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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1920)
11 1 1 ' A m 9 Inane W A UffUS THE IDEAL SAVE AND HAVE BUILD WHAT YOU til no mon 0 mririnflTninwMi 1 15. ozu. at 5 y clock, a. m. w I ' a HOME ADDITION H AO Special Discount of 10 Percent on First 10 Lots Sold. Not over Two Lots Sold to One Person. Discount of 5 percent on all lots sold first day, providing contracts are signed before 9:30 p. m. As many lots as you want. Cash Discount: 5 percent on all lots lor Cash in 60 Days. This applies in addition to other discounts mentioned above no limit on number. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE .00 down and $10.00 per mon lh under contract, interest 8 percent. IMPROVEMENTS: Sidewalks, Cross Walks. Graded Streets, Water, Fire Protection and Electric Lights. Large Growing Trees on Twenty of these Lots. Building Restriction No house t0 cost ess lhan $2iioaoa Twenly foot buildi line- This is- North Platte's most beautiful and exclusive residence addition. There is not a higher, drier or more level plat in town. Only signed contracts and cash deposits hold lots, No deposits accepted in advance of the sale. t IF YOU WANT YOUR CHOICE COME FIRST ?v u. THE H. & S. AGENCY 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 12, Brodbeck Building . LOCAL AND 1'ERSONAL Judgo Grimes went to Loxlngtoa Saturday on logal buslnosB, Chas: Cox, of Omaha, was in the city Saturday onrouto to Utah. Mr. amt Mrs. Lewis Schultz, ot Brady, woro visitors Saturday. When In North Platte atop at the New Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will bo treated well. 68tf Mrs. ,J. dlnnapp, of Brady, visited hor slRtor Mrs. II. A. Marshall Sat urduy: Era-twin nittl Will Norrls spent the 'wbolu.ond Jn North Platto visiting friends. Mrs. Kato .Sullivan and daughtor Wlunlo, of Brady, Bpont the week, end in tlio city. Mrs!. Nick Korsh camp Saturday from Mo. to visit hor daughtor Mra Henry Hcckor. t Mr.' and Mrs. V. E. Lawrouco loft tho first ot this weok for tholr ranch north of Horshoy. Mrs. C. E. SouBor and daughtor Holon loft Sunday for Alliance to visit for two weeks. MrB. Prltchard and two sons loft Saturday for Lako OkohoJIo to visit for two vooks. F. K. Olson who hnB been tho guest of frlondf; horo for a week loft Sat urday for Lincoln. Dr. L. J. KKAUSE, Doutlnt. Mc- Donnld Bank Building. Booms 2 & 0. IMiono 07. 42tf Dr. J. B. Bedilold returned from Omaha Friday whore ho had been transacting business. Mrs. Dan noborts returned to hor homo in Choyonno after attending tho llubbard-Logan woddlng. Tho Roxall handlos tho goodB. 14tf Georgo Hubbard returned to Choy onno Saturday nftor attending tho Hubbard-Logan woddlng. MIbb Luclllo McFarland roturned Friday from Dotrolt whoro sho had boon visiting for two weeks. CONCRETE STOVE AND TABLES FOK THE CITY PAJUv. .. ..... ' i 1,,! i i -- i 1 1111 1 ' mil IIIIIII a WANT ADS. HOW ABOUT IT f) .i z. tomorrow '::::. " too lute YfiUR CHANCE If i I v) See C. F. TEMPLE, Gen'l Agent. FARMERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY r Home Office: Denver, Col. n!n Ri-ndbeck Bid. Phone 824J. A letter from Albert and Robert Blnnkonburg at San Bernardino, Cal., proposos plans for building concveto camp stoves and tables in tho City Park. Tho boys saw these in Cami Cnjon, Cal., and thoy at onco remcm borod tho North Platto City Park and its need for something of this kind. Tho tables nro built by tho different clubs, lodges and societies and an iron plato is sot in tho middle of each tolling who ipresentcd it to the Park. Wo aro turning tho photographs and plans ovor totho Park Board for thoir consideration. ::o:: Girls' Cnnip Closes. Tho first annual camp ot tho North Platto Council Campflro Girls closed with supper on Friday. It was a suc cess from ovory standpoint. Not a girl was sick in camp, no ono was hurt and no accident happened to mar tho Joy. Mrs. Calllo Davidson in charge ot tho cooking arrangements certainly has rccolvod tho compliments of tho camporH on the good things, alio pre pared for them. A bigger nnd bottc camp Is to bo worked out for next year according to tho iplnns of tho Council. ::o:: Near East Ucliof. Thousands ot half-nourished bodies of Armenians and kindred pooplo ot the Causasus aro at tho mercy of tho coming winter unlosB help is rushed ncross tho waters Boon. This is tho word t' at como to Tho Tribune dosk and with it cornea a ploa for clothing for children, old cast-off clothing. A. J I'.llng is. Chairman ol tho Lin coln County Commltteo and will make nvvansoments to soo thtt tho clothli.g Is sont to tho profcor plixo for oor- soas transportation. Detailed nnnoun cements will bo slvon lator. ::o:s Card of Thanks. Wo wish to oxtend to our nolghbors and friends out deep felt grntitudo for tholr many nets of kindness and sympathy oxtendod in our hour of boroavomont in tlio death ot our hus band and father. ' Mrs. L. M. Itichards, Mrs. Josslo Morant. Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Lansing, Joseph Richards, Mabel Morant Found Automobllo sumbor 43604 Nobr. 1920. Owner call at Tribuno ot flco. 63- Wanted Competent girl for general housowofk. Mrs. E. R. Goodman. 50tf For Rent Now houso on East 4th., 20th block. GOtf. Waited Second Hand. Cash Regis ter. Inquire D. II. B. care Tribune. Wanted A maid. Right prlco to tho right person. Apply at tho Platto Val ley Hospital. B9tf. Wanted Girls for nurso training; $35 per month with board and room. Apply at General Hospital, City. 4Gtf For Salo Good garage, largo enough for two cars. Inquiro at this office. BStf For Salo Six-room house, all mod ern except h'cat. Good location, closo in. Phono 830J. GOtf Now 4-wheel hay sweep for Salo at a bargain. A. Woodcock. 60-4 For Salo Fordson tractor with Oliver gang plow. Good condition. M. R. Mngnusson. 60-3" Buy at tho Farm Cucumbers in any size, Potatoes, Beans, Green Corn, al so honey and eggs. Phono Doolittles. For Salo Kitchen rango and hard coal stove, ico box, hand washing machlno all in good shape, phono 112SJ. Cltt For Salo 'Parlor table, parlor set, two art squares 9x12, chlffioner, hard coal stovo and cook stove. Inquiro at 604 E. Sixth. 62-3 - For Salo Qulckf l-tou truck, with grain bed, gijod as now. Call B6 Caro Tribuno. 62-2 For Salo or Trndo Vulcanizing Bat tory and Welding business In smr.U town doing good buslnoss. If interest ed call 621W. 03-2 For Salo 180 acres grass land, 14 mllos south ot North Platto. SV, and NW of "Sec. 8, T 11, R 30. Prlco $12 per aero. N. V. Anderson, Cowles, "Nob.. Owner or seo IL E. Anderson 1003 W. Third St. No. Platto, 61-3 For Salo or Trade Quarter Soctlon six miles north and halt soctlon four nnd a half miles, north of North Platto. Possesion Dec. 1. "Will tako clear rosldonco for $3,000 nnd balanco cash or terms. Wrlto M. E. Bokoskio, North Platto or Phono 796F4. C2-2 For Salo Fifteen aero tract of Ir rigated land seven room stucco houso full basement with boating plant, 1 story barn, garago and otiior suall buildings. Crop goes with placo. West end. Fourth St. Phone 66SJ. Win, M Morris. 63-70 Real Estate Sale ON - - Monday, August 30, 1920 AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M, I will sell at public auction, at the east front door of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, all land owned by the Estate of Charles McDonald. Consisting of: All of Sec.5-13-30. This section has a fully paid water right, every acre can be irrigated; joins the city of North Platte on the South West, and is fairly well improved, and is without doubt tho most desirable tract of land in; this vicinity. Can be divided. Southwest Quarter of Sec.14-12-30. This is, located 10 miles Southeast of North Platto, on what is known as the Jack Morrow Fats, one of the best farming communities in Lincoln County. The balance of property to be sold is all in the City of North Platte and consists of fifteen business lots in; the business dlistrict, all favor ably located. Six of them in the center. All have paved streets, water, gas and sewerage. One two story brick building and ground. Pour Fronts. One Frame Building. and ground. Sixteen choice residence lots. Several Modern Homes. . Terms satisfactory to tho heirs will bo given. Those who contemplate purchasing should Investigate property before; day of sale. This is one of tho best , chances ever offered in tl 's vicinity to get a choice business location or home pr farm. All property will be sold to the highest bidder. . , For location, description etc., see or write, 0. E. Elder, Referee, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. iAwm m w v