The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 17, 1920, Image 5

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    WILSON TOUT, JEdltor, nnd Publisher.
. '
suMsciiu'Tidjr- price:
Ono Ycnr, in ndrnnco x. $2.00
Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 17tli, 1920.
Travellers report tho Lincoln High
way botwcon Brady and Gothenburg to
bo In very bad condition. Many tour
ists aro dotourlng to tho south side to
escapo tho sand on tho Lincoln High
way. One tourist who camo through
said It waB tho worst stretch for flvo
miles that ho had found slnco leaving
Pittsburg. Whoover Is responsible for
this road 'should do all possible to
mako it better. "Wo understand at least
part of It is in Dawson County but
our informer was not cortaln whero
tho Countjriino crossed tho Highway.
It is a surprlso to us to find a num
ber of ipeoplo in North Platte sending
printing Jobs to other towns. Tho
newspapers of this city depend in
part on tho Job printing departments
and they aro ontitlcd to tho support
of tho peoplo who livo here as long as
they can do tho work and do it satis
factorily at a reasonablo price. "When
tho nowspapors become profiteers or
when they turn against our" local in
stitutions or when they aro not cmiin-
fped to tako caro of cortaln classes of
WOfrk. then f hn nnnnln nf Vnrtl. Tln I
i' x ' . 1 w HI A
should got their work done elsewhere.
But tho least anyono can do is to give
the local printing plants a chanci.
Mancel Overman camo from Chap
pel Sunday to visit his paronts.
Tho Presbyterian Aid Society will
not meet this week on account of the
Chao. Calhoun returned Sunday
from Long Beach, Calif., where
ho had been visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strauss returned
to Lexington Saturday after visiting
friends in tho city.
Misses Myrtlo Nelson and Elsie
Howes havo accepted positions at tho
W. J. O Connor s,tore.
Sweaters for cool evenings in tho
slip over styles, also tho Tuxedo
styles. E. T. TRAMP & SOS.
Albert-Baugh, of Hastings, camo
Sunday to visit , at tho G. G. McKay
homo for a few days.
Arthur Nolan returned last evening
from a trip to Allianco whero ho
visited at tho Katan home.
Mrs. "Walter Hazencamp and son
Bobby went to Loxintgon last ovoning
and will visit for three weeks.
Private Roan loft yesterday for
Lexington and Gothenburg in the in.
terests of tho recruiting station.
Holmor Babbit, of Omaha, will
return to his homo this evening after
visiting at tho Patterson home.
Donah! McFarland returned to
Northport yesterday after spending
tho week end with tho homo folks.
Navy Blue Blouses in Georgolta
Cropes in all tho new fall styles, very
reasonably priced. E. T, Tramp &
We have a large accumulation of short lengths from .all
sections of our Dry Goods Department and will feature them in
connection with our Bargain Square this week and next. We
are also putting special low prices on all of our fancy Voilles,
. mostly in two lots:
A Column of Nonsense.
Tho other day when wo started ovor
tp Hondy & Ogior'a Garago to buy a
Ford car for our wlfo a man stopped
us and asked us why tho First Nation
al Bank did not upholster tho ledge
bctweon tho pillars on the west sido
of 'their new building. Ho said that
almost all of tho timo overy day it
was used as a sitting place by tired
men. Wo told him wo did not know so
wo wont ovor to ask Ed Davis. Ed In
vited us in quito cordially and wo asked
him. Ho asked us If tho First National
Bank had intended this ledgo for
sitters when thoy built tho building
nnd wo told him that wo would not
bo surprised aa tho bank is real ac
commodating and ho said thoy put it
up protty high if thoy intended to bo
accommodating nhd wo said thoy
probably did not want it to bo crowd
ed so they put it so that only tho most
agllo could climb up to it. Ed asked
if wo thought tho sitters were patron;,
of tho bank and we said wo thought
they would ike to bo and wero only
waiting for the right kind of a Job.
Ed said ho guessed that was right and
ho acted as though he felt sorry for
them because thoy had to sit thoro
on tho cold hard stono all day Just
waiting but wo told him to cheer up
as ncno of them stayed all day but
somo stayed quito a while. Then ho
asked us if wo ever heard any of tho
sitters comiplain of tho cold, hard
stono and we said wo had heard' somo
pretty strong talk but It seemed as
though they wero complaining about
tho government more than about tho
cold, hard . stono nnd Ed said he was'
surprised. Then Ed asked. if wo had
any preference for tho color of the
upholstering if tho First National
Bank should decide to fix it up for the
sitters and wo said red was a good
color and ho said ho had heard that
red made people mad and that ir'
would not do to make tho sitters
and wo said that was so and Ed asked
us if red mado us mad and wo said
wo never got mad. Then "Ed said ho
never got mad either and at that wo
got mad-and then Ed got mad and ho
told us ho would sottlo our hash if
wo Insinuated anything so wo got cut
of there pretty fast. And now wo
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Huffman left
this morning for Paxton whero thoy
will visit on tho Maddox ranch south
of that city.
Miss Elizabeth Llttlo of tho Leader
Mercantile Co. .left Sunday for Chicago
whero she will buy the fall display of
Miss Mario Stack returned from
Lincoln Sunday where she had been
visiting. Sho was accompanied by Miss
Mary O'Neil.
H. C. Hlldebrandt of Long Beach,
Cal., is a North Platto visitor this
week. Ho is a brother-in-law of the
late George "Winkowich. .
Tho Secretary of tho New York City
Rotary Club reports tho attendance
of J. Q. Wilcox of North Platto at
their Friday luncheon.
Mr. and Mcs. J. H. Groms returned
to their homo in Chllllcotho, Iowa,
last evening nfter a two weeks visit
at tho Stevens and Seaburg homos.
Miss Ethel Stllz, who is on her way
fromvPortland, Oregon, to her homo in
Indianapolis, was a house guest at tho
A. F. Streitz homo Sunday and Monday.
LOT 1- Light and dark patterns .Clip
38 and 40, inches wide vf
LOT 2 Very good assortment of f
40 inch cloths T'OV-
v Secretary Hornri Quits.
At a special meeting of tho Direc
tors of tho Chambor of Commorco
hold Friday morning, tho resignation
of H. C. Mornn as Secretary of tho
North Platto Chambor of 'Commorco
was accepted. Difference had arisen
as to matters of policy and it Was
thought best not to attempt a sottlo
mont. Mr. Mornn has beon onorgotlc
in carrying out tho (plans of tho di
rectors nnd in inaugurating now
plans for tho advancement of tho city.
Ho has mado many frionds hero v'no
will dislike to sco him leavo tho city.
His future plans, aro not known. Tho
Directors will meet tonight nnd tho
quostion of- a successor will bo taken
up. Paul Harrington has been asked
to act as Secretary until tho place Is
filled. , .
: : o : :
llotnry Clnb Talks Schools.
Tho Rotary Club at its regular (Un
nor Monday toolcfup tho subjectf
additional school facilities. Short
talks wore mado by E. R. Goodman, 0.
E. Elder, E. J. Vanderhoof, Supt. E.
C. Llttlo and Platform Manngor
Trunx of tho Chautauqua. Tho need
for additional school buildings was
shown by figures and comparisons.
. ;;o;:
Di Twinoin, wlio returned to North
Platto last weok after spending a fow
days with his family in California,
says tho wifo and children will return
in timo for tho opening of school. Ho
likes Western Nebraska and wants to
stay here.
William E. Shuman returned yester
day from a vacation trip to Grand
Lake, Colorado. Ho is enthusiastic
about the beauty of that resort and
predicts its increasing popularity
when the $250,000 road over tho pass
is completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ruhga, 321
So. Locust, entertained Mr. and Mis.
Carl Orrin and son and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Orrin of this city and Mrs.
Bird of Sterling, Colo., on last Wed
nesday evening at a six o'clock din
ner In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Marshall, of "Wabash, Neb., who havo
beon guests at tho Ruhga homo tho
past week. Mr. Marshall and wl"fo rok
turned homo last Friday making tho
trip by auto.
13 room, two story, modern homo
with largo basement, sleoplng porch,
shade trees and lawn, located ono
block from Court House. Sparc rooms
will bring revenuo sufflciont to mako
payments. Price $12,000.
8 room, two story frame dwelling
with largo ban. Corner lot; plenty of
shade, located on north sido of track
Price ?4200.
0 room frame dwelling, two blocks.
west 3f Locust Street. Ono of tho best
locations In 'the City, elegant lot,
Price $4200.
For Sale by O. H. THOELECKE. C2-2
JDr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bid,?. Phone 148
For Sale.
Two sections of land In Arthur County
Xlno miles from Arthnr, the County
Seat. Good Terms. Denl with tho
Mrs. M. E. Shook,
Oshkosh, Neb.
Lot them drink and bo morry-rNowu-Noxt timo and always Tho
STAR BOTTLE tho vlslblo testimonial of tho STAR goodness.
Your favorito flavor 10 cents tho bottlo: choapor by tho caso.
Llttlo Children and grown tips lovo to drink STAR bovoragos tho
individual bottlo.
Puts your palato in delightful touch with tho luscious fruit flavors.
Put up in tho distlncttvo bottlo.
Originators of Bottor Bovoragos.
To Our 2Inny Friends
Wo wish to oxpross our heartfelt
thanks, to all our frlonda and our
"neighbors who so grcatofully helped
us and to thoso who extonded their
sympathy to us' during tho sickness
nnd death of our boy.
D. B. McN'col, Jr. and family.
D. B. McNeol, Sr. and family.
Sam Workman nnd family.
Ulpr.frir.ifw'ft Inteef of n
the housewife greatest
since the electric iron
J cleaner tho
i Westerti i Etettnh
Sewing Machine
No more tiresome
treadle pushing no
more backache a little
electric motor does the
hard work.
A foot control gives any
speed desired.
The entire machine in
its case can be carried
anywhere it's no larger
than a typewriter.
Ask fdr a demonstra
tion. 0
North Platte Light & $
rower Co.
Hay Fever
Catarrhal Deafness
Successfully handled by
North Platte, Nebr.
Mead's Barber Shop
718 No. Locust
Wo run a thrcc-chalr shop nnd frlvo
expert 6crrlcy Satisfaction nloTd
nil clso Is onr nlnt. Giro us n trial hM
ho convinced.
G. W. MEAD, Prop.
Dr. C. E. McReynolds,
Eyo Enr Noso and Throat.
Offico over Itoxall Drug Store.
Phono 113.
Wo want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
No market for bones at present.
Dr. Jlownrd Yost, Dentist, TwJncm
Buildhu?. Phono 807. 77tf
Crystal Theatre,
Thursday and Friday.
"His Wife's Friend"
A wife's heart that is with
homo nnd husband A hus
band's heart that is, whero?
Special comedy Friday
"A Villian's Hrokon Heart."
Apples! Apples!
Our apples are now
ready for market at the
Glenburnie Fruit Farm
two miles north of
Sutherland. Apples
$1, $2 and $2.25 a
No Selling on Sunday.
Hospital Facilities
Platte Valley Hospital
...... ...... . ... ...... ..''.'.'.'.
I have the Money
on hand to close
loans promptly.
Real Estate Mortgages
Bought and Sold
Loan Broker
Building Loan Building
Iii (Tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska,
You aro horoby notified that on July
21, 1920, Frloda Schorz, as adminis
tratrix of said ostato, Hlod in said
court hor final account nnd applica
tion for tho assignment of real ostato
belonging to said ostato. to-wlt: Tho
Southoast quarter of Section Ton
(10), and tho North half of Section
Fifteen (15), Township Thlrteon (13)
North, Rango Thlrty-ono (31) WoBt
or tno oth p. m., Lincoln County. No
braska. and for tho ("strlbutlon of tho
personal property bolonglng to said
ostato; and that said final account
and application for tho assignment of
said real ostato and tho distribution
of tho personal proporty tlioroof, will
bo hoard boforo this court in tho
county court room in tho Court Houso,
Jn tho city of North Platto, County of
Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska, on tho
23rd day of August, 1920, at 10 o'clock
A. M., and you aro horoby cited to
appear at said timo and placo and
show causo, if any thoro bo, why said
final account should not ho allowed,
and tho real ostato bolonglng to said
cstato assigned, and tho personal
property thereof bo distributed.
Dated nt North Platto, Nobraska,
Juiy 21, 1920.
A3-20 (SEAL) County Judge
' . Remodeled.
Havo this work doub iow whllo tho
workmen nro not fio busy foa
llttlo Inter thoy will ho rushod and
then thoy do not glvo such onroful
Lonvo Purs With U's
Graduate VotorinnrJon
Ex-Govormnont Vctorlnnrinn and ox-
nsslstnnt doputy Stato Veterinarian
Hospital 816 South Yino Street
Hospital Phone Black 633.
Houbo Phone Black C33
Jfotlco of 1'Innl Itcport.
EstAto No. 1722 of Ooorcn R n
deceased in tho County Court of. Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all por..
sons Interested In said Estate takb
notlco that tho Administratrix lmn fil
ed a final account nnd report of nor
aumimstration ana a petition for final
sotuoment ana dlschargo as such,
Which havn lionn nnf. far hnnrlm. hn.
foro said court on Soptombor 3rd, ll)20
ai 10 o ciocic a. m., when you may ap
ponr and contest tho samo.
Dated August 7, 1D20.
Wm. IL C. woommnRT
A10-3w Countv .Tiidirn.
NOTicn von bids.
Notice is horoby given that the un
tlorslRncil, duly hppolntod as a BuUd
.w. h.iu bUIIUbt UUllUll U
school house In School District No. E
in Lincoln county, NoDraBka, will' ro
celvo scaled bids for tho construction
or a school house In said School Dis
trict No. 5. In Lincoln County, Ne
braska, up to noon on tho 28th day of
August, 1920, at tho office of Bceler,
Crosby & Baskins, Attornoys, of North
Platte, Nobraska. Plans and specWca
tlons are nt fho oftlco of Boelor, Cros
by & Baskins at North Platte, Nebras
ka, and may thoro bo oxamlnod.
A cortlficd chock In tho sum of Two
hundred 00-100 ($200.00) Dollars, pay
ablo to tho Treasurer of School Dis
trict No. G In Lincoln County. Nobras
ka, must accompany said bids. The
undorslffned rcBorvo tho right to ro
Joet any and all bids
Building Commltte of School District
No, fi In Lincoln County. Ncbras
ka. .T27-A27
noticu or' nurmtKiys hat.k. v.
Notlco Is horoby given that by- vlr.
tuo of an order Issued by tho District
Court In and for Lincoln County, Ne
braska, 6n tho 2nd day of Decombor,
1313, In an action whoroln W. IT. Mo
Donald, Nettle V. Reynolds, and James
B McDonald, aro plaintiffs; nnd.JIary
B. McDonald, William C. Boyriolds,
nuth McDonald Daub, William- J.
Daub; Frank A. Mooney, a minor
under tho ago of 14 yoars: and Prank
L. Mooney, Guardian of tfrank A.
Mooney. a minor, under the age of 14
yearn; W. IT. McDonald, Nottlo V. Rey
nolds, and James B. McDonald, Ad
ministrators of tho Estate of Charles
McDonald, doconged, are defendants;. I
will on tho 30th day of August, 1920,
at 2 o'clock P. M. nt said day. at tho
eaBt front door of tho Court House In
tho City of North Platte. Lincoln
County, Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion, to tho highest bidder for cash,"
subject to all Incumbrances against
tho same, tho following doncrlbed real
estate, sltunto In Lincoln County,-f
Stato of Nebraska, to-wlt: ,
Lots six (0), soven (7) and eighths)
In Block ono hundred forty-seven (147)
of tho original town now City of North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska,.
said Lots to bo offored separately! t .
Lot ono (1) In Block ono hundred
sixty-two (1B2) of the original town
now City of North Plalte, Lincoln
County, Nobraska:
Lots five (5) and six (6) of Block
one hundred fifteen (lit!) of tho orig
inal tojjvn now city or North Platto
Lincoln County, Nebraska, sad Lots to
bo oftorod for sale ns ono tract, and'
then offered for sale separatoly.v ana .
the lloforoo will accent such bid .or
bids ns will In tho nggregato amount
to tho most monoy;
Tho North 84 2-3 foot of Lot opo (1)
and tho East 22 feet of Lot two (2) of
Hlocic ono hundred two 102) or -the
original town now city of North "
Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, said
North 81 2-3 foot of said Lot ono (1)
and said Kast 22 feet of said Lot two
(2) of said Blook ono hundrod two
(102) to be offored for sale as ono
tract, and then to bo offered for salo
separately, and tho tloforoe will ac
cept such bid or bids as will In the
aggrogate amount to tho most monoy;
Lot ono (1) and tho East 18 feet of
Lot two (2) of Block one hundred ono
(101) of tho original town now City
of North. Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, to bo offored for . sale
as ono tract and then to bo offered for
sale separately as said Lot one (1) and
as tho East 18 feet of said Lot two
(2) and tho Boforeo will nccopt such
bid or bids as will amount In the ag
gregate to tho most money;
Lots one (1), two (2) nnd threo (3)
of Block four (4) of Trustee's Addi
tion to tho City of North Platto, Lin- ,
coin County, Nobraska, to bo offered
for sale separately:
Lots flvo (5) and six (0) of Block
four (4) of Mlllor'n Addition to the
City of North Plntto, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to bo offered for sale as ono
tract, nnd thon to bo offored for sale
separately, and tho Roferoe wJll ao
cept such bid or bids as will In tho
aggregate amount to the most money;
Lots soven (7), olght (8), nlno (9),
ten (10), olovon (11) nnd twelve (12)
of Block threo (3) of Cody's Addition
to tho City of North Platte. Lincoln
County, Nobraska, to bo offered for
salo as ono tract:
Section flvA (5) In township thlr
n (13) North, of Range thirty (30)
West of tho Cth P. M. containing
C45.4C acros, situate in Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to be offored as ono tract,
and parties may bid on fractional por
tions thereof, and the Boforeo will
accept such bid or bids as will in the
nggregato amount to tho most money;
Tho South-west quarter (8W) of
Section fourteen (14) In township
twelve (12) North, of Rango Thirty
(30) West of the Cth. P. M. containing
100 acres, situate In Lincoln County.
Nobraska, to bo offered for salo as ono
The terms of said salo being cash
In hand, nnd subject to all Inoumbran
sce existing against tho same. Said
salo will be bold open for ono hour.
, Dated this 24th day of July, 1920.
O. B. ELDER. Referee.
Beelor, Crosby & Baskins.
J27-A27 Attorneys.