The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 21, 1920, Image 1
& 1orth (Tribune. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAH. NORTH PLAITE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 21, 1920. No. -73 WAREHOUSE RTTIMf i$OTTT T Guy Drako n switchman in the ser JLJCrJLll J JJ U ILrf 1 vice of tho Union Pacific ut this plncc, was nlmostslnstnntly. killed yestordny morning when caught between n SIMON RKOTHERS C031L'LETIXfl A string of cars which ho was coupling. RUILRING OX EAST FRONT STREET. Tho new warehouse building which was started some weeks ago by Simon Bros, is practically finished and will bo ready for uso in a few days. It la located on East Front Street in tho 900 ( block. It Is 6G feet wide by- 75 feet deep and will havo track frontage. It ' will bo divided into four rooms, two of which the Simon Bros, firm will occupy and two will bo for rent. Tho building is well finished being built of Ham & Fan-Is Cement Brick in nat ural color. It is located so that It will havo plenty of driveway space on tho east and south while tho tracks will come right up to the building on tho north. It is a ono story building with fourteen foot celling enabling tho ono roof to cover a large amount of storage space. In order for a city to be a distribu ting point It must havo storage spaco where consignments can bo placed during distribution. Every firm can not afford to own n storage plant but 1 it can afford to pay tho storage i charges on local consignments which are received In carload lots although , , --- "-"" it may take months to dispose of tho I goods at retail. .. . ,. - xiiu oiiiiuii .uiikiiuio nun tui.tua large amount of raw material and fur naces which are received In carload lots and it alms to take caro of these goods in its own plant. The space was built with the idea that as the Thisjness expanded it would finally take over the whole building but until then, the space In excess of their needs ' will be rented. This supplies a need . which will help Not1 th Platte to grow. AllTTiilnn-rHnrlifr Sliniw ivlll clnso nt. nnnii Frl.lnv for the test of the ' ,jny Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson . I were business visitors in tho city Monday. T American Legion Benefit WRESTLING MATCH Fred Wartsen (Weight rzo) vs fTommy Ray!(Weightf?68) Thursday, Sept. 23, '20. at Fireman's Hall. General Admission $1.10. g Ringside $1.68. Tickets on Sale at RexallJDrug Store, Whelans and Brunswick Pool Hall. Promoter J. E. Selby, Instructor and Match Maker for American Legion. Wrestling Match to take place after band concert at 8:30. "SHOULD The Problem of the Ages Reduced to Terms of Modern Life. Society's Shams Smashed A remarkable,, cast headed by Marion Cooper and Mrs. James K. Hackett. Some of the best racing scenes ever shown on the screen. Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. HUY DRAKE KILLED IX THE LOCAL YARDS YESTERDAY. Responsibility for tho accident has not yet been placed but it Is said that a passengor engine bumped' Into ono end of the string of cars when a Bwitch engine wns at the other ond. Tho injured man was found almost at once and nished to a hospital but died in a few minutes. His brother Loo wns out of town but camo on tho first train and this morning tho body was taken to York, Nebr., where Intormont will bo made. His parents llvo at Kearney. ' :o: : THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN YOTERS HOLDS MEETING. Tho meeting of the members of tho League of Women Voters at tho Franklin Auditorium last evening was well attended and tho time was taken up with a discussion of the Proposed Amendments to tho Constitution of Nebraska which aro being voted upon today. Mrs. C. F. Spencer, tho Presi dent of tho Lincoln County Lengue, presided. ::o:;i RIG THREE-COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Last Sunday was the big Three County Convention on tho County line between Lincoln and Logan Counties . . , :, , A,,llt one thousand people wcro pros- ent at the big picnic dinner and the programs which proceeded and fol- lowpd. More than forty went from North Platte. Speakers from all three of he Counties took part, on tho pro gram with several Sunday School classes. Officers wore elected and n,an? laid for a b!er convention next ' : :o: CARD OF THANKS. .We wish to express our deepest ap- Preclatlon for the kind sympathies shown us during the illness and death of our (lcar baby. itr ,i r - ti m . " v. r. xempie ana family. A HUSBAND 9 SUCCESSFUL STYLE REVIEW LARGE CROWD WITNESSES FALL AND WINTER MODELS. Tho Full and Winter Fashion Ro vlow or "Stylo Show" givon last even ing at tho I. O. 0. F. Hall by tho Stylo Shop was crowded to tho limit with cagor and Interested ladies and gentlemen. A plutform ran down thru tho contor of tho room with scats ar ranged on either side. Tho living models camo onto tho platform at ono ond nnd loft at the other. Severn! (entertainment features were Intro duccd during tho show which wore highly enjoyed. Among tho modols wero Mosdames Carroll, Burke, ltomigh, Harry and Ned Cramer and Misses LoDloyt, Edwards, Rubls, Mar callus and Sorcnson. Tho patrons of tho Review wero well pleased with the styles shown and pronounced It a great success. GOVERNOR COX WILL BE IN NORTH PLATTE MONDAY. According to tho itlncry sent to the secretary on the Cox train by W. H. Thompson, Democratic National Com mitteeman from Nebraska, tho Cox special cars wUl be attached to Nuin- ber Six, next Monday morning. The ( Governor will mnko a short address from the train, being introduced by Keith Neville, Chairman of the Dom- Ctnfn fVitWtml PimniWnn Ctnrei w.uwv wiuuuiu oiujm will be made at Lexington, Kearney and Grand Island where tho cars are transferred to the Burlington and taken to Lincoln. HART'S OIRL BAND GIVES CON CERT IN COURTHOUSE PARK. Last night several hundred people gathered Jn the.iOourthouae Park and ll-tened to 'a short program by the Hart Girl Band; Tho Jnusic was highly appreciated, especially the vocal num bers with band accompaniment. The Band will play at the County Fair to- day and tho rest of the week. It will give another concert in tho Court-1 houso Pnrk tonight. :o: :- PHOBARLE LINE 'UP OF NORTH PLATTE REGULAJtS Captain Paul Nolan has announced tho following as tho probable lineup of the North Platte Regulars who aro to meet the High School team at the Fnl- Grounds on Wedesdny afternoon: Ends Ernest Rlncker, Chns. Walters; Tackle Edward Bogue, Francis San dal); Guards Paul Nolan, Clarence Jones; Center Allison Wilcox, Cecil Calhoun: Half-back Cecil Cool, Abnei Wessburg, James Fylnn; Quarter back Victor Halllgan, Lowls Kelly. Captain Nolan says ho would like some extra players and ho would like to havo any of tho follows who would bo willing to substitute part of the gamo to report to him not inter than noon on odnesdny. :o: : WHY NOT YOU OWN some-dirt? Buy a nlco resident lot and let It grow In value. Only a few more loft In the water and light dis trict. Own one of them: $25 down, $10 a month. Safe as government bonds. Phono tho HOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN AGENCY. -::o: E. M. Holcomb will leave today for Omaha to transact business. FORGIVE?" A 1920 CINEMELODRAMA NATIONAL STRAW VOTE TO RE TAKEN HY REXALL STORES. The local Re.xnll Store is taking an Active part In tho straw vote bolng taken by tho 8,000 stores forming this corporation. Those stores are located all ovor tho United States. They havo placed ballot boxos for both mon and women and after Octobor first tho votos are counted every day and tho returns telegraphed to headquarters where tho vote jtbulatod and wired over tho country., In tho last Presi dential eleotlbh, thoRoxnll straw vote nnmed tho President In ndvnnco of tho .election. - AEROPLANE AND AUTO IN - MIX-UP AT .TULESRURG, FRIDAY. An aeroplane driven by ono of tho North PIntto Aircraft Co.'s men was seriously damaged at Julosburg Fri day while doing somo Btunts at "tho Fair there. It seems that tho stunt was for the plane to drop a ropo, lad der to ono of their mcnwho was In a rapidly moving nuto on tho raco track. Tho ladder caught on tho rear ond of tho auto and tipped It ovor at the same time driving tho front end of tho aeroplane Into the ground. No one was hurt and the plane was load ed onto a truck and brought" to North Platte for ropairs. KENSINGTON AT THE J. R. REDFIELD HOME SATURDAY. Thirty ladles were entertained nt n i Kensington Saturday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. J. B. Redfield, Mrs. J. v. Romigli assisting. Tho nftcntbon wns spent with a series of novol and mimaine fnntests aftor whlnli n two- 1 i . (i t course uiucii was servuu uy mioses Frltz, Boyles and Carter. o::- The funeral of Mrs. Henry Yost wns hold in the Lutheran hurch, Sunday afternoon nt three o'clock. Rov. C. F. Koch conducted tho services and interment was made in the North PIntto Cemetery. -::o:: RevA C. F. Koch officiated . Sunday aternoon-1 at a very pretty wedding when he united Miss Hazel Brnnnon nnd James A. Becker in marriage. Mr. Becker Is a telegrapher who lives hero and Mrs. Becker Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Brannon, 1415 W. Sixth. Miss Velma Myers was bridesmaid and Carl Grelsen was best ian. Following tho coromony n wedding dinner was served the friends nnd. relatives who wero present. Mr. and Mrs. Becker loft the same day for a protracted visit of several months to Pacific Coast points. The' Thought of a Girl Saved His Life! It gavo him a now start and caused Earle Williams . plunge into Wall street and put over "A Master Stroke" le was a lamb among bulls and 1 rs, but ho led thorn all and ended a i nclnl feud that liad been waged for s. It is a feature filled with com- c lovo nnd suspouso. LS0 2 ki:i:i. COMEDY tJames Aubrey "The Decor ator" . At the Thursdav (U CARLE WILLIAMS VljJ ,IM KINI PROM 1) MASTER STROKE'SI SUN and FRIDAY ALL IS SET FOR THE FAIR THE EIGHTH ANNUAL LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR AND RACES OPENS TODAY. The Lincoln County Fair opens Its Eighth Annual session at tho Fair Grounds nt ono o'clock today when tho gates opon to visitors. Tho Adult admission for tho first thrco days Is GOc with a ono dollar admission on Friday. Thoso who want to see the attractions, games nnd races from tho grand stand will pay COo during the first thrco dnys and ono dollar on Fri day. Tho bleachers will cost Just half as much. Today Is tho Base Ball Tournnment. According to tho present schedulo thcro nro four teams in the running and there will bo two games this af ternoon. Hcrshoy, Stnpleton, Brady and North Platto will bo paired for tho first series. Tho High School Cadet Band, Hnrt's Girl Band, tho Marriott Troupt, North Platto Air craft Co. and Hughes and LaRado will bo tho free attractions. Tomorrow tiro winners in tho first sorles of baso ball teams will play for tho championship of the tourna ment. Following this will bo a regu lar football game between Keith Ne ville's High School tenm and tho North PIntto Regulars under Paul I Nolan. Tho free attractions will be on hand with plenty of music nnd en tcrtnlnmcnt. nuto Thursday tho preliminary races will bo run with several special races not scheduled for any other day. Thursday nlKht is tho big wrestling mntch under direction of tho Amorl- can Legion. Friday ls tho big .automobile races. Tho North Platto Special In three heats, Mio Lincoln County Special and the Chamber of Commerco Sweep stakes, with a total of oyer $4,000 in prizes, will furnish thrills for every one. E.nch night thore Is to be a dance in tho K. C. Hall and special onto- Lnlnment features are planned for the evoning if tho weather will per- mlt. During Thursday and Friday tho Chamber of Commerco Band will piny at tho races. All entcrtalnmonts bogln nt 1 p. m. Uags, pursos and 'mpsh bags. 25 discount. Austin's Itomoval Sale. Woolen Goods Sold Directly from the Mills to Consumer Orders for the Logan Knitting Factory Of Logan, Utah, manufacturers of the famous matle-to-measur-Utah Woolen Goods are taken by D. A. Freedman, at the Hole1 Palace for fall and winter delivery. Orders taKen for the following rXDKHWEAK Wool, cotton nnd silk mixtures. SWEATERS nnd JEKSEYS-For school, office, sport and work, many styles, knits and shades. SUITS nnd OVERCOATS Men's and young men's fall and winter stylos 150 patterns of cloth. MACKINAWS All Wool and many patterns. FLANNEL SHIRTS All wool and guaranteed against shrinkage. LEATHER VESTS & SHEEPSKIN COATS Delivery of the Goods can he Made at any time between now and Christmas and l'aiu lor wnen neceivea. COME TO THE HOTEL PALACE-PHONE 46. At North Platte Across From the U. P. Depot. Walk right up to tho sample room on tlio main floor and look our samples over. You owo It to yourself to seo real woolen goods and save all tho money you can. If your happy family is with you bring them along too. I'll be there every day during tho County Fair from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. If you live right in town you can leave a call for mo with the hotel clerk ('phone 46) and I'll bring a full display of samples to your house at any time.. D. A. FREEDMAN, Agent, For the Logan Knitting Factory, Logan, Utah. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO. ENTERTAIN AUTO DRIVERS r it11 tertnln tho local and visiting drlvora of racing autos at tho Fair, at a dlu nor at tho Union Pacific Dining noom Wednesday ovonlng nt C:15. vTho of ficers and managers of tho Fair will also bo prosont. All members of tho Chamber of Commerce nro invited. Plates nro 7Cc caoh. Tickets will bo on sale up to Tuesday ovonlng at the Chamber of Commerco Office. P. 0. INDEPENDENTS BAS1 WINNERS OF SUNDAY GA3IE. By ii score of 5 to 0 tho P. O. in dependents shut out tho U. P. Shop team on tho local diamond, Sunday nftornoon. It wns tho pitching of Georgo Schulor, a former mombor of Company E, who was bore on a visit, that did tho work. Tho shop team did ' not como near to scoring nt any time during tho gamo. Tho batteries wore Schulqr nnd Snndnll and Johnson nnd Hnggorty. ROY SCOUTS ARE T0 HAVE THE SOFT i)RINK CONCESSIONS Tho Local Council of tho Boy Scouts will have chargo of tho thrco stands at tho County Fair where pop nnd other soft drinks aro to be sold. Every cent of profit will bo turned Into tho treasury of tho local Council for tho benefit of tho Boy Scouts. ANNUAL MEETING OF LUTHER- AN LADIES AID SOCIETY Tho annual meeting of tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Lutheran Church will bo held in tho basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon of this week nt three o'clock. Importnnt business Is to como up. I A A private wedding took place at the Lutheran Church Sunday at ono o'clock when Itov. C. F. Koch united Miss Valotta Davis and Qlen IUtner in marriage. Miss Edith IUtner, a sis- tor of the groom wns bridesmaid and Fay Davis, a brother of the brldo was best man. ' ' Mrs. Rttuor formerly lived, at Hor shoy where she hnd many friends. Mr. Rltnor is tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Rltnor of this city nnd has lived bore most of his life. Ho ls a graduato ot North Platto High School and pppular with tho young pooplo of hla act. .They' will resldo at 804 W. Fourth. Street. All Jewelry 25 reduction. Austin's I Romoval Sale. articles for fyfen, Women, Children. BLANKETS Wool nap and alL wool 25 grades. RAINCOATS Snappy fall and winter stylo 35 grades v LEATHERETTE COATS Tho latest, crazo . il-PIECE SWEATER SUITS for chil drenall wool all colors. HOSIERY Silk and wool. SLirOVEHS for Ladles and Misses.' UNDERSKIRTS All-wool. All colon