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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
0 Dr. L. J. K1LVUSK, Dentist. Mc Donald Bank Building Rooms 2 & 0. riiono 07. 42t u urrvx i I'll i-i Prosperity and comfortable warmth seem to be syn onymous terms. If your coal bin is filled with the proper p-rado of coal you haven't got a whole lot to worry about. piling a grade of coal that is noted for the satis fy iuo- '.'j u it V'.t up the home Lot it heat your house. Honestly Folks. Had I a Large Main Street Store with expensive fixtures . : aany clever salesmen I couldn't have done any larger bus ness than 1 have done the past week in my small sample room at the Palace Hotel and myself . .nly salesman. Men and women rf all classes took advantage of my short stay hevp and the hotel lobby looked like a real busy city store. THIS PROVES TO WE conclusively that the men and women of North PI and vicinity appreciate my great efforts to give them ALL WOOL made-to-measure clothes at far less than the cost o: ' cheap, ill-fitting ready mades. I am thankful and more than satisfied t Good News Many farmers have written and 'phoned in that due to the harvesting of their crops they were unable to come in during the' past week. To accommodate the many outsiders and to give them the same opportunity to save on their winter clothes as the local people had, I have decided to Iceep my sample room open every day during the Lincoln County Pair on Sept. 21-24 from 9 A. Mto 10 P. M. 7th SEASON IN NORTH PLATTE The Logan Knitting Factory of Logan,' Utah, manufac turers of the Famous Mad e-To -Measure Utah Woolen Goods has been represented here for the past seven seasons and its business has doubled every year. Over $35,000 worth of orders have already been placed by the North Platte people with our mills for fall and winter delivery. AND THIS IS WHY 1. LOW COST. By selling our goods direct from our mills direct to you wo ollmlnate tho profits mado by tho wholesalers, jobbers and retailers. Then again the goods are made in Utah where tho wool is grown in abundance. 2. atADE TO FIT. Underwear, sweartrs, flannel shirts, macklnaws, and all other of our manufactured garmonts aro mado to your individual measure and a per fect fit is guranateed. 8. GOODS WITH A REFUTATION Tho Utah woolen goods havo been Bold direct to tho consumer for tho past 30 years in 15 different states. Ask your neighbor or any railroad man about them. They will toll you moro about tho quality and wear of our goods than wo can tell you hero. 1. ORDER NOW FAY LATER. All ordors aro delivered to you at any time between now and next Xraas. You glvo us tho dato when you wish tho merchandise shipped and you pay on delivery. War Tax is Included In our prices. All our goods aro Union Made. COME TO THE HOTEL PALACE-PHONE 46. At North PIatte-Across From the U. P. Depot. Walk right up to the sample room on the main floor and look our samples over. You owe it tp yourself to see real woolen goods and Save all the money you can. If your happy family is with you bring them along too. I'll bo there every day during tho County Fair from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. If you live right in town you can leave a call for me with the hotel clerk ('phone 4G) and I'll bring a full display of samples to your house at any time. D. A. FREEDMAN, Agent, For the Logan Knitting Factory, Logan, Utah. Try the Roxall first, it pays. 14tf i i)r, Uounrd lost, Dentist, Twlnciu Bnlldlng. I'll o no 807. 77tf ' lull coal-Bins spell Prosperity If filled with Q.u.alitif? r TAKE ORDERS. FOR THE FOL LOWING ARTICLES FOR MEN, WO MEN AND CHILDREN: FXDElhVEAR Wool, cotton and silk mixtures. SWEATERS and JERSEIS-J'or school, office, sport and work, many styles, knits and shades. SUITS and O'COATS Men's and young men's fall and winter sty les 150 patterns of cloth. 3CACKINA1YS All wool and many patterns. FLANNEL SHIRTS All wool and guaranteed against shrinkage LEATHER VESTS & SHEEPSKIN COATS BLANKETS AVool nap and all wool 25 grades. i RAINCOATS Snappy fall and winter stylo no graues LEATHERETTE COATS Tho latest crazo il-PIECE SWEATER SUITS for chil dren all wool all colors. HOSIERY Silk and wool. ! SLIPOVERS for Ladies and Misses. I ' N'RERSKIRTS All wool all colon IB WEBSTE MANS k0 Peter B. Irve 1 MM VI f Y W V romances' Does your pulse respond to a good, iur rc'iy story of out-door If the answer is yes, then "Webster-Man's Man" was written for you. Not since ARMY OFFICER 11V.UK. Lieutenant Leo It. G Ward, Assis tant Recruiting Offlcor at Omaha, visited tho local recruiting office re cently in tho interest of recruiting for tho army. Whilo horo Lieut. Ward gavo instructions that mon bo enlisted for service with tho Fourteenth Uni ted States Cavalry stationed at Port Dos Moines, Iowa. :::: FLOYD JrcROBEKTS. Floyd McRoborts, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McRoberts, 2014 W. Sixth St., was horn at North Platto Sept. 28, 1918 and died Sept. 7, 1928 at tho ago of one year, eleven months and ten days. Ho leaves his father and mother, two sisters, Beulah and Eun ice and a brother Roy, to mourn his early death. Tho many friends of the family sympathlzo with theso parents in their loss. Dr. Morrill. Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Store. Thread In Manchuria. Almost nil of tho 52,000,000 worth of cotton thread Imported annually Into Manchuria comes from Japan, partly because Japanese manufacturers have the advantage over posslblo competi tors of government encouragement and support, and partly becauso there has been little competition from those suf ficiently Interested In this market to study Its requirements as have the Japanese, says tno Aew York Times. Goods wcro placed with merchants j on consignment until they became , known, were extensively advertised, anu are now sold on liberal credit ba sis, so that American manufacturers entering tho market will not only havo to compete on a quality basis, but should adopt slmllnr methods of push ing their goods. Twins of Nlnety-Flve. I Living In the Scotch village of In J verklp are twins, James and William j Ford, ninety-five years old. Neither J of them has had a day's Illness, and Jnmog has never lioon a single night ' out of tho house In which ho was 1 bom. Does your ear answer to the drumbeat of adventure? Do you enjoy a good V' 'r' life? 'Soldiers of Fortune," by Richard Harding Davis, has there been anything like it or anything of the kind so good. Will Be Printed Soon as a Serial in This Paper! Charge fcr Fuse Replacement It has been tho general custom among the electrlcnl companies of this country to mnko frco replacement of tho fuses which are blown out from tlmo to time but there Is now a gen eral tendency nmong theso corpora tlons to make a charge for this serv ice. It Is necessary to havo men ready at all hours, especially at night, to answer calls so that the service may be restored with the least posslblo de lay and the expenso of this has been found to bo a burden which It. Is now proposed to relieve themselves of by making a charge. Some companies which hesitate to take this step aro urging their patrons to lay In n sup ply of fuses which aro sold by Uie company at cost and In case of a blow out thoy can make the renewal them selves. Exchange. Ambition Lives. It la an unusual thing to see n moth er and all of her children attending school together, but such Is tho spec tacle which may be witnessed at tho summer term of tho Eastern Kentucky state normal school at Richmond, Ky. This fnmlly of students, consisting of mother, two sons and two daughters, hall from Barbourvllle, Ky. Tho moth er, Mrs. E. P. Gray, Is tho wlfo of ono of tho best-known Chautauqua enter tainers, who Is now In tho west on tho platform. Sho brought her children to the school to tako tho courso and de cided, after reaching tho Institution, to engngo In study herself and will tako a courso along with her four children. Pigeons Set Clock Back. I urn Informed that tho town clock of Beverly Is not quite suited to tho thrco pigeons who recently perched on tho hour hand, or clso tho birds did not llko tho daylight saving Idea. However, thoy perched In their "tlrao ly" position long enough to sot tho clock back one-half hour. Boston Post. Adaptability. "Of course, you aro In favor of votes for women." "Of course," answered Senator Sor ghum. "A man who liopos to hold his own lit politics must do bis host to bo in favor of anything Hint nnybody wunts." FARM LOANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building &. Loan Building THOSE WHO COME ONCE Always como back, especially whon thoy doslro something extra flno In tho way of food, sorvico and surround ings. Wo only havo to induce peoplo to como horo onco. Thoy como again oftholr own accord. Supporo you tost our sorvico today and learn why this restaurant Is so poular. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE RICHI UGAI, Proprietor Opposite Union Pacific Depot DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician anil Surgeoa Office oror Roxoll Drug Stoie QfClco Phono 371. Houso IOCS JOHN S. SIMMS, M. 1). Special Attention Given to Surcrcry McDonald Dank lluildliig OiTlce Phono 8!l Residence ftS DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors r, C, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242 DR. J. S. TWINEM Medicine Surgery Obstetrics Hospital Facilities Platte Valley Hospital GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Spoclal Attention Glrcn to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Ofilco 130, Residence 115 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over Illrschf eld's Office Phono 333 Ros. Phono 1020 DR. REDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician Surgeon, X-Ray Cnlls Promptly Answorcd Night or Day Phono Office G12 Residence G70 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Plntte, Nebrasku. Knights of Columbus Building. DR. C. E. McREYNOLDS, Specialist. Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. Offico ovor Roxall Drug Storo. Pliono 113. DEBBYBEHBY & FORBES, Licensed Embamera Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phono 41 Night phone Black 688 Nolico ot Final Jtcport. Eatnto No. 1748 of Mary HanBon, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska to all per sons Intorostod In said Estato tako notlco that tho Executrix has filed a flnnl account and roport of hor ad ministration nnd a petition for final settlement nnd dlschurgo ns such, for decree of distribution and heirship, which nhvo been sot for hearing boforo said court on October 1, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., whon you may npponr and contest tho same. Datod Sopt. 4, 1920. Win. H. O. WOODTIURST, S7-3wk County Judge, , , , , . W. T. PRITOIIARD, Oriuluut! Veterinarian Ex-Oovonnnent Veterinarian and ox assistant doputy State Veterinarian Hospital ir South YIno Street. Hospital Phono Block 633 Hohbo Phono Black 633 ELECTRIC SERVICE PREST-O-LITE Storage Batteries Midway Motor Co. HIDES, FURS AND. JUNK. Wewantthcse. Big Price for Castffron. No market for hones at present. L. LIPSHITZ. Intension Bond No. 11. To whom It mny.concorn : Tho Special Commissioner appointed to locato a road a. follows: Common ing at Station 11 of Road No. 11 in tho NWViSWVi of. Sec. 4 T. 14 N. R. 30 W of Gth P. M. and running thonco In a northcastorly, northerly nd northwostcrly direction through tho NWViSWtt of said Soo. 4, thonco though tho SEViSWVi and tho West Mi Wost of Sec. 33 T. 15 N. It 30 W. thonco to tho NW cornor of said Sec. 33, thenco north on lino botwoon Sees. 28 and 20 about 3-4 of a mllo, thonco through tho NWViNWVi of Sec. 28 and through tho wost half SWVi of of Sbc. 21 to tho Vi Sec. corner of Sec. 23 and through tho wost halt SW Vi of Sec. 21 to tho Soc. cornor be- tweon sections 20 and 21, thonco north on lino between Sees. 20 and 21 and 1C and 17 to n point about 34 chalnB north of the cornor to Sees. 20, 21, 1G $ 17. and thonco through tho west half of woat half of Sec, 1C and tho SWKSWK of Sop. 9 to a point 20 chains north of Cornor to Sees. S, 9, 10, 17, thonco north ton lino between Sees. 8 & 9 about 34 chains, thenco through the NEU of Sec, 8 to tho Vi Sec. cornor botwoon Sees. r & 8, thenco north lis noar as practicable on tho ccntoV lino of Soc. ti T, 15 N. R. 30 W. nd Soc. 32 T. 1C N. R. 30 W., thonco through tho SWVi of Fo 29 to tho V4 Sec. cornor, between Sees. 23 & 29 T. 10 W. R. 30. W. thonco North on Sea lino botwoon Socs. 28 nd 29, nnd 20 & 21 ono nnd V6 miles to tho NWVi cor ner of snld Sec. 28, hns roported In favor of tho establishment of tho eamo Anyono hnvo claims for damages or objections thcroto by reason of tho establishment of tho abovo road must fllo snmo in tho offico of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nobrnsk.x, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 20th day of November, 1920. Dated at North Platto, Nebr., this 3rd day of Sopt. 1920. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. Notice of Final Honor!. -EsUito No. 17C0 of Mary Norrls, de ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested in said Estato tako notice that tho Exocutor has fllad a final nccunt nnd report of his nd m!n.strntl(t;i and a petition for final Bottflomcnt and dlscahrgo as such, which havo boon set for hearing boforo Bald court on Oct. 1, 1920, nt 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may appear and con test tho snmo. Dated Sopt. 4th, 1920. Win. II. C. WOODIIURST, S7-3w County Judge. Extension Road No. 107. To whom It may concern: Tho spoclal commissioner appointed to locato a road as follows: Commencing at a point on tho sec tion lino botwoon sections nino (9) nnd section sixteen (1G) whoro tho public road number 11 intorsoctB said section lino, running thonco west on Bcction lino botwoon sections nlno (9) and sixteen (1G) and sections (8) eight nnd sovontoon (17) to an inter section wit;., road No. 78, all 111 township 14, rango 30, Lincoln Couu ty. Nebraska, has reported In favor of tho same as follows: providing t'-at tho land ownoro along said routo glvo tho right of way free of chargo, ana without claim for damages from Lin- ' coin County. Any ono having claims for damages or objections to tho said road must fllo them In tho offico of tho County Clork of Lincoln County. Nebraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of 9th day of Novomhor, 1920. Dated nt North Platto. Nebr.. this 30th day of August, 1020. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. G7 Cwks (SEAL) Notlco for Publication. U. S. Land Offico at Broken Bow, Nebraska, August 19, 1920. Notlco la horoby given that Clifford And6rson, of North Platto, Nebraska, who, on November 27, 1914, mado Homestead entry, North Platto 0G193, Broken Bow No. 011848, to: EVi E. Section 10, Township 11 North, Rango 29 'Vost, Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of intoutlon to mako threo-ycar Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo do3,srIbcd, before Wm. II. C. Woodhurst, United Statos Com missioner, at North Platto, Nobraskn, on tho 27tU day of Soptombor, 1920. Claimant namos as wltnossos: Art Stownrt, Prod Littlo, John O. Nystrom and Vorn Yankon, nil of North Platto, Nebraska. MACK C. WARRINGTON. Register.