ScmMficrkla (artbunc. WILSON TOUT, Editor anil I'uMlshcr. SUllSCltll'TION PRICK: Ono Vcnr, In mlrnnco $2.00 Bntetfad at tho North I'lattc, Nebraska pMtofflce as Second Class Matter TCliSUAV, AUGUST 21th, JD20. SCIIAITLE. EDITORIAL. Srral people have wild that the boat number of the Chautauqua was the Uotura given Saturday afternoon by Paul W. Ivey, of tho Unlvorisity of NebrMka School of Commorce. It wm ' a looturo according to roport which would ploaso buslnoss and pro fosdonal mon and glvo thorn an In sight Into tho aclonce of their work. Lt was unfortunato that this lecture wai placed on Saturday aflornoon as that Is tho ono time whon buslnoBB mon cannot got away. Tho Park Board Is to bo congratu lated upon tho success of Its offortn to got a supply of wator for tho trees which havo beon planted there. This iark Is will located, will bo of con Btantly Increasing valuo to tho city and tho Park Board Is doing well In putting It Into Bhapo so it can bo used. A good start has boon mado wltn shado trcog and (lowers and shrubbery will follow. "Wo undorstand tho County Com missioners aro planning to start on plans for tho now County Court House In tho near futuro. This Is wolcomo nows to Lincoln County citizens as" it will . not cost any more to have it started next year than later. Wo need tho building ns noon as possible. ::o:: LOOK WHAT'S COMING f.:30 2:30 2:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 I 8:00 2:30 3; 00 TUESDAY Sun Matlnoc, City Park Baptist Picuic City Park Methodist Picnic. Keith Tho Orlm Game. Crystal Tho Imp. Sun Tho Crimson Skies. Chambor of Commorco Directors WEDNESDAY Sun Matlueo CILy Park Hoyul Neighbor Picnic, i 7:30 Crystal Tho Imp. 7:30 Kolth Llttlo Shophor of King dom Como. 7:30 Sun Tho Crimson Skies. (Mld-weok rayor Meetings. THURSDAY Sun Matlnco City Park Episcopal Picnic. Baptist LadlcB at G02 S. Vine. Prosybtorhin Ladlos at church.' Methodist "iadlos at church. Crystal Tho Woman In tho Suit Caso. 7:30 Keith Llttlo Sliophord of King dom Comb. r 7:30 Sun Tho Flaming Clue. A Column of Nonsense, The other day while we were going Over to Wyloy Walker' Music Store to buy a new piano for our wife a man stoppod us and asked us why the clocks In the tower on the Court House had all stopped at twelve seventeen. We didn't know so we thot we would go over and ask Ed Davis. Ed mot us at the door with usual 1 politeness and we went In. We asked alwti't how Ed felt and he said pretty good so we thought It was about time to ask him about the clocks so we did. . Ed asked If wo meant the clocks on the new court house and we said w hadn't noticed any new court house yet and ho said of course not but he meant the clocks on tho picture of tho now court house and wo said that we had heard that they had a plcturo of tho now court houso but wo hadn't soon lt yet but wo meant tho cloehs In tho towor of tho old court houso. Ed nBkod how many clocks we had soon thoro and wo told him thero were four! ono for each direction and he asked If they wore going or stoppod and wo said they wore stopped for whon we wont to dinner tho other day wo thought wo woro only seventeen minutes lalo but wo found out differ ently whon wo got homo. Ed said ho didn't soo how thoy could stop all of them at tho same mlnuto and wo said wo didn't either. Then wo said It looked ns though thoy had beon stop pod a long tlmo and Just then ono of Ed's friends from' tho East ond camo along and Ed asked him and ho said thoro was a story connected with the stopping of thoso" clocks" nnd thon he said that It happened whan an ontlro now sot of County officers woro In stalled at high noon on tho first Mon. day in January in tho early 90's. Tho clocks stood it for sovdnteon minutes and then stopped. Ed said that was a good story and wo said it was a fish story and Ed objected to our making insinuations nbout his East ond friend nnd told us ho would crack our noggin If wo didn't get out of thoro so wo got. And now wo know. IRRIGATION SHOWS DECREASE. According to figures just issued by tho United States" Census Bureau for Lincoln County tho acreage to bo Ir rigated by works either completed or under construction has decreased 2G8 slnco 1910, tho acreage to which existing works aro capablo ,of sup plying water has decreased 2.5 and tho acreage Irrigated has decreased 11.5. To whom aro you going to soil youi Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Men canlilo Co. will offor tho highest ' prices. 64tl STTllC SI ELECTRIC SERVICE J SS-"" ' II PREST 0LITE S TTENT FARMERS AND HAY GROWERS Wood Brothers all steel individual thrasher complete with weigher and loader $1235.00 Power Hay Press, the money maker, with self-feeder Apples! Apples! I Our apples are now eady for market at the lenburnie Emit Farm wo mues norm or Sutherland. Apples $1, $2 and $2.25 a basket. No Selling on Sunday. W. H. WOODMAN, Prop. 8:00 2:30 2: '15 .i:oo n!.:oo 3:00 7:30 WEDDING PARTY. After tho Ryals-IIonrlchson Wed ding at tho Mothodlst Church Sunday, tho party wont to tho Union Paclflo Hotol for dlnnor.-Tho guosts woro Mr. nnd MrR. Max Schulzo, Mr. H. Schulzo, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Malzo, Josso Hyals, Mr. and Mrs. George Myers and Miss Mablo Daly. 1 nrcrnjvr of the condition- op THIS McDonald State Bank CITY ANT) COUNTY NEWS. N. K. Buckley left last night for Stromsburg to transact business for a day or two. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Moroy left Sun day for Hastings whero thoy will visit relatives for two weeks. Mesdames J. F. Clabaugh and Ralph Clabaugh will entertain at bridge at tho homo of tho former this afternoon. Yesterday Judgo WoodhursUgrantod a marriage liconso to Arvillo D. Moore and Helen U Butler, both of North Plutto. Friday la to bo tho rogular dato for Ladlos Day at tho Country Club until tho season closes. All lady members and tholr lady frlonds aro invited. Tho largo ltght-colored biplane which soared above North Platto yosJ torday morning was driven by Rumloy and Cleotli, two out of town pllotn. Tho North Platte Aircraft Co. re colved its now plane from Topoka Kansas, yestorday. It is a'Laird Swal low and will bo used in its exhibition work this fall as well as for carrying of North riatte, Chnrtor No, C17 In tho csiuio oi nourasKa at tlio clous of bus lnoss Aug. 1C, 1920. iiWHOiTHnrcs LoniiH nnd discounts OvorilrnftB 2,383.01 Ipassongers. llnntln. NimirltlAM I claims, etc.. incluifliur all Tho eleven year old son of II Ua'r'nUuVo " 40,439,13 LaU,lor' llvlS n6rUi of Dickens, was and HxturoH Other real ontatu 7.G09.22 Cash Items , 23,174.03 uuo irom nai'i ana statu banks . .120,623.77 Checks and Itoms ot xchnngo..., 4,937.80 Currency 14,917.00 Gold coin 725,00 Silver, nickels and cents 6,289.86 Liberty loan bonds hold ns cash rosorvo 10,000.00 157.199.G! Total fS03,lt0.23 L.IAniL.TTII?a Capital stock nald In .Surplus fund 20,000.00 u mi iv hi cm proms, not ,. 14,912.05 inuiviuuRi depos its subject to chook 395,130.71 Demand certifi cates of depos it 21,829.53 Time certificates . ot dopoBlt ... 222,194.32 Certified chocks . 315,00 Due to National and stato banks 23,328.13 662,827.74 .Depositors' guaranty fund C.4C0.49 1 Total vS03.100.Sk3 mate or Nournsicn, county or Lincoln, as. I, Vf. E. Starr, cashier of the above named bank, do lierouy Bwoar that tho above Rtatoment 1b a correct and true copy of tho report made to tho State Manning uoara. W. E. STAim, Cashier. AttCBt! W. IL MoDONAliD, Director. J. B. McDONALD. Director. Subscrlbpd and sworn to before me tins sara aay or August. 1920. II. D, WIBSD. i . . . . Notary Public. My commission expires Hay s, 1320. brought to town Sunday to recolvo treatment for injurlos rocolvod whon thrown from a rake nnd daggod by a runaway team. A car said to bolong to E. M. Matson ot west Socond streot was struck by a touring car yesterday and tho rear wheel and tiro destroyed. Both cars woro rOportod to bo moving lowly nnd nclthor was using a signal. Tho W. C. T. U. booator trip to neighboring towns has beon postponod to August 31. Tho ladlos will meet tho Court Houso at 9 a. m. sharp a- d bring tholr lunch baskets. Cars wl'l take them to Sutherland and then t Hcrshoy to meet with tho ladlos the- la booster meetings. ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Roomi 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska. These prices at North Platte and while our present stock lasts. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. Phone 34 I DR. J. S. TWINEM I Medicine Surgery Obstetrics Hospital Facilities it flatte valley Hospital HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. We want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. No market for bones at present. L. LIPSHITZ. Notice for Publication. U. S. Land Offlco at Broken Bow, Nebraska, August 19, 1920. Notlco is hereby given that Clifford Anderson, of North Platto, Nebraska, who, on November 27, 1914, mado Homestead entry, North Platto 06193, Broken Bow No. 011848, to: EVi E1, Section 10, Township 14 North, Itango 29 "West, Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of inteutlon to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo do3:ritied, before Win. II. C. "Woodkurst, United States Com missioner, at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 27th day of September, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Art Stewart, Fred Llttlo, John O. Nystrom and Vom Yanken, all of North Platto, Nebraska. MACK C. WARRINGTON. Register. FARM LOANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages . Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building MEN'S FUR COATS. LADIES' FURS, ROBES Cleaned, Repaired, Remodeled. Have Ibis work done now while the workman are not so busy for a llttlo later they will be rushed and thon thoy do not give such careful attention. Leave Furs With Us L. LIPSHITZ. y. T. PJtlTCILUU), Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex asslstant deputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 315 South YIno Street Hospital Phono Black 633 Houso Phone Black 633 W ATKINS The Standard of Purity, and Excellence. Extracts, Spices & Toiletries. Sold By R. N. STECK. Phono 1206J. NOTICE OF FINAL ItErOHT. Estate No. 1736 of Betty Woinbarg, deceasod in tho County Court of Lin cola County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all por- sons interested in saiu estate taico notlco that tho executor lias filed a final account and roport of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement dand ischargo as such, which havo been sot for hearing bo fore said court on Soptember 17, 1920 at 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may ap pear and contest tho samo. Dated August 21, 1920. Wm. H. C. WOODHUKST, A24-3k County Judgo. Notlco to Creditors. Estate No. 1762 of Hazel Irene Flobbo deceased in tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will tako .lotlco that the tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate Is December lGth, 1920, -ml nr uettle- ment of said Estato is August 17th 1921 r that I will Bit at tho county court room In said county, on Sopt 16th. 1920 at 10 o'clock a. m.. and on Dec. 16th, 1920, at 10 p'clock a. m., to rocolvo, oxamlno, hoar, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed Wm. H. C. WOODHURST. A24 4w County Judge Notice of Flnnl Iteport. Estato No. 1722 of Georgo E. Rogers deceasod in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested in said Estato take notico that tho Administratrix has Hi ed a final account and roport of her administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which havo beon set for hearing bo foro said court on September 3rd, 1920 at 10 o'clock a. m., whon you may ap pear and contest tho same. Dated August 7, 1920. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST. A10-3w County Tudce. Legal Notice. Dempster Mill Mfg. Co.; A. B. Ham, sometimes known as A. B. Hann; and H. H. Van Brunt and the Northwest Quarter Section 30, Townsh' Rango 26, Lincoln County, Nobraska and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estato or any part thereof defendants w'.U hereby tako notico that Fred J. Tetro has filed his petition in tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in an action wherein ho is plaintiff and wherein you and each of you, to gether with Lincoln County, Nebraska, a municipal corporation aro defen dants, tho object and prayer 6f plain tiff's action is to quiet his title against you and each of you in and t6 tho Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 11, Rango 26, Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska and to quiet his title NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notlco Is h,oreby given that the un dersigned, duly appointed tis a Build Inn Committeo for the construction of ochool houso In School District No. C In Lincoln County, .Wbrnskn. will re ceive sealed bids for the construction of a school houso In said School Dis trict No. 5. In Lincoln County, Ne braska, up to noon on the 28th day of August, 1920, at tho office of Beeler, Crosby & Basklns, Attornoys, of North Platto, Nebraska. Plans and speclnca tlons aro at ho office of Beeler, Cros by & Basklns at North Platto, Nobras ka, and may thore bo examined. A certified check In tho sum of Two hundred 00-100 ($200.00) Dollars, pay able' to the Treasurer of School Dis trict No. 5 In Lincoln County, Nebras ka, must accompany said bids. The undersigned reserve the right to re ject nny and all bids HENRY HANSEN, CLARENCE COOLIDGE, JESS LONG. Building Commltto of School District No. 5 In Lincoln County. Nebras ka. J27-A27 NOTICE OP IlErEIlEE'S SALE. Notlco Is hereby given- that by vir tue of an order Issued by the District Court In and for Lincoln County, Ne braska, on the 2nd day of December, 1919, In an action wherein "W. H. Mc Donald, Nettle V. Reynolds, and Jamea B McDonald, are plaintiffs; and Mary B. McDonald, "William C. Reynolds, Ruth McDonald Daub, "William J. Daub; Frank A. Mooney, a minor under the ag of 11 years; and Frank L. Mooney, Guardian of Frank A. Mooney. a minor, under tho ago of 14 yoarst W. II. McDonald, Nettle V. Rey nolds; and James B. McDonald, Ad ministrators of the Estate of Charles Hay Eever and Catarrhal Deafness Successfully handled by Osteopathic Treatment DrrW. I. SHAFFER OASIS BUILDING North Platte, Nobr. particularly against a mortgage exe- McDonald, deceased, are defendants; I cuted by J. G. Swanson .and wife to -Hi on the aotn day of August 1920 t. li. nam, somoumes Known as iv. , enst front door of the Court House In Mead's Barber Shop 7IS No. Locnst Wo run n thrco-chalr shop and plvo expert serrlcc Satisfaction nbovci all clso Is our aim. Giro us a trial and bo convinced. G. W. MEAD, Prop. B. Hann, and Dempster Mill Mfg Co. executed October 8th, 1895 filed for record October 9th, 1895 in Book 20, pago 165, real estate records of Lin coln County, and against a mortgage executed by said J. Q. Swanson and wlfo to H. H. Van Brunt executed October 9th, 1895 filed for record on October 12th, 1895 in book 18, pago 459 real estato records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, and against a mechanics lien at ono tlmo hold by Dempster Mill Mfg. Co. against L. C. Larson filed In book A, pago 359, real estate records of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Plaintiff seeks a decreo of court barring tho defendants and each of them of any and all right, title i-nd interest in and to said real estato ex isting by vlrtuo of said mortgages, mechanics Hon or otherwiso. You aro further notified that unless you answer said petition, by tho 27th day of September, 1920, Judgment by default will bo taken against you and you will thoreupon bo excluded from any and all right, tltlo or interest in said real estate FRED .T. TETRO. By Halligan. Beatty & Halligan. A17-S10 His Attornoys DR. HEDFIELD Physician, Obstotrlctan Sunrcou, X-llay Calls rroraptly Answered Night or Daj Phono Offlco 613 Residence 076 Notlco of Spcclnl Election. Whereas a Constitutional Convon tlon called agreeable to law by tho pcoplo oi tho Stato ot Nebraska tu meot Docombor 2nd, 1919, and whereas tho membors clectod to said Oonstltu tlonal Convontlon did so meet ond provldo that certain amendments to tho Constitution bo submitted to tho electors ot tho Stato for adoption or rojectlon, and did faithor provldo that said proposed Conutltutlonl amends monts bo submitted at a soiclal cloc tlon to bo hell throughout tho Stato on Tuosday, tho twenty-first day of Soptember, 1920. Now, Thoreforo. I, A. S. Allen, County Clerk of Lincoln County. Stato ot NobraBka, by authority of law In mo vested, do hereby direct and proclaim that a special election bo hold in tho several polling places- within Lincoln County, Stato of Ne braska, on Tuesday, tho Twonty first day of Soptember, 1920, between tho hours of 8 a. m. and 9 p. m. of tho samo day for tho purposo ot adopting or rojoctlng said proposed amendments. Given undor my hand and official seal this 10th day of Aug. 1920,' A. S. ALLEN, 65 2 County Clork. Dr. C. E. McReynoIds, Specialist. Eyc Ear Noso and Throat. Offlco over Roxall Drug Store Phono 113. For Sale. Two sections of land In Arthur County Nino miles from Arthur, tlio County Scat. Good Terms.. Dcnl with tlio Ownot. Mrs. M. E. Shook, Qshkosh, Neb. NOTICE OP HEARING. Tn Tho Connty Conrt of .Lincoln Connty. Nebraska. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ADOLPH SCHERZ, Deceased. TO THE HEIRS AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE: You aro hereby notified that on July 21. 1920. Prleda Schorz. as adminis tratrix of said estato. filed In said court her final account and applica tion for the assignment of real estate holonclng to said estato, tn-wlt: Tho Southeast quarter ot Sf"f,nn Ten MO), and tho North half o' Section Fifteen ftG). Township Thirteen (13) North. Range Thirty-ono (31) West of tho 6th P. M., Lincoln County. Ne braska, and for tho r atrlbutlon of tho personal proporty belonging to said estate; and that said final account and application for tho assignment of snld real estate and tho distribution of tho personal prpporty thereof, will bo hoard boforo this court In tho county court room In the Court Houbo. in tho cltv of North Platto, County of Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska, on tho 23rd day of August, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M., and you aro hereby cited to appear at said tlmo and placo and show cause, If any thoro bo, why said final account should not bo allowed, and tho' real estato belonging to said estato assigned, and tho porsonal proporty thoroof bo distributed. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, July 21, 1020. i Wm. H. C. -WOODHURST, A3-20 (SEAL) County Judge. the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at publlci auc tion, to tho hlgrhest bidder for wash, subject to all incumbrances apralnst tho same, tho following described real estate, situate In Lincoln County, State of Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots six (6), seven (7) and eleht Co) In Block ono hundred forty-seven (147) of tho orlslnal town now City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, said Lots to be offered separately; Lot one (1) In Block one hundred sixty-two (1C2) of tho ordinal town now City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska; Lots five (5) and six (G) of Block one hundred fifteen (115) of tho oilgr lnal town now City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, said Lota to bo offered for sale as one tract, and then offered for sale separately, an tho Referee will accept such bid or bids as will In tho aggregate amount to the most money; The North 84 2-3 feet of Lot ono CD nnd he East 23 feet of Lot two (2) ot Block ono hundred two (102) of the original town now city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, said North 84 2-3 feet of said Lot ono (1) and said East 22 feet of said Lot two (2) of said Block ono hundred two (102) to be offered for sale as one tract, and then to tie offered for sale separately, nnd tho Iteforeo will ac cept such bid or bids as will In the aggregate amount to tho most money. Lot one (1) and the East 18 feet of Lot two (2) of Block one hundred one (101) of the original town now City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne braska, to bo offered for sale ns one tract nnd then to be offered for . . . t . T 1 .V I saio separately an saiu ijul una i uuu as tho East 18 feet of said Lot tw.o (2) and the Referee will accept such bid or bids as will amount In the ag gregate to tho most money; Lots ono (1), two (2) and three (3) of Block four (4) of Trustee's Addi tion to tho City of North Platte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, to bo offered for sale separately: Lots five (5) and bIx (6) of Block four (4) of Miller's Addition to the City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be offered for sale as one tract, and then to be offered for sale separately, ana tne uereree win ac cept such bid or bids as will In the nggregate amount to the most money; Lots seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) and twolve (12) of Block three (3) of Cody's Addition to the City of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be offered for sale ns one tract; Section five (5) In township thlr- n (13) North, of Range thirty (30) West of the 6th P. M. containing G45.4G acres, situate' In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be offered as one tract, nnd parties may bid on fractional por tions thereof, and the Referee will accopt such bid or bids as will In the aggregate amount to tho most money; The South-west quarter (SWU) of Section fourteen (14) In township twelve (12) North, of Range Thirty (30) "West of the 6th. P. M. containing 160 acres, situate In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be offered for sale as ono tract; The terms of said sale being cash In hand, and subject to all Incumbr&n sce existing against the same. Said salo will be held open for one hour. Dated this 24th day of July, 1910. O. H. ELDER. Rofiswo. Beeler, Crosby & Basktrtn, J27-A37 Attorney.