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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1920)
I 1 IExp er ' Her( 0 A specialist from Chicago B loaned to this store by j J Dr.Wm. M. SchoII OM the reconlzedfootauthority, is jH Te$f If the New Edison can make you feel the same emotions as can the living artist it proves itself the musical equal of the living artist, doesn't it? , Come in and see whether it can do this. We'll give you Mr. Edison's Realism Test the most fascinating of phonograph experiences. HARRY DIXON, - Dealer. ORGANIZED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES JUNE30J920, $1,329,175.53. Installment Stock Tlio installment stock of this association is issued in shares of $200.00 each and may bo subscribed for at any timo upon tbo payment of 25 cents per share entry feo and a monthly payment of $1.00. This stock earns divi dends of eight per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually and matures in 128 months. ThiB maturity is ef fected by adding to the $128.00 paid by the investor, $72.00 to cover the earned dividends for that period. $10.00 per month so invested will yield In 128 months $2000.00. $10.00 per month so Invested will yield In 256 months $6000.00. T. C. PATTERSON, HUSSIE F. SALISBURY, rrosldont, Sccrolnry. 8 I if if i.t it j.i t j': a .. fheNewEdion i.t i.t :.t i.t i.t It J.t j.: j.t B j.t j.t J.t jt MAKING WAR ON DISEASEMENACE American Red Cross Announces Budget of $48,200,000 For Current Year. NEW DISASTER RELIEF PLAN Continuance of Hoavy Work Abroad Deemed Necessary to Protect United States $21,000,000 Lesa Than Last Year. A program of relief and service to ward which appropriations of $18, 200,000 lmvo been made has been out' lined for the American Red Cross for tho fiscal year, July 1, 1020, to July 1, 1021, according to official announce ment by national headquarters of the organization at Washington. The fig ures for 1020-21 are $21,000,000 below those of 1010-20, In which $G9,400,000 was spent. Important among the items of the budget for the present year Is the ap propriation of $31,500,000 for relief In foreign lands, which Includes $11,000, 000 In purchased supplies on hand and not distributed. Must Protect United States. This will enable the American Red Gross to continue Its humanitarian ef fort to aid stricken peoples to re-establish themselves, to fight the disease epi demics which threaten many countries and to efface largely tho remaining traces of the blight left by the World War. It Is regarded as social as well as physical sanitation on a large scale that will have a direct bearing on fu ture conditions In America. Central Europe, tho chief sufferer from tho conflict, today Is facing an other winter of famine, pestilence and ,ruln. Typhus decreased much during the summer months where last winter It had Us greatest stronghold, but phy sicians who Investigated the sltuntlon at the behest of the League of Red Cross Societies have given their un qualified opinion that this coming win ter will see a recurrence on an un precedented scale. The Red Cross feels It must continue preventive meas ures abroad to Lcep this and other deadly maladies from the United States. Millions for Work at Home. When the disease was sweeping Cen tral Europe last winter the American Red Cross, with the nld of the govern ments of afflicted nations, undertook the fight against It. Hospitals wero estab lished wherever possible and food and clothing were distributed to the un dernourished populations, who by rea son of their undernourishment were easy prey to tho epidemics. Where' disorganization contributed last year to the great Inroads made by the dis ease, by virtue of lt3 knowledge of the disease and the presence of well es tablished hospital centers, the Ameri can Red Cross this year will undertake the work with a new confidence. Including the total of $11,000,000 in supplies left from the last fiscal year, the $31,500,000 Is $21,000,000 less than tho expenditures for 1010-20. Appropriations for domestic activi ties total $10,700,000. The largest Item of this "home" budget Is $7,800,000 for civilian relief work. This Includes service and as sistance for families of soldiers, sail ors and marines, and work Incidental to disaster. Of the total appropria tion for civilian relief, $5,000,000 Is held In reserve for tho carrying out of actual disaster relief. Reduced Overhead Expense. The Red Cross Invariably Is the first thought of a community visited by ca lamity With this In mind, It was de termined by the Executive Committee In preparing the budget of 1010-20 to have n fixed reserve fund from which to draw in these Instances. For assistance to soldiers, sailors and marines In hospitals and In camps this year $1,900,000 has been set aside. Four million two hundred thousand dollars has been appropriated for Im provement of health and prevention of disease throughout the United States during tho current twelve months. The Red Cross Is co-operating fully with the United States Health Service In this work and through Its Junior Red Cross Is doing much to spread among children tho principles of sanitation. An appropriation of $1, 000,000 has been mnde for developing the peace tlmo program of the Red Gross by service to Its chapters In all regions. The appropriation of $48,200,000 Is exclusive of tho local expenditures of the 8,000 or more chapters. Administration cxponses this year will bo $1,800,000. Last year they were $2,300,000. D on9t Wait for workers to como nnd ask you for n renewal of your member ship. Send In your dollar to tho nearest locul chapter of the American Red Cross. Welcome the opportunity nnd privilege of repledglng your fellowship by promptly answering tho Fourth Roll Call Novembtr II 25, 1920 i I THE AMERICAN 5 RED CROSS IN, i eacniny nrjimu f Every person mentally nnu pnystcm ly able to do so should tako tho Ameri can Red Cross Instruction In First Aid Treatment. It's a life-saver and a pain-saver on the farm, In the factory, on the street, at the office. In tho home, wherever nccldents may occur. Hero's a young wife who Inexpertly wielded a can-opener and received an ugly gash across her wrist from tho Jagged can lid. Mother was there, however, with the First Aid kit and Red Cross Instruction, and probably prevented a case of blood poison by giving prompt and proper treatment before tho doctor arrived. Every day shows a beautiful display of diamonds in Dixon's windows. Something new always to show you at reasonable prices. THOSE WHO COME ONCE Always como back, especially when they desire something extra lino in tho way of food, sorvlco and surround ings. Wo only have to Induce peoplo to como hero once. They como again ofthelr own accord. Supporo you tost our sorvlco today and learn why this restaurant Is so poular. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE RICHI UGAI, Proprietor Opposite Union Pacific Depot Without a Doubt The Greatest Tailoring Value To Bo Had Fine All Wool Made to Measure Two Piece SUITS Special at Full Suits or Overcoats $40. Burke s Tailor Shop, bQbyi Dewey St. I'p Stairs. 5TJ m '36 When In North Platte stop at thr Now Hotel Palace nnd Cafe. You will muted well. 68tf Tho ltoxnll handles tho goods. 14M XOe do business z ffizs creed 'ctfhtisfac&on guaranteed? Our quality coal and our speedy, cleanly delivery will appeal to you. Our coal is carefully screened before it finds its way to your bin. It is guaranteed to give lasting heat satisfaction. i PUBLIC On account of poor health, I must leave my farm, so will sell all my personal property, at my place 9 miles north and 1 jnilo east o)t North Platte, one-half mile north of old Fred ,Uremer place, on Wednesday, Sept. 29th, 1920. COMMENCING AT 1:30 o'clock, P. M. 7 Head of Horses 7 Marc 11 years old, weight 1100 lbs.: maro 3 years old, wt. 4100 lbs.; bay gelding 8 years old, weight 1300 lbs.; bny gelding 3 years old, weight 1100 lbs.; bay mare and colt, 4 years old; bay saddle horse, weight 1000 lbs. Head o 2 good milk cows, 4 aud G years old, giving milk now; 2 i'ear old steer; heifer coming 2 years old; 5 months old calf. 7 HEAD OF HOGS, 1 SOW nnd 0 SH0ATS. ELIGIBLE TO HEGISTElt. 5 DOZEN CHICKENS. -. Farm Machinery Wagon 3-inch tiro; buggy; 5 passenger Brlsco Automobile; 2 Jones mowing machines: hay sweep; harrow; riding cultiva tor; hay rack; 2 sets of work harness; good set of driving harness; 2-horso powor gas engine; Delavnl separator; stool tank; pump jack; 18 tons of hay; 18 acres of corn in field; 20 rods of woven wiro: Victrola; wnlklng cultivators; other house hold goodB. TERMS of SALE: $10 and under cash; sums over $10, G months timo will bo given on bankable papor hearing 10 per cent Interest from date of sale. Xo property to bi 'ninved till settled for. E. A. LUCAS, Owner. CD KIEHIG, Auctioneer Tr wiiom ar yon going to sell your ta and iSnln? Tho Harrington Mr a -.... lo. will oITit Mi highest r-.t 64t! HORSES PASTURE Horses on pasture follow ing the working season should be given careful attention. With the grass dry and scarce they graze close to the ground picking up the larvae of worms: StockTonic Block contains ingredients that de stroy the worms and other beneficial jngrcdients that in sure vigorous health. We sell this product under a sixty-day guarantee. Your money back if it fails to please North Platte Feed Store, 702 No. Dewey. SALE Cattle 5 J HAY C. EANGFOHD, Clerk 4 I