The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 27, 1920, Image 8

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Chcrokees Once Hnd a Newspaper
That May Dc Said to Have Be.
come a Power.
Tlio Cherokee Indians, when still oc
cupying what now 1 the statu of Geor
gia, published h newspaper In their nn
tlve tongue In 1S28. One of their tribe,
Sequoyah by nnme. In 1823 designed
80 characters tlint were to represent
the Cherokee lnngunge In print. Tho
nntlonnl committee mid council of the
tribe meeting nt Now ICehotn, the enp
ltnl of their nation, In 1820, voted a
fund to buy type, n press nnd tho nec
essary equipment. Tho pnper was
known ns the Cherokee l'hocnlx. ,IInlf
of It was printed hi Cherokeo nnd hnlf
In English. Hundred of full-blood In
dians who otherwise would have re
mained Illiterate till their lives, wore
thus enabled to read after mastering
tho nlphabot. These Indians became
subscribers of tho pnpor, as did mem
bers of neighboring states, and tho pa
por becamo n power.
Tho Phoenix wns "known In Eu
rope," nnd among other famous pa
pers that asked to bo placed on tho
exchnngo list was the London Times.,
The paper wns In operation for about
five years, nnd was harassed when tho
movoment linvlng for Its object tho re
moral of tho Cherokee Indians west
ward was at Its height It suspended
publication when tho Georgia stato
legislature forbid a whlto man to Uvo
among tho Cherokees.
Tho honor of becoming tho first In
dian editor fell to Ellas Boudlnot, a
native-born citizen of the nation.
Plan on Foot to Increase World's Sup
ply of Wood From That Soured
Going Forward.
' A reinforcement for tho world de
mand for lumber Is preparing In Brit
ish East Africa, whero thcro nro be
tween 2,000,000 nnd 3,000,000 ncres 6t
woodland to draw upon, nnd n now In
dustry, very lnfantllo at present, Is ex
pected to grow so rapidly that tho gov
ernment Is now considering plans to
Improve the harbor facilities for ex
porting tho forests. Tho best wood Is
sultnblo for wheel makers and wagon
builders nnd the making of wood block
paving, rnllwny sleepers, bridges, ox
yokes, and ax, pick nnd tool hnndlcs.
It nlso makes good flooring nnd lining
bonrds. Tho builder, however, must
needs bo of n patient disposition If ho
postpones building until theso British
East African woods arc available.
Menntlmo thcro nre new sounds In
some of tho African forests, tho
rhythm of tho woodsman's ax, the buzz
of tho sawmill, and tho pulling of un
dersized locomotives on the narrow
gauge tracks that aro penetrating
from tho mnln lino of railway Into tho
woodlands. And many n workman, no
doubt, will some day work with tools
whoso hnndlcs grow In an African forest
Ancient Chinese Art
Attention hns been called to u not
able addition to tho treasures of the
British museum, In tho shape of a
colossal Chinese figure In wood. It 1b
sculptured from cleverly Jointed
blocks,! and represents a -figure, In a
sitting posture, five feet, eight Inches
In height. It Is the first specimen of
Its kind to he added to tho nntlonnl
collections In Great Britain; the date
Is thought to he from 1120 to 1270 A.
D. It Is to he hoped that the Interest
aroused will lend to further study of
this branch of art. It Is pointed out
by ii writer In the Burlington Mngn
zlne of Art that In Cleveland, 0., a
competent scholar In connection with
the museum Is sent to China to study
the art and collect sultnblo art treas
ures on Its behnlf.
(, 1J0, Weltern Newpapr I'nkm )
Tho mother of Morton Dale entered
his olllce, peered Into his prlvnto room,
found It vncnnt and turned her gaze
upon his stenographer, Irene Blnndon,
with some wonderment. Tho latter, a
handkerchief to her eyes nnd sobbing
low, hnd not noticed her appearance.
Tho sheet, of pnper on her typewriter
bore evidence of tears.
"Why, Miss Blnndon!" spoke the vis
itor gently, "whntover Is tho trouble?
You are crying."
Irene lifted n woeful face to the
lady. "I couldn't help It," she spoke,
"l'ou must know how things nre here
nnd I nm so sorry for Mr. Dale."
"Perhaps I do not entirely know
how things are here, dear," said Mrs.
Dale. "Of course Morton hns told mo
of his misfortune In trusting a client
with half his capital and tho man In
vesting It unfortunately and no chance
of recovering It. But Morton is young,
bright nnd honorable, the world Is all
beforo him and It hns greatly distress
ed inc to sec bow hard he has taken
"Mr. Dale was under n severe strain
beforo that came," announced Irene.
"Ho put through a very creditable deal
and counted on expanding Lis busi
ness when this loss came nlong. Oh,
Mrs. Dale I can you not Induce him to
seek nnd find what alone can savo
him an entire abandonment of busi
ness cares for u spell? IIo Is not 111,
but mentully depressed. He has lost
his nerve, as the men on 'change say,
and ho gets gloomier nnd more dis
couraged every day. Perhaps you won
der nt my feeling over him, but I came
to tho city knowing nobody nnd If I
wero his own sister ho could not hnvo
been moro kind nd helpful to me.
Every time I write to the fnmlly at
home, I nm Buro they bless him for the
Interest ho hns taken In mo nnd tho
good position he has given me."
"l'ou nre n sw
Mrs. Dnle. her own eves dimming.
"Tell me what you think we had ought Qlgflbumic Flllit FcinTl
lO UU IU Will mill uuui ilia iiimmj uuu
"IIo must give up business for u two
time, that Is sure," answered sensible,
Wood Brothers all steel individual thrasher
complete with weigher and loader
Power Hay Press, the money maker,
with self-feeder
These prices at North Platte and while
our present stock lasts.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
Phone 34
. . . M . . . f ,. . . . . .
! DR. J. S, TWINEM 1
Apples! Apples!
Our apples are now
nns given me. if I . , ,i
reet, dear gin," said ready tor market at the
practical Irene. Ho hns a tine, senst- CnfUprnfl
tlve nature and he Is getting thin nnd OUUICllcUIU.
north of
Tho Standard of Purity and
Excellence. Extracts, Spices &
Sold By R. N. STECK. Phono
No Selling on Sunday.
W. H. WOODMAN, Prop.
Cultivating Edible Bamboo.
The Japanese edible bamboo has
been successfully Introduced Into tho
southern portion of tho United Stnte3
by tho department of agriculture. Sev
eral plantations arc now established in
Georgia and Louisiana. Populnrlzn
tlon of tho bamboo will furnish lnrgo
home-grown supplies of this useful
timber required by our manufacturing
Industries. The giant grass grows a
foot n day, and Its 50-foot stall: Is
well adapted for making frames, fuml
turc, ladders, trellises and barrel
hoops. Tho new sprout Is n delicious
vegetable and resembles nspnragus In
flavor and In tho muuncr of Its prep
oration. Thcro Is nn Increasing do
mnnd In America for tho bamboo tlm
bcr, nnd nlso for tho edible bamboo
tired all of the time. IIo needs build- h-i 9 l M oc
Ing up, and oh I If ho would only con- HPJ-, H UU tyA.AO
sent to do down to Wnlthnm, whero I k L .
fn mo fVmn mill lot mnthnr nnd tho UcDJ.vjL.
folks look nfter him and think of noth
ing but rest and recreation, he would
surely como back with renewed henlth
and courage."
The sincerity nnd earnestness of the
young girl clmnned tho anxious moth
er. From tho suggestion Ireno made
grew dellnlto plans. Morton Dale
ugreed to them, though with little In
terest In them, It seemed, nnd one any
left for 11 month's vacation at Holly
wood farm. It wns not until he got
nwny from the turmoil and grlmo of
the city nnd tho train glided along
pnst fresh vernal scenes and the flow
er perfumed air cnine 111 reviving ui
tho open car window, that his perturb-
d mind began to calm down, in n
gentle, politic way those two loving
plotters hnd spent u week In winning
him to their suggestion. Now, feeling
how reliably Irene would attend to his
Interests nnd recalling that she was
sacrificing her own vncatlon visit to
the folks at homo for his sake, 11 ten
der gratitude expanded his soul, tem
porarily clouded by bis own selllsh ana
exaggerated worries.
"Sho Is like' my mother nil gold!"
Morton told himself, nnd when he ur-
lved nt Wnlthnm ho soon decided that
there wero others, too, of the home
spun, but heartsoiue Blnndon family
who were ellglbles to bo quoted in tno
same precious metal category.
'Irene's two sisters wero In evidence
occupying n sent in the roomy old
sitting room, pictures of health and
lolllness. Tho brother, a big-hearted
fellow, always Joking nnd laughing,
balled Morton ns 11 bosom friend.
When they reached the pleasant old-
faslilnned farmhouse Mrs. Blnndon
welcomed their guest ns nn own son.
The guest partook of tho most enjoy-
nblo nicul of weeks and slept wltlra
smllo on bis llns. ns through his
Must Have Been to Movie Sho.w.
A recent night in nn enstorn city two
policemen saw n man swinging a worn
nn bnck nnd forth from tho fourth
story window of n building whllo sho
kept up a continuous screaming. They
rushed upstairs and Into tho room!
snved tho womnn nnd arrested tho man
But, they noticed that his oyes wero
closed. At police headquarters a doc
tor who examined him said tho man
was suffering from nlghtmnro and wns
not nwnro of what ho was doing.
wo lived in that family it wouldn't bo
nocessary to closo tho windows
night, they would bo nailed dpwn tight
nil tho time. Capper's Weekly.
Aerial Postal In India.
An Issuo of Shipping nnd Engineer
ing announces that tho Bombay-Kara
cbl aerial postal scrvlco is now In op
eration, using threc-pnBsengcr Do IlnV'
Hand niachtnes, carrying 1,000 pounds
of mail nnd other baggage. Malls aro
delivered In Karachi on tho day of
their arrival in Bombay, nnd outward
walls aro dispatched on the day steam
era aro duo to leave.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North et Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
lurgieal and confinement c&iei.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratorica
Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lucas. M. D.
J.B. RedGeld. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bnnk Building
lonico l'iiono 83 Itesldenco 39
Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217
L . C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbua Building
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Endinm Therap)
7M City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
C, 0, 7 Building Ss Loan Building.
dreaming fancies ran shadowy echoes offlco Phono 70. Res. Phone 1242
of soino Joke Wilfred Blnndon nnr
rated, or n fugitive thought of tho
bravo little helper ho hud left In
ehargj; of his business craft came to
tils mind.
Bluff, hearty Wilfred put himself
out to bring n moro cheerful stato of
feeling to the Invalid, and was abet
ted by trusty accomplices. IIo oven
had tho scale at tho general store man
ipulated, so that whenever Morton
camo In to get weighed ho was found
to bo gaining nearly n pound dally 1
Ono day some rulllans attacked a
farmer on his way homo with consid
erable money. Morton dispersed them
In n way that' won from the rescued
victim admiring commondatlon for his
sprynoss and strength.
At the end ot 11 month, compteti
renovated, Morton Dalo camo hot
tho picture of Jolly good health. IIo
listened with glowing eyes as his nini'i-
or recited how Irono hnd not on'
enrod for the old business, but h 1
secured considerable new, nnd through
lier labors there was n hopo of getting
back somo of the lost capital.
"I can never ropay nil sho has done
for 1110," spoko Morton gratefully,
"Why has sho taken such an interest
In my affairs, mother?"
"Why?" replied Mrs. Dale promptly.
"Ask hor, Morton, and sho will blush,
nnd blushes menu love, you know."
"Then I shall try tho experiment at
once I" cried Morton hopefu'ly.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention GIren to Snrgerj
and Obstetrics.
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 116
Over IUrsclifold'fl
Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phono 102
Physician asd SsrgMB
Offlco OTerXBoxall Drag Stoic
Hay Fever
Catarrhal Deafness
Successfully handled by
North Platte, Nebr.
Storage Batteries
Midway Motor Co.
(jlraduutc Veturinarlnn
Ex-Govornment Voterlnarlan and ex
nsslstant deputy Stato Veterinarian
Hospital 1)15 South Vino Street
Hospital Phone lllack 633
House Phono Bluck 633
Hospital Facilities
Platte Valley Hospital
I Notice of final Report.
1 Estato No. 1722 of Georgo E. Rogers
j deceased In tho County Court of Lln-
1 coin County, Nobraska.
I Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per-
uotlco thut tho Administratrix has fil
ed a final nccount and report of her
administration and a petition for final
settlement and dischargo as such,
which havo been set for hearing bo-
foro said court on September 3rd, 1920
at 10 o clock a. m., when you may ap
pear and contest tho same.
Dated August 7, 1920.
A10-3w County Judge.
I have the Money
on hand to close
loans promptly.
Real Estate Mortgages
Bought and Sold
Loan Broker
Building & Loan Building
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned, duly appointed as a Build
ing committee for the construction of
school house in School District No. G
In Lincoln County, Nebraska, will re
ceive scaled bids for the construction
of a school houso In said School Dis
trict no. 6. m Lincoln County, Ne
braska, up to noon on tho 28th day of
August. 1920. at the office of Beoler.
Crosby & Basklns, Attornoys, of North
1'iaiio, iNenrnsica. nans and specifica
tions are at tho offlco of BeMnr. Cros
by & Basklns at North Platte, Nebras
ka, and may there bo examined.
A certified check In tho sum of Two
hundred 00-100 (J200.00) Dollars, pay
nblo to tho Treasurer of School Dis
trict No. 5 In Lincoln County, Nobras
ka, must accompany said bids. Tho
undersigned reservo tho right to re
Je6t any and all bids
Building Commltto of School District
No. 5 In Lincoln County. Nebras
ka. J27-A27
We want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
No market for bones at present
Mead's Barber 'Shop
718 No. Locnst
Wo run a Uircc-clialr shop ami give
export service. Satisfaction above,'
all else Is oar aim. Glvo us a trial ad
bo convinced.
G. W. MEAD, Prop.
Notlco of Special Election.
Whereas a Constitutional Conven
tfon called agreeablo to law by tho
people o: tho State of Nebraska to
meet Decembor 2nd, 1919, end wheroas
tho members elected to said Oonstitu
tional Convention did so meet and
provide that certain amendments to
tho Constitution oe submitted to the
electors of tho Stato for adoption or
rejection, and did further provide that
said proposed Ucnutltutional amend
ments bo submltttd at a special clec
tion to bo hill throughout tha State
on Tuesday, tho twenty-first diy of
September, 1920.
Now, Therefore. I, A. S Allen
County Clerk of Lincoln County,
Stato of Nebraska, by authority of law
In mo vested, do hereby direct and
proclaim that a special election bo
held In tho several polling place?
within Lincoln County, Stato of Ne
braska, on Tuesday, tho Twenty first
day of September, 1920, between the
hours of 8 a. m. and 9 p. m. of tho
samo day for tho purposo of adopting
or rejecting said proposed amend
Given under my hand and official
seal this 10th day of Aug. 1920.
G5 2 County Clerk.
Dr. C. E. McReynolds,
Eyct Ear, Nose nnd Throat.
Offlco over Ilexnll Drug Store.
Phono 113.
Estato No. 173G of Betty Wolnbarg,
deceased la tho County Court ot Lin
coin County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por
sons interested in said Estato tf.ko
notlco that tho executor has filed a
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement dnnd Ischargo as such,
which hnvo boon set for hearing bo
foro Bald court on Soptembor 17, 1920
at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may ap
pear and contost tho samo.
Dated August 21, 1920.
A24-3k County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Dempster Mill Mfg. Co.; A. B. Ham
sometimes known as A. B. Hann; and
H. H. Van Brunt and tho Northwest
Quarter Section 30, Township 11
Itango 2G, Lincoln County, Nebraska
and all persons claiming any lnterost
of any kind in said real estate or
any part thereof defendants will
hereby tako notlco that Trod J. Tetro
has filed his potltlon In tho district
court of Lincoln County, Nebraska
in an action wherein ho Is plaintiff
and wherein you and each of you, to
gether with Lincoln County, Nobrcuka
a municipal corporation aro dofon
dants, tho object and prayer ot plain
tiff's action is to quiet his tltlo
against you and each of you In and to
tho Northwest Quarter of Section 30,
Township 11, Rango 2G, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska and to quiet his title
particularly against a mortgago exe
cuted by J. G. Swanson and wife to
A. B. Ham, sometimes known as A.
B. Hann, and Dempster Mill Mfg Co
executed October 8th, 1895 filed for
record October 9th, 1895 in Book 20,
pago 1G5, real estate records of Un
coin County, and against a mortgage
oxqcuteu by said J. G. Swanson and
wlfo to H. H. Van Brim executed
October 9th, 1895 filed for '-orord on
October 12th. 1895 in book pago
459 real estato records of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, and against a
mechanics Hen at ono tlmo hold by
Dompster Mill Mfg. Co. against L. O.
Lnrson filed In book A, pago 359, real
estato records of Lln-oln County, Ne
braska. Plaintiff seeks a decree of court
barring tho defendants and each of
l them of any and all Tight, tltlo uid
Office Phono 371.
Houso 10G8
Notlco for Publication.
U. S. Land Offlco at Brokon Bow,
Nobraska, August 19, 1920.
Notlco is hereby given that Clifford
Andorson, of North Platto, Nebraska,
who, on Novombor 27, 1914, mado
Homestead entry, North Platto 0G193,
Broken Bow No. 011848, to: EVj EV6,
Soctlon 10, Township 14 North, Rango
29 West, Gth Principal Morldlan, has interest in and to said real estato ox-
filed notlco ot intention to mnko; jHtint. uy Tjrtue of said mortgages,
three-year Proof, to ostaWUU claim to mcchanlcs lion or otherwise
tho land nbovo do3rlhod, beforo Wm.j you aro further notified that unless
II. C. Woodhurst, United States Com- you answer said petition by tho C7th
mlsslonor, nt North Platto, Nebraska, ,ay 0f Sep'ombor, 1920, Judgment by
on tho 27th day ot Soptembor, 1920. dofault will bo taken against you and
Claimant names as vltn0ss03: Art: you wlll thoieupon bo excluded from
Stownrt, Fred Llttlo, John O. Nystrom nny nn,i nu right, tltlo or interest In
and Vorn Ynnkon, all of North Platto, znici real estato.
Nobraska. FRED J. TETRO.
MACK C. WARRINGTON, ! By nalligan, Boatty & Halllgan.
Register. ' A17-S10 His Attorneys.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estate No. 17G2 of Haze! Irene Flebbo
deceased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will tako .lotlca that
tho time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said TJstato la
December 16th, 1020, d j'or settle
ment of said Estato Is August 17th,
1921; that I will sit at the county
court room in said county, on Sept.
lGth, 1920 at 10 o'clock a. m., and on
Dec. lGth, 1920, at 10 a clock a. m., to
receive, examine, hoar, allow or adjust
all claims and objections duly filed.
A24 4w County Judso.
Notice la hereby clven that by vir
tue of an order Issued by the District
Court in and for Lincoln County, Ne
braska, on the 2nd day of December,
1919, In an action wherein W. H. Mo
Donald, Nettle V. Reynolds, and James
n McDonald, are plaintiffs; and Mary
B. McDonald, William C. Reynolds,
Ruth McDonald Daub, "William J.
Daub; Frank A. Mooney, a minor
under the age of 14 years; and Frank
L. Mooney, Guardian of Frank A.
Mooney. a minor, under the ape of 14
years; "W. II. McDonald, Nettle V. Rey
nolds, and James It. McDonald, Aa-
mInl8trators of the Estato of Charles
McDonald, deceased, are defendants; I
will on the 30th day of August, 1920,
at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. at the
east front door of the Court House In
tho City of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder for cash,
subject to all Incumbrances against
the same, the following described real
estate, situate In Lincoln County.
State of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lots six (Gi, seven (7) and eight (S)
In Block one hundred forty-seven (147)
of the original town now City of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
said Lots to bo offered separately:
Lot one (1) In Block one hundred
sixty-two (162) of the original town
now City of North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska:
Lots five (5) and Fix (C) of Block
one hundred fifteen (115) of the orlg
Inall town now City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, said Lots to
be offered for sale as one tract, and
then offered for Bale separately, and
the Referee will accept such bid or
bids as will In tho aggregate amount
to tho most money;
The North 84 2-3 feet of Lot one (1)
nnd the East 22 feet of Lot two (2) of
Block ono hundred two (102) of the
original town now city of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, satd
North 84 2-3 feet of said Lot one (1)
and said East 22 feet of said Lot two
(2) of said Block one hundred two
(102) to be offered for sale ns one
tract, and then to bo offered for sale
separately, and tho Referee will ac
copt such bid or bids as will In the
aggregate amount to the most money:
Lot one (1) and tho East 18 feet of
Lot two (2) of Block one hundred ono
(101) of the original town now City
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, to be offered for sale
ns ono tract and then to bo offered for
sale separately as said Lot one (1) and
as tho East 18 feet of said Lot tw.o
(2) and tho Rofereo will accept such
bid or bids as will amount In the ag
gregate to tho most money;
Lots ono (1), two (2) and three (3)
of Block four (4) of Trustee's Addi
tion to the City of North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, to be offered
for sale separately:
Lots five (5) and six (6) of Block
four (4) of Miller's Addition to thn
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to be offered for sale as ono
tract, and then to be offered for sals
sonaratelv. nnd the Referee will ac
cept such bid or bids as will In the
aggregate amount to the most money;
Lots seven (7), eight (8), nine (5),
ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12)
of Block three (3) of Cody's Addition
to the City of North Platte. Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to bo offered for
sale as one tract;
Section five (5) In township thlr-
n (13) North, of Range thirty (30)
West of the 6th P. M. containing
545.46 acres, sttuate in Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to be offered as ono tract,
nnd parties may bid on fractional por
tions thereof, and the Referee will
accept such bid or bids as will In the
aggregate amount to the most money;
Tho South-west quarter (SWV4) of
Section fourteen (14) In township
twelve (12) North, of Range Thirty
(30) WoBt of the 6th. P. M. containing
160 acres, situate In Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to be offered for sale as one
The terms of satd sale being cash
In hand, ana subject to all lncumbran
sce existing against the same. Bald
sale will be held open for one houri
Dated thla 24th day of July, 1920.
O. D. ELDER. Refefee.
Bceler, Crosby & Basklns.
JS7-A27 Attorneys.