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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1920)
i 2Cr TOUT, Editor nnd TubllslicrJ LOOK WHAT'S COMING SlUlSCRlTTldN ' THICK : i One Vcnr, In ndrnriccw $2.00 j Biitorud at the North Platte, Nebraska j Postofflco as Second Class Matter, FJtlllAYa SKl'TIMIllKIt, SIIIi, 1020. EDITORIAL. SATURDAY 2:30 Sun Matinee 7:30 Keith Hor Honor the Mayor 7:30 Crystal The Square Deal Man 7:80 Sun Little Cafe 9:00 K. C. Hall Dance SUNDAY 8:00 llplncopal -Holy Communion 9:30 Episcopal Sunday School 'OHC Baptist, Christian, Mt'thodlst, Lutheran Sunday School. 10!: 00 Prosbytorlan Sunday School 11:00 li St h. IJldsf. ChrlBtlwn Sclon- ce Morning Sorvlce 11:00 Hplscopul Morning prayer 11:00 Lutheran Holy Communion 11:00 Protibytorlnn Rododlcntlon Sorvlce 11 :flf0 Baptist "The Triumph of l'raydr" 11 :00 Mcthodlflt MornliiR Sorvlce 11:00 ChrlBtlan Morning Service 3:00 N'orth Sldo. Chapol Sunday Schobt 7:00 Uaptlst R. Y. P. U. Christian C. 15. Presbyterian C. K. Methodist E. h. Episcopal Evonlng Prayer Prcsbytorlan Evonlng Service Want Ads North Platte High School has al ways had a good record In foot ball and It Is largely due to the high Htandard which has beau maintained. Conchos Wnlker, Novllle'-'nnd Raskins haro always advocated clean sport and the schooll authorities havo co operated In ovory particular. It lias been necessary ovory yoar to bar some good players out of the gamo becau3o thoy wore Ineligible under the rulos of the gamo and could only play If u falie ccrtlflcato wcrt issued to thorn. This 'Is the only way because If tho coaches or school authorities go to tamporlng with truth It Issxoflcctod at onco In tho lives ot tho boys and glrlst In some placos where the school authorities have not been Htiuaro In tho question of athletic nualMcatloiiB, tho parents havo taken a: uu Motnouist evening service It up because of tho effect of such :uu iutnoran "I'rcceuonco in the Kingdom ot uou Uaptlst "Josus In tho Homo" Christian Evening Service MONDAY Sun Matlnoo Keith Sick Abed Crystal Tho Square Deal Man Sun For u Woman's Honor 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 H:00 practices on tho High School pupils Supt Dittol Is reported to havo stated 8:00 boforo' tho high school a fow days ago that ho Intended to enforce tho eligi bility rulos strictly anil without favor. w rnHnlnlv nnnrove of this stand and wo aro suro tho community will approve It oven If wo havo to lose some of tho good playors as wo havo dono In tho past. Tho entire respon sibility rests on tho Suporlntondont J.J !.. I and tho best pcoplo of tbc community are back of Mm. ::o: :00 2:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 TOM HAY WINS WRESTLLN'G . MATCH LAST NIOHT. LOCAL AND PERSONAL In olio of the best matches seen hero for years, Tom Ray won two straight falls from Fred Martson nt Fireman's Hall last night. The first Tho Trlbuno office cIobob at noon fu took 4? mlnutos nIul tho HOComi today for tho racos. m mlnutOB. A challenge was road at Foarl beads, largo assortment. lho rngB,i0 from Hobby Ilylund who discount. Austin. " wants to wrestle tho winner In the Mr nnil Mrs. Albcrl VLoDloyt camo near future. Hay accontod. This match down from Paxton Wednesday to at- Wns tho first of a series of American Legion Uonoflts which will be given I Is winter. tend tho fair. , Amlv Wossburc returned Tuesday from a week's visit vyltK.hls daughter at Ogdon. " Harry Dixon will loavn tomorrow evening for Omaha whore hp will visit his daughter Mrs. Conlin. Cecil Cool has begun tho construc tion of n resldenco, on South Oak otrcct. j; E. Nelson wlll'leavo tomorrow YKSTUH DAY'S HACKS WERE ITLLER OFF IX SFITK'OF HAIX. Tho crowd at the Fair Grounds yes terday wa good considering the rain and hall which started about time for tho afternoon entertainment to begin In tho Stock Ford raco Cecil Luke won first and Bullock In the North Platte hlkht for Omaha whorp ho will trans- Aircraft car won second. act business. ',V," Rhlloy won tho Platte Valley Special tti - ivrTriin nnnii, wmiiinHiliiv with Woodbury second and Breed front Lincoln to vlsltV tho homo ot third. Bullock won tho Fair Special liU sister Mrs. Geo. Olbbs. , Dr. J. S. Twluem iyns called Wed nesday to Paxton .on professional business. W. Blrk camo yesterday to visit at tho homo of Ills brother and attend tha races. ,(Sho Golf Hundlcap tournament Htartod la3t Sunday .'With thlrty-slx flayers oulored. A baby boy was bom, Sunday at tho Platto Valloy Hospital to Mr. and Mm. ChrtB RosoonburgA formerly Miss Sybil Matson of thin city. Tho World Wide Guild of tho Bap- tlstv Sunday School haU a marshmal- low, roast out at Uulck Hill. TIiIb was given In honor of Miss" Mao Nickel of 'Raise, Idaho. lA Mr., and. Mro. Mnc&Vott I. A', who have boon employe at theA Experimental Substation during the summer, aro louring today on a tour of tho wostorn stitos. Tholr objocttvq point Is South' ern California. Tho Hollman & SobaBtlan Agonoy purchased tho Ottensteln block on South Vino In Miller Addition recent ly, Thin Agonoy expects , to dlvldo this Innd Into ten residence lots in tho very near future W. J. Cory, who has boon connected with tho North Platto Exporlmontal Substation for tho pjist year, loft Mon day for Wyoming whero ho will Invcs tlgato somo of tho roports of quick ' monoy from oil landB, ., Tho meeting of tho War Mothers Is postponed on account ot tho bUBy fair week from this ovenlng until next Friday evonlng Oct. 1st, Tho mooting- will bo hold at the homo ot Mrs. P, ,L Sorcnson, 307 East 2nd street, at olght o'clock. W. S. Merrill, who liaa boon foreman at tho Agricultural College farm at Curtis for tho past seven yoars, joined th Exporlmontal Substation force tilts week as carponter and gonoral repair man. Mrs. Merrill will join him about Oct. 1st. . ITo had sinking spoils -dizzy spells spoils of hoart flutlerlngs. Yes ho certainly wob In a bad way but then who' wouldn't bo It' they could havo Uebo Danlol tor their nurso. Seo If you think Wnllaco Held was as sick . as ho Imagined in "Sick Abor" at the .-Keith Monday and .Tuesday.' "nn mM( rrrc. Wo wore unship t' detormliip tho winners of second and third place, from the score card hr-ndod to us. ::o:: Jonnlo Mao Heneau, of North Platto nnjl Lloyd Hclgol ot Loveland, Colo., wo'ro married at tho homo .of tho brldo's parents at Tryon, Nfebr., on Sopt. 14th. Mrs. Blegol Is a graduate or North Platto High School and. of Gracoland Collego at Lamonl, Iowa Thoy will mako their homo In Love land vwhoro Mr. Blogel Is ongaged In buslnoss. Ivory goods, 25 reduction. Austin Wo grind our own louses and offer tho quickest of sorvlce In roplnclng lenses. Just' bring In tho pieces, It makes no difference If wo fit them or not wo can match thom. Dixon & Son. AT THE SUN THEATRE. FRIDAY "Master Stroke" STARRLNb Earl Williams ALSO "THE DECORATOR" A James Aubrey comedy. SATURDAY "Little Cafe" STARRING MAX LINDER .(noted French actor) INCLUDING DAMES and DENTISTS. MONDAY Tor A Womaja's Honor STARRING H. B. WARNER INCLUDING $t RADIUM MYSTERY. For Sale--Ripe .tomatoes. Phone 780F11. i Found Ladle' pocket book. Call at Trlbuno. i For Sale Big ripo tomatooa at tho farm. DOOLITTLES' Jjost Ono small black and tan set ter bitch. Reward. Phono "GG0J. ' Losl A bunch of keys. Flndor re turn to tills office. For Sale Two burner electric read ing lump, Imported shade. Call S30J. For Halo Uulck Roadster, 1918 model $450.00. Phone 24-1. " For Sale Cabbago and tomatoes at tho farm. Roy R. Spurrier, Routo 1. For Rent Two furnished rooms. Call at 803 W. Seventh or Phono 593W. Jt'or Rent - Spaco for car. Inquire ot Dr, Shaffer. 74 2 i'uriilshed rooms for rent. Call at 803 W. 7th St. or phono C03W. 75 Wanted A second hand baby bug gy. .Must bo In good condition. Call 1224. Wanted Rood baby bugy, must bo in good condition. H. II. J. Caro of Tribune. For Sale 4 holo Monan ' Range, AI condition. $25.00. 904 Wost Cth. St. W. II. Blalock. Wauled Two tons loose nllalfa Would prefer hay out of tho windrow. 003 W. Sovonth, Phone 118GW. For Sale Special for Saturday. Ripo tomatoes $1.75 a bushel nt the farm. Doolltto. For Sale A fow Duroc malo pigs. Inqiilro N. N. Pettltt, 4tmllcs- west ctt BIgnell. -71-4 For Henl Twc strictly modern, steam heated rooms for gentlemen. Phono 65JW. For Sale Lato model Dodge touring car In good condition with extra equipment, 410'. Cth. For Keiif furnished or unfurnlshod all modern house. Call at 1315 Wost r.tlt or Phono 947J. Wnulcd Girls for nurso training; $35 per month with board and room. Apply at General Hospital, City. 4Gtf For Rent Raom In all modern homo for one or two people. Tel. 830J. I or Sale Baby buggy nursery chair and kitchen cabinet. Phone 1128J. Found Ladies pockot book. Owner may have same by Identifying it. Call Tribune. Wanted Extra carpontera nt once to worlc on Aeroplano Hangar. Phone or seo J. E. Sebastian, For Sale Ono Singer sowing niac- hlno In excollent condition. For Infor niatlon please call 115 73-74 M anted Experienced girl for gon oral housework. Mrs. J. S. Twlnem, Phono 2S3. 7itf For Sale: A fow Duroc Malo pigs inqulro of N. N. Petit, 4 miles west ot BIgnell. 71 7 75 77 tor Jlent A storo room. 508 North Locust North ot the Post Office. In fulro of Joseph Morsch. 72tt Wanted A compotont- girl. Good wages and permanent place. Apply Mrs. T. C, Patterson 515 Wost 4th Rt For Sale Two electric reading lamps with Imported shades. Will sell cheap. Phono 803J. For Sale Section of good land In McPhorson Co. 422.50 per acre. Reas onable terms enn bo made Box 210 North Platto. -'.For Sale Five burner Dotrolt vapor coal oil stove, bums llko gaB. Just the thing tor out on tho farm. Sell' cheap. Phono 830J. Lost Tiro 34x4 on Baker rim be tween No." PlnttQ and Tryon Sunday. Flndor return to 009 W. Sixth and receive reward. For Sale Liberty Inn kitchen and dining room furnlturo nnd fixtures ask for C. G. Gorman nt LIborty Inn. 72tf For Sale Secondhand Fordson trac tor, mnnuro spreader, four-horso press drill. Soo Butler Buchanan at his offlco In B. & U. Bldg. 71tf notice Thoso who have rooms to rent during Fair Week, Sept. 21-23d, call the Secretary of Chamber of Com merce. Phono G7. T not A 1 "U "'i uio nnu nauroad map with somo Itemized accounts. Return to J. W. LoMasterp and take con sequences. 73tf Wanted Wo want to list for sale. several four or flvo room houses in vuuuium jmris oi town, ir you want action Hat It with Hollman & Solms thin, Agoncy. For Salo Storo fixtures, flvo floor show cases, flvo lG-foot wall cases ono ribbon case, ono threat cabinet. two lG-foot counters, ono Elliott but ton fastening machine NELSON & CO. 717 No. Locust. 'For Sale 200 White-faced steors; will sell by weight or by head; 100 3yr. old arid 100j2 yr. old. 1 heavy work -teani; weight. 3000. S. R. Ba- I right,' . Sutherland,- Nobr. Box 1 382. 73 and 75 Smartness and an appealing Comfort What Combination 31 31 And both of those qualities are attained, in this trim boot of calf skin. Its sturdy, yet pliant, brown in the color. . ' Pull boxings, perforated type and military heels, all help to make this practical nine inch sho one of the favorities of Pall- It's a truly remark able value at $11.00. SHOE AVES YOU ARKET ONEY ON SHOES. m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi' Hi IE SHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiH EILEEN PERCY tho Irish Beauty, In a play of lovo and politics- !Her Honor the Mayor Tho town electod a woman mayor. Did jIioy regret it? Well,' anyway somo of the bosses did. Sennett Comedy- Mrs. Robert McGrale, of Julesburg, Is visltng at tho Dlstel home. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. H. Holzhauer, rep resentatives of' tho Capper Publica tion Company, left Wednesday for Kearney after spending several days In this city. Cut glaBS is very popular now. Fine assortment. AUSTIN'S. 72 2 A big shipment of gingham drosses for kiddies, just the thing tor school and just real nifty styles too. E. T. Tramp & Sons. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. . Hunting and trespassing is strictly prohibited on land owned by me. 71-4 FRANK HENEKA. LEAYE YOUR AUTO REPAIRS to men who mako a skilled specialty of such work. Your car will always bo in fit-to-run condition if you will do this. Take no chances yourself or on repair work which is not up to tho lilghest standard. We guaran tee our workmanship and materials if they're not right "we make them right. Roy V. Buskirk Garage 215 East Fifth St. T - 1 1 GETS EVERY POTATO IN THE HILL Our Hoover Potato Digger digs up all the potatoes in the field and piles them in neat rows where they can be handled with minimum labor. Designed and developed to its present standard of excellency by a prominent potato-grower it has proved to be an especially good in vestment to all potato-growers who have used it. The shovel is of best quality high-carbon crucible steel and shaped so as to gather the potatoes with the least possible loss. No danger of cutting the potatoes to the extent that a plow or hoe does. Stone guards can be used in stony ground. You can raise and lower the shovel while the machine is in motion. All adjustments are made from the seat by con venient levers. The vine-separating rear rack has a backward and forward motion that sifts out all dirt and deposits the potatoes in a com-' pact row on clean ground directly at the rear of the machine, while the vines and trash are de posited at one side. Twelve roller bearings and wide tires on the wheels assure light draft. Patented Double-Action Front Truck per mits the digger to be turned in a very short space. Solid steel frame, strong main sides o: Bes semer steel, beams of be3t quality charcoal rnal-lcabl- castings, and steel chains and hardened steel l; :cl:cts that greatly re3i3t wear. Don't fail to see the Hoovsr Potato Digger before you harvest your potato crop; its use means greater profits from your potato crop. w Also ask us about Hoover Engine Drive Potato Diggers two-horse machines under all conditions. Leypoldt & Pennington, Imple merits.