The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1920, Image 10
1A 8S, WILSON TOUT, Editor nffir Publisher. an swisciuption pjucej Ono Ycnr, In ndrnnco j $2.00 bUlerort at the North Platto, -Nebraska ftwtorflce aa Sodond Class Mattor. TUESDAY SEPTEMHHJt Utli, 1020. NOTICE TO xmiHEltS. Wo aro asked to announco that all ladlo who will bocomo members of the Twontloth Century Club 'during tho coming year should bo at tho mooting this aftornoon and havo their yearly duos paid so their names can go Into tho yearbook which is to bo gotten out at onco. : :o:: ANOTHElt PIONEER (JONE. D. W. I3osack died at his homo on oast Fifth streot last Friday. Ho camo to North Platto In 1883 nnd has lived horo continuously during tho past 37 years. Tho funeral was hold In tho Methodist Church yesterday aftornoon and tho body was placed In North "Intto cemotory. ' ::a:: Mrs. Holon Smith loft yostorday for n visit In Sterling. Austin Bodgorow was a business visitor In town yesterday. Allon Smith, of this city, loft Sun day for ii trip to Choyonno. Foe Sale A few Duroo malo pigs. Inqulro N. N. Pcttltt, i miles wost of Blgnell. 71-4 Mrs. V. P. Snyder's Sunday School class will hold Its regular mooting Friday aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. W. II. DIonor, 1209 W. Fifth. A dummy uogro sharpening a knlfo on tyrlnder in tho window at Dorry bcrry & Forbes Is attracting a great deal of attention from passors-by. It; is a clover display. Hatutidcy Judgo Woodhurst issued a marrlago Hconso to Jamos A. Docker, a tclographor of this city, and Miss Ha7ol Brnnnon, daughter of Mr. and! Mrs; W. V. Branno.n, 1415 W. Sfxth. j Tho Adald-Loo Rubber Co. Is bound i to bo notlcetl. In order to attract at-' tcntlon to tholr shop thoy havo given ' the outside a coat of bright red paint and now no ono need havo any trouble '' locating them. I SCRAPPLE. A Column of Nonsense. Tho othor day when wo wore going ovdr to Avery Duval l's to buy a Bulolt ' oar for our wlfo a man sioppoi' us and nuked us why they call a house for an noroplono a hangar. Ho said his wife had asked, him and ho said ho would find out for her and ho just had to do It. Wo told him wo would lot him know so wo thought we would oo ovor and ask Ed Davis. .Wo havo lots of fast frlonds In North Platto and we consular Ed the fastost so wo wont In when ho smiled at us and we asked him. Ed said he thought they must havo had soino good reason an tho only kind of a hangar ho over hoard of was the man who hangs people. Wo snld.maybo thoy hang the- noro planoB In tho hangar nnd Ed said he ' didn't think thoy did ns thoy havo wheels on tho undor side whorcliorsoH havo feet and they don't hang horses, Wo said whools woro not always on tho undcrsldo but wore sometimes on or near tho top. Ed said ho novcr saw . an aoroplano with wheels on tho top nnd looked real serious so wo said wo guess wo never had either. Just then Ed's East End friend camo In and wo asked him and ho said ho thought It was named by a forolgnor who didn't know nbout English Just as a foreig ner must havo named horse-radish which In English has nothing to do with cither horses or radishes. Ed said "That's so'' and wo did too. Then wo said wo had hoard of a coat hanger and wo asked Ed If ho thought an aoroplano looked onough llko :i coat hanger so thoy would call it that and ho said It was tho building that was called a hangar and not the piano and wo said "Is that so?" nnd Ed said "That's so, and wo got mad nnd told , Ed a fow things which his East End , Frlond said wo should not havo told j h i in and ns Ed scorned to tako If all right wo got a llttlo bolder and whon wo said some people didn't kno(w . whoro tho whools woro Ed got mad nnd when ho said for us to got out of thore or ho would cuckoo somo ono wo got out about aB fast as wo could. 1 And wo wont ovor and told tho haunt- ' cd hUBband nnd now wo know. , CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION v MEETING Ha "A. J. Woavor, President of the Con stitutional Convention which met in Lincoln last winter, will address tho voters of North Platto nnd vicinity on the proposed amendments, at tho Franklin Auditorium, noxt Thursday ovonlng at olght o'clock. This meet ing Is free and all mon nnd women of tho city arc urged to attend and bo prepared to voto Intolllgontly at tho spoclal aloctlon during the following weok. Tho mooting will bo hold under tho ausplcos of tho Twentieth Century Club nnd tho Lincoln County-League of Womon Voters. h ARM S A. l E I PRESBYTERIAN All) MEETING, jjj Tho Ladlos Aid -Socloty'of tho Pres- g2 bytorlan Church will meet tThursday ' En afternoon In the church bazomont, bo- Bft Ing entortalned by Mosdames Carroll, Jfj Mitchell and Snydor. A twonty-flvo Ifj cent lunch will bo served. Thoro will bo a display of old-fashioned rugs and quilts. A business meeting will bo held at 3:30 and every member ia re quested to bo present nnd bring a frlond. .FIRST MEETIG OF THE YEAR. Lfj Tho Twentieth Century Club will .e hold Its first meeting of tho year at r Fireman's Hall at thrco o'clock this P afternoon. Mrs. Ralph North will bo ! rfj tho leader and the subject will bo 3 "Govornmont Through Political Par- j En tics" with special omphnsls on elec- i eR Hons. Tho chairmen of each depart- fi raont will read programs for tholr , Jjjfij respoctivo departments nt this meet- j Lpj ",B- D ! !i CITY SCHOOL ENROLLMENTS. I Sfi am Tho total enrollments In tho City Schools at tho close of tho first week was 160$. This Is a gain of lllovor tho samo dato for 1910. Last year the gain over tho yenr before was 1G0. Th6 'argest gain Is In tho Central building whoro 203 pupils aro enrolled AT AUCTION Three Lincoln County Farms Will bo Sold at Public Auction on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 17th and 18th ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, at 2:30 p. m., at the farm, wo will sell one of tho best Hog Farms in Lincoln County, 250 acres irrigated land in Sec. 2G, Town 14 . Range 31, 5 miles west of North Platte. Terms, 15 percent day of sale settlement aich. 1. Will carry back $15,000 five years at G per cont' WELL IMPROVED- Good fj-room house, large barn, new; Cattle Barn , nearly new; hog house, njew; woll, wind mill and cistern, four hog pastures, G feeding pens and several other conveniences 150 acres under plow, 40 acres alfalfa. Fenced and cross-fenced. Owner lives on farm' C. G, LANDItOLM SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, at 2:30 i., we will sell at Public Auction, on tho place, 1G0 acres, SE Qr. Section 30, Town 13 Range 30, 6 miles southwest of North Platte. Improvements good. Four .room house; good barn, now; woll, windmill and cistern. 75 acres under plow; bottom, hay and pasture land;' fenced and cross-fenced. TERMS: 15 percent day of sale, 35 percent March 1st; balance carried 4 years at G percent. FRANK STROLBERG, Owner. 320 ACRES PASTURE LAND, North Half Section 33, Town 13. Range 31 10 miles southwest of North Platte. This is a snap, with well aiidNylhflmiiY, fenced and cross fenced. 15 percent on day of sate; 45 per cent March 1st; balance good terms CLAUS ANDERSON, Owner. If you are interested in buying a good farm for yourself or your boy, these farms will be a good investment, with a good income and chance for increase in price Call at Union State Bank, North Platte, Nebraska, atfany time before the sale ajtid I will take you to either or all of these places. We will assurae anyone from a distance convevmce to these farms. . . PLEASE BE AT THE . UNION STATE BANK AT TWO O'CLOCK SHARP EACH DAY COL. O. M. SWEDBURG ., ' ' ' Holdrege, Nebraska ( COL. H. M. JOHANSEN J Auctioneers North Platte, Nebraska. ::or Troop Two, Boy Scouts will go to tho Boy Scout Camp, Thursday after school and havo a ball gamo and a, picnic thoro, returning that samo ovonlng. E. L. Stephens is Scoutmnstor Hi eFS m si nrv fi fa t-i trt r-i t-i n-i pi p-i f r-i fi tfi ri r-i ir-i r- g-i r-i r-l r-l r-i ft r-i -t ... ... ? which is sixty more than thoy had last I Jlinlairrnzn: year. Tho enrollment by buildings last said City of North Platte, Lincoln County, State of Nebraska. Those voting against shall mark their ballot with an "X" in tho par agraph beginning with tho word Call or Phone 323 or 1130 E. A. OLSON, Manager North Platte, Nebr. 2G0 Lincoln 3C6. : :o: Investigate Before You Buy To Investigate after you'vo spout your money is a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. Tho cold days aro soon horo and boforo you" speird a single cont for your fnll and winter clothes make suro to look ovor our lino of woolen goods nt tho Palaco Hotel (Phono 40). It will pay you In tlollnrs nnd' cofits as it did hundreds of othors. Bosldes. you'll be suro of 'getting thp nllwool clothes you pay for. ' $35,000 IN 13 WEEKS. That's tho amount of woolen goods already ordored, by the people of North, Plntto and vicinity during my past 13 wooks hero. ' - 7th SEASON IN NORTH PLATTE 'tho Logan Knitting Factory of Logan, Utah, manufacturers of the t00,",9, muile-to-moasuro Utah woolon goods has' boon roprosontod hero for .tlicpngt spyen .seasons and Its buslnoss has doubled every year. 1 AND THIS IS WHY NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Hunting nnd trespassing Is1 strictly prohibited on lnnd owne'd by me. 71-1 FRANK HENEKA. Wanted Compo'to'nt girl for genora housework. Fifty dollars a month. Phono, 243. 71 72 Notice of Chattel Mortgage Snip, Notlco Is horoby given that by vir tue of a chattel mortgago executed by B. E. Snydor on ,tho 2Cth day of Aug UBt, 1918 on ono Overland Automobile No. 2158 Model 79, having four cyclln dors and being a five passenger car. executed to Bort A. Noble nnd by said Bert A Noble assigned to tho undor slgned. I will on tho 9th day of Oct ober at 11 o'clock A. at, 1920 on Fifth Street between Pine and Dowey Streets In front of the Overland . Garage- In North Platto offer for salo bald above doscrlbod automobile. Thero Is now duo on snld note securing said mortgage-tho sum of $210.80 and said mort gage Is filed in tho office of the county clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho City or North Platto. Dated Soptoinbor 14. 1920 THEO.-V. BUSKIRK S14-4w Assignee of Mortgago and note 1. LOW COST. By selling our goods direct from our' mills direct to you wo ellmlnnto tho profits mado . by tho wholesalers, Jobbers nnd retailors. Then again tho goodB aro mado In Utah whoro tho wool Is grown In abundance, ii, MADE TO FIT. Underwear, awoartrs, flannol shirts, mncklnaws, nnd all othor of our manufactured garments nro mado to your individual moasuro nnd a per fect fit Is guranateod. . GOODS WITH A REPUTATION Tho Utah woolon goods havo boon sold direct to tho consumer for tho past 30 yoara in 15 dirforont states. Ask your neighbor or any railroad man nbo,ut them. Thoy will toll you moro nbout tho quality and wear of our goods than wo can toll you horo. i. ORDER NOAV PAY LATE It. AH ordors aro dolivorod to you at any tlmo botweon now and noxt Xmns. You glvo us tho dato whon you wish tho merchandise Bhlppod and you pay on dollvory. War Tax Is includod in our pricos. All our goods nro Union Mndo. I TAKE ORDERS FOR THE FOL LOWING ARTICLES FOR MEN. WO. MEN AND CHILDREN : UNDERWEAR Wool, cotton -and silk intxtureB. SWEATERS una JERSEYS For school, office, sport and workf many stylos, knltB and shndc-B. SUITS nnd O'COATS-Mon'a and' young mon's fall and wlntor sty los 150 pnttorns of cloth. MACKINAWS-AU wool and many pattorns. , FLANNEL SHIRTS All wool nnd guaranteed rtgalnst shrinkage. LEATHER VESTS & SHEEl'SKIN 1 COATS BLANKETS Wool nap nnd all wool , 25 grades. v I RAINCOATS-Snupjjy fall" and winter r.i..1 or OWJfiU i)U B1UUUB . LEATHERETTE COATS Tho latost crazo a-PIECE SWEATER SUITS for chll- dron all wool all colors. HOSIERY Silk and wool. SLIFOYERS for Ladles and Misses. UNDERSHIRTS All wool all colore CALL HOTEL PALACE PHONE 4 North PJottuAcross Frsm the U. P. Depot. Loavo n cnll for mo CPhono 4G' with tho hotol cloik and I'll bring a fu ! display of samplos ot your Iiqueo in my car, nt nny time or plnco, Plea leavo full directions, with tho olork. Still hotter como over to tho Hotel In porson and bring your happy famllyalong with you. Til bo thoro any time in tho day by appolntmnot and fromc:30 to 0:80 every ovonlng. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF T,0 SEE REAL WOOLEN GOODS AND SAVE ALL THE MONEY YOU CAN. . A. FREEDMAN, Agent, . For. the Logan Knitting Factory, Logan, Utah. REMEMBER Our goods uro not sold lu the stored but only thra wrests. Notice ni Election. Notlco Is hereby glvijn to tho elec tors of the City of North Platte. Ne braska, that tho mayor arid city coun cil of the City of North Platte. Ne braska, have privIdorl by ordlnanco for tho submission to a direct voto of the voters of tho City of North Pintle. Nouraska, tho following proposition: An ordlnanco providing for the sub mitting to tho electors of tho City of North Platto in tho County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, tho following nues tlon to-wlt:. "Shall tho City of North Platto In Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska Issue Its City of Jorth Platto Water Works Improvement Bonds In the sum of Fifty Thousand & no-100 ($50,000.00) Dollars for tho purpose of raising money for tho improving, extending and maintaining tho Water Works of said City and tho- butldlnc and constructing of additional well or wolls, pump houses nnd Installing Ipumps nnd motors and extending re laying and enlarging wntdr mains In snld City In accordanco with tho plans and specifications and estimates on I nio with tho City Clerk nnl to nrovido for the levying and collecting by the I proper offlcors a tax annually.tto pay Intorost nnd principal of said bonds as thoy mature." And by virtuo of the ' powor In mo vested I hereby call an ; election on said ordlnanco so submit ted to bo hold In tho City of North ' JPIatte. Nebraska, on tho 19th day of ucio-ht, iau. tho votuiir placos of said oloctlon shall bo as follows- Tho 1st ward at tho A. N. Durbln Carngo at tho Intersection ot 5th and Dowoy Streets: tho 2nd ward at tho County Court House; tho 3rd ward nt the Firs Station and tho 4th wnrd at the North Platto Bulck Garngo. Tho polls to n open nt 8 o'clock In the morning uirt to romsiu open until 8 o'clock in tho aftornoon of said day. v Thoso voting In favor of tho adop tion of said ordlnnnco ahnll,mark their ballot with mi "X'ropposlto tho words: "For Issuing Fifty Thousand & no-lOQ (550.000.00) Dollnrs of the Cltv of North Platto Wnter Works Tmnrovo-, Friday was Central 203. Franklin 3GJ. i and principal 'payaWo at tho office of Baker 22. Washington 383, Jefferson 1 the County Treasurer of Lincoln c ounty, aiaio or Nebraska, said bonds to boar dato of October let, 1920, and tho Interest of said bonds to be pay able on the 1st day of April, 1921 and on tho 1st day of October, 1921 and on tho 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October of each and every year thereafter until all of tho Interest; on said bonds shall have been paid, and to levy a tax In the year 192 and pach and every year thereafter sufflc lenfto pay tho Interest and. the prin cipal of said bonds ns they become due until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of the principal and Interest Of said bonds, such tax both for prin cipal unci Interest to bo levied upon all of tho taxablo property In the city of Noah Platto, Lincoln County. Nebraska." Thoso voting against the Issuing of said honcls shall mark their ballot (With an "X" opposite the words KAGALN'ST Issuing Fifty Thounand and no-100 ($50,000.00) of tho City of North Platte Water Works Tm- provemont Bonds In denomlnatIqnstof une iiiouBanci anu no-iuu (?i,uoo.oo) .each, bearing Interest at tho rato of 6 per annum, payablo semi-annual ly, -.Interest and principal payable at tho'bffico of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraskn, said bonds to bear dato of October 1, 1920 and the interest on said bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 Jind tho lBt day of October, ,1921 nnd on tho lBt day ot April and on l tho 1st day ot October of each and pvery year thereafter until all of tho Interest on said bonds shall havo boon paid and tho levy of a tax in tho year 1921 and each and every year there after sufficient to pay the interest andv principal qf said bonds ns thoy bo como due, Until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of tho principal and Interest of said boudssuch tax both for tho principal and Intorost to bo lovlcd upon nil of tho taxablo property In the city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska." Dated Soptomber 13th, 1920. I O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. : 3rd ward at tho FIro Station and the 4th ward at the North Platto Bulck Garage.' The polls to bo opened at 8 o'clock In the. morning and to remain open until 8 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. , , AvJAINSIJ Issuing Ten Thousand Those voting In favor of said ordln-! 0010 (510,000.00) Dollars of tho "City anco shall mark their ballotB with ot North Platto Firo House Extension an "X" opposite the word "FOR" Is- Bonds" in denomination of Ono Thous sulng Ten Thousand & no-100 anl & 00-100 (?1000.00) Dollars, each, ($10,000.00) Dollars of the "City of ooaring interest at the rate of six per North Platto Firo Hbusb Extension cont per annum, payable soml-annual-Bonds," in denominations of one ly Interest .and principal payablo at thousand & no-100 ($1000.00) Dollars, tno Office of the County Treasurer o, each bearing Interest at the rate of six L,ncoln County, State of Nebraska. per com per annum, payable semi-an- uu"u tu UB"r umo oi uciooor nually fnterest and principal payable 1st, 1920 and the interest on said' bonds at tho Office of the County Treasurer of Lincoln County, State of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear date of October 1, to bo payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and on tho 1st day of October, 1921, and on tho 1st day of April and 1920 and tho Interest on said bonds to tno 1st day of October of each and bo payablo on tho 1st day of April, 1921 and on the 1st day. of October, 1921 and on the 1st day of April and the 1st .day of October of .each and every year thereafter, until all of tho interest on said bonds shall have been paid; to levy a tax In the year 1921 unci each and every ,year thereafter sufficient to nav the Interest and prin cipal of said bonds as they become due, until sufficient tax haa been lew led to onv nil ot the principal and Interest of said bonds, such tax both for principal and Interest to be levied upon all of the taxable propertv in every year thereafter until all of the Interest on said bondB sliall have been ,pald; to levy a tax In tho year. 1921 and each and ovory year thereafter sufficient to pay the interest and prin cipal of said bonds as they become due until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of tho principal and Interest ot said bonds, such tax both for principal and Interest to bo levied upon all -of tho taxable property In said City of North Platte, Lincoln County, State of Nebraska. Dated September 13th, 1920. O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEEDFULS for up-to-date autolsts, such -as electric horns, pumps, tires; cloctrlo searchlights whltch throw broad brilliant streams of light; far ahead; skid chains and other now and UBeful Ideas. Come and see them her el Roy V. Buskirk Garage 216 East Fifth St. Notlco of Flection. i Notlco Is hereby given to tho elec tors of tho City of North Platto, No- j braska, that tho Mayor and City Coun cil of tho City of North Platto,, No-j braska. have orovlded bv ordinance for the submission to a direct voto of thp voters of tho City ot North Platto. I Nebraska, tho following proposition: An ordlnanco providing for tho sub mitting to tho voters of tho City of North Platte In tho County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska tho following, question: "Shall tho City ot "North I Platto In Lincoln County, Stato of Nc ! .braska, lssuo its North Platto Firo ' House extension bonds in tho sum ' of Ton Thousand & no-100 ($10,000.00) , for tho purpose ot raising money for I tho building of an extension to tho Firo Houso ot the City of North Plntto and for equipping tho samo In accor dance with tho plans, specifications, and estimates on file with tho City Clork and to provldo for lovylng and collecting by tho propor officers n tax ) annually to pay tho Intorost and prln- 1 ctpal of said bonds as thoy mature" And by Ylrtuo of tho powor In mo Vested I hereby call an election on saldyordlnnnco so submitted to bo hold In tho City of North Platto, Nebraska on the 19th day of dctob&r, 1920. Tho .voting plaaes of said election shall bo mont Bonds In denominations nf One.' 18 fpllows; The 1st ward nfthe A.' Tiioi'o-Mifi K' nn-100 (,$1,000.00) onch. N, Quwiln Garage nt tho Intersections boar Ing Interest at tho rato of G per! ot ih anij Dowoy Streota; the 2nd annum, pnyublo semi-annually Interest warjj at tliq County Court House; the The Laundry Queen. Come in and See itx0perate. Srlh; Platle Light & Power Co. 0