The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1920, Image 5

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TpHBitlS IllO'P "announces. aVatlnHtef you
and your friends-to thoir FALL AND VENTER .
FASHIOr? Wllw, Aionday Evening, 4 1
20th, at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall
Speciial attention will be
"r ' . " , ' ' ? ' "
and Hats. ' L , "
i '
Entertainment' will be introduced "during the evening
Thursday and Friday -
Enid Bennett
"The False Road"
A battle between honeBty and
dishonesty. Two lovers are separated
because one chooses the false or
crooked road and the other the
Alex Thompson and family lpft yes
terday for Ogalalla.
Gus Anderson left Monday for a
visit in Grand Island.
Dowey McGrow came home Sunday
from a visit in Lincoln;
Wilfred Stuart; of Lexington, was a
visitor in the city Sunday.
Miss Margaret Wyler loft Sunday
for a week's visit in Denver.
Mrs. Margaret Post, of this city, left
pSunday for a visit in Cheyenne.
Mrs. Joe Qulnn and daughter left
Sunday for a visit in Cheyenne.
Miss Mao Wilson, of Tryon, was a
business visitor in the city yesterday.
Miss Viola Maddox left this morning
for Lincoln to attend the University.
Arthur Nolan 'arrived homo this
morning from a short visit in Lin
coln. Mrs. H. Mehlman, of . Denver, came
yesterday to visit her .son Roy Mehl
man. Miss Adole LeDioyt returned home
Sunday after a three weeks visit in
Charles Yost left .yesterday for Fre
mont where ho will attend Midland
' f ollego. " ' T
W. S. Houglaiul left yesterday fqr
Ogalalla where he will atton'd tho fall
court term.
1 Victor. Halligan
Ift Mnnilni. fr
Ogalalla where he will attend the fall
term of court.
Lloyd Reegal and mother of Love
land, Col., camo Monday to visit at
the Reneau home.
Mrs. Ruth Crlppen left yestorday
for her home in Ogalalla after visiting
her sister Mrs. Rudat.
a srnqnG Parity mM.u
tv J vrr i r t i t i mMi t ilwnT-i "Tr nf
r. One of tho Tree -ttncttons at the Lincoln County
Fair and Races, Hist to 24ta inclusive. ''
AT 8 P. M.
given to the displaying .of
Claranco McCabo left Saturday for
an extended visit with Sherwood
Woodhurst, who lives in Kearney.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schatz loft Mon
day for their homo in Omaha after
visiting friends in town.
TAKE NOTICE. List your residence
properly to help supply tho demnnd.
See . the II. & S. AGENCY. 71 2
J. V. Anderson, Superintendent of
tho "Wyoming Division on tho Union
Pacific, was a business visitor hero
Miss Wynne Sullivan, of Brady,
came Saturday morning. Sho expects
to teach in one of the rural schools
this rear.
Rev Henry Ives left Siiturday morn
ing for his homo in Sidney, after visit
ing at the homo of Rev. and Mrs
Mrs. W. J. Hendy and children left
Sunday for a six months' visit at
Long Beach, Cal. Mr. Hendy will join
them in October.
Gladys and Roxie Erb, of Gothen
burg, came Saturday tc visit with
their sister Miss Lura, who teaches
In tho city schools.
W. W. dimming nild son Chester
left Saturday morning for Chicago,
wnere Chester expects to attend school
hi? comng year.
Miss Florence Gbugh returned Fri
day from a week's visit in Holyoko,
Colorado. Miss Goug'h expects to
teach In one of the rural schools.
Harold Burke camo in from Denver
and spent Friday and Saturday visit
ing friends. He was on his way to
Lincoln to attend the University of
Nebraska this winter.
P. M. Sorenson, A. 0. Kocken and J,
Guy Swope were elected as delegate
to the Grand Encampment of tho
O. O. F. at Hastings which will be held
October 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Can you boat it? Tho ponies once
in a while; tho stock market occas
sional "The Woman Game" never!
Elaine Hanimerstein will provo it at
the Crystal tonight and Wednesday.
A miracle is coming to the ICelth
Wednesday it is the "perfect photo
play. Wo cannot descrlbo it. It is too
miraculous to describe. Tho high
1 price of adjectives does not deter us
.'from attempting a description. But
' i r ill 1 .-. mi.
i HOW Ulllie ilfU UWTtl WU1U8. 1IIO UUUU'
tity and quality of adjectives aro nil
and wo searched through the diction
ary. Come ye, all scoffers and also
those of siinplo faith and SEE "Tho
Miracle Man." The modern and in
tensely gripping story of city and
country life. A little child led them
up the straight and narrow path to
the groat miracle.
The P. 0. Independents won the jj
gamo with llorshoy Saturday by n !
scoro of eight to two. It was a fast j
seemed woll pleased. Tho batteries
for North Platte woro Langford and
Haggorty and for llorshoy wero Mc-
Knln and OKtonnoll.
J. W. Mcrshon loft yesterday morn
ing for Omaha.
. Nolllo Predmoro, of Grand Island, is (
in tho city visiting relatives. j
Mrs. a E. Nicholas, of Ogalalla,
was a business vlslVpr in this city
yestorday. . s
Mrs. Mathilda Kopf and daughter, of
I'axton, camo yesterday to visit-Mrs.
Rose Kopf.
Mrs. B. , Preston", of Woopingwator,
left yestorday after visitng her sister
Mrs. W. Ross.
Harry Huffman went to Omaha this
morning where ho will attend Cielgh
ton University.
To give invny: Wo have twolvo
thousand empty film spools nt tho
Kamera Shop To Glvo Away. 71 72
Miss Helen Smith wont to Lincoln
this morning where she will attend tho
Stato University.
Miss. Mno Kerl, of Omaha, is visiting
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. ATthur
Tramp this week,
Nlntcon Masons went to Gothenburg
yesterday morning to attend tho con
vention held there.
Dr. Hownrd Wist. Dentist. Twlnem
Building. Phono 307. 77tf
Mrs. Llllio Totten and children, or
Gothenburg, aro visiting at tho I. J.
Brooks homo this week.
Kenneth' Whalen left Sunday for
South Bend, Ind., whore he will at
tend Notro Dame University.
Judgo Grimes and Mrs. Grimes left
Monday for McCook whore the Judgo
will conduct a term of court.
Carload of Peaches to urrlvo tho lafl
of week, $4.75 a bushel and may bo
cheaper. Gamble with Springer.
Harold Spencer and Townsend Dent
left this morning for Lincoln where
they will attend tho University.
Miss Jennie Reneau, of Loveland,
Col., formerly of this city, camo Mon
day to spend the .week with frlonds.
Leonard Freiburg and fimlly arc
guests this week at tho home of Mar
garet and Andrew Frazler of this city.
Tho first marrlaco bans of Miss,Ri
Ruby Moody and Guinan O'Mara were
published at St. Patrick's church Sun
day. Clarence and Nicholas McCabo left
Sunday for South Bend, Ind., whero
they will attend Notro Dame Unlvor-
Mrs. William O'Donuel came Sunday
from Omaha to visit her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Herman LeDioyt of this
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Lamb aiid daugh
ter will leave this week for southern
California whore they will spend tho
A baby girl was born last Thursday
morning to Mr. and Mrh. Albort Kupp,
of Paxton, former citizens of North
Platte. N .
Miss Maxino Maxwell, of Fremont,
arrived Sunday evening. MIsb Maxwoll
expects to teach in the rural schools
this term.
Mrs, T. C. Patterson and daughter
Miss Edith came homo this morning
from an extended visit in Colfax. Ia.,
and Omaha.
Mrts. A. D. Noblltt, of Salt Lake,
has been visiting her sisters Miss
Anna Voss and Mrs. CJyde Trottoi for
a few days past.
Mrs. W. T. Crook left Monday for
her homo in Julesburg after visiting
for somo time at the homo of hor
mother Mrs. H. E. Harley.
Tho Welfare Association will meet
in tho basoment of the City Library,
Tuesday evening at 8 P. M. All mem
bors are urged to bo there.
Mother Evo began it and ever since
they have been playjng "Tho Woman
Gamo." Seo tho 1920 version at the
Crystal tonight and tomorrow.
Mrs. Sarah Swartz left Saturday
night for Grand Island whero she will
visit George Pearson. Wliilo there sho
will bo met by John Pearsoh of Den
Moines, In.
Mrs. Guy N. Palmer came this morn
ing to visit her daughtor Mrs. Bloom
burg. Sho was accompanied by Miss
Marjory Jane Bloorriburg who has
been spending the summer in Omaha.
Winsome Marguerlto Clark in a
rollicking comedy drama that sparkles
with fun and tells a sprightly love
story Is "All of a Suddon Ppggy"
which has "the last showing at the
Keith tonight In it wo have tho
nssuranco once more that "God'H good
to tho Irish" ovon whon thov are
stranded. t -
Special . Sho win
$25 Dresses and $5 Millinery
We will show .in our windows today and Saturday
a large variety of styles of
Ladies' Dresses at $25.00
and Ladies' Hats at $5 each
This is Regular Price but Unusual Values that We "are Selling Every Day.
To Tho Tribune:
Wo speak with prido of our city's
growth and prosperity; but what can
wo say in regard to our enduring de
velopment? Tho Nation, tho City, tho
Individual, that roveres and rovcroncos
Tie Creator are blest in tho service.
Those of us who wish and want to
bo Sabbath observers and who nro ,
endeavoring to bring up our children '
to fear God, and in this respect to
keep tho fourth commandment "Re
member tho Sabbath day to keep it
holy" are sorry td seo golf and base
ball played on the Sabbath day In our
city, nllho we are enthusiastic over (
mes the other six days of tho weok. 1
Lot us consider and not sow tho wind, '
and reap tho whirlwind, for as right
eousness cxalteth a nation so only
I can a city bo exalted.
Respectfully yours,
Dixon & Son have a novel display in
their store' Vindow. It consists of
a number of Rndlollte watches and
boxes, some of which mny contain
watchoB. The patrons are Invited, to
register their guess as to tho number
of watches in tho Vlndow, counting
in the boxes. Tho contest closes
those in sight and those which may bo
Thursday, Sept. lGth, tho winner to
receive a radlolltc watch.
Tho meeting of tho Community Cho
rus at tho Central School 'Auditorium
Thursday evening was not woll at
tended. Mrs. Shrlvcr handed in her J
resignation as Director. Then things
looked dark. But tho Chorus promptly
refused to consider the resignation
and appointed a Committco to got
action on tho membership. Further
announcements will-- bo mndo next
Today the local recruiting office re
ceived orders to enlist men for tho
Fifth " Baking Company, Btationed In '
tho Hawaiian Islands. Applicants for
this company do not havo to bo pro
fessional bakers for' they jyjll. be
taught tho trado whllo serving Ir tho
Tho funoral servlco for llttlo Grace
Temple, tho youngest daughtor ot Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Tomplo, was hold at
tho family residence Sunday nftor
noon. Rev. Hess conducted tho servlco
nnd gave on impresslvo talk to tho j
raombors of tho family and many
friends who wero prosent. Miss Esther
Antonldes sang two beautiful songs
that eased tho Borrow of those presort
Following tho service a largo number
of friends wont to tho cemotery.
Tho Independents again showed
their metal by defeating tho Curtis
team by a scoro of fourteon to seven.
Everyone got in somo good hits as
our boys used Rauch, Husband and
Langford in tho box with Sandall bo
hlnd tho bat nnd Curtis used Wacholtz
nnd Smith. A fair sized crowd was
In attendance.
Tho County Treasurer announces
Itho total assessed valuation of the ,
city of North Platto for tho year 1920 J
o bo $1,302,350. .Mr. Bonder has not
yet completed the computation of thin j
school district. j
For Sale 1 now Allon car, 1920 j
Been run 1C35 miles. Can got roason
ablfeInqui'ro Lloyd B. Hazon. Phone1
CQ8W. 71 2 j
Fancy Utah Alberta Peaches
To Arrive in a Few Days
Order at Once
Herrod Grocery
Phone 208
Alice Brady in
K- " . -- , - . - - 1 '"
Combines Ease of Operation
with Good Work
it's genuine satisfaction,
to drive the John Deere
Corn Binder round after round
and see the standing corn trans
formed into well-shaped, easily
handled bundles . because the
bard work is oil taken out.
,The power carrier doe3 away
entirely with the hard work
you don't have to dump the bundle
carrier nnd return to position huh
dreds of times during the day.
On the John Dooro you
press the foot trip lever and the
power carrier does the rest it deliv
ers the bundles free of the path of the
horses; and practically parallel to the
standing corn. The horses don't have
to tramp over and on the bundles.
Because the carrier is always in re
ceiving position; no bundles arc scat
tered between the windrows.
You will also appreciate the
John Doere Corn Binder be
We want you to ice thU binder. There are a tot of other
good thins about it ice want to thou) you
The Leypoldt-Pennington To., Agent?.
Rush Merc. Co.
Phone 282
ar Market!
cause it is easy on the horses. The
Quick-Turn Tongue Truck takes off
11 neck weight, and makes it just as
easy to turn at the ends as if tho
horses were hitched to a wagon.
Besides, the truck takes off
side draft and prevents sluing
because the axle of the truck is flex
ibly mounted the wheels hold to
uneven cround constantly.
The John Deere works suc
cessfully in all kinds of corn
fields. The wide throat; with flexible
throat springs; holds the corn into the
conveyor chains, s The bottom con
veyor chains operate close to the
butts; carrying the corn back In a
vertical position all of the way.
The three packers, one work
ing above the needle and two
below insure well-formed bundles.
The three discharge arms discharge
the bundles onto the power carrier,
No chance of the discharging bundle
mixing with the bundle being made.'
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