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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1920)
V SCRAPPLE. ' A Column of Nonsense. WILSON TOUT, Editor and Publisher. 1 Tho other day as wo woro going , , ,. . over to Dlckoy's Laundry to get our SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: clean shirts, a man stopped us to ask Our Yrnr, In ndvnncc .'..$2.00, us how we liked the fair. We told him we llkod It pretty Well and naked h,titor(l at tho North Platte. Nebraska him how ho llkod It. Ho said he liked '411 but tho races and that It seemed a h tun o to burn up go much gasoline I'otrtofflao a Second Class Matter. TI'KSDA V, SKPTEJIJUIR SSlli, 1020. whon It wn ho high. Wo talkod a little moro and thon wont on to gat our shirts but wo got to thinking what a sliamo it was to burn up nil of that gasoline Wo decided to go ovor and talk It over with Ed Davis so wo wont. Ed wasn't in tho store but a EDITORIAL. There mouir to be somo dissatisfac tion with tho County Pair this year at least wo hoard one man on the strset say It was no good. Wo havo fr)on(i ot j,jg from Indiana was there ln wondering If othors thought this pnd l0 anti Ed would bo back In a way and what this man and others j mint0 as ho had Just gone ovor to vould suggost to Jmprovo tho Fair. mvwt Gnrngo to buy a Nash Car W would Jjo glad to hear from any for IlIg wifc So wo thought wo would of our subscribers and to recolvo sug- walt. E(j.s Indiana frlond was a real geitlons as to how tho Lincoln County co ,rmn to taik to lind nftor wo md Fair can bo improved another year. vIhIIc(1 n whlIo wo toI(1 hIm what a Too much crcdYcTnnot ho given the shn,no lC was to burn UP 80 much men who give freely of'thelr time and , B00(1 swollno at tho fair whon nearly talent In tho preparing of exhibits ! ovoryono know Just how It would come for the Slato and County Fairs. This 01,1 nB wo11 ,,oforo tho raco n8 att01" yer a group ot men headed by E, A. 'arrt- Hc sald hc "ckoncd It was Olfeon. prepared an exhibit for tho 11,0 flrBt raco 1,0 ovor saw botwoen 80 state fair that took ovor fifty prizes. ' ,nany "Mobiles and that it was The prizo money about paid tho ox-roal frosting to him, not knowing ponso of transportation. Tho adver- an' ot t,,c' partIcs who sleorci1 1,10 Using which Lincoln County gets from' cnrB- Tho'1 wo told h,m abot Kln& such an exhibition Is of so much valuo n,1,,oy and ,I0W wo had bocn UP to that it should bo looked after ovory 9,l,0sh at a Teacher's Institute onco your very carefully and It would bo "m1 t,loy took 1,8 a11 out t0 11,0 can" na moro than right If tho men who yom lo a p,cnlc and llow wc rode prepare and take caro of tho exhibit 1 Rll"eys car and Wont on two wheels woro paid what it is worth. Thanks, ,n0Ht of 1,10 timo nnd ro tho fl"t Mr. Olson, as you havo thanked your ones back and thcn wo tW him about assistants. 1,10 raccs for sovoral years back and inRN'"'' , 'tow hopeful somo people woro ovory Tho Chambor of Commerce has ro-, year that a bcttor stecror would bo ceived a special invitation to sond a found t,mn Hbilcy and how ovory delegation to tho Southwest Nebraska . 'oar u was tho samo caso around tho rUHtrlct F..!r rt Mnywood. Thoy havo Want Ads Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. Bit. C. E. McREYNOLDS, 8 Friday October 1st, as North Platlo day. Tho Board of Directors of tho Qhambor of Commerco will net on tho matter this ovcnlng. The Tribune may nty bo In a position to havo an in telligent opinion on the subjoct but It would seem to us that a closer ac quaintance between th people of Frontier County and tho people of Lincoln County would be highly do slrablo and that such a delegation from North Platte would bo one way ot securing this close relationship. Wo know that It at all possible, tho North Platte Chamber ot Commerco will plan this trip and go In a body. : :o: : Tho Roxnll handloH tho goods 14(f track with Khlloy In the lead and tho othors following. Tho Indiana man llstoncd to us as though ho had an Idea and whon wo stopped ho sat and thought n little spell and then ho said roal dry like "Why not tlo a ropo on tho hind end of Rhlloy's car and tlo It to tho other cars and lot him pull them round nnd so savo gasollno?" Ed hadn't come yet so wo thought wo had bettor go so wo went nnd -now, wo Know Don't fall to read tho WALKER MUSIC CO. Advertisement. To whom are von eolnjr to Sell voui Hay, nnd Ornln' The Hnrrlnirton AW ..r' V p0 vlt offer tho highest urlcen 6411 r " Crystal, Tonight and Wednesday. PAULINE FREDERICK IN "The Woman in Room 13" The terrible crisis in a woman's life Her honor dearer than her life. Her husbandV life dearer than her honor. ' A thrilling drama wherein tho souls of women are tried by the fins of men. SPECIAL COMEDY TONIGHT. Found Ladlos' pocket book. Call nt Trlbuno. Wanted Clonn rags good price. Trlbuno Office. Lost One small black and tan set tor bitch. Reward. Phono CGOJ. l'or Sale Buick Uondstcr, 1918 model $450.00. Phono 244. l'or Sale Cabbage and tomatoes at the farm. Roy R. Spurrier, Route 1. l'or Rent Room In all modern home for one or two people. Tel. 830J. For Sale Late model Dodge Tour ing car In first class condition with oxtras. 419 W. Fifth St. For Sale Pigeons All varieties, shapos, slzos, colors, and prices. -Harrison Tout Tribune Wanted -Two tons loose alfalfa would profer hay out of tho windrow. Phono 310J. Wanted Reed baby buggy, must be in good condition. II. II. J. Caro of Tribune. For Sale 1 nolo Mona Rnngo, AI condition. '?25.00. 904 West Cth. St. W. II. B,laloclc. For Sale Special for Saturday. RIpo tomatoes $1.75 a bushel nt tho fam. Doolittc. host Tuesday night, a bright bay pony 'with bobbed tall and mane. Call tit 1203 North Locust. For Snlc A few Duroc male pigs. Inqulro N. N. Pettltt, -1 miles west of Digncll. 71-4 One Jersey cow or calf for salo or trado on Ford car. Phono 719W. or call at 1003 W. 8th. For Rent Two( strictly modem, stenm heated rooms for gentlemen. Thono G51W. To Trade I want to trade hoars with someone who hit Hampshire hogs. L. E. Ebrlght. For Sn'e Lato model Dodge touring car In good condition with extra equipment 410 W. 5th. For Ron) furnished or unfurnished all modern house. Call at 1315 West' Cth or Phone 947J. For Side: Electric washing machine? kitchen cabinet, hard coal heater and an oil stove. Inqulro G04 East Cth. St. Wanted Girls for nurso training; $35 per month with board and room Apply at General Hospital, City. 4Gtf Found Ladles pocltet book. Owner may have samo by identifying it. Call Tribune. Wanted Extra carpenters at onco to work on Aeroplane Hangar. Phone or see J. E. Sebastian. Wanted Experienced girl for Gen eral housework. Mrs. J. S. Twlnem, Phono 283. 71tf Wanted A compotent girl. Good wages and permanent place. Apply Mrs. T. C. Patterson 515 West 1th St. For Sale Section of good land in McPhcrsqn Co. $22.50 -por ncre. Reas onable terms can .be mndo. Box 21G Xorth Platto. Specialist. Eye. Ear, Noso nnd Throat. General Fnrm Sales A Spcclnlly, also , 0ffIco r Roxnll Drug Store. Jtcnl Estate. Itcfcrcnccs nnd Dnlcs Phono 118. Firs! Nntlonnl Bnnk. : : - JOHN S. SDIMS, M. I). Res. 100 Enst 3rd St. Phono 912 Special Attention Given to Surjrerv .McDonald Ilnnk DiilldJng on thclst day of October, 1921 and on tho 1st day of April and tho ltjt day of October of each and overy yoar thereafter until all of tho interest on snid bonds shall havo boon paid, and to lovy a tax In'tho year 1921 arfd oach and evory year thereafter suffkJ- j lent, to pay tho interest and tho prin cipal of said bonds as thoy becomo duo until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of tho principal and interest of said bonds, such tax both for prin cipal and intorost to be levied upon all ot tho taxablo property In tho city HIDES, FURS AND Wfi Want these. Qice l'hono S3 Residence Hi j of North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne- Big Price for Cost Iron. No market for hones at present. L.LIPSfflTZ. FARM LOANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building i.t 1 Dr. W. I. SHAFFER it is V....... it tt i.t it it it it it ts it it CATARRHAL DEAFNESS ft it it it is :.: :.: Osteopathic Physician HAY FEVER AND OASIS BUILDING North Platto, Nebr. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (incorporated) One Halt Block Nortb ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. I). V. Lucas. M. D. J. B. Redfielil. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Extension Kond Jt'o. 11. To whom it may concern : Tho Special Commissioner appointed to locate a road follows: Common ing at Station 11 of ltoad No. 11 in tho NWASW of Sec. 4 T. 14 N. P.. 30 W of Cth P. AI. and running tnonco in a northeasterly, northerly nd northwesterly direction through tho NWiiSWtt of said Sec. 4, thence though the SESWJ4 and the West Vi West of Sec. 33 T. 15 N. R. 30 W. thenco to tho NV corner of said Sec. 33, thenco north on lino between Sees. 28 and 29 about 3-4 of a mllo, thenco through tho NWNW of Sec. 28 and through tho west half SW4 ot of Sec. 21 to tho Sec. corner of Sec. 28 and through tho west half SW of Sec. 21 to tho 4 Sec. corner be tween soctlons 20 and 21, thenco north on line between Sees. 20 and 21 and 1G and 17 to a point about 34 chains north of the corner to Sees. 20, 21, 1G & 17, and thenco through tho west 1id'? of west half of Sec. 1G and the SW'iSWM of Sec. 9 to a point 20 chains north of Corner to Sees. 8, 9, 1G, 17, thenco north on lino between Sees. 8 & 9 about 34 chains, thenco through tho NE& of Sec 8 to tho 4 Sec. corner between Sees. C & 8, thenco north as near as practicable on the center lino of Sec. 5 T. 15 N. R. 30 W. nd Sec. 32 T. 1G N. It. 30 W., thenco through tho SWJi of Sec 29 to tho 14 Sec corner, between Sees. 28 & 2P T. 1G N. R. 30. W. thenco North on Sec lino between Sees. 23 n 1 "9, and 20 & 21 one and mllos t iho NW cor ner of said Sec. 28, has reported in favor of the establishment of the samo Anyono havo claims for damages or objections thereto by reason of the establishment of the above road must file, samo In tho office of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 20th day of November, 1920. Dated at North Platte. Nebr.. this 3rd day of Sept. 1920. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. Tho undorslgned will soil iit Public Auction 5 miles west o North Platte, Thursday, Sept. SO, '20 commencing at4 o'clpck, tho following property consisting ot 41 Head of Cattle Consisting of calves, yearlings nnd cows. Six ot thoso arc good milk cows. Wo will alsb soil 3 bulls, 2 good Shorthorn yoarllngs and ono 3-year-old Horoford bull, pedigreed, 8 Head of Horses O110 team geldings 8 and 9 years old, wt 2800, this is a real boot toam; groy horso 4 yrs. old, wt. 1200 j grey maro 3 yrs. old, wt. 1100, colt by Bldo; black maro G yrs. old, wt 1C00, mule colt by sldo; black maro 9 years old, wt. 11G0, and 1 team ot horses. STOCK HOGS AND ONE SPMNG UOAlt. T). HAROLD FENNEIt Osteopath Over Hlrschf old's Office Phone 333 lies. Phone 1020 braska." Thoso voting against tho Issuing of said bonds shall mark their ballot with an "X" opposlto tho words 'AGAINST issuing Fifty Thousand and no-100" ($50,000.00) of tho City of . North Platto Water Works Im provement Bonds in donominationa ot Ono Thousand and no-100 ($1,000.00) each, bearing Interest at the rato of G per annum, payablo semi-annual ly, lnterost and principal payablo at the office of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, State of Nobraska, said bonds to bear date of October 1, 1920 and tho intorost on said bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and tho 1st day of October, ,1921 and on tho 1st day of April and on tho 1st day of October of oach and overy year thereafter until all of tho interest on said bonds shall havo been paid and tho lovy of a tax In tho year 1921 and each and overy year there after sufficient to pay tho interest and principal of said bonds as they be como due, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of tho principal and interest of said bonds, such tax both for Jhe principal and interest to bo levied upon all of tho taxable property In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska." Dated September 13th, 1920. O. E ELDER, City Clerk. Farm Machinery, Etc. 3 sots of hnrnoss, 2 heavy sots of breeching Concord harnoiur 1 inch nnd IVi inch, top buggy, low running goar wagon, Domo oronm soparntor, and other things too numerous to mention. Thoro will nlso bo sold 20 ncrog of boot tops. ntEE LUNCH AT 12:30 TERMS OV SALE: All sums undor $20 cash; on sums ovor $20 i) months time will bo given on bankable papor bearing 10 por cont intorost from dato of salo, No proporty to bo romovod until settled for, cTj. LANDH0LM, 0wner C0L."l!.3r. J0JIAN8EN, Auctioneer F. C. 1'IELSTICKKIl, Clerk Lost Tire 34x4 on Baker rim be tween No. Platto and Trydn Sunday. Finder return to 009 W. Sixth and recelvo reward. l'or Snlc Liberty Inn kitchen and dining room furniture and fixtures ask for C. G. Gennnn at Liberty Inn. 72tf For Sale: Ono "Cable & Son" Square liuno; also "Round Oak" heating stovo No. 18, and ono "Dorby Oak" beating stovo No. 15. Call 390W. Lost An auto and Railroad map with somo itemized accounts. Return to J. W. LoMaBters and take con sequences. N 73tf tlnn Agency. For Sale Now five room bungalow, all modern with four lots, all fonced nnd a garage. Just outsldo of city limits on East 4th. Priced right for quick salo. Phono 10S1J. For Snlc Storo Jlxturos, flvo floor show enses, flvo lG-foot wall cases, ono ribbon case, ono threat cabinet. 1 two lG-foot counters, ono Elliott but- I ton fnstoning machine. NELSON fk I CO. 717 No. Locust. ! For Snlc All modern homo built' for owner's homo. Eight rooms and j bath, oak floors, full basement, double garage, all new. On account of money condition will sell at a bargain if sold soon. Call at S01 E. 3rd St.. North Platto. For Sale or Will Trade partly for City proporty that is clear and worth tho money: Six hundred ami forty acres ot land In MoPlforson County. Lund Is nil fenced and cross fonced. DTIS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors ij, 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phono 124 Extension Kond No. 107. To whom it may concern: Tho special commissioner appointea to locate a road as follows: Commencing at a point on the sec tion line between sections nine (9) and section sixteen (16) where the public road number 11 intersects said section line, running thenco west on section lino between sections nine CO) and sixteen (1G) and pectlons (8) eight and seventeen (17) to an inter section wit., road No. 78, all ..1 township 14. ranee 30. Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska, ' has reported in favor of tho samo as follows: providing t-at tho land owner's along said route, give tho right of way free of charge, ana without claim for damages from Lin coln County. Any one having claims for damages or objections to tho said road must file them in tho office of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County. Nebraska, on or before 12 oclock noon of 9th day of November, 1920. Dated at North Platto. Nobr., this 30th day of August, 1920. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. G7 5vks (SEAL) 1 . GEO. B. DENT, Physician nnd Surgeon. Special Attoutlon Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics. Offlco: Building & Loan Bulldln? Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 116 DR. ItEDFIELD Pliy.siolmi. Obstetrlctan Surireon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Dnj Phone Office (112 Residence G7G Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building DBBBYBERUI & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black &88 T. l'RITCIIARl), (Jruduate Votorlnnrlnn Bx-Goverument Veterinarian and ex- assistant doputy State Vetorinnrlan Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black 633 NoUco of Election. NotlCO is herobv .!von tn thn olnr- tors of tho City of Vorti; Platte, Ne braska, that tho Mayor and City Coun cil of tho City of North Platto, Ne braska, havo provided by ordinance for tho submission to a direct voto of tho voters of tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, tho following proposition: An ordinanco providing for tho sub mitting to tho voters of the City of North Platte In tho County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska the following question: "Shall the City of North Platto in Lincoln County, State of No braska, issuo its North Platte Fire House extension bonds in tho sum of Ton Thousand & no-100 ($10,000.00) for tho purpose of raising money for tho building of an extension to the Firo House of tho City of North Platte and for equipping the samo in accor dance with tho plans, specifications, and estimates on fllo with the City Clerk and to provide for levying and collecting by tho proper officers a tax annually to pay the interest and prin cipal of said bonds as thoy mature." And by virtue of the power in me vested I hereby call an election on said ordinanco so submitted to be held in tho City of North Platte, Nebraska on the. 19th day of October, 1920. The voting places of said election shall be ns follows: The 1st ward at the A. N. Durbln Garage at the intersections of 5th and Dewey Streets; the 2nd ward at the County Court House; the 3rd wnrd at the Fire Station and the 4th ward at tno North Platto Euick Garage. Tho polls to be opened at 8 o'clock In the morning and to remain open until 8 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Those voting In favor of said ordin-i anco shall mark their ballots with an "X" opposlto tho word "FOR" is suing Ten Thousand & no-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars of tho "City of North Platto Firo House Extension Bonds,? In denominations of ono thousand & no-100 ($1000.00) Dollars, each bearing interest at the rato of six per cont per annum, payablo semi-annually lnterost and principal payable at tho office of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, State ot Nebraska. Said bonds to bear date of October 1, 1920 and tho interest on said bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st day ot April, 1921 nnd on tho 1st day of October, 1921 nnd on tho 1st day of April and the 1st day of October of each and overy year thereafter, until all of the Interest on said bonds shall have bocn paid; to levy a tax In tho year 1921 and each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay tho Intorost and prin cipal of said bonds as thoy bocomo due, until sufficient tax lias boon lev ied to pay all of the principal and Interest of said bonds, such tax both for principal and Interest to bo loried upon all of tho taxablo proporty In said City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Stato ot Nebraska. Thoso voting against shall mark their ballot with an "X" in the par agraph beginning with tho word " AGAINST!" Issuing Ton Thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars of tho "City of North Platto Firo House Extonsior Bonds" In denomination of Ono Thous- N'otlco of Final Report. Estnto No. 16G7 of Cyrus C. Parsons Twenty-four mllos north-wost of Suth- uocensoU In tho County Court ot Lin , erland. Good six room cotnont house. col WitY, Nobraska. M ,,, ,.,.., The Stato qf Nobraska, to all per "m,B- uuu '. u...h.iiiuh 8ons interests n saia Estate take mii, umvni'ii iHJiiou mm jtiuiiiiiy. nouco iunt tiro AumiiUBtrntrlx lias Tolephono In house, two mllos from a Mod 11 mm account and roport of hor school, mall route-bv tho door. Prleo 1 administration nnd n potltlon for final iift.. 111 ,, , sottlomont and dlschargo ns such, do- llftoeu dollars an acre. Address: Anna termination of heirship and decree of L Mock. 1021 W. 10th. North Platte. I distribution, which havo boon sot for N'obrnskn. . hearing before said court on Octobo ::o;;. , '24, 1920, a 9 o'clock a. m., when you Mrs. Ida J. .Wright, of Charlotte, "iny npponr and contest tho samo. Notice oi Election. Notice is hereby given to the elec tors of tho City of North Platte, Ne braska, that tho mayor and city coun cil of the City of North Platto, Ne braska, have provided by ordinance for the submission to n direct vote of tho voters of the City of North Platte, Nobraska, tho' following proposition: An ordinance providing for tho sub mitting to tho electors of tho City of North Platte in tho County of Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska, tho following ques tion to-wlt: "Shall tho City of North Platto in Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska issuo its City of North Platto Water Works Improvement Bonds In tho sum of Fifty Thousand & no-100 ($50,000.00) Dollars for tho purpose of raising money for tho Improving, extending and maintaining tho Water Works of said City and tho building and constructing of additional well or wells, pump houses and installing pumps nnd motors and extending re laying nnd enlarging watjr mains in said City in accordanco with tho plans and specifications and estimates on fllo with tho City Clerk ami to provide for the lovylng and collecting by tho proper offlcors a tax annually, to pay Interest and principal ot said bonds as thoy mature." And by virtue of tho power In ino vested I hereby call an election on said ordinanco so submit ted to bo hold in tho City of North Platte, Nobraska, on tho 19th day of Octootr, 1920. Tho votin- plnces of ! and & 00-100 ($1000.00) Dollnrs. each said oloction shall bo as f s: Tho 1st ward at the A. N. Durbt.i larago at tho Intersection of Cth and Dowoy Stroots; tho 2nd ward at tho County Court Houso; tho 3rd ward at the Fire Station and tho 4th ward at tho North Platto Bulck Garago. Tho polls to bo open at 8 o'clock In tho morning and to remain open until S o'clock In tho afternoon of said day. Thoso voting in favor ot tho adop tion of snid ordinanco shall mark their ballot with an "X" opposlto tho words Dated Sept. 10th, 1920. Wm tt n wnnnntmcT daughter Mrs. Clyde Chappell. S21-3wks ' ' County Judgo Michigan, enmo Saturday to visit her bearing Interest at tho rnto of six por cent por annum, payable semi-annually, Intorost and principal payablo at the Office of tho County Treasuror of Lincoln County, State of Nobraska Said bonds to bear dato of Octobor 1st. 1920 and tho interest on said lonrts to bo payablo on thost dny of April, 1921 and on tho 1st day of Octobor. 1921. and on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October of oach and every yoar thoreaftor until all of thr Intorost on saidjtonds shall have bean "Fr ! .suing FJfty Thousand & no-100 j paid; to lovy a tax In tho yoar 1921 ($50,000.00) Dollars of tho City ofi and onrh and every yoar thereafter North Platto Wator Works Imp' ovo-, sufficient to pay tho intorost and crin- mont Bonds in denominations of One Thousand & no-100 ($1,000.00) oach bonrlng Intorost at tho rato of 6 por annum, payablo soml-annually Interest and principal payablo at tho offlco of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, State of Nobraska, said bonds to bonr date of October 1st, 1920, and tho lnterost of said bonds to bo pay able on the 1st day of April, 1921 and clpal of snid bonds ns thoy become Hup until sufficient tax has boon levied tn pay all of tho principal and Intorrst of said bonds, such tax both for principal nnd interest to bo levied upon all of tho tnxnblo proporty In said Cltv of North Platto. Lincoln County, state if Nobrnskn. Dated noptembor 18tli. 1920. O. E. ELDER. City Clerk