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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
Semt'Hteekly Subline. WILSON TOUT, Editor nnd Publisher. SUJISCIULTION 1'JtICKi Olio Ycnr, In ndnmco- $2.00 Entered at tuo NorttiTlatte, Nebraslca Pottofflco as Second ,Qlnss Mattor. Jb'JtllUl', SEL'Tlttllitilt, 17(li, J920. inuTOJtiAL. Whoti tlio war wair on and men 8onro the Hoard of Education noeded a ninn as janitor ofHho Jofforgon School and it looksd ka though we would not got anyori6l6 take caro of the- building. In this emergency D. W. 13osack caino to .out offlco and of fored his sorylcos fie did not need to work but ho wanted to do his part. Ho continued the work until lila phy sician ordorcd him tdJitop. Many a tlmo ho swept tho building when ho could hardly walk, notfpr complaining but when urged by hift-frlcnds to give up tho Jdb ho said ho must do a mans work as long as possible. That was truo horolsm. Wo rovcro bin memory. : :o: : The opportunity Is, before the wo- mon' of North Platte to mako thom solvos a force for uplift In the com munity. It is now, tho duty of all wo men to prepare themsolvos for tho bal lot and go totho polls and voto. That is no longer an opporunity. lut the womon of North Platto have boon slow to got into tho groat vjWomnn's Club movement which has dono and is do ing so much for tho country. Tho" men are well organized for civic work through their Chamber of Commorco with lis hundreds of members and its thousands of dollars of monoy. Tho womon havo had loss than ono hund red members l.i their organization In past years and unloss thoy get a move -thoy will not roach tho 100 mark this year.- Tho Twentieth Century Club Is tho nnmo of the woman's club which all of tho womon should Join. Tho duoSjMnount to $1.50 a year. Why can not North Platto women get back of this movomont so thajC this club will bo equal in slzo wltli that of other cities. ' I, ::o: Muscle Massage p Rickets. , As an aftermath' of undernourish ment during tho war period, rickets has become n common disease among children in Germany. To stimulate tho flabby muscles of these little pa tients, without risking mnlformatlon of tho softened bones, many curious devices hnvo como Into use, nccordlng to an Illustrated story appearing in tho August Issuo of Popular Mcchnnlcs magazine. In treating tho Jaw and neck muscles, for example, the subject is laid on nn Inclined bonrd, whtlo tho nurso stands nt the head nnd manipu lates a hnrncsa of two straps. North Platto, Nebraska. Septombor 15, 1920. Editor The Trlbuno. Dear Sir: I wish publicly to oommoud the stand of Dr. Twlnom against Sunday dosecratlon m oxprossod . by him in your last issue. While it Is oxpected that tho clorgy will attack such ovlls, seldom do wo havo laymon who aro courageous ouough to do so. Tho Lord's Day is a HOLY DAY. Holy moans "soparato, set apart from tho common ' usago." Suroly !golf, hasoball, llshlng, hunting, plc .nlclng, tc. arov fnr from propor ob isorvnnco of a holy day. The fact that church people engage In the abovo llstod Infractions (loos not make thorn right: It rnthor adds to the sorlousnoss of the offense David's greatest sin was not murdor nor adultery but tho fact that ho gs!ve the onemlos of Jehovah ground to blaspliemo his God. That is oxnetly what thfcso cliurch-mombor-dfcsocra tors aro doing: giving tho world ground to point tho Anger of scorn at tho Wore Bomo of thoso who play Sun day golf and base-ball to try to work In somo of our Sunday Schools, ofton taking caro of ,tb.o roligious lnsf tion of their children, and loam tho delolorloUB effocts of their actions up on tho young, I am quite sure thoy would think twice on tho subject. "Righteousness cxnltcth a nation, but sin Is a cargo to any peoplo." Respectfully yours, , C. FRANKLIN KOCH. ::o:' TERM THAT BA'NISHED ANGER Indian Pllnrlmaae. Fifty thousand Indians from nil parts of Mexico recently completed thcln week of. homage to their patron salnti the Virgin of- Ouadolnpe, and their pllgrluuicc to tin; shrine of the Virgin ii;t ' L. L. Walker will arrlvo tho last of the week from Eldorado, Kansas, .wherVho has boon for somo tlmo. Appellation Bestowed on "Bachelor Malda" Put Further Animosity Out of the Question. Tho two Elton sisters, ago thirty nnd thirty-two nnd very successful business women, live next door to tho Smith sisters, nbout flftj nnd llfty-two, who aro also retired and given to the occu patlons of crocheting and quilt pice ing, Tho Elton sisters speak of them' selves as "old maids," nnd tho Smith sisters as "pesky old mulds," In order to distinguish between tlieni. Also they are given to much pitying of the second-class ladles. But tho other evening one of tho Elton ulsters, clnil In n bungalow apron, was out sprinkling the lawn. As she moved around the house she heard the Smiths In conversation. "Yes, sister, age has It compensn tlons," one was snylng. "Now look at those girls next doo. They no sooner get homo than they get Into those uprons, so scanty that they aro Immodest. Of course, they're Just kids, but still" That was enough for Miss Elton With n rush she wu In the hrtusc. "Oh, Grace,)" she told bur sister, brenthlcHRly, "those Smiths nro real nice. We've got to stop culling then) pesky old mil Ids." And now generously the Hltons spenk of them ns "the other old mnldtf." Keith, Tonight. DOROTHY DALTON IN. '"The Femaleof the 4 Speci Two part Sunshine t'omcdy- es it'll Slipping Foot. A comedy ofi funny lucldjonts a chuckle producor. New Glass Industry. Important developments are eventu ally probable on the northern borders of Dartmoor, In Devonshire, England, In consequence of tho discovery of u very largo deposit of granullte, a sub stance of much value In the ninnufnc- ture of glass. According to experts, "granullte contains not only silica, but potnsh, soda and alumlnn. which aro necessary In glass -nuking, and its use Is not only economical, but gives tho best results In tho production of glass wnro of the highest quality." It Is stated that an experimental furnnco has been In use for some time, two others are being constructed, nnd It Is nntlclpnted that the commercial man ufacturo of glass will cotnmenco nl most Immediately. Scientific Amerl can. "Goes Broke" In Vaudeville. It la snld that tho tlrst man to under take to produce vaudeville In America was Silas W. Stcggs of San Francisco, who Inherited $-100,000 from his uncle la 1605, and not being used to hnndllng money In large quantities, started In to spend It freely, lie went on a trip to Europe and spent most of his tlmo nt the Alhiiuibiu music hull In London and launched a project to start the "Now York Alhambrn." His Idea was approved by a number of amusement people, and he hired hundreds of them to como to the United States. Hut his money ran out nnd he' left his party on n boat In New York hay and dis appeared. . 3 Crystal, Saturday and Monday. William Farnum IN "The Adventurer" Farmings greatest picture a colorful picture of the days when knights were bold. Monday comedy Fatty Arbuckle in "The Country Hero". Waflt Ads For Kent Largo furnished room. Call 1094. 7Stf Wanted A competent maid. Mrs. J. HalHgan. G9 70 2 Furnished robins for rent. Call at 803 W. 7th St. or phono 503W. 75 Wanted Froah milk cows or must bo frosh soon. ZZ caro Tribune. Jloonis for light house-keeping for rent. 403 East 3rd St. 72tf Wanted Compctont girl for genera'. Iiousowork. Fifty dollars a month. Phono 213. 71 72 Situation Wanted Farm housokeop- t or or ranch cook. Must be respected parties. Address P. O. Rox A B. 702 for Sale A fow Duroo male pigs. Inquiro Vf. N. Pcttltt, 4 miles west of Blgnell. 71-4 Wanted Girls for nurso training; $35 per month with board and room. Apply at General Hospital, City. 4Gtf Practically new Burroughs adding machine, about 50c on tho dollar. Call John J. Holland. Phono 4C. 72 72 For Sale Six-room house, all mod ern except heat. Good location, close In. Phono 830J. 60tf For Sale Ono slngor sowing inac- hino In excellent condition, for infor mation please call 115. 11 For Jtent Room In all modern homo for ono or two peoplo. Conveni ent to round house. Tel. 830J. 72tf To glvo nwny: Wo havo twelve thousand empty film spools at tho Kamera Shop To GIvp Away. 71 72 Wanted: Neat-appearing boy for clothing store. Tho Hirschfoldt Co. Wanted Experienced girl for Gen eral housowork. Mrs. J. S. Twlnem, Phono 283. 71tf For Sale or Trade: An Overland Six touring car. Inquire nt 132 W. Eighth. 71 72 Jfc'or Sale: Largo Round Oak hard coal Btovo. As good as now. Cheap if sold at once. Call 623J. 72 2 For Solo: A fow Duroc Malo pigs. Inquire of N. N. Petit, 4 miles west of Blgnoll. 71 7 75 77 For Itcnt A storo room. 508 North Locust North of tho Post Offlco. In- fulro of Josoph Morsch. 72tf Wanted Union Pacific Messenger boy 10 or over 8 a., m .to 5 p. m. (pays ?100.00 a month. Inquire Chief Dispatcher at Depot. Lost In West rd St. or Willow from Third to FIro House, a sliver Ever- sharp pencil. If found return to this offlco and recolvo rownrd. 72tf anted A compotent girl, good wagos nnd permanent place. Apply Mrs. T. C, Patterson, 515 West 4th Street. 72tf For Sale Llborty Inn kitchen and dining room furnlturo and fixtures ask .for C. G. German at Liberty Inn, 72tf For Sale Secondhand Fordson trao tor, manure sprondor, four-horso press drill. Seo Butler Buchanan nt his offlco in B. & L. Bldg. 71tf Lost A brown and white spotted polutor dog about a year old. Ho had collar with owners name on. Pleaso call 115 concerning this. 72 Notice Thoso who havo rooms to ront during Fair Week, Sopt. 21-23d, call tho Sccrotnry of Chamber of Com morco. Phono C7. For Sale Two yearling short-horn bulls ono throo yenr old Hereford bull podlgroed. O. J. Landholm, 4 miles west of North Platto. 72 3 lor Sale 1 now Allen car, 1920 Been run 1535 mllos. Can got reason able. Inquiro Lloyd B. Hazen. Phone G08W. 71 2 Wanted: Young lady to assist in Jowolory Storo. apablo of doing sten ographer's work and bookkeeping. Dixon tho Jowolor. 71 73 Tnkcn up Last October Rod and White steer, nbout 3 yrs. old. Branded on loft hip. Owner provo property and pay oxponsos and romovo animal. Torkol Jopsen, Curtis, Nobr. C7 5 For Snlc Only hotol in town 19 sleoping rooms and cafe. Doing good ( business flOO.00. Terms havo ethor builuoss. Address Hotol Merma, Mornn, Nobr. 71 73 For Sale Can furnish flno seed Roson Rye which outyields common ryo throo to ono acclimated puro $2.50 for ton bushels or more, bags oxtrn. F. II. Rico, Gbthonburg, Ne braska. i -::o: Special prlcos contlnuo on our en tlro stock of hosiery, It will pay you to investlgnto. E. T. Tramp & Sons. DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS DIAMONDS 1 1 'Best lino over plain or fancy mount-' Ings. Wo hnvo them nt any prlco you wish to pay and can snvo you money your purchase. C. M Austin, Jowol er. 722 EIGHTH or t, Ma JLiJ fWr 21 24 Iughes a Utar ue siwttfjnvr vr-; frrntJ tit cu-'Aut I' V;l. TUESDAY Base Ball Tournament Hershey Giants, Stapleton, P. 0. Independents, Brady WEDNESDAY FINALS IN Base Ball Tournament Foot Ball igh School vs. Alumni Thursday mm a Auto md Friday mm i Fib ficiiorcvcie n OVER 20 CARS ENTERED aces ACTION Chamber of Commerce Band. 28 Pieces. Hart's Girl Band, 24 pieces Hughes and LaRado Marriott Troupe North Platte Aircraft Company, featuring Dare Devil Duncan. General Admission Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 50 cents FRIDAY, $1.00 GRAND STAND Tues,, Wed. and Thursday 50c Friday; $1.00 BLEACHERS Tuesday, Wed. and Thurs. 25c Friday qqc ALL EVENTS START AT 1 P. M.