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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
Keith, Saturday. MADLA1NE TRAVERSE in "The Spirit of God" He sought sold; alio sought happlnosaj both fdnnrt lore on tho, edge of the ( World. . ' Two part eomifly Slipping Feet. t LOCAL ixl) I'EiiSOflAL t Mrs. N. F. Harrison left Wednesday for Julcsburg. j Harold F. Cnrr spent Sunday In this $ty visiting friends. lrs. A. Lymbcr and chlldron left ""Wednesday for McCoolc. ' , Clias. Hupfor, Sr., left Wednesday lor his homo in California. '7. J Calawo, of Grand Island, Is visiting Miss Clara Tuongo. John Brcnnen, of Grand Island, is Visiting friends In, this city. "Win. Slooper, of Omaha, was in the .city, yesterday visiting friends. Jack Norrls loft Tuesday pvonlng jtor Lincoln to attend tho University. .Qoo. Dakor, of Omaha, transacted business in tho city Wednesday. J'Mrs. J. T. Allstrom spont Bovoral day8 transacting business In Omaha, v! Miss Noll Coonoy loft Tuesday for a short visit In Loxlntgon and Kear ney. ' ', Vliss Ruth Hubbard roturncd tho jffrst of tho week from a trip to Ogal lala. " w. uiny ion wcunesuay morning n short business visit In Grand Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cordcr left Tues day morning for a short visit In Lex Jngton. Paul Ottenatoin loft Wednesday for Lincoln wharo ho will attend the Unl vorslty. Loolilol Johnston loft Tuosday for Chicago to visit his son Dr. F. C. Johnston. Mrs. Jamos Brady and daughter Ethel, of' Brady, roturncd to, their homo this .week. Miss Mao Kerl, of Omaha, loft Wed nesday morning after visiting at tho homo of Mr,, and Mrs. Arthur Tramp. TAKE NOTICE. List your residence property to help supply tho demand. See I ho H. & S. AGENCY. 71 2 Ceoll VnnCampboll, of Paxton, came yostorday morning to visit his aunt and undo Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camp-boll.. Mrs. Chns. Dill, Jr., and Dill, Sr., arrived Wednos Chlcago to visit friends Island. , " Mrs. John Piorson, of . Gothonburg, camo Wednesday to visit Miss Mario Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harris ro turned Wednesday to their homo In Wallace Harry Waltomath left Wodnosday for Madison, Wis., whoro ho will at tend school .Patrick Roach, o'f Wood IUver, was a business visitor in tho city tho first oKih'cweelc. loft Wednesday for Lincoln whoro ho will Mr. and Mrs. Cling, day from NJiere. -xownsonu uoni, lesno uaro, iioicn Smith and Paul Simon leU Tuosday to attond tho Stato University nt Lin coln. Carl Ilollman, Harry Samuolson and Bob ItoblnBon left Wednesday for a fishing trip In, tho Lako Country near Tryon, Russoll and Lester Langford will leave tomorrow for Cnl. whero they will attond tho Loland Stanford Uni versity. Havo you soon tho now Items that have Just been added to tho Infants Dopartment at Wilcox Department Storo? Mrand Mrs. Ralph Clabaugh loft yesterday for their homo in Greeley, Colt),, after visiting at tho homo of Mr. Clabaugh's parents. Emll Norman, of Chicago, wag visit ing Jool Sandborg last week. Ho is omploycd In tho Rock Island depot there and was hero on a vacation. Martin NIckolsen, of Eureka, Col., roturncd to his home Monday after visiting in this city. Mr. Nickolsen was a formor rosldont of Hershoy and well known In this city. Albort Borry, of Lafayotto, Ind., wag passing through from tho west tho first of tho weok and stopped off hero and spoilt a fow hours at tho home of Mrs. A. E. Groon. Mr, Berry was a rcsldont hero in 1894. Ho couldn't soil a beefsteak to a starving millionaire That's what thoy thought of Andy at tho office Then ono day something hnppened-7-What? YouMl havo to come to tho Keith Monday and seo for thoy arc . .y.-Ereoman Hanson morning attend school. ', "1' . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell, of Paxton, camo Wednesday to visit Marlon RIchardB, Sonator and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland will leavo Saturday to attond. a con vention In Boston. Miss Myrtlo May, loft Tuosday for hdwihqrao in Clinton, 111., after visit ing Mrs. A. J. Tracy. William West and William Clnck foltor, of Kearnoy, nro visiting at tho homo of Jamos Smlthors. Mrs. C. M. Wormwood, of Dodgo, NobraBka, loft Wednesday nttor visit ing Mrs. Fred Schlommor. calling Andy "Mr. Grny" now. If you aro too busy during tho day como in tho evening .botwoon C and 10 to look over our woolon lino. I'll bo in tho samplo room of tho Palaco Hotel every evening until I leavo. D. A. FREEDMAN, Agent for tho Logan Knitting Factory of Logan, Utah. While Josbo Smith was at McCook tho early part ofthls week, his Nash sport roadster was stolon by joy rid ers who Bucceedod In running tho car Into tho approach to a bridgo und damaging It to such nn extent that tho Insurance company allowed him nlno lijundrod dollars to cover tho ropair bill. Tho purtlos who appropriated tho car abandoned It followlngthonccldont and their Identity has not yet been learned. SATURDAY SPECIAL i Guaranteed Flour (Denver Loaf) $3.20 Cow Brand Flour, $3.20 2 pounds of Coffee . 55c 22 Bars Laundry Soap- $1.00 5 Bars of Toilet Soap-, 25c Pork & Beans, per can ' 10c r, v 3 Rolls Toilet Papor (largo Bize )-w - 25c Tied Moon Pan Cako Flour i 'J 1 38c Tomatoes 15c per can, per dozen $1.70 Star and Horse Shoo Tobacco, per lb 11 85c Webb Foot Coffee (this salo) f ' 45c Pint Fruit Jars, per dozen ' 85c Quart Fruit Jars per dozen 95c 2 Quart Fruit Jars per dozen . , $1.15 Peaches per bushel basket $4.75 Sugar 17 Vk cents per pound ' Every Boy and Girl under 1G years who is In my house between 10 and 11 o'clock, with a grocery ordor, matters not how small, will receive a package of candy and Baloon Squawkor FREE. ' McMICHAELS GROCERY, PHONE 441. I It'. I SUDDEN DEATH 01' MOTHER l'OST YESTERDAY Mrs. Henry Yost, 41C W. Eighth St, died vory suddenly yostorday morning of heart failure. Sho attonded ohurcb last Sunday nnd scorned ns well as usual. Anna Mnrlo Yost wns born in Gor mnny, May 12, 1841 and died at North Platte, Nobr., Sept 10, 1920 at tho ago of 79 years, 4 montliB and 4 days. Sho was married Doc. C, 1859 to Honry Yost and last winter tho sixtieth an niversary of this wedding was cele brated at tho First Lutheran Church horo. & , , Tho family camo to North Plntto iji 188G and liaB made this Its' homo for thlrty-flvo yoars. Thcro werc'twolvo chlldron In tho family, threo of whom nro dod and nlno living. Those liv ing in North Platto at this timo arc Miss Caroline Yost, Mrs. Elizabeth Scharman, Mrs. Anna Brodbeck, Mrs. Ella Thayer, Charles Yost, William Yost and Andrew Yost. Mrs. Knto Austin lives In Omaha and Mrs. Mary Dill In Chicago. These nlno chlldron with their families and tho husband, Henry Yost, nro tho Immedinto rela tives who survive. Mother Yost as sho was lovingly called by thoso who know her Intima tely, watf a faithful member of tho Lutheran Church. Sho attended regu larly and cotild always bo counted up on when religious matters wore con corned. Sho was on earnest Christian, a good wife and mother and a loyal citizen. Our sympathy is extended to thoso who mourn for hor. Tho funoral services will bo held at threo' o'clock Sunday, Sept. 19th, at tho Lutheran Church. HiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiH SS Hi SUTHERLAND WOMAN DIES IN LOCAL HOSPITAL. Mrs. William Drayton, living just west of Sutherland, died In a North Platte Hospital, Sunday Sept 12, from complications, which at first did not seen to bo serious. Sho was forty nine years old and leaves hor husband nnd two grown sons. Funeral ser vIcob weroheld in the Malonoy Chapel with Rev. C. F. Koch In charge and burial was In tho North Platto Cemetery. -i:c: ANIMAL LIFE AT ITS WORST Woe-Begone Specimens of Dogs, Pigs, and Horses In the Cuban Pro vince of Plnar del Rio. There aro more dogs than any oth er kind of animal life In Pinnr del Rio, the westernmost province of On bit, and chickens, pigs, ponies nnd goats rank next In tho order named. Dogs may be seen everywhere, but tliey aro lazy and Indifferent. Each shack-hold has a few chickens, none of which would have tho shade of a chnnco In a poultry show, but might hold their own, nt a cocking main. Thcro nro many pigs to bo seen, but they nro so thin nnd weakened that tho much-abused razor-back looks like a prosperous porker, says tho National Geographical Magazine. Each pig Is anchored fast to a peg In tho ground, tethered to a rope. Knowing that if tho rope were passed only about tho pig's neck he could wiggle free, the native passes It around tho pig In the front of ond shoulder and behind tho opposlto leg, and then draws It tight enough to prevent the pig from back ing out of it or creeping through. The norees one sees aro between the Texn8 and tho Shetland pony In size, nud so thin that one wonders If they can make a shadow. Milch goats, which aro tho cows of Plnar del Rio, seem to bo the one class of animal able to look fnt and sleek. Ney Rlnld Airship Is Speedy. In the latest rigid airship, R-S0, as developed by tho Vlckors people, par ticular attention was given to the elimination of unnecessary head re sistance and tho cutting down of weight, nnd the builders havo pro duced in R-SO a ship of only 1 mil lion cubic feet enpadty, whoso per formance In speed ana endurance is equal tothat of R-33 and R-34, which havo a capacity of two million cubic feet. Tho overall length of R-SO is G3Q feet, its diameter Is 70 feet and its height 85 feet. Tho total gross lift is 88.5 tons at sea lovol, and the dlsposablo lift is 17.5 tons. At full power tho estimated speed is over six ty miles per hour and tho cruising radius at this speed Is four thousand miles and Blxty-flvo hundred miles at fifty miles an hour Scientific Ameri can. v Artificial Milk on Board Ship. The milk problem on tho hospital ships of tho United States nnvy Is solved In a different and h'lghly ingeni ous fashion. On board the Mercury nnd Comfort thcro s now a machine which manufactures milk In any de sired quantity, although tho ship may havo been at son for weeks. The "me chanical cow" needs to bo fed with a combination of unsaltcd batter and skimmed milk powder, and It will glvo mlllt with any degrco of butter fnt which Is required. It also produces cream that will whip and tho fluid which It yields tastes like tho best quality of dairy milk nnd .cream that can bo procured asliore. n- 1 1 .. Miss Ruth Hogaett has accopted a position at tho Star Bottling Works. Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi 4' ! ' - We believe that you will desire to take ad vantage of this excellent opportunity to buy tires, , which will not be repeated.' The prices quoted below are on Firestone wrapped thread fabric casings, 'all of which are guaranteed.for 6,000 miles. 17P PLAIN NQN- RED TREAD SKID TUBE 30x3 $13.25 $2.75 30x31 $17.95 2.90 32x3z 19.85 21.30 3.30 32x4 25.35 28.30 4.25 33x4 26.90 29.70 4.45 -34x4 26.95 30.30 4.80 32x4 33.65 j 37.60 5.65 ' 344a ' 3595 41.95 5.95' V' YOURS FOR Most Miles Per Dollar. s & R. Service, Station Telephone 820 Hi -MHiHitfiHiHi 3i Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi tfi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi .Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 'Hi ! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi ' "V