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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1920)
1 , UmilAV TUP. 'fimiTKKNTII ItX I LUCKt'FOIl SOME FAltttEKS. 28 ik m r v jr.-. T-v-. I "jal111 "I T" T TriTfi i rHMTi raw i U O N ATTENT1 FARMERS AND HAY GROWERS Wood Brothers all steel individual thrasher complete with weigher and loader $1233.00 Power Hay Press, the money maker, with self-feeder $650.00 These prices at North Platte and while our present stock lasts. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. Phone 34 Last Friday a light frost Visited sorao sections of Wostorn Nebraska. Conflicting reports ravo reached us as to tho damngo done but they woro undoubtedly exaggerated In tho be ginning. Low land lying north and south of this city aufferod tempcra turoa down to thirty-eight with dip ping frost which damaged lato corn. East of tho County lino was warmer while wost of Sutherland thoro were no reports. Tho cold! oxtended south probably thirty miles and north Into tho Dakotas. In somo places pump kins, molon and tomatoes suffered from frost Woathorman Shilling re ports a minimum of forty dogross with no frost in tho city. Hi Hi HFi 91 160 Acres 5 Miles from North Platte. I FOR jfk Is EE Victory Mcilols. Applications for victory medals will bo rocolvod at tho local army recruit ing office on Friday and Saturday, August 20th and 21st, 1920. Each ap plicant will bo required to make ap plication in person and at tho same tlmo present hio dischargo certificate or dischargo order. DR. o. n. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Office ovtr th McDonald - State Bunk. : 1 LOCAL AMI) I'EflSONAL Max VonGootz and family returned tho laBt of tho week from Colorado whoro thoy had boon visiting, R. 0. Cochran and O. B. Eyorloy, of Horshoy, went to tho east county lino Saturday looklng'after iho statp high- Dr. Morrill, Dontlst, offlco over Wilcox Department Storo. Miss Margaret McCarthy returned to hor homo in Spaulding yesterday aiftor visiting hor BlBtor MrB. Ed Groioor. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Tlgho and daughter aro expected tomorrow from Oklahoma City to visit at tho John Tighohomo. MisV'MUdred Wolr visited frlonds in tho city Sunday onrouto from Colo, to brand Island. Sho was a formor Nofth Piatto girl. William R. Mlllor aud Rota Handloy botli-ofCo?.ad, wcro granted n liconso loU Tuesday nnd woromarrlod by Judgo Woodhurst at tho Court IIouso. When you want to go "Doable Speed" in an automobile, you get l. alii greased and oiled and fill her with gas. Sho is all ready and Speed Carr at tho whoolUKoIth TONIGHT. Try tho Roxall first. It pays. 14tf Mrs. Guy Popojoy, Misses Coral and Bortha Marccllcs, Miss Anna Rubls and William Marcollos left Sunday for Manltou and Denver to visit for two wcoks. To whom aro you going to sell youi Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer. cantllo Co. will offer the highest prices. 64tf J. V. Romigh reports tho salo of a Chandler Speedster to L. F. Schulz, of Brady, Neb., Dodgo Brothers tour ing cars to Harry Huclcfoldt, LostM Adams and F. A. Muchllnski and d Dodgo roadster to Chas. Sludor. Paul A. Prlol and Viola Haught so- curofl a marrlagto llccnso fromi Judgo Woodhurst last Wednesday and then asked him to perform tho ceromony which ho did in his 'usual high class manner. Both aro from Arnold, Neb, "Dollars and Sense," tho Madgo Kennedy ipicturo showing at tho Kolth Wcdnoodr.y and Thursday is an ap' pcalingly human story with youthful optl.nlcm, lino pathos and quick hum or. It's -a story of ovoryday peoplo but it Isn't commonplace It is light without being frivolous and sentimen tal without boing maudlin. Treats for tho Cnnipflro. '. Frank Murray sent a crato of peaches out to tho Campfiro "Girls Thursday and thoy took thom to tho top of Sioux Lookout whoro they wont on a Mice. Thoro they woro oaten and enjoyou. When tho bunch got back to c-r.v ' . ,Tnrry Porter with I a battle of cold pop for each one. Thon tho girls woro happy. Sonthwest quarter section 4-12-30. Fine improvements and in high state o! cultivation. As good a farm as can bo found in Lincoln county. 75 acres in corn. 75 acres in mall grain. For quick sale will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Com municate with M. C. SHURTLESS, 411 SECURITY MUTUAL LIFE BUILDING. LINCOLN, NEB. Will be at McCabe Hotel, in North Platte, Tuesday, August 17th. , Card of Thanks. Tho uhdorslgncd wish to thank the Brotherhood of Locomotivo Engirruert, nnd all other frlonds who woro so kind when our brother Georgo "Wink owich was so uuddenly taken away; Mr. and Mrs. IL C. Hlldobrandt. John Winkowlch. ::b:: Anything left In summer wearing apparol at real discount prices at E. T. TRAMP & SONS. with Good Work Ke lt's genuine satisfaction to drive the John Deere Corn Binder round after round nnd see the standing corn trans formed into well-shaped, easily Imndled bundles because the hard work is all taken out. The power carrier does nway entirely with the hard work you don't have to dump the bundle carrier and return to position hun dreds of times during the day. On the John Doore you pres3 the foot trip lever and the power carrier does the rest It deliv ers the bundles free of the path of the horses, and practically parallel to the standing corn. The horses don't have to tramp over und on the bundles. Because the carrier is always In re ceiving position, no bundles are scat tered between the windrows. You will also appreciate the John Doore Corn Binder be- We want you to see thU binder. There are a tot of other good thing about it ive want to thou) you Leypoldt & Pennington, Implements. Notice of Special Election. Whereas a Constitutional Conven tion called agrccablo to law by the peoplo of tho State of 'Nobraska to moot December 2d, 1919, and whoroas tho membors oloctod to said Constit utlosal Convention did so meet and provide that certain amendments io tho Constitution bo submitted to the olectors of tho State for adontion dV rojoctlon, and did further provido that1 said proposod Constitutional amend ments bo submitted at a specia elec tion to bo hold throughout tho Stato on Tuesday, tho twonty-flrst day of Soptombor, 1920. Now, Thoroforo, I, A, S. Allen, County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Nobraska, by authority of law In mo vested do horoby dlroct and pro claim that n special election be hold in tho sovoral polling places within Lincoln County, Stato of Nobraska, on Tuesday, tho Twonty-flrst day of September, 1920, between tho hours' of 8 a. m. and 9 p. m. of tho samo day for tho purposo of adopting or re jecting said proposed amendments. Given undo.r my hand and official seal this 10th day of AugUBt, 1920. CO-4 A. S. ALLEN, County Clom Legal Notice. cause It is easy on the horses. The Quick-Turn Tongue Truck takes off nil neclc weight, and makes it just as horses were hitched to a wagon. Besides, the truck takes off side draft and prevents sluing Because tne axle oi the truck is flex ibly mounted the wheels hold to uneven ground constantly. The John Deere works suc cessfully in all kinds of corn fields. The wide throat, with flexible throat springs, holds the corn Into the conveyor chains. The bottom con veyor chains operate close to the uutts, carrying tne corn dock in a vertical posiuon nu oi the way. The three packers, one work ing above the needle and two below Insure well-formed bundles. The three discharge arms discharge the bundles onto the power carrier. No chance of the discharging bundle mixing with the bundle being made. uuuu, fi ii in w eaaa Dcinpstor Mill Mfg. Co.; A. B. Ham sometimes known as A. B. Hann; and H. II. Van Brunt and tuo Northeast Quarter Section 30, Townsh Rango 20, Lincoln County, Nebraska and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof defendants v'U horoby tako notlco that Frod J. Te'ro has filed his potition in tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska In an action whoroln ho Is plaintiff and wheroln you nnd oach of you, to gethor with Lincoln County, Nebraska a municipal corporation aro defen dants, tho object and prayer of plain tilt's action is to qulot his tltlo ngalnBt you and each of you In and to tho Northwost Quarter of Section 30 Township 11 Itango 2G, Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska and to qulot lus tltlo particularly against a mortgage oxo- cutod by J. G. Swanson and wife to A. B. Ham, sometimes known as A. B. Hann, and Dempster Mill Mfg Co. exocutod October 8th, 1895 filed for record October 9th, 1895 In Book 20 pago 1C5, real ostato records of Lin coin County, nnd against a mortgago executed by said J. G. Swanson and wlfo to II. II. Van Brunt oxocutcd Octobor 9th. 1895 filed for record on Octobor 12th, 1895 In book 18, pngo 459 Teal ostato records of Lincoln County, Nobraska, and apalnRt mechnnlcs lien at one tiirio hold bv Domr-Mor Mill Mfg. Co. ngalnBt L. C. Larson filed In book A, pnpro 359. real ostato records qf Lincoln County, Nn braska. Plaintiff Hooks a docrco of court barring tho defendants and oach of tbnm of any and all Tight, title t nd IntoroBt In and to Bald real estate or lotlnc hv vlrtuo of said mortenwi mechanics Hon or otherwise. You aro further notified that unlox vou answer said petition hv tho 'Ttii lav of Sftti'embor. 1920, lutlfjmont hv default m'IU bo taken aprainst vmi mui vnn win tlominon bo excluded from Ptiv nnd nil rluht, title or tnt ore-fit I ld reel nutate. PUED .T. TRTRO Tiv nnUhv?, Vcitly c Hnlllwn. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Mario Amos wont to Kearney Sunday to spend tho day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prater returned yesterday from Denver. Davo Day camo Sunday to visit his parents Mr. and Mru. John Day. Jack McGraw left Sunday for Omaha whoro ho will transact business. Otto Westenfoldt loft yesterday for San Francisco where ho will spend two weeks. Mrs. W. J. O'Coniior left yesterday for Denvor to spend a fow days visit ing friends. .Steam Baths, Massage nnd Electric Treatment nt 312 East 0th, St. Thono 897. Mrs. Arthur Rush. tf. Mrs. Rose Garrison has resumed her duties at tho Leader after n two weeks vacation. Carroll Stevens left yesterday for Oshkosh -whoro ho will spend a few weeks on tho ranch. James Norton camo Saturday from Grand- Island to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton. W. J. Brodbeck and James Flynn loft yesterday for Evanston and Salt Lake to spend two weeks. J. E. SEBASTIAN, Tho Old Lino Llfo Man, Ites. Thono 1138. Offlco Phono C12J Miss IIolou Swanson returned Sat urday from Grand Islnad where sho had been visiting frlonds. Miss Elizabeth Banta left for her homo in Omaha yesterday after visit ing her father Josoph Banta. Misses Emma Boguo aud Mabollo McFarland went to Choyenno this morning to spond a fow days. September Delineators aro horo. Subscribers ploaso call. Wilcox De partment Store. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McFarland re turned this morning from their wed ding trip to Chicago and Detroit. Miss Mary Tempfe, of Lexington, camo Saturday to visit at tho L. C. McGraw homo enrouto from Salt Lake to hor home. Suits, Coats and Drosses, all now fall merchandise with all tho smart stylo foaturcs of tho coming season. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Misses Holen and Mario Schwalgor aud Ruth Hogsott returned yostorday from Horshoy whoro thoy had been visiting Miss Mary Ellsworth. Olarenco Bedford roturnod Sunday, from Denver whero ho undorwent an oporatlon and has resumed his duties at tho Leader Mercantile Co. Storo. MIsb Mildred Wright has rosldnog hor position at tho W. J. OfConnor storo and left last ovenlng for Kansas to visit her parents until tho fall term of Bchool begins. Tho first 500,000 Dodges havo been raado and sold in a short flvo yeas, and havo mado good in overy sorvico and In- most ovory country on tho globe. Buy one of tho 2nd 500,000 and got oven a bottor car, with service a vallablo wherovor you might go. J. V. ROMIGH Dcalor. S!Ot Swedish Mission. Tho Ladles Aid Society will meet r.t Mrs. T. O. Sworison's 715 Wost 3rd Btroot on next Friday, tho 20th at 2:30 p. in. All wollcomo. W will also havo sorvlcosyat People's Mission church samo dato at 8 p. m. Our minister Ror. H. E. Sundbory will officiate. Do not 'fail to attend. Crystal Theatre, Tonight and Tomorrow. ETHEL CLAYTON as "Young Mrs. Winthrop" A great warm slice from the Ufe of many homes. The btory of a pleasure loving wife who "jazzecV away all she held dear. Special tonightChristie comedy "His Bridal Nightmare." Attention' Cream Sellers. To advertise the change in management of the North Platte Creamery, we are giving to our cream patrons a 12 inch Genuine "Taylor" Thermomenter. Come in and get yours, or send us a can of cream and we will mail it to you. 51c Highest Price Paid for Cream.I 51c The Dickey Cream Co., Successors to THE NORTH PLATTE CREAMERY. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME CREAMERY. J? coal's jtzof hi , $P8&r 1 Dnn't delav that winter order. When the Cffftu weather comes it arrives in a hurry and yojawhJ ' mower muscles barely have time to relaic beforev tlie coal shovel starts to halce uanujvlai yoif4 Jffi " you buy your coal here you'll shaJCo hands with yourself all winter. If you want a closed car for winter I "Tho LUtlfl Shepherd of Kingdom would advlso that you got your Dodsq Como" in coming to tho Keith next Brothers or Chandlor Sedan ordorcd week. You'll want to see It so watch now. J. V. ROMiail Dealer. for dates. A17-S10 HU Attorney