CT M get tie M " 7 Do not be annoyed any longer with that "old family clock." It may be a precious heir-loom but a poor time piece. Correct time is one thing every member of the household NEEDS, Our clocks are dependable--) are our watches and vrist watches both for men ancTwomen. Give your boy and girl new Watchoi-and see how they will "mile. CLINTON, The Jeweler. THE SIGN OP THE Bid RING. r LANDING I'lflJjD i: y. c. t U. LADIES VISIT SUTHKJILAND. DR. 0. II. CRESSLtR. Graduate Dentist Office over th McDonald Stats Bank. LOCAL A.NI) mitflONAL A. S. Contcs loft Wcilnetfrttiy for his homo. In Sutherland. ,Irs. Fred Brink loft for lior homo In HcTBhoy yestordny. Will Artz, of Denver, Is In town visiting friends and relatives, Will Wnltomnth transacted business In Omaha sovoral days this week. W. J. Hendy went to Omahn Wcdncs clay to transact business for a few days. Mrs. Damles Snlcno and children left Wednesday for their homo In Su therland, When in North Platto atop at the Now Hotol Palace and Cafe. You will bo treated well. 68tf Mr. and MrsL Fred Howe, of this city, artfjonvlng this wook tor Glonn Falls, Idnho. Mrs. M. Johnson was called 1o Lnkotqy, Intl., yostorday by tho serious JllnQsK of an aunt. Mrs. Loroy Sowlo 1 vns called to Gothenburg Tuesday by tho sudden 111 noss of her mother. J. B. 'lluyos, of Omaha, has boon visiting rolatlvos and friends In town for a day or two past. Mrs, Ada Louis and son Guy 16ft Thursday for Omaha whoro Mrs. Louis .will transact business for a fow days. W. 0. Fowler and family returned Tuesday from a visit of sovoral weeks with rolntlvos In Portland and Astoria. . Tho Woman's Iteliof Corps will moot Saturday afternoon at 2:30 In. tho Odd Fellows hall. All members nro urged to bo prosont. Mr. and Mm. P. M. Swnlno, who have been visiting nt tho Glenn Scott homoln this city loft for their' homo yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. II Slllason left Thurs day for their homo In Koystono nftei ' visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frodrickson. Tuesday uftcrnoon Judgo Woodhurst married Albort Dovluo, a farmer of Farnam, and Miss Itobccca M. Hilton, of tho sntno placo. Stnrlto Corset Women and misses best, $4. GO to $9.00, mado to inoasuro corset. Call on our corsotioro. Mrs. Janet MacKay, Phono G24W, 412 Oak St Little Miss Margaret Reynolds la re covering nlcoly from n tonslloctomy ' operation porformcd by Dr. Lucas tho first of tho week. ,'Tho Exocutlvo Commlttco of tho W. ' cC T. U. will iflcpt next Saturday ovon' Ing at tho homo of Mrs. I. U'StobblnB, 020 W. Socond stroot. Checks aggregating over twenty-onb thousand dollars Vv'cro issued Tuesday ly tho Mutual Building & Loan Assn. to holders of paid up stock. Miss Artn Kocken, of Great Falls, Idaho, whoihas boon visiting nt tho homo of hor fnther A. A. Kockou nnd Lor Bister Mrs." Adda Turple, Heft for lior homo yostorday. Supt. Roy O. Young, of tho Brady uchools, was In tho city Wednesday. Eugeno Beal and family, of Ogallaln visited In North Platto Wednesday. Seo tho beautiful Hy-las tcIIs on display In AltVILLA lYIIITTAKER'S Millinery Dept. nt Block's. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Oldrlg, who hitvo boon visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. W. A. Gilchrist of this city, loft Thurs day for tholr'homo In Randln, 111, j Tho Hallowcll Concert Co., which has frequently visited North Platto will gtvo a concert nnd dnnco at tho Elks homo on tho evening of October Gth. Tho case of John It. Show, of Hcr shoy, chnrged with wife desertion was on trial In Judge Woodhurst's court yesterday, Tho, Judgo took tho enso under advisement and will render n decision at 11:30 today. Tho Origlnnl Southern Rag-a-Jnzz Hand, Just returning from a tour of tho Pnclflc coast, will stop off in North Platto to play for n danco at tho K. C. Hall next Tuesday night. Reports reached us that N. F. Clough dropped dead Wednesday morning whilo at tho homo of A. Mul doon In Ogallaln. Mr. Clough was an old resident of North Platto. Yostorday tho body ' of Frank T. Weaver, sixty yearn old, was shipped to Sarbon. Mr. Weaver who had suf fered for Bomo tlmo In n local hospital, from nrto'rinl sclorosls, died Wedncs- Edltor North Platte Tribune, Worth Piatt. Nobr. Dear Mr. Tout: , ' :j In mv ihlml the comlne of tho A&rikl j Mall, puling North Platte ag.'onl' of Ilia (an Rnvtrtnant ntnti ImlWMn York and Frlico, means a grftntjfu ture to our town. ' ; 1 You prhai know that the, N'Ortti Platta Chamber, of Commerca.-t'hrough its Board of Directors, aalurod -the Government thru Mr. Dunphy, that North Platte would provide a Hold nnd a hangar. A lottse has been loourod for a tlrm of five years. The hangar is to bo built by subscription. Com mittees have been nppointod and to nay the lonst thoy have had vory good succesji. Up to date a quota has boon allotted to oach firm, business and professional mnn, and tho quota in , oach case is the minimum amount, 1 Which, if it is given by oach porson. will bo onotfgh to orcct and equip thb hangar ns well as pay the lease for one year. The cost of tho hangar will bo a direct cost this year without cost next year, as tho Government will pay tho nmintainanco expense. Aviation is whoro tho automobile wns flftoon years ngo nnd It will nd vanco much faster. So it Is up to tho North Platto peoplo to securo funds nnd start tho erection of tho hangar this wcok or we will lose out. If tho business peoplo pay tho quota nlloted them by tho commlttco It will ho 1007o sure. If not, wo will bo obliged to pass mometer registered up tho opportunity offered our city aa well as putting our Chamber of Com merce in n bad position. Whoro do tho good pecJplo of North Platto stand? This is a chnnco of a life time. Thirty. sLx months moro on your prosont ago will bo amazing to you to sec tho rapid advance mado In aviation. Tho route from New York to Frisco will bo a Govcrment Trunk lino.. We will sco aeroplanes coming from the East, West, North and South dally nnd using our proposed air field. We will sco lots of aeroplane jJassengors go ing from coast to coast stopping on our .field beforo wo arc twenty-four months older. In short, space will not permit mo to say moro but ns a citlzon and a chairman of the organizing com mlttco I sincerely feel tho cause a. worthy one and ono that wo will feel hurt about, later If Wo do not support it with our subscriptions and In fluence. s Over llftecn of our leading business mon lmvo spent two weeks of their vnluablo tlmo working to xnako tho present presentation possible. There fore, it will go across with tho propor support and without this support it will fall. Wo must respond this week or wo will lose. Youi'B for a larger , nnd greater North Platto, by having it. f Very sincerely yours, TWENTIETH OENTUItY. . - CLUB BASQl'KT About twonty-flvo people from North Platto took in tho Booster moat ing held in Sutherland lait Wednes day by the local W. a T. U. The vis itors were served with a fine dinner in the Presbyterian church after which a good program was rendered by the Visiting and local members. Talks on "Tho Responsibility of the Children to the Parent" by Rev., Hess, "Helps to Local Unionn'' by Mrs. Rose Loudon, "Enforcing the Cigarette Laws" by Mrs. Belle Morris nnd "Out lines of Activities now Before Wo men" by Mrs. A. P. Kelly, were Inter spersed by other addresses, recitations and music. At tho "close n rising vote of thanks was oxlondod to tho Suther land Indies for the good tlmo. :;o:! rXIVnitSITY CLUB PICNIC. The University Club will hold a. picnic at tho State Farm, Monda evening, complimentary to those who will attend the University of Nebras ka (luring the coming school year. All former students aro Invited. Everyone ; who can go is requested to notify Miss Luclllo Wilcox at hor home so she can make nrrangemonts. IVEATHEIt' FOR AUG UST. Today wo received from Weather man Shilling the monthly summary of tho weather conditions for tho past month. It shows tho hottest day to have been tho slxtenth whon the ther- 01 olim-n TMin coldest record was made on tho thir teenth when it registered 40. Tho pre cipatlon for tho month amounted to 4.73 which is 2.27 above the average for August. Tho greatest precipitation In any twenty-four hours was on tho 19th and 20th when' 3.19 Inches of rain fell. A light frost occurred In this vicinity on tho thirteenth. There wcro 20 clear days and seven partly cloudy. SATURDAY SPECIAL . On Snturdny, Scpl. 1th wc will sell ' fancy carpet brooms nt ISc each not over two to n customer. , GA3IIILE WITH SPRINGER. ' All Four Stores. 1 Elmer Koontz resigned as manager of tho Gamble and Springer ' Store Number 4 this morning nnd will leave 1 tomorrow f6r a short vacation in Col orado. The Twontloth .Contury Club will hold its annlinUGood. Fellowship Bah quet at the- Methodist Church nt soven o'clock' Tuosday, Sept. 7. The feature of the ovonlng will' bo an riddress by Mrs. John Slakor, of Hastings, Pres ident of the State Federation of Wo man's Clubs. The price of plates will ; be $1.25 oach. Every latly in isorth Platto Is invited to become a momber and attend this banquot. TIckots may bo purchased from Mrs. Wilson'Tout, Mrs. M. E. Scott or Mrs. Chas. Bogue. ::oi: The Community Chorus will meet at the Central High School Auditorium on Thursday, Sopt. 9th. All members are urged to bo present. Keith, Saturday Night. Dhirley Mason LN "The Little Wanderer" an Ideal light clean comedy drama that assures a full evening's ontcrtnlnment. Sunshine Comedy- Through the Keyhole. Mjne mfcp jfoes up tmenfMi deceits. 3uffffour dlid TELL JnS -n W SS& MM ' Keep your eye on the tliermoineter it's due to take in nwful tumble. Be prepartd for. the change in tempera ture. Sensd your coal order in without delay. 33uy a grade of coal that you can bank on-the sort that wakes the furnace up at the proper time in the morning. i 7s P -::o::- day. Daddy: Well son, school begins on Sopt. 7th. Aro you all ready? Small' Son: Yes Dnddy, almost, But I Just got to hnvo a pair of TRAMP'S DADDY DUKE SCHOOL SHOES. Weatherman Shilling informs us that tho nvorngo date of tho first kill Ing frost ns recorded, by tho Weaflier Bureau during tho past forty-flvo years Is Sopt. 29. Tho first dato recorded is Sept. 10, A marriago license was Issued by Judgo M'oodhurst on Tuesday to Ern est W. Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miles, C20 E. Third, nnd Miss Mary McNeal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. McNcnl, 300 S. Pino. I'iio public Is -very cordially Invited to call mill sco our von" complete stock of millinery. Our prices nro right every lint marked ns reasonable lis possible for tho times. ARYILTjA WHITTAKER, Block's 2nd Floor. Tho body of Orval O'Doll, ton yonrs old was shipped to Oshkosh yostorday. Ho died in a local hospital as tho ro Biilt of n serious nccldcnt caused by a mower. Ho was nn orphan boy who was making his homo' with n sister, near Oshkosh. Tho U. S. W. V. Twenty-second nn nual encampment will bo hold at St. Louis Sopt. 13 to 16 inclusive A rate of ono nnd onc-thlrd faro has been granted by tho railroads. A numbor of North Platto Veterans und tholr wives will attend. Last Tuesday afternoon Judge Woodhurat Issued a marriage llcoriso to Wm. H. Wright, Section Foreman at Somerset, Nobr., and Miss Evelyn D. Wolvorton, of DlckonB. Whon thoy nskod him to porfonn tho coromony ho complied .with his usunl dignity nl though tho room wns crowded wltV peoplo who woro nttond,lng tho trial of a man for wifo dosortion. PIANO AT A SACItlFICL'. Wo have had left on our hands in storage In North Platto, a strictly high grade piano which lor n quick snlo will bo sold at a big discount. Terms to any rcsponsiblo party. If interested write quick for full partic ulars to tho DENVER MUSIC CO., Donvor, Colo. C8-71 AT THE ' SON THEATRE. TODAY Norma Talmage IN The WomairGives ALSO MUTT & JEFF. SATURDAY Edith Roberts Alias Miss Dobbs HALL ROOM BOYS, comedy MONDAY H. B.Warner s -in- The Maiwho turned White 4th Chapter RAIDUM MYSTERY. Get Full Plow Value Behind Your Tractor No matter how good your trac tor may be, you have to depend upon the plow behind the tractor for the im portant, direct work of seed bed-making. It pays to be especially careful in choosing your tractor plow. We offer you the opportunity to get a John Deere Tractor Plow the plow that has more than 80 years of suc cessful plow-making experience behind it. If you will come in and investi gate this plow we are sure you will agree with us that it is the best tractor plow for you to buy that it will last longer than any other tractor plow and will give you better resuits while you are using it. Especially, we would like to have you investigate these important features: particularly adapted for thorough seed bed making and longer service. Why the John Deere Quick Detachable Shares save time and labor and stay close fitting. How the simple, dependable power lift device, that raises the bottoms high and level, works without troublesome chains or sprockets. How the bottoms reach full plowing depth immediately when lowered and are locked down to this depth while plowing. How the unusual clearance assures steady work in trashy land. How the simple, strong construction through out assures maximum length of service and mini mum repair costs. How the hitch adapts it for successful use with nny tractor. We can furnish this plow in two, three or four bottom sizes. Remember you need the best tractor plow you can net. - o How the genuine John Deere bottoms are Come in and investigate our John Deere Tractor Plow The Leypoldt-Penhington Co., North PlatteMNeb.