.' ".V DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, , Cradoale Dentist Otnce over the McDonald Stat Dunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Jack McGraw loft this morning for a visit in Sidney. For rollablo transfer Korvlco phono your calls to C. II. Splcor, Donolson's Cigar Storo, Phono 172W. 7G-9t Mr. and Mrs. "W. II. Crawford and daughter Juno, of Casper, AVyo., arc visiting friends In town for n few days, 15 reduction on diamonds, largo varloty. AUSTIN'S SALE. Anotlior adding niaclilno and n com pu'tator liavo beon added to tho com morclal department of tho Senior High. Mrs. Clydo Trotter, Mr. and Mrs. Mlllar.d Hoslor, Claudo Dolaney and 15bna Doty, loft Wednesday to attond thbMaywood Fair. s'tart your Xraas ombrodorloa early. A now lino stamped ready to bo em broidered at Tho Art Store. Miss Vorn Hack, oLChoycnnc, who had boon visiting her Bister Mrs. C. O. Campboll loft Wednesday for her homo. Mr. Valll, of Conn., loft Wednesday for .Denver after spending a few days visiting Private Hoan of tho Itccrult ng Station. The Sun for this zone ye is iew of the eHists now working III Z'Jiy? in r Y1V. - rw-v j-mjw- T M JB ' M JR Al I f i Mniufnn Inft Wnflnnaflnv Ai'mi. ing for Omaha and Lincoln where ho will visit hlo son wlib Is . attending tho University. , ' Mrs. Archlo Stcnficr loft wVdnosdny morning for her homo in Suthorland nftor visiting at tho home of Mrs. A. Stonnor of this city. A now lino of stamped Hetl Spreads, Pillow Caso and Scarfif at Tho Art Store. Jlrs. Ksthor Morrill,., of Itossvlllo, ' Illinois, left Tuesday after visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Stamp and "Mrs. Louis Potorson. j Tho local Dodgo Hrothors Motor car dealor has adorned his cornor at Gth & Locifst with a new and plcas j ing "Floxumo" electric sign to guldo ownors of his car to his sorvlco. ISmblom rings for all orders, Dixon, The Jowctor. C..A. Weir, who has been employed as trainmaster in Grand Island for the i past few years Is' going to return to I North PJntlo in tho near future with hl family. No expects to take up his formor position as passcngor conduc tor, i Dodgo IJrothors car prlcos are stabi lized and hundreds of dollfirs loss than any comijarnblo value tho car itsolf Is standardized and so accepted by tho U. S. Government and most of tho largest users of motor trans portation In this uud other countries. You can, and as you always havo, still safoly buy a Dodge" and bo cer tain of Its valuo, both In money, sor vlco and satisfaction. J. V. ItOMIGlI Dealer. Theatre wishes to announce it has purchased The Associated First National Franchise which will insurers Patrons the Best Pictures money can buy. The following area EACH with screen in J'jUL'l&'A'M M A'JIL' m flfc'm' A' M A ' M' IB' H Mn-rr.jn TW wt n jy nr iw tm m Ralph Garmnn had his arm broken Wednasday opening whllo ranlfijjg ma car. Tho P.flE. 0.j,wM have their rtfus- vombllng luncheon at tho homo 'of Mrs. II. M. Grlmos, noxt Wednesday at ouo o'clock. Lee 0. Yoder, who took Weather man Shilling's place while ho was on his vacation, has goiio to Mooro head, Minn., whoro ho will tnko chargo of tho Woathor Station. Just received a large assortment of Pyralan Ivory. Dixon, Tho Jcwolor. The coming marrluge of Miss Irma Johnston to Vornon Lumford has boon announced by Mr. and Mrs. Lochlol Johnston. Tho wedding will take place at tho home of the bride on Oct. 12th. Jortaln light rays, called boat rayi and ultraviolet rays aro Injurious to tho eyes. Wo now havo a wonderful new glnss that cuts off theso harm ful rays. DIt. ' McltHYNOLDS. 75-3 V. F. Dowllng, of gcottsbluff, slate flro inspector, Is in tho city 'making Ivpection f a chools, ch ireliU, hotols and other public buildings as wall as business houses nnd homos. Ills report Is mado to tho Stnto Fire Commission at Lincoln. Tho car bolonglng to Clyds dim ming, which was stolon a few" days ago, has beon recovered according to a lettor received by Mr. dimming from the Shorlff of Carrol County, la. Tho car had been loft along the road. Mr. Camming will leave In a few days to drive his car back. for the First National. kHsUA&AMi These are my Stars Now! "of them Ins personally" joined hands me to fight for the. freedom. oMhe (Town). filg Eastern'monled interests have threatened to come into (Town) and buy a theatre or build one, in which to give you trust-made pictures. Those intcrcsTs have tried to per suade these stars now my partners-to stop their worlc as independents, as free-acting artists, as maker's of big, independent special pictures and go to work for them. The would-be trust finds it too costly to keep pace with the wonderful work of these artists, who reckon neither time, money or effort in malt ing their work the very best In motion pictures. These stars are determined to continue their work, free from dictation, free from yard-stick regulation, free from time-clock limitations on the expressions of their genius, free to spend whatever money is needed to make their pic tures the best you will find wherever you go. They stand irrevocably for the freedom of the screen, for theatres where you can go assured tijat your motion picture entertainment will be Art, and not sotted with subtle trust-inspired themes, .the stories couched in drama and comedy, hiding efforts to win your favor by Future productions made by these artists for Associated First National Pictures, Ihc will, through my franchise in that. concern he shown exclusively (at THE SUN ' Aft' K iJftl dt ' il Jfc AR M A A'M'Ai'tt'Ia' rvn m w-. m s-m m n m r irv m m m. it JUMOJt CLASS OllCr.UfiZEI) AT CESTJIAIj HIGH SCHOOL. Tlio,, Junior Clnss, comprising the studqnts f tho eleventh grade of Control High School, began the or ganization of tholr class for student activities, on Wodnosdny by olecting Donald Yost as ProsldenL Miss Mabol Carter, who wag Junior Class, advisor last yoar was again elected to this (position on account of her success with tho last Junior-Senior Banquet. Other officers will bo elected later. THi: W. 0. T. U. " WILL HOLD A .MKETIXG M3XT TUKSDAY. The regular monthly mooting of tho W. C. T. U. will bo hold next Tuosdny afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. It. L. Murdock, 214 So. Maplo. All members' aro urged to be presont and bring the duos for noxt year. Im portant buslnoss will be taken up. Mrs. Mills will be assistant hostess and lunch will be served. ::o::-. DAl'GHTKItS OF THIS AMMH'AX HKV0LUTIOX WILL MEET y , 3U)M)AY. The first mooting of tho Daughters of the American Revolution will be hold at the home of Mrs. L. It. Duke, S02 E. Fifth, Monday Oct. 4. Tho program will Include a Discussion of the YoarVWork by Mrs. Hlnmatv He port of Pilgrim Pageant by Mrs. Spencer and Roll Cnjl -tho Thirteen Colonics and their Settlement. All members ;irf expected. ASSOCIATED FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES, Inc., U a nation-wide organization of independent theatre owner who fatter the production of finer photoplay $ and who are devoted to the conttant better ntnt of screen entertainment, propaganda! fori the machinations of other trusts.f --- .. To that end they have become my partners to preserve the freedom of the screen in (Town).l . -m, , V V, Together we'are going to' give you the finest motion picture entertainment you have ever, seen. They are going to make the pictures as independents, as free-acting artists, and I' am going to present them exclusively in (Town) as an independent, trust-free home town theatre owner. e Through 'Associated First National Pictures, Inc., each of these stars and directors lias made a long term contract with me whereby you will see their great masterpieces exclusively at the (Theatre). My business is here, my interests are here, my' theatre is strictly a home town affair. I an free to contract for other great pictures, made by capable independent stajs and producers.' My field of search for the best in screen enter tainment is the world. The only pictures I cannot show you are those made, by the trust to present in trust-owned theatres, bought or built with money gambled a thousand miles from here on the chance that you will support them in (Town) instead of your home town,' strictly local, absolutely independent theatre. THEATRE i Charles EiTl' M'l' MIA'M.'H'M'A'lliJsl ' Ju'JFV A ID jtv s-mK .-tj Vf -v m v-- rmr j-.-. " ' " - N LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. I. C. Vanllouson loft Thursday for- Koarney. Mrs. N. G. Nolven loft yesterday for a short visit In Taxton. Fancy Lining Silks nnd Cottons nt Wilcox Department Storo. W. J. Lunger, of Koarnoy, is a visitor In the city this week. Tho North Side Library will' be oponed today at tho Lincoln School. Goorgo Ratio loft yostorday for May wood whoro he will attend tho Fair. ' C. H. Backors left tho first of tho week on a buslnoss trip to Lewellen. Mrs. E. N. McNamar, of Paxton, was a buslnoss visitor In the city yostor day. Mrs. M. A. Wlsomlllor, o- Suther land was a business visitor' In the city yostorday. Sadlo Urannnn of this city left yes terday for Bird City, Kansas to visit for sovernl days. A now Gruon Verlthln watch just rocolved at pixon's Is creating much Interest, 1 Mrs. O. II. Aufdonfarton, of Ogalal ln, was a business visitor In tho city tho first of the week. . , Mrs. Anna Church is substituting at the library in place of Miss Murphy who Is at the North Side Library for this ,week. Best Grade Union Mado Overalls, either high or low back, jackets to match, ?2.75 nt WILCOX DEPART MENT STORE. Anita ik .k'QOjeJ . Barry rrior.el Miss Ermn Johnston has resigned her position with tho DIx6n Jowelcry Storo. Her position has been filled by Miss Gertrudo Arnold. ' Albrccht Furs, tho reliable kind at Wilcox Department Store. Tho monthly meeting of tho W. II. a will be hld at the I. O. O. F. hall., There will Initiation nnd all mem bers aro requested to bo present. 0. R. Robinson presented the city library with two copies of Foch's Copy of tho Landing of tho American Sol diers In Franco nnd a fow of tho most Important battles. Crystal, Saturday and Monday. ROY STEWART r EN "The Devil Dodger" Sunshine comedy MARY'S LOBSTER. m IE IE m m & m EJC m & m m m 5dR Hi m m Stewart Bi m