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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1920)
s Si Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Lincoln in H FAIR T ounty ANNUAL AND SEPTEMB R 2 ST ACES TO 24TH TUESDAY Base Ball Tournament WEDNESDAY-Athletic Tournament THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Auto and Motorcycle Races Twenty Entries, Among Whom are Rhiley, Breed, Powell, Hoeffner, Kuehn, Davison and McCoy. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m W JL W m J. 1 1 . JL JLm, JL MJk MJk O Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi M A mm lm 000 IN PRIZES.. ADVICE TO SHIPPERS. NOKTH PLATTE BUSINESS MEN GIVEN IJETTEK METHODS OF HANDLING SHIPMENTS. Tho Railroad Committee q the Chamber of Commeno of tho United States today through thp North Platto Chamber of Commerco urges North Platto manufacturers and business men to join in a national movement to make better use of existing railroad equipment as a means of providing improved transportation service. Freight traffic has increased so rap idly in the United States during the past few years that it has completely outgrown the carrying capacity of the railroads, says the Committee. As it result, it is now necessary for tho roads to devise a practical plan for increasing their transportation ser vice. This can only bo dono by mak ing extensive additions of new facili ties and equipment, including freight cars, locomotives, yard and .track ter minals or by making greater use of existing facilities and equipment. The railroads cannot carry out tho I Inn first suggested bocauso under present conditions they aro unable to obtain a sufficient amount of new capital ; nor would it bo possible, for them to provide now facilities in timo to relievo the present omergency even if tho capital wore available. Thoy must, thereforo, rely on making a maximum use of existing facilities and equipment, with tho cooperation of all of tho other Interests concerned tho shippers of freight, receivers of freight and railroad employees. You, as shippers and receivers of freight can take a very important part in this movement. You can add 535,000 freight cars to tho availablo car supply by loading your cars morp heavily and loading and unloading them promptly. If tho railroads were obllgejl to buy 535,00? now cars at the present price of about $3,000 per car. it would cost them $1,6 5,000,000 and would cost tho public at least 0 per cent of thnt amount in the form of Increased freight rates. Tho average freight car spends Its time as follows: 37 per cent of tho timo In tho hands of the shipper or the receiver: 43 per cent moving from tho terminal whero it is put into a the point of loading or unloading to train or onto i transfer track; 11. per cent in a train moving from one ter minal to another; and 9 per cent laid up for repairs. You as shippers and receivers of freight, can effect a sub stantial reduction in, tho 37 per cent; and tho railroads can effect an equally substantial reduction In tho 43 per cent You can load and unload your cars promptly if you wll. As a rule the railroads allow you 4S hours free timo to load your cdrs and 48 hours to un load them before making any charge for demurrage. If you will use only one-half of this time, thus releasing your cars in one day Instead of two, and in addition will order according to your loading capacity, restrict your car order to to-day's program, avoid the duplication of car orders and avoid the use of cars for storago purposes, you should bo ablo to reduco tho time that the averago freight car spends in your hands from 37 per cent to 22 per cent of its total time, and thus add 300,000 cars to tho availablo car supply. Tho average freight car makes 20 round trips each year. By reducing tho timo needed for each trip 15 per cent, you will cuablo tho car to make 23 round trips each year. This Is equivalent to adding 15 per cont of 2,400,000 or 3GO.O0O cars to tho avail ablo car supply. Tho averago capacity of tho freight I cars of tho country is 41,C tons. Somo commodities, including coal, steel, ore, sand and gravel, can bo loaded 10 per ' rent boyond tho marked capacity of die car. Others, including the bulk r-immodltios of various kinds occupy a great deal of space without adding proportionately to tho tonnage car ried by tho railroad. In loading com- ' modltles belonging to cither of these classes you should disregard the pre scribed mlnlnium carload provisions for your commodity and, if possible, load your cars to their maximum ca- pacity, j In 1919 tho averago load per loaded car of all commodities on all tho rail- 1 roads of tho country as a whole was 27,8 tons only G7 per cont of capac ity. Tho railroads have now under taken to attain an averago of 30 tons por car. If you will cooperate with, them and add an average of 2,2 tout to each carhwl, you will wild nowrly 8 per cent of 2,400,000 cars, or 175,000 cars to the availablo car supply. Tho Association of Railway Execu tives representing 95 por cent of the railroad mileago of tho country has unanimously adopted a program for speeding up car movement and in creasing car efficiency in which they undertake, with the cooperation of the public to secure for thp country as a wholo: An avefago daily minimum movement of freight cars of not less than 30 miles per day; An average loading of 30 tons por car; Reduction of bad order cars to maximum of 4 per cent of total owned; An early and substantial reduction In tho number of locomotives now unfit for service; More effective efforts to bring about tho return of cars to tho owner roads. You can help to reduco tho present excessvo number of bad order cars. The last monthly report submitted by tho carriers shows 7.4 per cent bad order cars in tho United States as against 5.7 per cont at the beginning of federal control, an increase of 50, 000 cars unfit for use and actually out of service. It should ordinarily be posslblo to koop tho number of bad order cars bblow 4 per cent of tho total number owned and, If that condi tion could bo brought about today, It would result in immediately making offectlvo on tho railroads as a whole In tho United States moro than 75,000 cars that aro now out of sorvlco be causo nnflt to run. You can holp tho railroads to reduce tho numbbr tof bad order cars by loading your cars-carefully so no to avoid tho injuries to tho car that fre quently result from tho shifting of freight in transit. ::o::- LIIIKItTY LAND COMPANY. S. M. SOUDER, Phono 124G T. F. HEALEY, Phono 735. Soils Real Estate and Insuranco Somo Real Rargalns In homes nnd farms: No. 329 9 room modern house, good corner lot with shade trees, $0500.00. No. 330 5 room, modern excopt heat. Close in, good cornor lot with fine trees. $5300.00. No. 331 9 room house, throe lots. A flno location f G000.00. No. 332 3 room house on North Hide. $1400.00. - No. 333 4 room houno. Modlern cx copt heat. Clone in. Shade trees. Good lawn. $2700.00. No. 334 12 room houe. Clone In. A flno location. Lawn. Good trees. $7200.00. Must bo sold at once. No. 335 12 room houso. Modern in all respects. A good buy will pay good dividends. $12000.00. No. 33G 7 room houso, fine location. Good lawn and flno shade trees, mod ern excopt heat $4600.00. No. 337 0 room houso. A good buy at $4000.00. 33h G room houso. Well located and worth tho money. $3G0O.OO. No. 339 8 room, modern In ovory dotail nnd just built. A real homo. $10000.00. Soo Us for terms. Wo can holp own your own homo. When in North Platto Btop at .Vow Hotel Palnco nnd Cafo. You be treated well. Tho Roxall handles tho goods. NOW!!! LI creates her greatest character isation, that of Sally, iti A Dramatic and Romantic Masterpiece of the Screen. A METRO PRODUCTION . SaUi Was danclnd in ike street to a nana-organ wjnen someone snouieqzo her-'Wotalark, Sail yer father's basked yer mother's 'ead in ! 99 QAyter this tragedy that orphaned her 1 zOhat ? Was the oirb s inborn goodness proof agamst the idorld's glamorous tempting ? AT THE SUN, SEPTEMBER 16-17. THURS. 8c FRIDAY. MATINEE 2:30 P. M. and 4:10 P. M. ic zn Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi you the will 53tf 14tf