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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1920)
i mt. tuu MtafiftMl M, (3 Go THIRTY-SIXTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 20, 1920. No. 64, EXHIBIT FOR , STATE EAIR. LINCOLN COUNTY. WILL ATTEStl'T TO WIN FI11ST HONOItS 1'OK HEIt FAlUt PKOWUCTS, Lincoln County will make an exhibit at thp Stato Fair this year which will bo held Sept. 5. to 10 Inclusive. A committee of enthusiastic and llvo business men and farmers have been chosen to colloct,tho material and put it in place. At tho head of this com mitteo ia E. A. Olson prominent in North Platte and Lincoln County bus iness circles. Tho other members of tho committeo are Otto Mesmcr and W. W. Hunter of North Platte, W. H. "Woodman and Fred Pierson of Hershoy, G. Itishol, Carl Wickstrom and Arnold Francis of Hershoy, Wil liam Sowlo of Maxwell, Nathan Brat ten of Brady, J. W. Piolstlcker of Dickens, A. B. Abercombio of Bigut.ll, Frank Johnson of WolUlcet and E. W. Crossgrovo of Farnam. Tho Committeo has been at work and has a general idea of the nature of tho work to bo undertaken. It pro poses to make an exhibit of farm pro ducts including grains, grasses, fruits, vegetables, hay and any other farm or agricultural product. Several bales each of clover and timothy are espec ially desired to make an exhibit com plete. Whllo hail, frost, animal pests and dry weather havo each made small demands on tho Lincoln county crop in places, the big part of tho agricultural land is producing as well as usual and in some parts better than over before. This would guarantee a wonderful exhibit from Lincoln Coun ty. The show rooms of tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. at 209 E. Sixth havo been secured for assembling' tho' foxhlbtt. Volunteers aro needed to prepare and pack the matrials and, tho chairman asks that anyone who will help in this work will let him know. Call him at 1130 between six and seven in tho evening. They expect to load tho ex hibit on tho last day of this month. D. M. C. Crochet Cotton now on sale at The Leader Mer. Co. Since the War started you haven't been able to buy it until now. Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. JACK PICKFORD in "The Little Shepherd A picture you must plan to ATTENTION FARMERS AND HAY GROWERS Wood Brothers all steel individual thrasher complete with weigher and loader $1235.00 Power Hay Press, the money maker, , with self-feeder $650.00 These prices at North Platte and while our present stock lasts. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. Phone 34 9IAYW00D C03IING 1'OK 1JALL OA3CE SUNDAY. Maywood has been boasting thoi fastest ball team on tho High Line, and not being satisfied with that they extended their boasts down this way. Fred Peterson, tho aggressive mana ger of tho P. O. Independents, hear ing of this Immediately challenged them to a finish match anywhero in America. Tho North Platto Stadium, or Fair Grounds, was chosen as the battlo grounds and tho zero, hour set for threo o'clock Sunday afternoon. :o:: AUKLVL MAIL SATURDAY. Tho first aerial mall car will prob ably reach North Platto tomorrow. Postmastor Sturgis is busy today look ing after unloading and barreling a carload of high test gasoline. Supplies of lubricating oils and other areoplane accessories aro being aasemblcd. ::o: CHILDREN'S PARTY. Wednesday afternoon, Gerald Burton Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller, 507 W. Tenth street, was flvo years old. His mother invited a numbor of his littlo friends to their homo and they had a party. Refreshments for tho youngsters wero served and a number of presents wero given to the guest of honor. PRAISES CA3IP GROUND. Banker Good, of Peru, Nebr., was in tho city yesterday 'isitlng with E. S. Davis. Both men wore members of the laBt legislature. Mr. Good was taken over tho city and expressed his pleas uro at the beatulful homes and tho many trees but was enthusiastic about tho Camping Grounds. Ho said ho had not before visited a public shower bath and that it was a pleasure which the auto tourist appreciated. Ho spoke highly of tho courtesy and efficiency of Geo. Finn the custodian of the grounds. mm, 'O ANOTHER GOOD RAIN. A much need sprinkle ptarted late 'last night and before merning devel oped into a regular rainstorm with thunder and lightning acompaniment Weatherman iShilling reports three and one-fifth inches of rain during tho night. Wires aro down this morn ing so it is not possible to get the extent of the storm or tho damage in other places. Only once before has tho local weather station recorded a heav ier rainfall in ono nic'ht. .:o:: Try tho Rexall first. It pays 14tf of Kingdom Come" see. I i ANOTHER JOB BING HOUSE. V TWO YOUNG JlKN i'JIOX KANSAS 1 Ol'EN WHOLESALE AM) llfc TAIL TITKWMTEK EXCHANGE. Tho North Platto Typewriter Ex chango Is tho nnmo of tho newest business firm that is locating in this city. Ita bustness Is to wholesalo and retail all mako of typewriters, type writer accessories and supplies, in cluding ribbons, oils and parts and offlco supplies of all kinds. At pres ent tho headquarters of tho sales force is located in tho Palaco Hotel and as soon as a suitablo location can bo secured, tho repair forco will start work. John J. Holland Is General Manager. Ho spent several years with tho Royal and"L. C. Smith typewriter peqplo of Kansas City and Topeka and had just associated himself with Mr. Hughes out of Topeka when ho'onlist ed and served over a year In the army. After his discharge in 191S ho formed tho partnership and started a Type writer exchange at Hutchinson, Kan sas, from which place ho camo to North Platte. Mr. F. B. Hughe's is Manager of tho "Wholesale Department. He started with the L. C. Smith Typo writer company several years ago, later transferring to tho Underwood Company and becoming their manager at Topeka.. In 1919 ho with Mr. Hol land went to Hutchinson whero they were successful in building up a good business. They sold tho Hutchinson Exchange several weeks ago and havo been travelling over the country look ing for a new location. While in Scotts Bluff last week Mr. Hughes was in an automobile accident which has laid him up since and he will not be able to walk for probably two weeks yet. H. W. Renicko and W. M. McGraw, both of Kansas City, will havo charge of the repair department. They are expert repairmen, having spent sever al years at this work. Tho North Platto Typewriter Exchange has no locaV competition and tho field here looked good to tho owners. "We llko your city," said Mr. Holland last night, "and by fair dealing wo hope to build u'p a business that will servo tho people of this community better than they can be served by any other concern." New fall ginghams many exclusive patterns now being shown by Tho Leader Mer. Co. Base Ball Sunday, Aug. 22 AT THE FAIR GROUNDS MAYWOOD vs. NORTH PLATTE Game Called at 3 O'clock. 335 ' " LA9IIL9 ACTION i i iro LOCAL AND PEHSO'AL Mr. and Mrs. 12d Wright returned this week from Colorado. Gpo. Fratop left yasterday for Lnr amis to transact business. I'rlvattt Hnnn nf Hit lnnnl rnnntlHn office want to niinla M.u mn , Wo can fix your broken glhssos while you wait, Clinton & Son, Op ticians. We have our own lenses ground, ono day service-.' Clinton & Son, Op ticians. Tho new tennis court has Just boou completed at tho Country Club and a croquet grounds is on tho way. When in North Platto Htop at the Nev Hotel Palaco and Cafe. You will bo treated well. BStf Miss Josio O'Haro returned yostor day fronuHorshey whero alio had been visiting friends for sovoral days. 1 A bit of common sonso lot us ' show you our lino of diamonds boforo buying. C. M. Austin. G4 G5 Mr. and Mrs. Siduoy McFarlnnd re turned yesterday from Hershoy whero they had been visiting Mrs. McFar land's mother. Stenm llntlis, Jlassngo and Electric Treatment nt 5J12 East (Jtli, St. Phono 897. Mrs. Arthur llnsli. f. Mrs. E. C. Baker roturned from Omaha this week where sho accom panied Mrs. Mary Baker who recently underwent an operation in that city. Mrs. II. p. Henckel and daughter and son and Mrs. Chrlstopherson of Holdrego left yosterday for Salt Lako City to visit relatives for threo weeks. No woman needs to bo reminded ot tho importanco of good looking hosi eryThe Wear Kind on salo at Tho Loader Mer. Co. When In tho storo ask Mrs. Garrison In chargo of thb department to show them to you. Walter Thompson camo tho first of the week from Oshkosh to mannge tho Nyal Drug Store during tho ab sence of Messors. Smith and Johnson. MIssMary Wllford returned Wed nesday from Paxton whero sho had been xisltlng her aunt Mrs. Coy. Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter Janet and Miss Bolton who hav aeon spending several weeks in Color .i ") roturned Wednesday" night. Mrs. Helen Hershey Julian and littlo son if Oklahoma City, who havo been fium moring in Boulder, Colo., nccomtj mlcd them. Oliver Carroll, of the W. R. Malonoy Co., left Wednesday night for Hauna, Wyo., whero ho will dlseuter a Japan oso who recontiv died, tako tho ro- j mains to Denver to bo cremated and j ship tho ashes to Olympia, Wash. Tho ashes will then bo taken to Japan ' on a steamer which satis tho latter I part of this month. Or", , . A I'KUM wm'A MHlA Ik. - 'J NEAR EAST APPEALS. co.m.iiittj:k ron' llxcolx )CXTV ASKS FOK OXK TIIOUSAXI) POUNDS 01' OLD CLOTHIXG. North Platto Is again callod upon to tako part in tho relief of suffering in war stricken countries across tho wator. Tho Near East Rolicf Commit to is collecting during this month shipments of clothing for Armonin and neighboring countries. Capt. A.'W. Shilling, Chairmnn of tho Lincoln County Committeo has planned U.o drlvo for North Platto and has set tho dato for August 27 and 28. Through Mrs. Adda Turpio, Chairmnn of tho North Platto Local Council of tho Cnmpflro Girls and Carl Hollman, Scout Executivo of tho Boy Scouts Local Council, Mr. Shilling is arrai.g, Ing to collect tho clothing on those two days. Boy Scouts and Cnmpflro Girls will canvass each of tho ton dis tricts into which tho city will bo divided and will collect suitablo old clothing for tho ovorsons shipmont. This clothing will bo taken to tho l:od Cross rooms in tho Federal Building whero It will bo sorted, packed and labelled. It will then bo sont to Omaha for Inclusion in carload shipments tho Atlantic seaborad. Postmaster Sturgis, who Is custod ian of tho Fodoral .building has offerod tho uso of tho rooms formerly usod by somo of tho lied Cross Departments and tho offor has been nccoptod. Tho following nro somo of tho kinds of usoful clothing for tho needy: coats, dresses, sweaters, skirts, blan kets, overcoats, wool shirts, Iictat hose, underwear, woolen gloves, boots and shoes, children's clothes of ovory sort. Tho following aro usoloss to tho shivering: laces, silks, veils, chiffons, "i dresses, satin sllppors, mi'5 Hn underwear, high-healed shoos, straw and frnmo hats. Citizens should go through tholi closots nnd wardrobes and havo tho clothes ready for tho girls when thoy call. Remember tho dato, Friday August 27 and Saturday August 28. Or call Miss Kelly at tho Rod Cross headquarters or Mr. Shilling at tho Weather Bureau. Chnulauqun Extra Good. CImera and his Czecho-Slovak Band gavo a dollghtful concert at tho Chautauqua last evoning .Tho dcscrlj tivo pieces, Custcrs Last Battlo and Tho Hunt in tho Forost proved very popular with tho audlonco. Selections from Carmen wero ospocialy well ren dered. Madamo CavarollI recoiled an ovation as tho vocal soloist. This con cort alono was worth tho price of tho season ticket. deposits in this Bank are cuar AHT6ED UNDW STAIf-l-v LOCAL AN1) PEJRSONAL Miss Ruth Davidson has accepted a ? position nt tho W. J. Q'Connor Store. Ma and Mrs. Jack McOraw returned? Wednesday from Omaha. V! Bags nnd pursoa, Just received flnlj selection. C. M. Austin. G4 05 Miss Alice Hoagland loft Wednes day for Koarnoy to spond a fow days. Tho most wondorful valuo In wo men's waists at 9Sc All slz?t-34i(Q.Jl4- ' at tho Loader Mer. Co. ' Col. Cavanaugh, of Onjojia,. canio j. yosterday in lntorosts of tho local t recruiting office. Skirts nnd blousos for school to flt"Vi boys In ngos G to 14 years on s'ajo at' Tho Lcador Icr. Co. .. Edward T. Kollhor Is expected to ; . como from Omaha tomorrow.tovislt. frlonds in tho city. ' ' Evenings nro getting longor, you' will want to read. Havo Clinton &'Soti ' test your oyes for glasses. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Aldon aro px pectod to return this ovenlng from Colorado whoro thoy havo been visit ing. C. V. Turpio loft Wednesday for tho eastern part of tho Btn'to on business. , v J. E. Nolson wont to Sterling Weil- nesday on business. Havo Clinton & Sou fit you with Kryptoks Invlslblo Doublo Lenses- you don't havo to tako them off when ;" you road and look off. Now Fall Styles In Women's and Misses suits, coats, skirts and dresses aro coming In every day at Tho Leader Mer, Co. AT THE SDN THEATRE. TODAY "Paid in Advance starring DOROTHY PHILLIPS r AXSO Mutt & Jeff Comedy SATURDAY "Brass Buttons" ' STARRING WILLIAM RUSSELL,. ;; aiso , "Her First Flame STARRING GALE HENRY MONDAY "Flashes From Action" ! AND "The Radium Mystery." ' Prosperity From The Soil America must never sacrifice agri culture to industry. To turn tlio nation into a vast net work of factories at the expense of tho farms would forco importation of food upon a scale which other na tions could not hope to meet. The farm feeds us and feeds our in dustries. Tho farmer Is a foremost citizen. Ho is recognized as such by this bank and every service Is ex tended to him as readily as to anoth er business man. The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. . 9k ' ft First actual Pictures of fighting in St. Mihiel, and Ar gone, Etc. ONLY ONE DAY AT -THE SUN, Monday, August 23d. Matinee 2 p, m., 3:30 p. m. J