The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 21, 1920, Image 5

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A Counterfeit
), 1921. by McGlur Newppr Syndicate.)
Hob Anderson, owner of the Ander
son Studio apartments, gazed at tlie
sailor In his olllce in consternation.
Her Infonnatlon had been wholly un
expected. "So, Miss Anthony." he snld nt
length, "You are .really going away.
Isn't there any chance at all that you
jnny reconsider?"
Helen Anthony threw him a lleetltv;
dance. She had lived In the apart
ments for nearly two years and had
Brown to like the grny-cyed man with
the lazy drawl who now sat looking at
her with such evident dismay. And
lie hud shown every sign of enjoying
1ht friendship she had Riven him, her
occasional companionship nt the then
tor, an Infrequent invitation to tea In
lier studio. She wondered If he had
said the right word In time he might
have kept her in the city. Well, It
was too late now.
"No." she said. "I am really going
home. I haven't exactly failed; hut,
on the other hnnil, my success hasn't
amounted to enough to justify my re
. inuliilug here. My mother Is not well
and has considerable to worry her. My
place for the present Is hack home."
"I say Ilel Miss Anthony," said
Anderson earnestly, "I can't begin to
tell you how I hnte to have you go.
Won't you give fortune one more
Ho was surprised at the vehemence
of his feeling. A confirmed bachelor,
.so he Imagined himself, at the age of
thirty-live, he had lively appreciation
of the easy-going freedom lie would
be giving up if lie asked this girl to
marry him and she said yes. And
Ills thoughts, were Interrupted.
,"No," she replied quite definitely. "I
aim going."
That night Rob could not get to
sleep. Ills Inclinations were druwlng
llilin In two opposite directions. lie
"A Burglar!"
cot no. lighted a cigarette and stood
hy the window, meditating. His
glance wandered Idly across tho court
to the ell of the building it, which was
the studio of tho girl ho did and
didn't want to marry.
And, startled violently out of his
muslin's, ho saw a man who had
climbed the lire escape disappearing
into Helen s winuow.
"A lnirL'lar!" He threw his dress
lug gown about lilm, took Ills revolver
from the drawer and hastened to her
ld. As ho reached her door he
caught voices raised In altercation
"No, no, girl ! Don't do It, I tell you
It would mean sure death to"
Rnii snlzeil tho handle of tho door.
"Helen '." he cried. "If you can, open
the door!
Came from within n man's angry
curse. Then followed swift steps nnd
a pale-faced woman flung the door
wide, "what do you mean ny trying
to enter my room at, this time of night,
Mr. Anderson-- sue. cneti.
MnU was altogether taken aback
"viiv. I I" he stammered. "I fenw
ii ttiiin "
"Exactly." she said, cuttingly. "My
j i
"Don't say It, Nell," catao the mnn's
from within.
"My husband," she concluded,
Hob reeled as If he had been struck.
Then. "I beg your pardon," he said
nr. it turned on his heel.
For hours ho paced his room, trying
i rtvnri'nnizn his shattered outlooK on
itf For nn'w that Helen Anthony was
irrevocably another's It bud come to
him how deeply ho loved her. Why
had she deceived hltu?
Threo dnys later, Helen, whlto and
weary-eyed, stopped him In the hall.
am staying n week longer than I
xpected," she Informed him, coldly.
Here is the difference In rent."
Hob took the crisp, new bills she
held out to hint without comment,
milking no effort to detain her as she
walked quickly away. Hut when he
came to deposit the money in tho bank
lie met with a surprise. "Counter-
felt," declared the teller with calm
certainty, nnd stamped It full of trlan
gulur holes.
At the words n mnn stepped quick
ly forward to Hob's side. "Counter
felt?" he said
"Yes," said tho teller. "It Is, but I
can vouch for Mr. Anderson.
"There's a gang working the city,
but we're nfter them nnd sooner or
later will put them where they belong.
From whom did you get this?" The
man seemed very certain of himself
and Hob concluded he was a treasury
Hob hesltnted. Then, "No," ho said
shortly, "I've had a lot of money com
Ing In from various sources In tho Inst
few days and I cannot place ibis."
"Well, It's your loss," said tho other
"My loss It Is," said Hob and went
out. The loss of a couplo of live dol
lar hills meant nothing, but when It
came to losing faith In the one woman
he would havu said was pure gold
that hurt.
The setting sun was turning to
points of lire the myriad windows of
the city's buildings as Hob reached
the apartments. In the gathering twl
light of the room he at first scarcely
saw the slender figure leaning bnck In
his deep-cushioned chair. Then,
"Helen 1" he-cried, and, forgetful that
he thoroughly believed In "hands off"
other people's property, he dropped
on his knees beside her nnd took her
In his arms. Counterfeit or sltnon
pure metal, married or unmarried, he
loved this woman
Hut Helen was trying to withdraw
from ids emhrnce even ns she explain
ed her presence In his rooms. "Thnt
money I gave you," she said, "was
bad. I tried to spend sonic and found
out. Hut, oil. I didn'fknow It when
gave It to you," she besought him
"Of course you didn't," he assured
her. "It's nothing to worry about."
t the tenderness of his tone tenrs
gathered In Helen's eyes. "Hob," sho
whispered. "Would you be glnd to
know that that was my brother not
my husbnnd? Walt until I have told
you the rest. He was just telling me,
when you came, that the police were
looking for him, and that If I could
only let him stay there that night he
could manage to slip through to Can
ada next day. Before he left he In
sisted on my tnkiug those bills. I am
sure he didn't know they weren't
good. Hilly was weak, but he wasn't
a criminal although this time he hnd
got mixed up with a bad , crowd. Ho
made me promise to tell no one who
he was he was nervous and afraid
And for mother's sake lie has
brought her great nnd
worry, but ho was always her favorite
I let you think he was my husbnnd."
"And nenrly broke my heart," said
Bob reproachfully.
"Well, I don't think I would have
had the courage." confessed Helen, "If
you hadn't nearly broken my heart by
being so perfectly willing to let mo
"And I was an Idiot," said Bob.
"Heaven knows I wnnted you, but I
didn't know how much until I thought
I had lost you."
"So, by passing off a counterfeit hus
bnnd, I was able to win a real one,"
said Helen whimsically. "I supposo
Billy Is safe In Canada by now": as for
"As for mother," whispered Hob,
"she must come here. And we will go
after her together."
Incident That Can Only Be Regarded
as a Miracle Is Related by
. English Bishop.
An extraordinary story of how a
dumb mnn, a peer of the realm, was
given tho power to utter one word,
thereby 'saving many lives, was told by
Dr. Reunion,- bishop of Bath and
Wells, at the dedication of n new homo
for deaf mutes in Bath, England.
The peer was a former Lord Car-
bery and a friend of Dr. Kennlon.
"Lord Carbery." said the bishop,
"was aboard a steamer sailing from
Cork to Bristol. A dense fog camo on
and passengers could see nothing,
Even the lookout man was unnware of
danger, when Lord Carbery, who was
sitting In the bow, shouted loudly,
'Land !' It often "happens when God
has deprived a man of one senso ho
Increases tho power of another. Lord
Carbery was able to soy what others
could not. and realizing the ship was
making straight for tlie black mass,
his excitement forced that one word
from his lips.
"The captain put the l'.-elm round
nnd the vessel Just skimmed past the
southernmost rock of Lundy islnnd,
We all had a most nnrrow escape, and
many lives were saved by Lord Car-
bery's warning."
That word "land" wns the only one
Lord Carbery ever uttered.
"The toughest thing to hnvo to pay
Is tho bnlance on the engagement ring
after the girl has thrown you over
for some other mutt," sighed the young
"You're wrong." replied the elderly
man. "The toughest thing to have to
pay Is an old bnr bill with prohibition
In effect." Milwaukee. Sentinel.
II ETHER we admire and ap
prove or not, the efforts of
French creators of styles tie- or fall
to Interest us. Sometime? a single
glanco revcnls so much of bontity and
Ingenuity that we are willing to con
cede French superiority In the reultn
of clothes, and sometimes mucu more
thnn a glance falls to rouse any en
thusiasm for the import that has been
thrust upon us. Here are two after
noon frocks which Harriet Gustln
wears, In conipnny with a lint and
shoes nlso nntives of I'nrls, by way
of adding to the brilliance of "Honey
Girl." They do their pnrt nnd what
do you think of them?
At the left of the picture the frock
of brown .satin bespeaks the work of
n master in Its simplicity and Its love
ly lines and clever adjustment to tlie
figure. It Is wor over an accordion
plaited petticoat of Indestructible vollo
In Uelgian blue nnd is mnrvclously em
broidered In silk of the same blue.
Hats That Match Smocks
HAT and smock detained to spend
most of their time together nre
among the rich and charming matched
sets that the coming of autumn lins
Inspired. The destiny of hats appears
to be settled In tho beginning by their
creators, who either provide them with
a bag, a scarf or a smock ns life com
panions or send them out well equip
ped to conquer the world alone. The
gorgeous piece of hendwear shown In
the picture might hold Its own unat
tended anywhere but It calls for a com
panion piece equally splendid. It
could not tolerate n rival below Its
level, nnd so the snfe course was to
provide a garment to match.
It does not need a pretty Itussluu
face to point out that this set Is u
Russian Inspiration, but tho two go
well together. Hhick Hiitln provides
tho Imckground for embroidery In nn
Involved nnd bonutlfil pattern that
nltuost covers the hat and goes far
on the smock. It proves to be an In
tricate piece of Imngery In which birds
1 li skirt Is shorter than Americans
will accept or consider graceful and
neither are they enthusiastic over
short sleeves. Hut even so. there Is
nothing to do but concede that this Is
a beautiful gown with suggestions
that are valuable In draping. In em
broidery nnd In color combination.
The second gown Is less simple,
equally graceful and Is made of black
satin with an overdress of blue and
gray plaid brocaity. A photograph
falls to do It Justice but It Is really a
pure delight to tho eye. so elegant In
Its long lines nnd color effect that tho
very short skirt seems an eccentricity
easily overlooked. The brocade at tho
front and back Is merely a square 4)t
the silk with points falling below tho
bottom of the skirt and Joined nt the
sides with a long, splendid tassel. The
long sleeves have pointed cuffs of
brocade and the short jacket and wldo
turn-over collar reveal again the hand
of n genius.
come uui'NpectPdly to light amid llow-
ers, leaves, blossoms and tendrils.
Hat and smock to match offer some
thing new In sets but what promises
to be far more popular Is to bo found
In hat und bag to match. The vogue
for elaborate and rich embroideries
In millinery paves the way for com
panion pieces of equally handsome
bags. Ribbons, velvet, duvetyn. are all
fabrics that are as well suited to bags
as to hats, and nearly all the now hags
are made of fabrics. Chinese and
Jupanese embroideries entice the do.
signer to convert them Into these love
ly accessories of dress. Above all
things, ribbons wide and narrow tempt
feminine fancy nnd lingers to convert
them Into Ingenious bags, and millin
ers look nt rllt)Oi and think hats.
WARNING I Unless you see the name "Bayer' on
tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed
by physicians for 20 years and proved safe by millions.
SAFETY FIRST I Accept only an "unbroken package" of
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma
tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strictly Americanl
Ilixndy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost bub a few cents Larger packages.
(Uplrin U th trad murk of Ilaytr MnnuMtur of Monoacnloclcltcr of SallcTUoottfl
The receiver may
tie ns bad as tho
feels worse than
thief, but the loser
either of them.
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutb
curt Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented convenient, economical face,
skin, baby and dusting powder and
perfume. Benders other perfumes su
perfluous. One of the Cutlourn Toilet
Trio (Soap. Ointment. Talcum). Adv.
A fool mny have brain enough, hut
lack the sense required to mnku use
of It.
KxocpTional opportunity nt tho present ttrne
for young wonion'ovor nineteen years ot ago
who hrtvo had at .east two v ears In high school
to talio Nursos i'rulnlnir In tronernl hospital.
Our graduates aro In groat demand. Address
Supt. ot Nurse, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nebruka
Is it "your Intention to become nn educator, n scientist, nn
agricultural expert? Would you bo Interested In any of tho special
courses offered by tho
The Graduate College College of Arts nnd SclenceB.
Tho Teachers' College College of Agriculture.
Collcgo of Engineering Collcgo of Law. ,
Collcgo of Medicine Collego of Pharmacy.
Collcgo of Duslncsa Administration.
College of Dentistry School of Fino Arts.
Teachers' Collcgo High School.
Schools of Agriculture Tho Summer Session University Ex
tention Courses. v
A comprehensive curriculum, an unexcelled corps of professors
and instructors; athletics, debating societies, music, dramatics, all
these await you at Lincoln. Address tho Registrar
First Semester Registration Sept. 15-18, 1920.
Youngster Had Little Difficulty Mak
ing Up His Mind as to What
He Would Do.
As tho old lndy strolled on tho cliffs
near n sensiiie town sue came ncros
a lad dressed In the well-known
scouts' rig.
"What do they teach you In the
Scouts?" she asked him, with n beam
ing smile.
"To be manly citizens, and true to
king and country." replied the lad
"And whnt arc you going to lie when
vou grow up, my lime intuit went on
his self-appointed examiner.
"A soldier, to light for tho king."
wns the patriotic reply.
"Very brave," npplauded the old
dame. "Now. suppose you wtw tho
king's coach dashing along, with run
away horses, straight toward the
edge of this cliff, what would you do?"
The youngster eyed her In disgust.
Evidently Rhe wns one of those peoplo
who never Imagine a boy has any
sense. He determined to settle her
onco nnd for all, so ho replied:
"I'd shut my eyes, and sing, 'God
bave tho King.' "London Answers.
the Reds,
for my
rio's In
"Vote for mine. He's out on naif.'
Louisville Courler-.fournal.
(There's no waste io
and it saves suqar.jbr it
contains its
No cooking is necessary
and the likable flavor of
this wheat and malted
barley food is eQualed economy.
Grocers everywhere
sell Grape Nuts.
Taking the Sunny Side.
Kvcry street has two sides, tho
shady side and the sunny. When two
men shake hands and part mark which
of the two takes the sunny side; he
will be the youngar man of tho two.
"Cold In tho Head"
Is nn ncuto ntttick of Nasal Catarrh.
Tlioso subject to frequent "colds In ttio
head" will find that tlio use of HALL'S
CATAItltll M15DICINK will build up tho
System, cleanso tho Ulocd and rendor
thotn less llnblo to colds. Repeated at
tnckB of Acuta Catarrh may lead to
Chronlo Catarrh.
taken Internally and nets through the
Illood on tho Mucous Surfnces of the Sys
tem, thus reducing the Inflammation and
restoring normal conditions.
AH Druggists. Circulars froe.
V. J. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
No Laughing Matter.
"I admire the man who laugh" nt
danger, don't you?" "No, 1 think ho
has a mighty poor sense of humor."
Negro Soldier's Amusing Explanation
as to. How It Was He Got
Hie Wound.
A medical corps olllcer chanced upon
a negro acquaintance of civil life ono
day In France.
, "How do you like tho army, Moso?"
he asked.
"'S'all right so far, cap'n," replied
tho negro, "but Ah don' know how I'm
going to like It when dem Germans
shoots at me."
"Don't wony about that," replied tho
olllcer. "All you hnvo to do Is zig
zag." And ho demonstrated.
The next time the two met, tho ne
gro was In a hospital.
"What's, the matter with you, Mose?"
asked the olllcer.
"I ain't sure, cap'n. but Ah think I
must have been zlggln' 'bout do tlm
Ah oughtu been znggfn." American
Legion Weekly.
Cross Is Right.
"Tho original cross-examination," re
marked the mournful' philosopher,
"must have been the third degree pro
cedure Eve used on Adam when her
husband remained away n Inrgo part
of the night sitting up with n sick
If some men were aR big as they
think they are' their tailor bills would
bankrupt them.
own sweetening