4. NORTH PLATT10 SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. END OF EIGHT YEARS MISERY Uied Lydia E. PinklWs Vegetable Compound And Recovered. had an organic trouble and treated mo lor several weeks. At times I could not walk at all and I suffered with my back and limbs bo I often bad to utay in ned. i sullored off and on for cicht yours. Finally I he hoard thnt I.vrlin R. Pinkhnm'ft Vnirn. table Compound was a crood mcdicinn nnd I rriflrl If-, with Bnlnn. oiaouecc i can now do my house work and my waahinp. I have recom mended your Vegetable Compound and your Blood Medicine and three of my friends arc taking them to advantage. You can uso my name for a testimonial. ' ' Mrs. Thehesa Coventry, 75 Burnett St, Newark, N. J. Yea arc iBrited to write for free advice No other medicine has been bo suc cessful in relieving woman's suffering as has Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answered by women only and held in strict confidence. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When tho body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful It is usually an indication that tha kidneys are out of order. Keep theae organs healthy by taking BIG CROPS ASSURED The world's standard remedy for kidney, Urm, bladder and uric acid troubles. Famous sines 1696. Tales regularly and kaep in good health. la threa sixes, all droggiata. Guaranteed as repreeented. Leak far tha nana Cold Mmlai oa ry baa aa4 accept art imtutfoat Boys and Dog Dig Up $2,000. Kour schoolboys, while spending the Whitsuntide holidays In Mnlhuddert. a village outside Dublin, ratting with a terrier, discovered a honrd of more than 400 In sovereigns (nornmlly $2,000) In a rat hole. The news quick ly spfvud, nnd n local postman claimed the money ns his. He says about 400 was left to him by his father, a black smith, who had Inherited It from his father, nnd to keep It safely In these troublous times the postman burled It In a field where it would still have re mained hut for the Inquisitive terrier. The postman's claim was admitted unanimously nnd th parents of the boys returned him sums amounting td about 150. Loral volunteers nre making Inquiries with a view to hav ing the balance of the money restored. Edinburgh Scotsman. Popular Indeed. Mrs. W. had just brought home her new hat and was exhibiting It to her husband hoping to win his approval thereby. He looked at It critically. "Yes," she chirruped, "It's real old fashioned. Just look at the flowers popples and petunias and nasturtiums and see here this wheat." "Urn huh." Mr. W. nodded his ap proval. "But if you wanted this hat to be popular, Mary, why didn't you have them change this wheat on your hat to rye?" Oood t'"ie Is esxpntliilly a Moral quality. ItusMn, Need of Farm Labor Urgently Required for Harvest. Rains of the past week which hi.-vo been general throughout all portions of Western Canada, covering MANI TOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, and AL BMtTA, have placed beyond nil man ner of doubt the certainty of vast grain crops throughout the entire dis trict. Reports from all. points Indlcat marvelous nnd rapid growth. Th conditions of n week or so back, which were decidedly les promising nod led many to think that there might be n partial failure, have disappeared al together and now there Is a wave of optimism circulating throughout the entire country. In 1015 there were enormous yields reported from all parts, Mid It would appear now as if in many places tho yields of 1015 would be equaled If not beaten. What might appear to he n draw back, Is the apparent shortage of farm help. The Province of Manitoba through Its Employment Bureau In Winnipeg, Is asking for 10.000 harvest hitnds nnd over, offering from $5 to $0 per day. The Province of Sas katchewan Is asking for 15.000 extra hands to take care of the immense harvest that Is certt.-ln to be reaped In that Province. In Albertn tho crop area Is somewhat less, the labor con ditions somewhat butter, and Is mak ing n request for 5,000 extra farm hands. Interviewing the officials of the dif ferent Governments, they nre Inclined to the opinion that ns the crop In Knnsi.-s, Nebraska, South Dakota, Illi nois and other Central States nre bar vested there will be a movement north ward that will materially help to take care of the labor situation. With the low railroad rates that may be secured on implication to the Employment Of fices ft Winnipeg and nt boundary points, or which mny ho secured through the Canadian Government Of fices at Chicago, 111.; Detroit. Mich.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Kansas City, Mo.; Omuha, Neb.; Des Moines, la.; Water town, S. D.; St. Paul, Minn., and Grand Forks, N. IX, will give to thosa seeking employment the opportunity to reach the harvest fields at a low cost. Advertisement HE HAD MISSED SOMETHING Mr. Gap Johnson Brought to a Realiza tion of His Ignorance of His Surroundings. "It must be wonderful to llvo nil your life long in the midst of the 'Land of a Million Smiles,' where the silvery waters purl and plash anil the nymphs frolic oil tho day!" prattled one member of a pnrty of city motor ists who had Invaded the Ozarks. "To live In the p'tu ! which?" sur prisingly returned Gap Johnson of Rumpus Bldge. "Here among the bills nnn dells of 'The Playground of America.' Look at the advertisement In the newspaper and" "Well. I'll bo p'tu dogged I 1 never would 'a' b'lleved It In the living world If I hadn't seed It In the pnperl I've lived yur since Heck was a pup, und I never knowed nutbln' like these yur Indies nlmps, I b'lleve you called 'em to be setting on rocks thls-a-way nnd skylarking n round with nuth'n In pprtlekler on but undershirts and smiles. Say, how long has this yur p'tu I business beeh going on, any how?" Kansas City Star. Very Much 8o. "Hungary seems Inclined to go back to the monarchy." "Mn wind I find thnt her crowning iiilsuLe." When Something Is Wrong With Your Comfort when nervousness, indiges tion, billiousness or some other upset makes you think you are not eating or drinking the right thing if you're a coffee drinker, cut out coffee ten days and use Postum Cereal This delicious drink with its coffee like flavor, suits coffee drinkers. Its value to health soon shows, and its economy is so apparent under use that one quickly realizes. "There's a Reason" Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan 8 am SKIM MILK RATION FAVORED Greatest Gain In Weight Made When Calf Is Fed Large Quantities In Dally Ration. How much skim milk should he fed to calves daily? Results obtained thus fur at the dairy division experiment farm, Belts vllle. Mil., Indicate that calves will make the greatest gains In weight when fed comparatively large quanti ties of skim milk dally (one-fifth of their body Weight, or nil they wtll ilrluk), hut that the most economical gains nre made on smaller quantities. In an experiment to determine the effect of feeding various quantities of skim milk, 10 calves were divided into groups of four calves each. These groups were balanced as nearly as-possible with reference to breed nnd body weight nt birth. One fup was given a dally ration of one-s-venth of the body weight, the quantity being regu lated by body weights taken every ten days. Two other groups were fed at the rate of one-sixth and one-fifth of their body weights; and the fourth grf up was given nil the milk tho calves would drink, twice a day. Each calf received Its mother's milk until It was ten days old. The change to Rklm milk was then made gradually, and at the age of fifteen days the calf was on an entire skim milk ration. The experiment ran for 70 days. Weights obtained for three consecutive days, at the end of the 70-day period, were taken ns tho final weights. The average reslults from each group are given In tabular form : Milk Mlllc per Pally per pound Rate of feeding, gain. day. gain. Group 1 (ono-Roventti of Lbs. Lbs, Lbs. body weight) 0.93 13.62 14.4 Group 2 (oiie-hlxtli of. body weight) 1.C9 16.99 16.6 Group 3 (one-fifth of body weight t 1.2U 20.98 17.0 Group 4 (nil they would drink) 1.4S 24.22 16.8 The groups were well balanced ns regards weight and thrift of the calves. The gains Increased with the quan tity of skim milk fed, the calves which received nil they would drink making gains nt least 00 per cent larger than those receiving milk nt the rnte of one-seventh of their body weight. To do this they drank about 80 per cent more milk. As a consequence the sklro mill: required for one pound of gain was greater with the heavily fed calves. No bad results from heavy feeding1 were noticed, although 'nil of the calves Heavy Skim Milk Rations, It Has Been Found, Are Beneficial for Calves. In group 4, with one exception, drank, nt times, more than 40 pounds of skim milk n day. This leads us to believe that overfeeding Is not In itself u com mon cause of scours. TO PREVENT TAINTED BUTTER Churn Must Be Kept Sweet and Clean at All Times Small Brush Quite Convenient. If proper care Is not exercised in keeping tho churn sweet and clean the butter will be tainted, no matter how well the milk and cream have been cared for before churning be gins. A small brush Is a convenient article to use nbnut the churn, as It Is somewhat difficult to clean tho cor tiers und Joints with n cloth nnd It la these that hold particles of milk and cream and make breeding plnces for microbes. BULL OF GREAT IMPORTANCE Becaueo of Extensive Influence on Herd Animal Should Be Best Breeder Can Purchase. A cow Is the dam of but one calf In the herd, but a bull Is the sire of ull the calves. Because of his extensive Influence on tho herd, the herd bull should be Just as good as the new breeder can possibly afford, to buy. In fact, the price of the herd bull should bo of far less consideration than tho price of the cow. The buyer should not be satisfied with a cheap hull, but when he pays a good price he should buy u good bull. W( Some More Truths. rOULD you use a steam shovel to move a pebble? Certainly not. Implements are built according to the work they have to do. Would you use a grown-up's remedy for your baby's ills? Certainly riot. Remedies are prepared according to the work THEY have to do. 1 All this is preliminary' to reminding you that Fletcher's Castoria was sought out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let this be a warning against Substitutes, Counterfeits and the Just-as-good stuff that may be all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for the little babe. All the mother-love that lies within your heart erics out to you : Be true to Baby. And being true to Baby you will keep in the house remedies specially prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush, tootbrush or sponge. jglfeNet Contents l5Pluid Draclui Eft a Till T-t - ii - miriT I T'" r lil'l ren Cry For siiniinunguicioou ;--. l,HIUUt.-i I " " " T I llTheictyPoUftiDjH flniPBrfilnessnndBestCantate W 1., .ni..m inrohlnf nor S Mineral. notNaiicotic U ii mil J Ahclpiuini;...." ndFcvcrishncssnrid LOSS or - "i nauttin6froil rac-SlmileSinnmeo1 Are You Prepared? i. u t,ni,M ail th tlmn would he a irood idea. Yet you can't alfoid to keep a doctor In the family to keep baby well or pre vent sickness. But you can do almost the same thing by having at hand a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria, because it is a wonderful remedy r i.u...t ni AvnrishnpKn. frfttfulness and all the other dto- 1UI UlUlgVDI-lUllI VU11 w . w. . r orders that result from common ailments that babies have. Fletcher's Castoria is perf ectly safe to use. It is a harmless sub stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, DropB and Soothing Syrups. ChtldrcH -ry for Fletcher's Castoria, and mothers recommend it because they have found it a comfort to children and a mother's friend. If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able to help baby when trouble comes. You cannot always call upon a doctor. But doctors have nothing but good to say of Fletcher's CaBtoria, be- cause they know that it can only do good-that it can't do any harm-aad they wouldn't want you to use for baby a remedy that von would use for yourself. j - .... BOTHERS SHOULD RWO THE BOOKUT THAT II AROUND IVIHY HUTU rii.Li,i GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of (Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI QRNTAUN COMPANV. NW VOW OITV. Nickel No Good. A little girl walked Into n confec tionery oho morning, placed u nickel on the counter nnd culled for uu leu crenm cone. ' "Ice cream concB nre 7 cents, little girl," the llzz clerk announced. ' "Well, then glinmco a soda pop." "Six cents." "Got any root beer?" "Yep, (J cents, too." Tho little girl sighed, disappointedly and started out, leaving her nickel oh the counter. "Here, little girl, you're leaving your nickel," the clerk colled to her. "Oh, that's all right," tho child shouted hock. "It's no good to me It won't buy anything I" r Fewer men would protest against drinking soda water If It weren't for the name of tho stuff. Don't Let Catarrh Drag aj . a You into Consumption . . . . . i t . i i i Avoid Its fonmrerous Stace. There is n more serious stage of Catarrh than tho annoyance caused by tho stopped-up air passages, and tho hawking; and spitting and other distastcul features. The real danger comes from tho tendency of the disease to continue Its course downward until tho luncrs become affected, and then dreaded consumption is on your path. Your own experionco has taught you that the disease cannot be cured by sprays, inhalers, jellie and other local applications. S. S. S. has proven n most satis factory remedy for Catarrh be causo it goes direct to its source. and tends to remove the germs oi the disease from tho b"d- Gt a bottle from your druggist today, and begin the only logical treat ment that gives real results. For free medical advice write to Medi cal Director, 104 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Waste. RainBon pulled down the temple. v "Heavens, man," we cried, "don't you know how scarce buildings ore!" Ileal pelf-sncrlflc Is to bo n beno factnr'wlthout pralso or gratitude. The Meaning. "Why dooH a bride carry o shower bouquet?" "That's easy; to show she Intends to reign." Ingratitude ,1s always ready to offer some kind of excuse. The "Bayer Cross" on tablets is the thumb-print which positively identifies genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over 20 years, and proved safe by millions. mm Safety first 1 Insist upon a unbroken "Bayer package ' containing proper directions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago and for Pain generally. Made and owned strictly by Americans. Bayer-Tab! etsAspirin Handy tin boxu of 12 tablet coit but a fow cerjti Larger package aplrta la th trade nark et Barer llanufactur of MonoaetUeaeldtitAr el gaUeUeaaM