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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
DR. 0. H. CKESStEft, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald .Stt Bunk. I CITY AND COUNT!' NEWS. W, V. Hoagland returned homo yes- j 'Mrs. Jdhii JatfEibsOn, Toi'CheiWno.'t ' ' , ,is vf Biting Mt. E.icConnell.'' v f ' 4 ' f John Brooks arrived homo Wednos-I day from n business trip to Kearney. Mrs. II. G. Thompson, of Sutlior 4 lriW jrns a businoss visitor, in the? , city- vostordnv. ' 1 kit .. . x. .?i , wuvucj' uiiiv -iica, mp HOW iau I lino la now on display at- Wilcox nA , partmont Store. " " J . r--- t,... L ,., .i.iii . n 1 : "LRRRITY rlFHRA cSaPF IoKF 'r . IF MflRV- COULD ONtfl oIN&UKETrlrVT. ITTRKESMEBRCKTO Paul'IInrrinetnii iirvlvmt iihn wi. tcrday from Lincoln whoro ho trans- nosday from a business trip to Goth- !SMET0NE!J acted legal business Misses Graco Mooney and Janet Mc Donald wont to Lexington yesterday to attend tho Fair. Mrs. Frank Stewart .loft yesterday , for her homo in Lincoln after visiting friends in town for somo time. W. D. Kuhns, of Bonkleman, arrived hero this week to visit, Ho is tho nophow of tho lato Mr. Desack. A. P. Whito and Joe Flllioa returned Tuesday from a week's auto trip to Denver and Colorado Springs crfburg and Maxwell. i Mrs. Annlo Richardson, of Wood Hlvgr, camo Thursday to visit hor sis-, tor, Mrs. Pat McGrow. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Baker and chtl dron loft Wednoadny for Mont Grove Whore they will rosido in tho future. Morton and Jeaso Harris left tho j first of tho week for Lexington to ' tako in tho Dawson County Fair. j Munsing Underwear for tho whole. family in just, tho weight and stylo Mrs. H. Jacobs, of Denver, formerly; Uk0 at TWlcox Dflt ore. Misi Ireno Stuart of this city, arrived ' MIss Huldah Johnson left Saturday hero Tuesday to visit hor paronts. ' morn,"6 for Kearney whero sho will Mrs. Ray Stewart loft yesterday, f. res1umo her stumes at tho stat Nor- iici uuiuu iu ovuiuu fuiur visillllr ' tho homo of hor husband's parents. TAKE NOTICE. List your residence property to help supply the demand. Sco the n. & S. AGENCY. 71 2 Mrs. Henry Mehlman returned to her homo in Denver yesterday after visiting hor son Roy Mehlman for a week. A. B. Hoagland spent Tuesday and Wednesday in McCook, where ho had been summoned as a witness in a caso in court Taffetta Blouses, fall styles nt real prices. B. T. Tramp & Sons. Tho number of cars passing through tills terminal is tho greatest In tho history of tho Union Pacific. This de mand on tho motive power Is indicated by the fact that as high as ninety locomotives are sent out of the round house In a twenty-four hour period. "By Jovo! This is tho best lino of (Woolen goods I over saw," tho above i was ono of tho many remarks made , - ....... I"' UUU1UC1 Ul 11U1LU IIUUII Catharine Pushmau, of Melrose, ar-' . , . ... , , , , , . i people who swarmed at tho Palaco riveu nero inursaay morning, ano ex pects to attend St. Patrick's School 1 tho coming year. Mrs. A. Graham and children, of Melrose, returned to their home yes terday after visiting friends in this city for somo time. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burgstorum and children,, of Omaha, "who have been visiting at tho home of John Manley left. Thursday for their home. Judge and Mrs. II. M. Grimes have been spending this week In McCook, whero the Judge is holding a term of district court for the resident judge. Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Logan left Wed nesday for Fremont where they will pack their household goods and ship them to this city. They will drive back a 1921 Buick. There will bo meetings every night at- tho Full Gospel Mission, 412 E. Front St. The meetings will begin at eight o'clock. Every ono is welcome. Evangelist Caroline Flint is in charge. iHo;tel tho last few days to look over tho woolen line of tho Logan Knitting Factory. Leave a call for me with the clerk at the, Hotel and I'll bring tho full display of samples to your house at any time. D, A. FREEDMAN. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Huffman leave today fpr Excelsior Springs where they will remain a month. They will return to North Platto to spend a fow days and then leave for Santa Anna, Cal., which will bo their future homo. Should a Husband Forgive? To tho countless millions sinco tho world be gan this problem has presented itself for solution. 0n tho answer has rested tho .happiness! of innumerable lives. Today it stands out as tho question of questions affecting all classes and ar- " ' 11-1 II VII1L. 1fl I till UMttHMftMtmilWMmWMWlfMII IJUNHttlllf UllinWJIlAAk Knun I till I II nnjHHwwjiti!. r, . MEET ME AT THE Fair Lincoln County SEPTEMBER 21-24 W. R. MALONEY COMPANY Miss Mario Cooms, of Sutherland, will arrive in North Platto tomorrow to visit for a fow days. Sweaters in all colors andstylos now on display at E. T. Tramp Sons Miss Elvira Welch, Field Secretary resting the attention of tho hearts , of tho 'National Red Cross wille hero and minds of mankind. You will soon Fair Week at the Red Cross rjkrms to have an opportunity to get somo light interest "women in home -Jlurslng on the matter. Watch for further an nouncements. classes, which will bo organized hero soon. Sri LOOK WHAT'S COMING of tho m Hi m m m m IE m m if, & Let Us Tel! Y011 a Few Things About TORE 8:00 2:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 9:00 8:00 8:00' We have a dru store and we belidve it is a snappy dru store, thou&h we are continually trying to better it. But we have a few lines that are found in other stores in a more or less complete condition. . In ours if you will pardon me for beinfc so "chesty" very much complete. Eli m 1. Our Candy Department In it we have Woodwards-Johnspn's box goods in profusion, all fresh, A box to take to the best girl to fake home or give to a friend any kind, any price and quality of the best. Also bulk chocolates, both milk coated and dark. Tnen a big line of hard goodsy and let me impress it ujion you -,the best of the kind. 2. Fountain Pens We offer you among others the Parke "Lucky Curve" picked out by it- If: 1 Gummere ill us from all the makes as the one best bet. And we can prove it to you. We have for your choice over a hundred in stock at all times and can fit your hand as well as your purse. 3. Our Shaving Goods Dept. Razors of all kinds, Gem, Eveready, Gillette, Auto-Strop, Durham-Duplex and Litt in' the safety kind Shumate guaranteed in the straight, Mugs, brushes, s'oaps, creams, lotions, talcums, stiptic pencils, strops, hones, mirrors, everything for a clean shave. ess Dent Drug Co rjtn)AY 2:30 Sun Matlnco 7:30 Sun Heart of -a Child 7:30 Keith Tho Femalo Species 7:30 Crystal Tho Falso Roml I. O. O. F. Hall Anniversary SATURDAY Sun Matlnco Sun In Folly's Trail Kelth-iTho Spirit of Clod Crystal Tho Adventuror K. C. Hall Banco SUNDAY Episcopal Holy Communion Lutheran Rev. II. r L. Grcon- walt of Paxton 8:00 Methodist Layman's Servico 8:00 Baptist Chalk Tfrlk "Rojolco in tho Lord" 9:30 Episcopal Sunday School 9:45 Baptist Sunday School 9:45 Lutheran Sunday School 9:45 Christian Sunday School 9:45 Methodist Sunday School ' 10:00 Presbyterian Sunday School 11:00 B. & L. Bldg-Chrlstlan Scien ce Morning Sorvico 11:00 Lutheran "Tho Rich Inherit' anco of a Poor Man" 11:00 Episcopal Morning Prayer 11:00 Baptist "Enoch Walked With God" 11:00 Methodist M. E. Gilbert, Dis trict Supt. 11:00 Presbyterian Morning Sor vico 11:00 Christian Morning Servico Christian Baskot Dinner North Sldo Sunday School Fair Grounds Baso Ball Baptist B. Y. P. U. Methodist Epworth Lcaguo Christian C. E. Presbyterian C. E. Episcopal Evening Prayer Presbyterian Evonlng Service Christian Preaching , MONDAY I. O. O. F. Fall Fashion Re view 8:00 Lutheran Brotherhood 12:00 Presbyterian Rotary Club Dinnor 12:00 Oasts Boy Scout Council 2:30 Sun Matlnco 7:30 Sun Lifo is a Funny Proposi tion 7:30, Keith Alarm Clock Andy 7:30 Crystal Tho Adventurer :;o;; Fall morchandlso coming in dally, big urid .varied assortments of ovory thing in woaring apparel for ladles, lnlnsos and .children. E. T. Tramp & Sons. 12:00 3:00 3:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:00 8:00 DANIEL IV. BE SACK. Daniel Wobster Bosack was born in tho stato of Now York, April 10, 1851 and died at his homo In North Platto Sopt. 10; 1920, aged C9 years, 4 months and 24 days. When a baby hls parents moved In Indiana whero they resided for a fow years and then nioVed to Nowton, la., whero Daniol spent his boyhood days. Ho was married Oct. 7, 1871 to Miss Rebecca Dunagan Tho same yoar ho brought his brido to Nobraska, set tling on a homestead in Flllmoro County, near Grafton. Then thoy moved to Belvedoro whore ho helped j organize Thayer County. In 1883 they camo to North Platto whero they have ' lived for a third of a century. Mr. ( Bosack early started In tho livery businoss and only dropped out when hls ago and falling health compolled him to retire. Bosidcs his wife ho leaves one son, D. W. Besack, Jr., wjio with his fam ily lives In tho Bamo block, Throe sons, Benjamin, Clifford and Wlllinm preceeded their fathor. D. W. Bosack with ills wife joined tho Molhodlst Church under tho paa torato of Rev. A. J. Clifton with whom ho formed a lasting pprsonal friendship. Ho was unofficial In tho church and for years looka loading place In all of Its activities. Until very recently ho was a mombersof tho church choir. ::o:: Frank Lltsoy returned this morning from Omaha whoro ho transactedjius lness. J. E. SEUASTIAN, Tho Old Lino Lifo Man, Jtcs. Phono 1138. Office Phone (11 2 J J. D. Cox returned homo this weok from Iowa whero ho had been vlBltlng rolntlves. Dr. ITownrd Yost, Dentist, Twlnem Building. Phono 807. 77f Dowoy McGrow left this morning for Lincoln whero ho will attend the Stato University. Harry Waltomath left this morning for Chicago whero ho will attend tho North Wostorn University. Dr. L. J. KBAUSE, Dontlst. Mc Donald Bank Bnlhllng. Booms 2 & 8, Phono 07. 42tf Mrs. Joseph Jessup Is expected to,-, day from Lincoln to visit at tho Clydo" Cook and Edgar Inman homos. Louis Johnson, Union Pacific Store Keeper, has been transferred to. Choy onno and Iqft for that placo Wednes day ovonlng. . To whom are you going to sell youi Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mor. Tini'.lP Co ' will offer tho higheei Prices. inn A ami lino of roady-to-woar and trimmed hats will bo on"dlsplay for tho first tlmo Friday un Saturday at Tho Loailor Mercantilo Co. SUNSET PARTY. Tho fifth nununl Sunsot Party was held yesterday at - tho Episcopal church, There woro Blxty-nino mombors present. A ropresentatlvp from each church mado up tho rocep tion committee and cars woro sup plied to bring tho members to tho church. ' Tho program consisted of roadiugs by Mildrpd Skinner, Mrs. Tiloy, Mrs. K, iT, Forboa and Mrs Mary Stebbins. Mrs. Maudo Shonk rendered a vocal solo, and tho speakers woro Rev. Mac kintosh, Mr. Stobblns and Victor Von Gootz. Mrs. J. II. VunCleavo oxtonded tho Invitation for tho club to meet next year at tho Christian Church and it Is hoped that ovory mombor who at tended this year .will attend next year and onjoy tho samo good tlmo. ,:o:: r r Cropo Silk shirt waists for ladies Just real values. E. T. Tramp & Sons. . Tho Ladles Auxllllary to tho B. of R. T. will hold a special mooting to day at tho K. P. Hall and every mom-, bor Is expected to bo present. AT THE IDN THEATRE. FRIDAY "Heart of a Child" . STARRING! lAZIMOVA r ALSO MUTT & JEFF. SATURDAY "In folly's Trail STARRING CARMEL MYERS ALSO HER WEEK END STABBING Gale Henry MONDAY "Life is a funny Proposition" , STABBING 4 WILLIAM DESMftNn ALSO RADIUM MYSTERY