Even though you have glasses you ought "ever so often'' to have your eyes TESTED, to see whether or not the glasses you have fit your eyes. If you do not wear glasses,- come in and find out whether or not you need them. ' We charge you nothing for testing your eyes and only a moderate price for glasses if you need them. CLINTON, The Jeweler. THE SIGN OP THE DIG RING. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Office over th McDonald Stat Bunk. 'CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Joo Kobout was In tho city this week. 4 if 7 , Ictbr Deck will lonyo Sunday Tor uifffp to Chicago. Wo havo a complete lino of hats at 1 'tho Hub Mllllnory Dopartmcnt. 74 2 Mrs. M. E. Holcomb loft Tuesday evening for a visit in Omaha, Isabella Snyder, of Paxton, was a, visitor in tho city Wednesday. Havo you seen tho nifty hat at tho Hub Mllllnory Department 74 2 i 1 Dorothy Posson, of I'axtdn, waa a t visitor in town uio nrst or uio wook. bliss Lauren VanEps, of Sutherland, was a visitor in tho city Wednesday. Mrs. C. ,J. Israel, ot Mttxwou waa business tho first ot tho week. "M, Elson, of Hprshoy, was ajvlaitor In tho city during fair week. Mrs. Amos Ellsworth and children woro. county fair vIsitorB Wodnesday. Mrs. P. A. Norton loft Wednesday for a visit In Grand Island nnd Oma ha. Tho Edison will glvo your homo a touch of comfort that will please all these long ovonlngs. Dixon, tho Jow ler. . '13 jMrs. C. lftro on b ui r. Miss Katharine McConnell, of Hor- shoy, was a business visitor in the city Tuesday Ij. C. Jones of this city loft Tuesday morning for Walcdtt, Wyo., on a fish ing trip. Elgin, Waltham and Hampden whist watches, new lino Just received Let us show you. C. A. Austin. 72 2 Miss Marion Lawlcr, of Paxton, was a business visitor in tho city tho first of tho week. Mrs. Walter Linn of Paxton left for her homo Tuesday evening after visit ing In this city. Carl Reynolds of Molly Minn, came Tuesday evening to visit his mother Airs. M. E. Reynolds. Blankets in endless variety ut most attractive prices to early buyers at Tho Loader Mor. Co. Miss Edith Gantt left tho last of the week for Pocatnllo, Idaho, where she Is employed in tho city library. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Guendol, and R. Guendel,.of Grand Island arrived last Wednesday to attend tho Drodbcck Guendol wedding. Mr, and Mrs. William Dodd, of Goth enburg, left Tuesday for their home after visiting at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. LeRoy Soulcs. Our stock of diamonds will afford you a - selection equal to uny city storo. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. See us be fore you buy. Miss Dulclo Krntor left Tuesday evening for San Francisco, Calif., whero sho is stationed by tho govern ment In Lettermnn Genoral Hospital. LOCAL AND lEKSONAL Misu Rulli Davidson wont to jOgal ulla yesterday to visit Mrs. Robin Taylor. The HartVGfrl liana ontflrtafnod the student bodies Jf tho Junior and Senior High Wednesday forenoon nt a short nssembly. , ' MIssRuth Davidson ban l'qalgnod her position at the O'Connor storp and Annnr i at tho Leypoldt and Ponnlngtoil' office. I Mro. Harmon Chambers returned to her home in Koystone tho first of tho week after visiting at tho homo of her parents Mr. anfl Mrs. Elmer Coats. The wedding ring Is at Dixon's. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Illauvolt of Hamlin Kansas who havo boon vist ing at the homo of tholr daughter Mrs. E. M. Warron loft for their homo Tuesday evonlng. A cameo ring will make her a beau tiful gift one sho will always hold as a lasting romlndor of the day. See Dixon's beautiful assortment of rarq hand carved stonos. Now Is tho tlmo to buy furs, so as to got tho boneflt of thorn for wear oarly. Wo sell Albrecht furs exclu sively for the reason that thoy arc tollable. Wilcox Department Store. L. C. Jonos loft tho first of tho week for Walcott, Wyo., whero ho will fish. I. L. Slonegar and Harry Mlnoiof Lincoln, visited in tho city Wednes day enrouto west. Miss Vera Brcternltz resigned her position with tho Leypoldt and Pen nington Company tho first of tho week. James Hart loft Tuesday morning for a short visit in Omaha. Can you imagine Wallaco Rcld with softening of the brain? No? Well, ho couldn't either. But he will throw you Into hysterics in the role of tho sick well man. See "Sick Abed" at tho Keith Monday and Tuesday. Attorney Win. E. Shuman returned yesterday afternoon from Ogalalla where ho has beon attending court for several days Tho ho has been required to make two visits to Ogalal la to try cases during tho past two weoks, ho has not paid any railroKfl j fare, but has driven his Hudson both I ways. Thojust time ho came in after tho midnight hour and had the road all to himself and mado tho trip from pgaldlla to North Platte In two hours I and ten minutes. The average man doesn't know, that ho should uncover when the Star Spangled Uanner Is being sung pr a buiich 7f A HMIUULTUJtAL J5XPJJ JIT STUDIES CROPS WEST OP 1IEKK. L. L. Zook, of tho Dry Land Depart ment of tho Experimental Substation, returned last wcok from a flftcon-dny trip through Wostorn N6brnska and Eastern Wyoming. Loavlng North Platte on tho Lincoln Highway, ho ' went to Sidney, then ncross country by way of Brldgopot to Mitchell. Tho work at Mltcholl deals primarily with irrigation oxporlmcnts, dry land ex periments tfblng secondary. Consid erable work was being dono along tho North Platto Valloy Highway which Is to oxtand from Bridgeport to North Platte. From Mltcholl Mr. 52ook drove to Ardmorq, S. D whore. ho visited the fossil bods at Agate. Work has been In progress here for tho past flftcon years ami It Is ostlmated that there. Is enough work hero In excava tion of fossils to last one hundred years more. Tho district surrounding Ardmoro 1b principally upvojted to cattlo raising. From horo ho drove through Edgcmont and Lusk to Tor rington, Wyoming. The crops In that section are some what backward but look good Tho estimated yield of beets nt Scottsbluff for tho surround ing district is 10.G tons an acre. Ho came down tho valley on his wny homo and took note of tho farming conditions which prevail west of this city. CITIZENS TAKE NOTICE. All thoso who -woro graded 100 on tho clean-up campaign nnd who did not get the window cards, please phone tho offlco of tho Gonoral Chnlr man, J. E. Sobastlnn so your card can bo dollvored. ::o:: CARD OP THANKS. d Wn u-tali in Hintilf rmr tunnv frlnmla for their kindness nnd sympathy which was shown to us In so many ways during tho brlof lllnoss nnd sud don death of our wife and mother and to oxpross our appreciation of the beautiful flowers which were sont In such profusion. Henry Yost Caroline Yost Charles Yost . Mrs. Chns. Dill Mrs. Goo. Scharmann Mrs. Chris. Brodbeck William Yost Andrew T. Yost Mrs. William Thayer John Bryn, of Hershey, wns a visitor in Uie city this week. KEITH In Dorothy Gish a Drama of the Rare Tracks .1 h JLJL Alia oys Last Race" SENNETT COMEDY Salome vs. Shenandoah MAKUIAtiK LICENSES RECENT LY ISSUED BY COUNTY JUDGE. Following licenses to wed were Is sued by Judge Woodhurst slnco our last tssudj! Guy E, 0,'Marn, North Platte and Ruby E. Moody, North Platte; Guy P. Mercer, Farnnm and Mary P. Wiggins, Seneca; David D. Pearson, Gothenburg, and Dorothy A. Spencer, Gothenburg; Emil R. Guen dol, Grand Island, and Helen L. Brod beck, North Plate; Robert P: Fish, Grant, and Neoma Hudson, Agnow. HERSHEY SCHOOLS DISMISS FOR THE COUNTY FAIR. Tho Board of Education at Hershey granted tho schools a one-dny holiday on Wednesday to allow tho pupils and teachers to attend the Lincoln County Fair. Supt. Ben Johnson and many of his teachers took advantage of the vacation and carao down to North Platte and many of tho pupils visited the fair during the day. ::o:: THE POST .OFFICE INDEPEN DENTS WIN THE TOURNAMENT. played but we watched High School lads at the concert glvpn by Hart's Girl Band Monday night, and at the first measure of the Nation al' anthem overy ono came to atten tion and off came his hat. Tho school through tho Cadets has taught this respect for the Star Spangled Banner and thero is hope that wo may yet mako It universal, especially when a lot of us older duffers who cni' learn anything got out of tho way. ; .0. ; FORD SPECIAL BARGAIN. , 1D1C Touring $145.00 1910 Touring - 150.00 1917 Touring 300.00 1913 Light Truck 135.00 1918 Ono -Ton Truck Cab & Body 300.00 1917 Chain Drivo Truck 300.00 UENDY-OGIER AUTO COMPANY ifi Printzess Suits and Coats Am Tuesday -Stapleton defeated Brady and North Platte cleaned up on Her shey on Wednesday. North Platto won a run of ten games straight and closes tho baseball season for 1920. : :o: : CARD OF THANKS. " Wo wish to thank the many friends who wero so kind to us during the sickness and death of our brother nnd uncle. A. L. Relchstoln and family. ::o:: Como In and Investigate tho Now Edison at Dixon's. The' Thought" of 1 a Girl Saved His Life! Give us a look and you will find the charm of irreproach able style, especjaUy adapted to your mdividuarkypG, among the diversity of Printzess gar ments now on display in our store. We trust you will find time to call while the collec iion is complete, for such re markable values in style, quality and price are not destined to remain with us for long. E. t. TRAMP READY-TO-WEAR ii - i 9i 1 s n ; m W 1 SONS 5fi A MASTER stroke" ' (I It gavo him a now start nnd caused Earle Williams to plunge Into Wall street and put over "A Master Stroke" Ho was a lamb among bulls and bears, but ho led them all and onded a financial feud that had beon wnged for years. It is a feature flllod with com ody. love and suspense. ALSO 1 REEL COMEDY James Aubrey MI "The Decorator" at the Thursday SUN nnd FRIDAY Wallace Reid IN A LIVE COMEDY "SICK ABED 99 They took away his car and gave him a wheel chair They put him on a milk diet and shut him in. Then they sont him a nurse. And what a "Nurse! That changed everything. J ifflingHi Keith, Monday and Tuesday. Complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Peaches, per bushel basket $4.40 Bartlett Pears, per box 5.25 Plums, 4 'basket crates 2.95 A dollars worth of sugar will be given for every ten dollar grocery purchase." ' '" The A. T. Johnson Dept. Store. Successor to the Hub.) At The Sun Tuesday and Wednesday 66 WANDA HAWLEY IN MISS HOBB ALSO Universal News AND A Christy Comedy. R A Z 5 R S All makes of the best razors that insure a clean pleasant shave. Our straight edge razors are guaranteed a life time. Full line of shaving creams, lotions, pow ders and brushes. Gummere-Dent Drug Co.