WILSON TOUT, Editor mid Publisher. ! SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: j One l'cnr, In atlrnnco $2.00 Hntorod at tho North I'latto, Nebraska P6tofflco ob Second Class Matter. TUKSDAY, OCTOIIEJt filli, 11W0. DESERT HERO KNOWN TO FEW Doo That, With Its Master, Was Savior of Many Lives, Well Cared For In Its Old Age. Rufus, tlio dog hero of tlio desert, who has saved innny lives, Is ending his docllnlng dnys in n dog scinntorlum at Pnsadcnn, Citl., where he Is well enrod for. Tlio end of the dog Is not far off, says Our Dumb Anlinnls In n recent Issue. Ho Is spent nnd feeble nftor li Is many long nnd weary Journoys over tlio burning nnd blind ing Ennds with his pioneer master. Ho will no doubt soon fall nslccp. Lou Wcstcott Deck nnd Ilufus were Intrepid pioneers In n llfc-nvlng proj ect thnt received scanty support nnd tardy recognition. Together they fared forth on their mission of mercy, Keck carrying signboards nnd cans of paint, Ilufus' laden with saddlebags of re storatives nnd poison antidote. While the mnn set up tho guldoposts, or painted tho water signs, the dog suc cored many n prospector who other wise would have died miserably from delirium of thirst or the venom of finnko bites. Tho work of these two grout bene factors Is over. Beck died In July, 1017, and slnco then tho government has appropriated one hundred thou sand dollars to carry on the project that ho and hla devoted dog started. Ilufus will be well provided for by a veterinarian who was a personal friend of .Beck's. Tho old dog's years of hardships, of life-saving scrvlcd on the desulmc vmtcs, arc not without their reward. Ills many friends who used to see him on the streets nnd Pjit.hlin with approval ns ho started out on his desert trips will not forget him In his old age. :o:' lln Howard lost. Dentist, Tnlncm llnlltllng. Phono 807. 77tf jl)r. I. J. KJ1AUSE, Dentist. Mo Donald Dank llnlltllng. Rooms 2 & 3. Phone J7. 42tf , When in North Platto stop at iht Now Hotel Palace and Cnfe. You will be treated woll. 68tf For rollablo transfer servlco phono your calls to 0. II. Splccr, Donolson's HI car Store. Phono 172W. 7G-9t SCRAPPLE. A Column of Nonsense. The othor day whon wo wore eating our dinner in at Mrs. Loin oil's Cafo, we wore talking to n man about bolng sick and ha asked us why some people objoct to having a quarantine sign nailed to tho front'of their house. Wo told him wo could not toll and ho wildJiS wondorod too. Aftor dlnnor wo stertod to work but the thought of the people who felt bad bocauso they had to have signs on thoir houyos, would not stay down and at last we went over to soo Ed Davis. Wo wont in wlthotu hesitating, hoping to find Ed in good humor or not at home nnd thore ho was visiting with a friend who lives on Wost Sixth Street. Whon wo had talkod a little we asked him about it and ho said ho didn't know. Then ho nskod us what tho signs wore like nnd wo told him thoy were bright colored squnros of pasteboard with the name of tho djscaso on them In big black letters. Ho said ho guessed ho had seen ono onco when a follow over on South Locust had ono put on s houso so ho could lay off nnd get his gnrden planted In tho spring. Tho mnn who lived on 'West Sixth Street- said thoy woro dlfforcnt colors so pcoplo could have them to suit their tasto but wo said wo guessed maybo thoro was somo other reason for wo had scon a red card on a bluo house and cotralnly anyono with a tasto for a bluo houso would not want a red card or olso thoy would have had a red houso. Ed Bald ho didn't know about that but ho would think that If a man was sick enough to havo a sign put up on tho houso tolling about it, he would bo sick enough to havo a "furrccf tonguo and when ho was that way ho didn't havo any taste for anything. Wo nil agreed about that nnd then tho man who lives out on West Sixth Street snld he had some thing tho matter with him recently nnd thoy didn't put a sign on his houso and Ed said that wnB strango and ho seemed to feel honl had that his friend hnd been sick nnd then wo said wo had something tho matter with us recently and thoy didn't put a sign on our houso and Ed Bald of courso not, wo had a pull and wo ask ed what ho meant by that and wo go't up and startod to walk around and Ed said ho didn't mean anything only that wo probably wero so clean at our houso that we didn't havo any germs with our sickness and wo said that was satisfactory and so wo got our hat and went. And now wo know. -::o: To whom aro your going to soil your Hay nnd drain? Tho Harrington Mer cnntllo Co. will offer tho highest nrlces. C4tf Your homo Is not completo without tm Edison. Dixon will make terms that will comply with your pocket-book. (Budget (Bicm helps you get your New Edison. Stop in and tell us the particulars of your case. It brings for immediate en joyment. But it doesn't require im mediate payment. Qua, (Budget (Ohm capitalizes thrift and systematic expendi ture. .Let us show howitstretchesyour income to cover tlOWL ilwr ixUborL We can prove to you that it's better busi- ' CORN STALK DISEASE - This troublo occurB only when tho alimentary tract Is working Improp erly. Kcop tho digestion normnl and cattlo will bo free from It. Allow them frco nccoss to ! Want Ads Stock Tonic Block It's beneficial Ingredients absorb tho gases, purify tho blood and tone tho digestive organs, and tho salt It contains encournges frco drinking of water, thus avoiding tho impac tion of dry food In tho intestines. Wo sell it on a sixty-day gunran- tuo and refund your money If not satisfied, North Platte Feed Store, 702 No. Dewey. ness. Harry Dixon, Dealer. Tor Sale 70 bushel grain body for truck. Phono 1081W. For went A store room. Inquire at AloVlckor .Mllllnory. For Inlo Grant Six car In' good shape. Call at 114 E. Ninth St. i Wiinlcd Washing to do by tho doz en. Call 940. Wanted Firoman. North ' Platte Light & Powor Co. Wnnted Clean raga good price. Tribune. Wanted Stock to wlntor. Ralph Snul. M. It. B. Found l)adlofi' pocket book. Call at Trlbuno Office. Wanted Ono or two rooms for light housekeeping. Call room 322, Palace Hotel. I For Sale Lato model Dodgo Tour ing car In first class condition with oxtras. 419 W. Fifth St. I For Sale PIGEONS- All Varletcs j shapes, sizes, colors, and prices. Harrison Tout Trlbuno I For Snlc CC ft. corner lot In 1000 block on East 6th St. Phono G37 or call at 1109 East 4th. j Wanted Threo rooms unfurnished closo In by man and wife. Phono ! 1243W. ' J Wanted Reed baby buggy, must bo in good condition. H. H. J. Caro of Tribune. i For Rent Furnished room In prl vnto fnmlly.b oard If desired. 20S So. Maplo. Phono 2G7J. j For Snlc A few Duroo male pigs.. Inqulro N. N. Pottltt, 4 miles west of Blgnell. ' 71-4 ' Wanted Three corn shuckors with or wlthotu wagons. Phono or write ' J. H, Marovlsh. North Platte. Ono Jersey cow or calf for sal6 or trado on Ford car. Phono 719W. or call (ii 1003 W. 8th. For Kent Two" strictly modern, steam heated rooms for gentlemen. Thono G51W. To Trade I want to trade hoars with sonicono who has Hnmpshlrc hogs. fj. E. Ebrlght. For Sale Late mqdel Dodgo touring car In good condition with extra equlpmont. 410 W. Cth. For Sale or Trade Team, harness and wagon. Also span of young colts. Jenkins, 2102 W. Third. For Rent Furnished room In mod ern homo. Call 305 W. 3rd or phono 17RV. Onions for Sale 1 mllo north and 'A mllo east of Platte Valley School House. Combination water heater and laun dry stovo for sale at half price1. W. E. Shuman. Farm for Rent 2 miles northwest of Tyron. Wrlto Box 103, Minnie E. Thompson, North Platto. For Sale: Electric washing machine, kitchen cabinet, hard coal heater and an oil stove. Inquire G04 EnBt 6th. St. Wanted Experienced girl for ten- oral housework. Mrs. J. S. Twlnem, Phono 283. 71tf For Sale Farm woll imprpovedv Four hundred acres. Ton miles south west of North Platto. Caro O. M. C. Trlbuno. For Sale Liberty Inn kitchen nnd dining room furniture and fixtures-J- ask for C. G. German at Llbortv Inn. 72tf Lost A" suitcase, between Rush Storo nnd Fromont. Slough, contain ing ladles clothing. Return to Ford Garage and rocolvo $5 roward. For sale Two wicker tapestry up holstered chnirs, ono 9x12 Axminstor rug, ono mahogany table lamp, all practically now. Call at 11G W. Third. For Sale Now flvo room bungalow, all modern with four lots, nil foncod and a garago. Just outsldo of city limits on East 4th. Priced right for quick sale. Phono 1081J. For Sale Storo fixtures, flvo floor bIiow casos, flvo lG-foot wall cases, ono ribbon case, ono threat' cabinet, two lG-foot countors, ono Elliott but ton fastening machine. NELSON & CO. 717'No. Locust. For Salo All modern homo built for owner's homo. Eight rooms and bath, oak floors, full basement, doublo gnrago, all now. On nccount of money condition will sell nt n bargain If sold soon. Call at 801 E. 3rd St.. North' Platto. ::o:: Lookout Cnmpflro Girls woro guests I nt tho Wilson Tout homo Friday ovon i lng whoro thoy woro served with a throo-courso dlnnor in honor of tho thirteenth birthday of Robocca Tout. Tho ovonlng was spent In playing gnmos and doing stunts. Mr. Dixon, Vico-Prosldont of tho Pennsylvania Railroad passod thru hero yesterday ovonlng on train num hor seven. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grady, of Grand 'lid, loft Monday for thoir homo after visiting at tho homo of Pnt Grady. It Makes Every Forkful of Manure Count For a Bigger Yield Ask any user of the John Deere Spreader and he will tell you it is the best machinery investment he ever made not only because it saves hard work and valuable time, but because it makes every forkful of manure count for a bigger crop yield. Manure goes farther and does more good when you use a John Deere Spreader. You can spread manure evenly, heavy or light no under fertilized or over-fertilized spots. Come in and see this better spreader. Here are a few things about its operating advantages we want to show you. You get a low down spreader with high drive wheels. It is easy to load from the front to the rear and because of the high wheels and roller bearings it is light draft a most valuable combination. No clutches no chains few ad justments to cause trouble and it is extremely simple only about half the parts that are necessary on the ordinary spreader. The main working parts are mounted on the rear axle, where they cannot get out of line to cause bind ing, heavy draft and breakage. The beater drive is much like the simple triple geared horse-pov.tr. The gears are enclosed and run in an oil bath. There are so many other good features about this spreader that we want you to see it. You will quickly see why there are so many sat isfied users of John Deere, Spreaders. Come in the Next Time You Are in Town The Leypoldt-Pennington Co., North Platte, Neb, SALE OF HOGS. On Saturday, Oct. 23 at Lexington, In tho Salo Pavlllion, wo will sell as classy an offering of Poland Chinas as will go through any salo ring this year. Wc have studied tuo hog business from a practical farmers standpoint for 20 years and havo spared no effort possible In developing that type. Tho judge at tho County Fair said I had a distinct largo typo with un iformity, smoothness and quality not found In many herds. Wo appreciated tho compliment most bocauso all our winners and 27 of tho 28 head shown by us woro of own breeding. From our herd of 200 head wo will select 15 fall and 15 spring boar pigs including the winners,. "Wo will also includo 10 sows with litters and 10 opon fall gilts, nnd 10 stock shoats. Come, buy, them at your own price. Fo( further particulars send for i catalog to J. O. ANDERSON & SONS. COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Tho Lincoln County Teachers' In stitute will bo hold in North Platte, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 14th, 15th and lGth. Every teacher In tho county Is expectedt o attend this institute. A meeting, for tho school board members of all tho schools In tho county will bo hold in tlio courtroom of tho Court Houso Saturday after noon at two o'clock. An Interesting and lnstructlvo program has been ar ranged. 7G-79 Alleon a. Cochran Co. Supt. ::o::i Start your Xmas embrodcrles early. A now lino stamped ready to bo em broidered nt Tlio Art Storo. Jortaln light rays, called heat rayi nnd ultraviolet rays aro Injurious to the oyoe. "Wo now havo a wonderful now glass that cuts off these harm ful rays. DR. McREYNOLDS. 75-3 Dr. Morrill. - Dontlst, offlco over Wilcox Dopnrtmont Storo. Charles L. Wolf to tho plaintiff upon tho following described real estato situated In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: The North-oast quarter (NEVi) of Section Nineteen (19) Township Eleven (11) North of Range Thitry-two (32) "West of tho G P. M. to securo tho payment of a certain prom isory coupon note dated Juno 1st, 1915, fortho sum of $700.00 due and payablo on Juno 1st, 1920, and flvo certain interest coupon notes thereto attached for tho sum of $42.00 each, ono payablo Juno 1st, 191G, ono pay ablo Juno 1st, 1917, ono payable Juno 1st, 1918, ono payablo Juno 1st, 1919, and ono payablo Juno 1st, 1920, and also to secure tho payment of taxes which tho plaintiff did pay after default and neglect of sold defendants to pay tho same; that there is now duo upon said notes and for taxes (paid and on this mortgage tho sum of $820.38, for which sum with interest from this dato plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants bo requlrod to pay tho same or that sold premlbos may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found duo. You and each of you aro required ' to answer said petition on or before tho 15th day of November, 1920. Dated this 4th day of October, 1920. GEORGE F. SLADE, Plaintiff By Hoagland & Carr, 05-4wks. His Attorneys. llfr&nl Notice. Mary E. Wolf, Charlos L. AVolf, hor husband, Hosalo Long and Frank Long, hor husband, defendants, will tako'iiotlco that on tho 21st day of Soptombor, 1920, Georgo E. Slado, plaintiff heroin, filed his petition in tho District Court, Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defendants tho objoct and prayer of which 1p forocloso a certain mortgago executed by tho defendants Mary E, Wolf and Health and Appetite Thero Is an old adago "thou shalt earn tho bread in tho sweat of thy brow." This might have been para phrased "thou shalt earn thy appe tite" bocauso It is generally recog nized that It takes labor to lend zest to appetite. However, tho facts aro that tho ap petlto is good without labor, when tho body is in healthful condition. Ap petite depends on healthful action of the stomach and liver. If theso organs aro normally vigorous, thero Is us ually a good relish for food. Tho health of stomach nnd liver doponds upon spinal nerves being free and capable of transmitting full impulse. Whon this Is so, thoro Is health and appetite. Chiropractic adjusting will restoro tho conditions of nervous freedom and vigor to stomach and liver. NO CHARGE Consultation is without chargo or ' obligation. Drs. States & States, Tlio P. S. C. Chiropractors. Iiulldlng nnd Loan Building North PInlto Nebraska. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES ATHE FOLLOWING NOSE THROAT LIVEW STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDHEY5 BOWELS nnrMniv O-IBLADDER LOWER 5pissl JCoVjna LIMBS LOWER PINCHED HRVE5, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND HEALTH) TO THEIR ORGANS AMD TISSUES 1 1 nirau una on . launnmJ1