A LETTISH -MRS. JJLKANOR . RAKER WHO IS V1SITLNU LV ALASKA. Si m I KSrt f -V J a cBirtulay .,- The husband who knows when his wife's birthday or "wedding anniversary comes and carries home to her then a beautiful gift keeps the fires of love burning. Love is the biggest thing in life don't lose it; don't be , neglectful. We have so many beautiful things wives would love to receive: Come in and let us show them to you and perhaps suggest to you what would delight your wife. CLINTON, The Jeweler. THE SIGN OP TILE BIG RING. BR. 0. n. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over th McDonald State Dunk. 3(Pr ' ;-COCAL LNI) I'JSBSONAL Cf" A. Daly, of Tryon, was a visitor Jh$?our. city tho latter part of last "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowoll, of this cltyicntortalncd eight couples at their homo Sunday evening. Tho City Library will bo closed this) saftornoon during tho funeral ot Mss Edith Pnttorson. A now lino of stamped Bed Sproads, Pillow Cases and Scarfs at Tho Art Store. A' baby girl was boru Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Pennington, all concerned nroolng nicely. The Boxall handles tho goodB. 14tf 'V.cathorman McDowell, who was stationed at Nqrth Platto n low years ago, was n visitor horo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tim O'Kcofo loft Sun day ovonlng for Omaha to consult a 8p6clallst about tholr son'B oyos. Mrs. P, J. Oilman loft Sunday for Chicago where sho will visit her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Saint. Mr. and Mrs. Monahan, of Ogalalla, Dpont Sunday -with their parcntB. Tho High School Football team playa football at Cozad next Friday. Cozad boat Lexington so tho boys from horo aro certain of a good game. Tho D. A R. Mooting ?hlch was to have been hold last, evening has bqon postponed until Thursday even ing at 7:30 at tho homo of Mrs. L. U. Duke. Do your remember Mary Began ot tho Loro Scott stories that ran In tho Metropolitan magazine? Sho Is tho main character In "Partners of tho Night" showing at tho Crystal tonight and tomorrow. II. A. Brooks hus Just returned from Lincoln horo ho took a post-graduate course In Photography. This work was done by tho, Southern School of Photography which conducted av spec ial school at Lincoln last week., Leonard Robinson presented Tho Trlbuno with a copy of a little book entitled "TO THE HOMEWARD BOUND AMERICANS" by B. Van Vorst. Ho has given other copies to tho City Library, tho High School and other institutions ns well as to the relatives of boys who died in Franco. Tho book is published in Franco and sent to this country by Marshall Foch. It is a book of narratlvo and sontl mont and prosonts tho opinion of Amorlcans held in Franco Tho Trlbuno is in receipt of u let tor from Mrs. Baker, wifo of Dr. B. B. Baker, Prosidont of tho Fidelity Re sorvo Co. of this city. Mrs Bakor is visiting hor son in Alaska and gives hor addross as St-Jbhns-in-tho-Wlld-ornoss, Allakakct, Koynkuk River, via Tanana, Alaska. Sho writes " I left Seattle Juno third' and arrived hero July 21. I was dolayed two weoks at Skagway waiting for ico to go out of Lako Le Bargo head waters of Yukon and two weeks longer at Tanana wait ing for a boat to bring mo to mouth of Koynkuk' rlvcr. I left thorp July 13th nnd made my boat at' Koynkuk station ICth and arrived hero July 21. I was tho only woman on. tho boat. I enjoyed cvory inlnuto of tho trip. Tha jpast fow nights aro tho nearest dark onos tthat I havo seen. Until last of July and first week of AugUBt ono could easily read out of doors at mid night. Tho boat I camo on brought firBt mall since April which was last train mall. Somo sort .of boat will bring our next inajl In Soptember and then beginning last of October wo shall havo mall over the trail end of each month until breakup next Spring when wo shall havo 'to wait for July or August boat. Only ono boat a year now, all our provisions were brought on it. Last night it was 22 degrees I). Thoro was a flood this year. The first in twenty years. Tho Indians and Eskimos fled to tho hills. Miss' Rldg way and tho nurso hero took tents, ptoves, bedding nnd their trunks nnd crossed tho river before ico wont out and wont up on high bluffs tho last weok id May nnd tho flood camo after ico wont out and tho yillago was covered to dopth of C ftt. In somo places. Tho mlslson cabin walls havo 18 in. wator mark. Boforo going to Bluffs they Btored household goods In rafters of church and when I ar rived horo things wero only becoming normal. This Is certainly a wilder ness. Only Indians and Eskimos. Many of their cabins wero washed away. They are away at their fish camps now, but, when they return they must build their cabins. I hope I havo not tired you with this but it Is all so wonderful and I could write pages about what I have seen and heard of conditions here. I shall bo so glad to seq Tho Tribune and I shall hope to hear good news of the Com munity Chorus. ::o:: r LOCAL AM) PERSONAL iff if. as N A S H S I X, Hi m Hi Hi Hi Na$h Prices ! Cannot Be Reduced There will be no reduction in price of Nash Six. High grade materials are not re duced. v Skilled labor employed has not re duced. These control the'pricc. Nash cars are manufactured 93 per cenfin its entirety in Nash factory. Nash cars as always, represent more actual value and is a bigger and better automobile than any other within hundreds of dollars of its price. in Because they Have Never Been Inflated. 4 Nash cars have since 1917 increased price. Twenty-four per cent with this has been many improvements, as well as at this time all Nash cars and trucks are equipped with Cord Tires. During the time since 1917 the increased price of other motor cars average 76 per cent. Nash cars will continually be built as near ly 100 per cent perfect, and Nash informs us that they will absolutely maintain their present prices, to at least July 1st, 1821. Also any reduction at that time would come only by reduction of material and labor. Hi Hi Hi Hi g Hi Hi Hi You ean buy more power, comfort, convenience,beauty,design t and finish in Nash cars .than any other. (if passenger Touring Car $1,890.00 2 passenger Roadster $1,890.00 4 passenger Speedster $2,075.00 1 ton truck cab and body 2,600.00 7 passenger Touring Car$2,085.00 4 passenger Coupe 2,890.00 7 passengar Sedan 3,140.00 2 ton truck cab and body 3,400.00 Hi Hi Je 3. Davis Auto Co. i rP i Hi Hi B Hi LOOK WHAT'S COMING Woolen Goods Sold Directly from the Mills to the Consumer Orders for the Logan Knitting Factory . of Logan, Utah, manufacturers of tho Famous mado-to-meaa-, 'lire Utah Woolen Goods aro talc on, by D. A. FRBEDMAN, at the Hotel Palaco for Fall and winter delivery. UNDEltWUAlt "Wool, cotton nnd Bilk mixtures. " SEATKltS and JEItSEYS-Ior " Bohool, off Ico, sport and work many styles, knits and Bhados. SUITS mid OVEltCOATS-Mon's nnd young mon's fall nnd winter styles -ICO patterns ot cloth. MACKINA1VS All wool nnd many pnttfcrna. FLANNEL SHIRTS-AU wool nndJ guaranteed ngalnBt shrinkage ' JLEA'IHEK TESTS and SHEEPSKIN COATS ItLANKETS Wool imp nnd nil wool 25 grndos. JtAINCOATS Snappy fall and winter stylo 35 grades. LEATHERETTE COATS-Tho Latest craze. . 8.VIE0E SWEATER SUITS-for chil drenall wool all colors. HOISERY-Silk and wool. t SLIPOVERS for ladies nnd misses. UNHERSKIHTS-AU-wool. Ali colore Delivery of tho Goods can bo made at any tlmo between now Christmas and aid for when received; COME TO THE HOTEL PALACE-PHONE 46. At North Platte- -Across From the U. P. Depot. Walk right up to tho sam jook our samples over. You o woolen Koods and save all tho family is with you bring them a from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. If von leave a call for mo with tho II bring a full display of samples pie room on tho main floor and wo it to yourself to see real money you can. If your happy long too. I'll bo thoro every day live right In town you can otel Clerk (phono 4G) and 111 to your houso at any time. p. A. FREEDMAN, Agent, . For thd Logon Knitting Factory, Logan, Utah. Mrs. H. Grndy left yesterday for a visit in Hersliey. Tho Christian Aid will meet In the church basement Thursday afternoon. Mrs. B. D. Ilehnke, of Sutherland, was a business visitor in the city Monday. E. P. Sullivan left this morning for Holyoko, Colo., whoro ho is work ing on a hotel. Thoro will bo a Special Showing of Albrccht Furs Thursday at Wilcox Dopartmont Store. Mrs. Isaac Watts camo thiB morning from Corning, la.,, to visit nt tho It. C. Langford home. Mrs. A. Li. Krauso, of West Toint, la a guest at tho A. F. Tramp home during tho Lutheran Convention. Miss Ardls Stllasen returned Sun day from Koystono whoro sho spent tho week end with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Harmon arrived Mon day to attend tho Lutheran Synod. They now resldo in Grand Island. Mrs. John AVolnhorgor nnd Mrs. Jas. Snyder loft this luorning for ICenrnoy whoro they will visit friends. Miss Mildred Marshall returned to her homo in Lowollyn yesterday af t6r visiting hor aunt Mrs. I. L. LaRue. To whom aro you going to sell youi Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Men canlilo Co. will offer tho highest prices. 64tt Doctor and Mrs. P. B. Koofo loft yoaterduy for their homo In Sioux Falls nftcr visiting tjiolr cousin James Kcofo. Frank Wheeler, of Madrid, who un derwent an operation for appendicitis recently will loavo for his homo Wed nesday. This ovonlng at tho Elk's Homo tho IIollowoll Concert eoplo will glvo a concert which will bo followed by a recoption and danco. Tho Lutheran Brotherhood will havo a banquet in tho basement ot tho church Tuesday ovonlng, October Blli, for tho out-of-town nnd homo dologntes. Now is tho clinnco you havo wanted to sco those hlghgrndo furs. Tho roprosontatlvo from Albrechts will bo horo Thursdny with a full lino of coats and lnrgor pieces In Fine Furs. Como in nnd seo thorn Wilcox Dopnrtmont Storo. TUESDAY 3:00 W. C. T. U. Meeting. Mrs. R. L. Murdock' lorco G:00 Lutheran Brotherhood Banquo 7:30 Sun Lnhoma 7:30 Crystal Partners of tho Night 8:00 Hollawell Concert at Elks Club 9:00 Dance K. C. Hall. Music by Harmony Society Wednesday 7:30 Crystal Partners of tho Night 7:30 Sun Lahoma 7:30 Midweek Meetings in churches 8:00 Lutheran Church Rev. H. B. Harmon Speaks Thursday 7i30 Sun Tho Luck of tho Irish 7:30 Crystal Firebrand Trovlslons Theresa Largant, tho little three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Largant of Paxton, was drowned in a tank at her homo Sunday. The .funoral was held from that place at :30 Sunday afternoon. Special display of Furs Thursday at Wilcox Department Store. ,Tho Church Helpers of the Presby terian church will meet Friday after noon at two thirty at the home of Mrs. Geo. Zentmeyer. CITY ANT) COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Ed Yates and son wero visit ors in Chnppol Sunday. Mrs. Joo Sullivan, of Brady was a visitor in tho city yesterday. Mrl and Mrs.' Bert Smith' wero visitors in tho city yesterday. Rudolph Duran, of Illir, Ia Is In tho Gonoral Hospital for treatment. ''Mrs. Feto Meyers, of Paxton, spent Sunday in town visiting friends. Tho Local Musicians Union hold its regulnr meeting last evening at K. P. Hall. William Radcliffe, of Denver, is visiting his daughter Mrs. Max Von Goetz. Miss Ireno Schott returned from a visit in Omaha and Kansas City yes terday, Geno Porter, of Sutherland, Vas a business visitor in tho city Saturday and Sunday. J. C. McCarter returned to his homo Sunday after hoing treated for an in fected arm. Tho Catholic Girls Club will meet Wednesday evening at tho homo of Mrs. C. P. Cnrson. Mrs. Frank Simpson and son, ot Grand Island aro visiting at tho homo of Mrs. E. Smlthoy. Miss Ruth Pattorson arrived Sun day morning from Omaha to attend tho funeral of Miss Edith Pattorson. Mrs. W. M. PIttman left yesterday for Rosoburg, Ore., to visit for sev eral weoks. Miss Hazol Thompsou, of Maxwell, undorwont an oporatlon for appen 'dleltU at tho General Hospital yesterday. . If Yous Want to Learn Mow to Conserve NPROriTABU Lg FAINIiHC MR I THE BUIlDiNG jA WB srease the Value of Your Property Send "PROFITABLE For PAINTING FOR Our THE BUILDING Book: OWNER" HADt lit U.S.A. This Book Contains Plain Paint Talks From the Viewpoint of the Building Owner's Pocketboofe. This Is a book of money -saving facts and suggestions for you facts which you should know to talk intelligently to the master painters who may figure on your work, or facts that you should have if you decide to do the work yourself DUKE Ml!. Distributors 218 EastTifth Phone 27 sunatheatre Thursday and Friday "The Luck of the Msh" WITH ALL STAR CAST ALSO "School Days" Larry Lemon