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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1920)
COULDN'T WAIT FOR MARTIN Nearo Preacher Had Premonition That Unpleasantness MlQht Follow His Appearance. A negro preacher lost his wny one night nnd sought shelter, lie wns told (lint the only place nvnlhible wns a haunted house down the road. The preacher hnd his Bible with him; he went to the haunted house, built n fire In the big room and sat down to rend the good book. Suddenly n small blnck cnt brushed past him. "Isn't It nice," thought the old man. "that there Is life to keep mo com pnny hero In this gloomy place?" The cat walked over to the fireplace, nte a live coal nnd spat out the sparks. The old man opened the IHble and began to read aloud. Before be could go further another cat entered the room, u cat about as big as a collie, nnd this cnt walked over to the fire place and ate two live cojjls and spat out the sparks. "When are we g'wlne to begin?" said the little cat. "We can't do nothing till Martin comes," replied the big cat. Again the old preacher sought con solation In the Bible, but a third cat entered the room. This one was about as big as a pony, and It ate three live coals and spat out the sparks, "When nre we g'wlne to begin?" said the little cat, nnd this time the biggest one answered: "We can't do nothing till Martin comes." The old man Jumped up, put his Bi ble In his back pocket and ran for tho door. But before he went out he said to the blgtest cat: "When Martin comes, you tell him I was here, but I could not rcmnln." Journal of tho American Medical Assoclatlen. SYSTEM IN REGULAR SAVING Money Should Be Made Easy to De posit and Then Comparatively Hard to Withdraw. "The only way for u man regularly to save money, ULless he be one of those Individuals possessed of an ex traordinarily unrelenting character," according to Samuel Crowther, writing In System, tho Magazine of Business, "Is for the money to be passed Into tho savings account before it roaches him that Is, to put him In tin- position, once he has made his resolution, of hnvlng to make another resolution to quit saving in order to stop the process. "Finally, take the convenience of withdrawal. A man will rightly hesl tnte about going Into any system of saving wnlch locks up his funds for nny long period of time. The average worker has no great margin between Income and outgo and he has to be pre pared for a rainy day--for a birth, for n death, for a long Illness. lie cannot afford to put a measurable part of his funds out of reach. If his money is to go from him for a long time he very naturally will not deed away anything like so much as he would if the money were always available. On the other hand any system of saving in which withdrawals may be easily and secret ly made Is faulty. The funds should be nvnlhible upon short notice, there should be a penalty for withdrawal, which penalty should be large enough to stop withdrawals for frivolous pur poses and yet not so largo as to work anything which savors of Injustice on a mnn who honestly needs the money." Have the boy's or girl's eyes tested at once as there may be some strain that is holding them back in school. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at Public Auction 5 miles west of North Platte. Thursday, Sept. 30, '20 commencing at 1 o'clock, the following property consisting of 41 Head of Cattle Consisting of calves, yearlings and cows. Six of these are good milk cows. We will also sell 3 bulls, 2 good Shorthorn yearlings and one 3-year-old Hereford bull, pedigreed. 8 Head Qno team geldings 8 and 9 years old, wt 2800, this is a real beet team; grey horso 4 yrs. old, wt. 1200; grey maro 3 yrs. old, wt. 1100, colt by sldo; black maro 5 yrs. old, wt. 1500, mule colt by side; black mare 9 years old, wt. 1150, and 1 team of horses. SO JI K STOCK HOGS AND ONE SPRING BOAR. Farm Machinery, Etc. 3 sots of harness, 2 heavy sots of breeching Concord harnoss IV. inch and 1V1 inch, top buggy, low running gear wagon, Domo cream separator, and other things too numerous to mention There w ill also be sold 20 acre of beet tops. FREE LUNCH TERMS OF SALE: All sums under $20 cash; on sums over $20 (5 months time will bo given on bankablo paper bearing 10 per cent interest from date of sale. No proporty to bo removed until settled for. C. J. LANDH0LM, Owner. COL. II. 2H. JOHANSEN, Auctioneer F. (', P1ELSTICKEH, Clerk MORO A DANGEROUS FANATIC Believes Eternal Bliss to Be His If He Meets Death While Killing Christians. The psychology of Mohammedanism Is Incomprehensible to persons reared In the atmosphere and teachings of American Christianity. With us tho separation of church nnd state is ns much a mutter of course ns the air wo breathe. With us suicide is Immoral and tho killing of an unbeliever Is a crime punishable with death. The Mo hammedan lias no conception of ecclcsl astlcnl and state law. There Is only one law, the Koran ; and while In fact tho priest and the ruler may bo dif ferent persons, they are different only In n functional way, like a Judge and an executive In our government. Tho spiritual ruler is also temporal ruler, as wns Mohammed In his day. Tho killing of Christians Is n virtue that merits everlasting bliss in paradise. Tho martyrs of the early Christian church burned with no moro consum ing ardor than Uie humble, ignorant Mohammedan peasants who swear be fore the priest that they will go forth nnd devote their lives to killing Chris tians. Mohammedans who have sworn to kill Christians arc called In tho Philippines Juramentndos, from tho Spanish, meaning one who hns sworn or taken an onth. Up to u decade ago it was no uncommon occurrence In Jolo for a Moro fnnntlc to conceal his bolo knife, or krls, in a basket of fruit until ho had passed the guard at tho gate of the walled town, then draw his blade and cut right nnd left, killing man, woman or child, with perfect Impartiality, until a bullet from tho guard stopped his advance. It was this Indomitable will to kill that gave tho Christian Filipino his mortal fear I of tho Moro In times past. O. Garfield j Jones, In Asia. HAVE TO WAIT TO UNLOAD Shipping Congestion at London Docks Said to Be of an Extraordinary Character. A writer to the London Times de scribes the Victoria and Albert dockB at Tilbury as being "crowded to their fullest capacity with big ships," many of which "look absolutely dead for tho simple reason that they can not be un loaded because there Is nowhere to put their cargoes." Of ships carrying Australian meat It Is said to be "a common thing to wait anything up to n month for a berth and to lie another month tied up against the whnrf, un loading and reloading." Inelllciency of labor Is In a large degree responsible, for the nverage discharging output per shift of 13 men In a nine-hour day hns been reduced from' 100 to G3 tolls. The cause Is partly the los3 of many good men in the war, partly loafing on the Job to mnke work for as many men as possible. Congestion of the ports Is attributed to state control over essen tial Imports, to state control over rail- roads, and to reduction of the hours of ' labor. By these means the carrying i power (.f ships has been reduced nt least ". per cent below pre war stand ards. DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS DIAMONDS! Best lino ever plain or fancy mount ings. Wo have them at any prico you wish to pay and can Save you money your purchase. C. M. Austin, Jewel er. 722 ::o: Pall merchandise coming in dally and being shown in our same old loca tion. B. T. Tramp & Sons. Diamonds at the right prl:o at DIx oa's. Come in and wo will prove it. of Horses AT 12:!10 J. E. SEBASTIAN, Tho Old Lino Life- Man, lies. I'hono 1138. Ofilco Phono 12J Dr. L. J. KILAUSE, Dentist. JIc- Donald Hank Building, llonms 2 & 8. Phono 07. 42tf Catarrhal Deafness Osteopathic Physician Dr. W. I. SHAFFER OASIS DUILDING North PJatte, Nefar. FARM LOANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building ELECTRIC SERVICE PREST-O-LITE Storage Batteries Midway Motor Co. HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. We want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. No market for bones at present. L. LIPSHITZ. DR. J. S. TWINEM Medicine Surgery J.t 1 Obstetrics Hospital Facilities ; Platte Valley Hospital D,OCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and Smrgeem Office over Rexall Drug Stoie Office Phono 371. House 1068 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 8S IRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 0, 7 Bnlldlng & Loan Building. Offico Phono 70. Res. Phono 1243 GEO. B. DENT, Physician nnd Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offico 130, Residence 116 DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician Surtreon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Bay Phono Offico 012 Residence 07G Oflke phone 241. Kes. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. DIt. C. E. McREYNOLDS, Specialist. Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. Office over Rexall Drag Store. Phono 118. DERBYBKREX ft FORBES, Licensed Embameri Undertakers and Funeral Directors Bay phone 41 Night phono Black 688 W. T. PRITCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bx-Govcrnment Veterinarian and ox assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 815 South Vine Street. Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black 633 Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, nlgo Ileal Estate References nnd Dates First NnUonnl Bnnk. Res. 100 Knst 3rd St. Phono 012 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block Norlb ot Posloflicc. Phone 58 A modern institution for the eiantific treatment of medical, lurgieal and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories Staff: Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lncas, M. D. J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Bit, 1 1 Alt OLD FENNEIt Osteopath Over Illrschf old's Offico Phono 333 Rob. Phono 1020 Notice of Final Report. Estato No. 16G7 of Cyrus C. Parsons, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested In said Estato take notlco that tho Administratrix has filed n final account and report of her administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge ns such, de termination of heirship and decrco of distribution, which hnve been set for hearing before said court on Octobo 24, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. in., whon you may appear and contest tho same. Dated Sept. lGth, 1920. Wm. H. C. WOODIIURST, S21-3wks County Judge Notlco of Final Report. Estato No. 1748 of Mary Hansen, doceasod in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska to all per sons interested in said Estato tako notlco that tho Executrix has filed a final account and report of her ad ministration .and a petition for final settlement and dlschargo as such, for decreo of distribution nnd heirship, which alive been sot for hearing boforo said court on October 1, 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated Sept. 4, 1920. Wm. H. O. WOODIIURST, S7-3wk County Judge. Notlco for Publication. U. S. Land Offico at Broken Bow, Nebraska, August 19, 1920. Notlco Is hereby given that Clifford Andorson, of North Platto, Nobraska, who, on November 27, 1914, mado Homostoad entry, North Platto 0G193, Broken Bow No. 011848, to: EVa EVa. Section 10, Township 11 North, Range 29 'Vest, Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of lnteution to moko thrco-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above do3?rlhod, beforo Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, United States Com missioner, at North Platto, Nobraska, on tho 27th day of Soptombor, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Art Stewart, Fred Llttlo, John O. Nystrom and Vern Yanken, all of North Platto, Nobraska. MACK C. WARRINGTON, Register. Extension Bond No. 11. To whom it may concern : Tho Special Commissioner appointed to locato n road a follows: Common ing at Station 11 of Road No. 11 In tho NWVlSWVi of Sec. 4 T. 14 N. R. 30 W of 6th P. M. and running thenco in a northeasterly, northerly nd northwesterly direction through tho NWVi'SWVi of said Sec. 4, thenco though tho SEViSWVi and tho West Vs West of Sec. 33 T. 15 N. R. 30 W. thenco to tho NW corner of said Sec. 33, thenco north on lino botweon Sees. 28 and 29 about 3-4 of a mllo, thenco through tho NWV4NWV of Sec. 28 and through tho west half SWVi of of Sec. 21 to tho V4 Sec. corner of Sec. 28 and through tho west half SW Vi of Sec. 21 to tho VI Sec. cornor be tween sections 20 and 21, thenco north on lino between Sees. 20 and 21 and 1G and 17 to a point about 34 chains north of tho corner to Sees. 20, 21, 10 & 17, and thenco through the west half of west half of Sec. 1G and tho SWVJSWM of Sec. 9 to a point 20 chains north of Cornor to Sees. 8. 9, 1G, 17, thenco north on lino between Sees. 8 & 9 about 31 chains, thenco through tho NEVi of Sec 8 to tho VI Sec. cornor between Sees. 5 & 8, thenco north as near ns practicable on tho center lino of Sec. 5 T. 15 N. R. 30 W. nd Sec. 32 T. 1G N. R. 30 W., thonco through tho SWVi of Sec 29 to tho Vi Sec. corner, between Sees. 28 & 29 T. 1G N. R. 30. W. thonco North on Sea lino between Sees. 28 nd 29, and 20 & 21 ono and miles to tho NW cor nor of said Sec. 28. has reported In favor of tho establishment of tho game Anyone hnvo claims for damages or objections thereto by reason ot tho establishment of the nbovo road must filo same in tho offico of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nobraska. on or beforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 20th day of November, 1920. Datod at North Platto. Nobr.. this 3rd day of Sept. 1920. A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. Extension Bond No. 107. To whom It may concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locnto n road ns follows: Commencing at a point on tho sec tion lino between sections nlno (9) nnd section sixteen (1G) whero tho public road number 11 intorsocts said section lino, running thenco west on soctlon lino botweon sections nine (9) and slxteon (1G) and sections (8) eight nnd sovontoon (17) to an inter section wit., road No. 78, all i.i township 14, rnngo 30. Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska, has roportcd in favor ot tho samo ns follows: providing t-nt tho land ownors along said route glvo tho right of way froo of chargo, ana without claim for damages from Lin coln County. Any ono hnvlng claims for damages or objections to tho said road must file them in tho office ot Uio County Clerk of Lincoln County. Nobraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon ot 9th day of November, 1920. Dated at North Platto. Ncbr., this 30th day of August, 1920. A. S. ALLEN, County Cleric. G7 nwks (SEAL) Notice of Flnnl Report. Estato No. 17C0 of Mary Norrls, de ceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said Estato tako notice that tho Executor has filad n final account and roport of his ad m'n.stratidii and a petition for final settlement and dlscahrgo as such, which have boon set for hearing beforo said court on Oct. 1, 1920, at 9 o'clock n. m., when you may appear and con test tho same. Dated Sopt. 4th, 1920. Wm. II. C. WOODIIURST, S7-3w County Judge. NOTICE FOB BIBS. Sealed Bids will bo recolvod by the North Platto City Park Board at the offico of O. II. Thoolocko, 202Vs E. Front Strcot, North Platto, Neb., lip to 12 o'clock noonSopt ember 23, 1920, for tho construction oi lateral supply ditch from Lincoln Check on Platte Valley Irrigation Canal, 5200 feet to City dirt pit cast of Cemetery, also draluago lateral from said dirt pit 2400 feet to North Platto River, also excavating said dirt pit and construct ing cmbnnkmonts thereof, nil tho said work to bo in accordanco with plans and specifications thereof on illo and subject to Inspection of prospective blddors In the offico of tho said O. II. Thoolecke. Bids to be submitted separately on supply lateral, drainage lateral and construction of pool and embankments tho said City Park Board reserving the right to rojoct any and all bids. NORTH PLATTE CITY PARK BOARD. By O. H. THOELECKE, S10-17 Chalrmnn. Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notico is horoby given that bv vir tuo of a chattel mortgago oxecuted by B. E. Snyder on tho 2Gth day of Aug ust, 1918 on ono Overland Automobile No. 2158 Modol 79, having four cyclln- ders and being a five passenger car, oxecuted to Bert A. Noble and by said Bort A. Noble assigned to tho under signed. I will on the 9th day of Oct obor nt 11 o'clock A. M., 1920 on Fifth Street between Pino and Dowoy Streets in front of the Overland Garage- In North Platto offer for sale said above described automobile. Thero Is now due on said note securing said mort gage tho sum of $21G.80 and said mort gago is filed in tho office of the county clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho City of North Platte. "Dated Soptombor 14, 1920 THEO. V. BUSKIRK S14-4w Asslgneo of Mortgago and note Notice of Election. Notlco is hereby given to tho doc tors of tho City of North Platto, Ne braska, thnt the mnyor and city coun cil of the City ot North Platto, No braska. have provided by ordinance for tho submission to a direct voto of tho voters of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, tho following proposition: An ordlnnnco providing for tho sub mitting to tho olectors of tho City of North Platto in tho County of Lincoln, State of Nobraska, tho following ques tion to-wlt: "Shall tho City of North Platto In Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska issue its City of North Platto Water Works Improvement Bonds In tho sum of Fifty Thousnnd & no-100 ($50,000.00) Dollars for tho purpose of raising monoy for tho Improving, oxtondlng nnd maintaining tho Water Works of said City and tho building and constructing of additional well or wells, pump houses and installing pumps and motors and oxtondlng re laying and onlarging wnUr mains in said City In accordanco with tho plans and specifications and estimates on file with tho City Clork ami to provide for the lovying and collecting by tho proper officers a tax annually, to pay interest and principal ot said bonds as thoy mature." And by virtuo of the power in mo vested I heroby call an election on said ordinanco so submit ted to bo hold in tho City of North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 19th day of October, 1920. Tho votliv places of said election shall be as t ' 'vs: The 1st ward at tho A. N. Durlj. Garago at tho Intersection ot 5th nnd Dowoy Stroots; tho 2nd ward at tho County Court House; tho 3rd ward at the Fire Station and tho 4th ward at tho North Platto Bulck Garafev. Tho polls to bo open at S o'clock in tho morning nnd to romnln open until 8 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day. Thoso voting In favor of tho adop tlon of said ordinanco shall mnrk their ballot with an "X" opposlto tho words "For lsRiilng Fifty Thousand & no-100 ($50,090.00) Dollars of tho City of North Platto Water Works Improve ment Bonds In denominations of Ono Thousand & no-100 ($1,000.00) oach bearing Interest nt tho rato of 6 por annum, payablo Boml-annually Interest and principal payablo at tho offico of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Slate of Nobraska, said bonds to bear date of October 1st, 1920, and tho interest of said bonds to be pay ablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and on tho 1st day of October, 1921 and on tho 1st dny of April and tho 1st day of October of each and every your thereafter until nil ot tho intorost on said bonds shall have been paid, and to lovy a tax in tho year 1921 and oach and every year thereafter suffic ient to pay tho intorost nnd tho prin cipal of said bonds ns thoy becomo duo until sufficient tax has been lovled to pay nil of tho principal and interest of snld bonds, such tnx both for prin cipal and interest to bo levied upon all of the taxable proporty In tho city of North Platto. Lincoln County, Ne braska." Those voting against tho issuing ot said bonds shall mark tholr ballot with an "X" opposlto tho words AGAINST Issuing Fifty Thousand and no-100 ($50,000.00) of the City of North Plntto Water Works Im provement Bonds In denominations ot Ono Thousand nnd no-100 ($1,000.00) each, bearing interest at tho rato ot G per annum, paynblo semi-annually, Intorost nnd principal payablo at tho office of the County Treasurer ot Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska, said bonds to bear dato of October 1, 1920 nnd tho interest on said bonds to ho payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and tho let day of October, ,1921 and on tho 1st day of April and on tho 1st dny of October of oach and overy year thereafter until all of tho Interest on said bonds shall havo been paid and tho lovy of a tax In tho year 1921 nnd each and every year there after sufficient to pay tfio interest and principal ot said bonds ns Uioy bo como duo. until sufficient tax has boon lovled to pay all of tho principal and Interest of said bonds, such tax both for tho principal and interest to bo lovled upon nil ot tho tnxablo proporty In tho city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska." . Dated Soptombor 13th, 1920. O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. Notlco of Election. Notlco Is heroby given to tho elec tors of tho City of Vor'li Platto, Ne braska, that tho Mayor and City Coun cil of tho City of North Platto, Ne braska, havo provided by ordlnnnco for tho submission to a direct voto ot tho votors ot tho City of North Platte, Nobrnska, tho following proposition: An ordinanco providing for tho sub mitting to tho voters of tho City of North Platto in tho County of Lincoln nnd State of Nobraska tho following quostlon: "Shall tho City of North Platto in Lincoln County, Stato of No braska, lssuo its North Platto Firo Houso extension bonds In tho sum of Ton Thousand & no-100 ($10,000.00) for tho purposo of raising monoy for tho building of nn extension to the Firo Houso of tho City of North Platto and for equipping tho samo In accor danco with tho plans, specifications, and estimates on fjlo with tho City Clerk nnd to provide for lovying and collecting by tho proper offlcors a tax annually to pay tho intorost and prin cipal of said bonds as they mature." And by virtuo of tho power In me vostcd I hereby call nn election on snld ordlnnnco so submitted to bo held In tho City of North Platte, Nobraska on the 19th day of Octobor, 1920. Tho voting places of said election shall bo as follows: Tho 1st ward nt the A. N. Durbln Garage at the Intersections of, 5th and Dowoy Streets: tho 2nd ward at tho County Court Houso; tho 3rd word at tho Firo Station and the 4th ward at tne North Platto Bulck Garage. Tho polls to bo oponed at 8 o'clock In tho morning and to remain opon until 8 o'clock In the afternoon of said day. Thoso voting In favor of said ordln nnco shall mark their ballots with an "X" opposlto tho word "FOR" Is suing Ton TliouBand & no-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars of the "City of North Platto Firo Houso Extension Bonds," In denominations of one thousnnd & no-100 ($1000.00) Dollars, each bearing Interest nt the rato of six per cent por annum, payablo Bomi-an-nually Intorost nnd principal payablo at tho offico of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear dato of October 1, 1920 and tho interest on said bonds to bo. payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and on tho 1st day of October, 1921 and on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October of oach and overy year thereafter, until nil of tho interest on said bonds shall havo boon paid; to lovy a tax In the year 1921 and each nnd overy year thorenftor sufficient to pay tho Interest and prin cipal of snld bonds as thoy becomo due, until sufficient tax hns been lov led to pay all of the principal and interest of said bonds, such tax both for principal and interest to bo lovled upon all of tho taxable proporty in said City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska. Thoso voting against shall mark tholr ballot with an "X" In the par agraph boglnnlng with tho word "AGAJNSH"' Issuing Ten Thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars of tho "City of North Platto Firo Houso Extension Bonds" in denomination of Ono Thous and & 00-100 ($1000.00) Dollars, each, bearing Interest at tho rato of six por cent per annum, payable semi-annually, intorost and principal payablo at tho Offico of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska. Said bonds to bear dato of October 1st, 1920 and tho interest on said bond to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and on tho 1st day of October. 1921, and on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October of oach and overy year thereafter until all of tho Intorost nn said bonds shall havo boon paid: to lovy n tax In tho year 1921 nnd oach nnd overy year thereafter sufficient to pay tho Intorost and prin cipal of snld bonds ns thoy become due until sufflolont tnx has boon lovlod to pav all of tho principal nnd Internet of Raid bonds, such tax both for principal nnd Interest to bo lovled unon all of tho taxnble property in snld CHv of North Platte. Lincoln County. State of Nobraska. Dated Sontcmber 13th. 1920. O. 3. ELDER, City Clerk.