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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1920)
r : COMING Wm. S. Hart. IN 'The Toil Gate' And when you soo it you will agrco with Wm. S. Hart, that It Is Iho host picture ho has over produced. Which Is saying a mouthful. But when your ,oyes fill up tit what ho did for "nor" and tho 'littlo feller" don't be ashamed for ovoryono olso's eyes will bo full, toff. Watch for tho Wates at tho Keith, Theatre. Crystal, Saturday and Monday. wm. s. HART IN 'The Square Deal Man A real western picture and whilo it is not a new picture, yet if you haven't seen it you certainly will enjoy doing 6o now. Special Comedy Each Day LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. L. Bent, of Paxton, left for her home Wednesday. Mrs. J. K. Eshleman, of Hershoy, was in tho city Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Seeso left Thursday for a, short visit in Sutherland. Mrs. E. L. Evans, of Hershoy, came to this city the first of tho week. Silverware, 25 reduction. Austin's Miss Mary Nay, of Grand Island, ar rived Wednesday to attend the wed ding of Miss Helen Brodbeck and E. R. Guendcl. Cut glass 25 discount. Austin's. Your child will receive the most careful attention by our sight special ist. All his work is guaranteed "to givo satisfaction. Dixon & Son. Judge Grlmos lo'ft yostarday morn-, lug on a buslnoss trip to Loxington. j J. J. Halllgan and son wont to Ogalalln yesterday to transnct busl-' noss. , Lieut. Loo It. Ward, of Omaha, wns( in town yestorday and today on bus iness. v C. B. Sibbits and wife loft yodnos day on a vacation to eastorn parts of tho state. j Beads! Bonds.! Boada. Evorythlny Is trimmed in Beads. Como In and soo J tho now onos at Wilcox Department Store. Keep your oyo' on Dlxon'a window. 1 Don't forget tho romovnl salo. 15 reduction on diamonds. 25on all othor merchandise. Austin, Jowelor. Mrs. Brawor, of Gothenburg ' was in town yesterday visiting Jicr daugh ter Mrs. I'urdy and transacting bus iness. A good clock in tho homo will bo a 'pleasure to all. See our beautiful lino of high grado clocks at reasonable prices. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Mrs. Poters and Claudo Wolngand drove down from Denver tho first of tho week to spend a few days in the city looking after business matters. Mrs. G. W. Jones and granddaughter Harriot loft yesterday morning for their home in Reno, Nevada, after visltllng ut tho homo of P. W. Rlnckcr Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Miss Margurlto Arnold, formerly of this city, Is now playing with tho Big Four movlo production company. Miss Arnold's first production is Saving a Soul. She is stationed at, Long Beach, i Did yousee how nice a suit you could got for $40 to ?50. Wo wish ynu would come in and let us show you. Wo also havo somo at a loss price and on up to $100.00. Wo can also fit tho stout women. Wilcox Department Store. ' F. C. Jackson, now living at Long Beach, Cal was a caller at this of fice Tuesday. Ho says Mart Cryder maruis at San Pedro, Art Cryderman at Santa Anna and Frank Cryderman at Long Beach and that they are run ning a string of tire and vulcanizing stores which nro Very successful. C. M. Mason left Sunday night for Phillips, Nebr., where lie will ' visit his parents for a few days before tak ing up his work at the University of Nebraska. Mr. Mason has been em ployed at tho Experimental Substation during the summer as Irrigation eng ineer. He has made many friends in this community. JUNIOlt HIGH SCHOOL GlLVSIUJr CLASSfcS ARK i'0l5UJAlt Tho combined onrollmonts In tho various classes of girls for gymnasium work under Miss Lillian Story is 147. Mr. Elmor Stovons has cliargo of tiio boys classos which uutnbor 125 at prosont. A largo numbor of now plooos of apparatus woro purchased nt tho closoof tho laBt school year and they nro now ready for use Ad ditional shower bn'ths woro installed in tho boys' and nlso in tho girls dressing rooms. :o: : I'ltOL'OSIil) CONSTITUTIONAL ' AMJINMIRNTS ARE CAKMKU. Tho election which waa hold Tues day on the Proposed Constitutional Amendments waa not a success from tho standpoint of tho numbor of vot ers. Very little Interest was shown in tho mattor and reports aro slow In coming In. Only a few precincts were in last evening and County Clork Allen could not even glvo us tho voto In North Plntto. Word has been re ceived from state headquarters that tho amendments woro carried in tho state. Figures avallablo show that all carried in North Platte and in Lincoln County. Proposal 37 was leading In North Platto while Proposal No. C was farthest behind but had a safe lead. :o:: l'IKST FOOT HALL GAMIJ OF THE SEASON AT THE FAIR. Tho North Platto Regulars defeated the High School team Wednesday in a lively gamo of football by a score of 14 to 6. Tho High School was un able to stand up under tho superior weight and skill of tho Regulars, many of whom were old stars of N: P. H. S. : :o: : W, R. Malonoy is expected homo to day from a visit to tho eastern part of the country where he took in the National Convention of Emhalmerg at Springfield and visited a number of other places. Tho S. & R. Servico Station has en larged the drive way to its oil and gas servico so that two cars can be taken caro of at the same time. This will bo quite nn accommodation to the patrons oftho station. Do you bellve in women holding of fice? See "Her Honor tho Mayorf' at the Keith tomorrow night whether you do or do not bollove. nuii-i IS EAR i)olge brothers consider them selves in a quite special ami peculiar sense, the servants of their public. The controlling thought of this business from the ;ery first hns been that its destinies rested upon the continued good will of the owner. .The gasoline consumption is unusual i ly low. The "tiro mileage is unusually, high. " Take Cnre of the Little Feottjhey Miist Have Room to Develop Normally The Best Shoes for Children No Cramped Toes The Little Feet Can Grow as Nature Intended. You know, ns well as we, that tho foot of a growing child should havo a shoo of tho right shape. But has It ever occurred to you that tho weight and general construction of tho shoo Is fully as Important? BILL1KEN SHOES aro not mndo to remedy foot Ills they PREVENT them. And "an ounco of provontlon is worth a pound of euro" in any market. Consider those important points: BILLIKEN SHOES nro as flexible as a hand-turned solo. They aro as durable as a welt and ns comfortnblo as a stocking. They right klnn of shoes for all kinds of wear, and thoro nfo enough stylo variations to satisfy ovory need, glvo adequate protection to tho tcder foot of tho child and pormlt of normal development! They'ro tho Priced According to size Wilcox Department Store. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. V. ROMIGH Corner Sixth and Locust Mrs. James Hart returned Tuesday from a business trip to Loxington. Mrs. M. T. Munslngor left Wednes day morning for a short visit in Sld noy. A complete lino of Cago Sailors just arrived at Tho Hub. v 74 2 Mr. and Mrs. John Lincoln left Wed nesday morning for Omaha on busi ness. Dr. J. B. Redfield went to Ogalal la Wcl"silay to perform two opera tions. Harry Cramer wont to Sedgwick, Colo., Wednesday wliero ho will trans act business. Mrs. Evert McCraw and children left Wednesday morning for a visit in Grand Island. J. P. Alstrom left Wednesday for Omaha whero ho will attend tho Ak-Sar-Ben Celebration. Miss Margaret Wioler returned from a trip to Salt Lako and Denver tho first of tho week. If you want a good looking hat at a reasonablo price wo havo them at Tho Hub Storo. 74 2 Mr. and Mrs. Farrol, of Fonda, la., aro visiting at tho homo of their daughter Mrs. Piolstickcr. Lester Langford left Wednesday for tho Loland Stanford University where he expects to attend school this year. Mrs.'J. B. Light, of Mindon, who has been visiting at tho homo of Mrs. C. E. Sousor, left Wednesday for her home. Ladles Queen Quality shoes always lit your foot and.givo comfort until worn out Sold only at Wilcox De partment Store. L. C. Davis left Tuesday evening for Camp Louis, Oregon, wherq ho was called by tho serious Illness of his mother. i Waltor Thompson went to Grand Island tho first o'f tho weok to help out in tho McCrackon drug storo for a few days. Miss EtiielBovIngton, of Omaha, began her duties as teacher of fourth and sixth grades In tho Lincoln school Monday. Tho Junior and Senior High Schools wero dismissed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons so tho studonts could attend tho fair. Silk hosiery has declined in prico, wo havo rcmurkod our ontlro stock to correspond to tho pronont market. Wilcox Department Storo. Mrs. Ed Blackburn, of Lexington, who has been visiting at tho homo of hor sou C. E. Sousor of this city, loft for hor home Wcdnoiday. Ladles coatH lnHlio nowost stylos at $12.50. $17.50, $20,00. $25,00 and up to. $1175.00, wl'iatovor your iicodd wo liavo a good nsttortmont that will lit yoiU'.puriO. VYIlqfy; PaparhiioiH Storo.. Cordova Leather pursos for tho ladles. Something they all wish for. Dixon, tho Jowolcr. Your eyes will receive tho most enroful ritt'ention by our Bight specia list. Dixon & Son. FT. Deposits intiiij bank are guar anteed und STATE W A Strong Bank The strength of a bank lies not alone upon financial resoures as read in figures indicating dollars and cents. A bank must depend as well upon the integrity of its officers and upon their ability to meet the financial problems whitth tiro presented to them with each new day. While this bank's resources are ample and steadily increasing, your confidence may' be placed as well in the officers who are responsible for .its management. Wo are herp;to serve you. efficiently and faithfully. The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. The Laundry Queen. It will and Blue. Costs less than 2 cents an hour to run it. Come in and See it Operate, ..North Platte Light & Power Co.