten Thousand
00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars of tho "City
of North Platto Flro Houso 3xtonsIon
Bonds" in denomination of Ono Thous
and & 00-100 ($1000.00) Dollars, each,
bearing interest at tho rato of six por
cent per nnnum, payablo soml-annually,
Interest and principal payablo at
tho Offlco of tho County Treasurer of
Lincoln County, Stato ot Nobraska.
Said bonds to boar dato of Octohor
1st, 1920 and tho intorcst on said lionds
to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April.
1921 and on tho 1st day of October.
1921. and on tho 1st day of April and
tho 1st day of October of each and
ovory year thereafter until all of the
Interest on said bonds shall havo been
paid; to levy a tax in tho yoar 1921
and oach and every year thereafter
sufficient to pay tho Interost nnd prin
cipal of said bonds ns thoy become due
until sufficient tax has boon lovied to
pay nil of tho prlnclpnl and Interest of
said bonds, such tax both for principal
and Intorost to bo levied upon all of
tho taxablo proporty In snld City of
North Platto, Lincoln County, State
of Nobraska.
Dated Soptombor 13th, 1920.
O. E. ELDER, City Clerk