i V?- 3 jCe u6- ftep ifptt cccrti for ffieiru. Many a person has EYE TROUBLE and does not know if. Come in and we will test your eyes FREE OF CHARGE, and we will fit you out with glasses at a reasonable price. That's all this time. CLINTON, The Jeweler. THE SIGN OP THE BIG RING. TUB MAHVJSLOOS ltKCOHD OF THE FOKI) FACTORIES. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Geo. McGinley returned this morn ing from Omaha where lie transacted business. , H. N. .Lamb and family will leave Thursday for Los Angeles where they will spend tho "winter. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Lincoln will leave today for Omaha whero thoy will attend tho Ak-Sar-Ben celebration. x Miss Dulclo Frater will return to day to California whero sho is sta tioned in nn army training camp. New Pall suits, coats and dresses are coming in every day smart styles in dependable quality. Let our Mrs. Cantlin or Mrs. Kline show you when in Tho Leader Mef. Co", Wo grind our own lenses. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. The members of tho Travel and Study Club met with Miss Florence Stamp at her homo last evening after tho FaBhion Review. ftfrs. G. S. Dolsou and daughter Plorenco Gundel camo up from Grand Island "Wednesday to viBit at the Christ Brodbcck homo. Diamonds, Diamonds, Diamonds, set as desired. 15 reduction. Austin's Removal Sale. Girlish littlo frocks and dresses fo"r school or dress wear at very attrac tive low prices at Tho Leader Mer. Co. New lot of heavy suitings, suitable for childrcn.s misses' and women's coats at Tho Leader Mer. Co. It is a sourco of justifiable initio to kuow that Uio production of Ford cars for the fiscal year ending July 31st, 1920, in tho factory at Highland Park, reached tho astounding flguro of 941,042 cars. Tho Ford Motor Cp. of Canada of Ford, Ontario mado CC, 018 cars, a total for tho year of 99C, GCO Ford cars. A yoar ago thofactory estimated that in tho following twolvo months it would mnko one mlllioncars As it was averaging 3,500 cars iv day, it needed just ono day more to havo reached tho million mark. Almost one-Half the motor cars in tho world aro Ford cars. Thoy are th6 solution of tho question of eco nomical transportation and thoy havo added unlimited ploasuro and happi ness to millions of people Add' to this that during the same twolvo months, the company mado 79,008 tractors and there wcromade at the plant in Ford, Ontario, 2.G47 tractors ah agrcgato of 81.C55 tractors. Thoy tell us there aro a littlo more than 300,000 furm tractors in the United States nnd wo havo built moro than 144,352 Ford farm tractors. And tho Fordson farm tractor makes pos sible tho cultivation of tho wasto places of the oarth, through Its ser vice in adding to tho productivity of every aero of farm land, giving a val uable service in a hundred other ways and adding its share to tho sum total of the happiness and prosperity of man. Tho promise of production for 1920 will exceed, wo hope by at least 25, the marvelous record of tho past year. Wo tako great pleasure in thanking our trade for the liberal patronago given us to make it possible for us to share in tho accomplishment of this1 wonderful record, HENDY-OGIER AUTO SALES CO. -: o: : Xollce of Final Ilrpnri. Estato No. 10G7 of Cyrus C. Parsons, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all ner j sons interested in said Estato take , notico that tho Administratrix has j filed n final account and report of her ; administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, de termination of heirship and decreo of distribution, which have been set for hearing before said court on Octobe 24, 1920, at !) q clock a. m., when you may appear and contest -the same. Dated Sept. 10th. 1920. Wm. IT. C. WOODIIURST. S21-wks County Judge Newest Shoe Stvl For Fall and Winter Because Fashion has pronounced in favor of low heels, do not think that French Heels are tabooed. Indeed not! There are many very beautiful styles having the highest heels, for not all women can readily change from high heels to low and back again. Illustration above comes in soft-black kid, brown, light tan and grey. $7.00 to $15.00. Dignified Shoes for Men of Affairs. Men of standing in business want their shoes lo look like it. Substantial, neat, sure of their style, with out over doing it. Quality they insist upon; they'll pay the price but.the shoes must deliver full value. If you're the sort of man you'll like "Shoe Market1 shoes for business men at prices ranging from $8.00 to $15.00. SHOE MARKET LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Evans, of Kenr noy, visited frionda in town Saturday. ' &H1 Iiavo a smart lino of $10.00 hats all this week. VILLA WHIT TAKER. Dlock's. Mra. Clydo Cook is assisting tho Chamber of Commorco during Fair u et?k. Tonight will bo tho last aliowlnc nf Charlos Ray in 'Alarm Clock Amlv" nt tho Keith, It's n picturo that novor runs down. Mr. and Mrs. James II. Coffninn re turned Sunday from their honeymoon1 ..h!oh was spoilt in Enstorn, points. Mrs. Thomns Watts nnd baby Tom loft yesterday morning for Cheyenne whoro thoy will visit with Mrs. Watts mothor. . ' Mrs. J. W. Edwards, of Sperry, In., roturncd to their homo Monday after visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. II. M. Carpontor. IHiy outing flannolls early, plain white and fancy, on sale at 29, 33, 39, 43 nnd 47c at Tho Loador Mer. Co. illiorl mnthor of T. A'. Gilbot of this city, la visiting her. son this week. Sho drovo over from hor homo at Callaway. Tho littlo child of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bokoskio, j.700 W. Third St., died Saturday ovonlng and was buried in tho local cemotory yestorday. Yesterday tho II. & S. Agency sold tho residence belonging to It II. FowIob at 809 W. Elovouth St. to Lloyd H. Arnold of thlscity. You will bo interostsod in tho Now; Edison when you hear it at Dixon's. Ipecial Prices on Silk Dresses, esq: ffi ffi ffi ffi FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Beginning September 20th ffi SjS We have real prices on our Satins, Taffetas and Tricollete tf$ JJresses. lNo shoddy merchandise added at a price, but our reg- uicu oivji.iv cu iucii leuuceu prices ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi One lot of dresses, fast nifty styles for $1QQ Misses and- Small Women goes .at tpl0 29.98 39.98 The second lot of dresses on sale all the very best of styles and material, while they last The third lot which are excellent values, all styles and all sizes at IE Tricollettes, Good Styles and all Sizes at Rock Bottom Prices, ffi ffi ALL ALTERATIONS FREE ffi . E. T. TRAMP & SONS I ready-to-weAr ffi ffi m ffififfiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiiffiffiffiffiffiffi gffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiiiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi ffi ffi ffi !dFi ffi m Removal Sale! Beginning 'Tuesday "Sept. 21st ffi Oui business has grown to such an extent that we have had ot i jl seek larger quarters and we were fortunate enough to secure the 3 HFi room in the Keith Theatre Building, now occupied by the, t jjj Walker Music Co,, which we will occupy ,soon. And we are S3 ifi offering our entire stock at (he following discounts. . Hi ! EdFi 15 Percent Reduction on Diamonds 25 Percent on AIL Other Merchandise. Ifl Nothing reserved at thisjsale, goods are high and this is a great opportunity to save money.' Thefollawing is a partial list of merchandise. tfi WATCHES TLOCKS JUXOS HltOOCHES Ifl UAlt TINS SCAUP PINS Hi S IMUKL HK ADS MESH BAGS SILVEJtWAIU t IVOllY , i IMANICUltE SETS E VEKSHA It P PENCILS FOUNTAIN PENS KNIVES DIAMONDS HAIR ORNAMENTS DEAD DAGS LEATHER DAGS LAMPS BRACELETS LAVELIERS ' . CAMEOS ' DIAMONDS IMPARL BHADS This is afreal sale and you can convince, yourself by investigating our prices jjr Sale'is lo'Jast until we move which will be ten to fifteen days. AUSTIN'S " Jeweler. AUSTIN' ffi - ffi ffi AVES YOU ffifir ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffibffiffiffiffiffiffiffi