The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 13, 1920, Image 1
Ctat Historical BodtIR Uovtk V tme. 1 THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 13, 1920. No? '62 i X CEMENT BRICK FACTORY HERE. NEW MANUFACTURING l'LANT HAS BEGUN QUANTITY WIO DUGTION IN EAST YAlCDN Harn & Harris, manufacturers of Pressed Cement Brick havo opened their factory for business. Thoy nro producing cement brick now at the rato of five thousand brick a day. Last January they ordered the machinery for this Industry but it was only a fow days ago that delivery was made. A temporary building was erected nnd when sufficient machinery was re eclved they began making brick. With the completion of thp factory this fall production will go to doublo tho present output. ' Tho brick aro made from good old Platto River sand mixed with cement and water. Under a pressudb of eighty thousand pounds tho mlxturo is form ed into shapo and compressed so solid that tho brick can bo handled without danger of breaking or chang ing their shapo. Thoy aro then pass ed tp one of tho threo drying rooms where they aro subjected to steam for from 24' to 3C hours. Then they aro taken to the storage room where thc season tfor ten days or longer and then thoy are ready to go Into the wall. From their own products, Harn & Farrls will erect tho building for tho pormanont factory. It will bo located in the ton hundred block on east Front Street where the temporary building now stands. They aro now making a face brick in any color de sired' and a building brick in natural colors. Tho firm of Harn & Farrls Is com posed of H. B. Harn and It. W. Farrls, two young men well known to the contractors and builders" of 'the city. They completed the brick work on the Lutheran Church, tlio Ilerrod building and In the two years or mor? that they have lived here they have shown enterprise and business abil- ity. The new Simon Bros, warehouse j In tho same block is being built of cement brick from this factory. WESTERN UNION EMPLOYEES LUCKY. Tho bonus glvon to employeos of tho Western Union Telegraph Co. in their Profit Sharing Plan has Just boon an nounced for tho first six months ot 1920. Each employeo ot tho company Is to rocolvo 54 of tho amount re ceived as wages or salary during tho month ot January? 1920. This rato is not fixed but depends upon tho profits earned by tho company for tho six months proceeding tho award. Another awnrd will bo modo In January, 1921. ::o:: IJall Gnnio Todny. Tho Beaver Valley All Stars will play tho Post Office Independents to day nt tho Fair Grounds. Gamo will bo called at 2:45. Tho All Stars came hero to play tho city team, for some reason not having received notico of tho disbanding of that team. Tho aro a good clean lot ot fellows and put up a good gamo yesterday. Cool Weather PrQvnlls. A cold wavo seems to have struck this part of tho country for unseason able temperatures havo prevailed dur ing tho past day or two. Tho evenings aro qulto cool and wraps are In de mand when one is out of doors. Warmer weather is promised. LAND VALUATION TO ME 25 INCREASE IN LINCOLN C0 idttU'FIKE GIRL'S A predicted in theso, columns In our last issuo tho State Board ot Equaliza tion, meeting at Lincoln handed down n decision on Tuesday that Lincoln County real estato should bo raised 25 over tho formor tax valuation. Tllb ilrst'idea was to ralso tho valua tion 50 but tho Chamber of Com morco Committoo and tho County Commissioners wont to Lincoln and showed tho error of this plan so plain ly that tho Board reduced this raise one-half. It is estimated that this will mean a saving of $140,000 to Lincoln County tax payers. A SUCCESS, LOCAL AND PEltSONAL Unso Ball Sunday. Tho Post Office Independents will cross bats with the Horshoy Giants on tho local field Sunday. Tho gamo will be up to tho standard of theso teams. i :;o:: Tho Harmony Society left last even ing for Ogalalla to play for a danco. Miss Nellie Miller, of Sedgwick, came Wednesday to visit her brother. Mrs. Alfred Gessel. of Dexter City. Ohio, canto Wednesday to visit friends Miss Thelma Gilbert from Stella, Nebr., Is a guest at tho homo of her aunt Mrs. Earl Payne. Baptist Chnrclu Morning service at 11 oclock. Sub ject of sermon "Dangerous Whispers." This is a story sermon. Evoning servico at 8 with sermon short, spicy and full of pep. B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45. If weather is warm, leave your coats at homo and be comfortable while worshiping. ::o:: Mrs. W. H. Munger will entertain .it a luncheon today compllmcntarj to Mrs. Genevieve Peck and Miss Ruth Streltz. Keith, Saturday. "COMMON SENSE" WITH VOLA VALE a bold breezy story of tho big outdoors Two part Sennet Comedy " Bock to the Kitchen and you know no ono but Mack Sen net could make comedy out of a kitchen Job. Jack Shields loft yostorday for his homo in Oshkosh after transaqtlng business In tho city. Miss Lucille McFarland Is expected to arrlvo homo today from Detroit where she has been visiting for tho last two weeks. Tho writer was' ono of about 150 gitosts last night nt tho Campftro Girl's Camp in tho Robert's Grovo Thoro aro over sixty guardians and glfcls In tho camp- nnd thoy nro having tho, time of thoir lives. Tho weather lift's been pleasant, tho grovo Is tho best in tho country, tho crowd con gonial and ovorythlng goos well. W sa tho coromonlal put on by tho Nlcaflgco Camp and It was'woll worth tho trip. Wo heard all of tho girls sing their songs, and glvo their yells and wo wished that 10,000 people could havo been thoro In tho glow of tho real campflro and could havo scon tho results mndo posslblo by tho contrlbu tlons of tho citizens. About thirty cars made tho trip- out to tho camp last night and overyono was enthusiastic about what was seen and hoard, Tho pamp will break up this ovoning after suppor. They aro planning a much bigger camp for noxt year and thoro Isno doubt but Ithcy will havo it. CONCERT PROGRAM to,. ; ' THE GHAMllER OP COMMERCE BAND at Friday Evening, August l!Jth, 1920. EARL STAiip; Director. ' March FLOTO'S GRAND PAGEANT Overture THE GOLDEN DRAGON X Sextette from LUCIA 1 L.J. Donizetti -K. -English L. Kln& CELEBRATED MINUET SERENAD D'AMOUR -PadorowskI von Blon Musical Comedy Selection RED WIDOWui .., SL- Gobost Waltzes DREAM OF PARADISE - L , Barnard March THE NEW COLONIAL -R. B. Hall Final Clearance OF ALL . Summer Foot . Wear ' Women's Pumps and Oxfords White Cloth Low Shoes at $4.95 Leather Low Shoes, black and brown at $5.95 and $6.95 Never since this business began havo wo offered such a sacrifice in finest of warm season shoes just when they aro needed and with tho selection of sizes and widths still good. ' i SHOE MARKET a vfs vnn ! onpv nN simps ONEV ON SHOES. Mrs. Geo. Troxlor and family will lcavo Sunday for Los Angeles and other California points. Mr and Mrs. Carroll and son Thom, as and Mrs. Granoy left yosterday-for Gothenburg to spend a fow days. Miss Cruslnbery returned to hor homo In Kcarnoy yesterday after visit ing her cousin Miss Viola Maddox. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Halllgan will leave next week on an 'auto trip to Nebraska City and points In Iowa. R. D. Blrge loft yesterday wltfi J. C. Den for Big Creek, Wyo., whoro ho will spend a week fishing for trout. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Moulton and son will leave next week for Eddy- vllle, Wash., to spend a fow weoks. Chas. Rlncker left today by auto for Des Moines, la., where ho will visit friends for a" couple of weeks. Ho was accompanied by Leslie Bare who will do tho driving to Des Moines and re turn by train Sunday. I.L, Sloneiger camo yesterday in his piano from Lincoln and has It stationed In tho field east of tho city. Ho went to Choyonno yesterday by rati. Ho will bo accompanied to Lin coln by Harold McGIason who has boon employed In tills city during tho summer. With most of Its scenes laid In a galloping motor car, with Wallace Reld as an adventurous hero dubbed "Speed" Carr and a pretty .horolno with a fondness for chummy road sters and chummy drivers what moro could you ask in entertainment than "Doublo Speed." It's showing at the Keith next Monday and Tuesday. "Damo Rumor whispers that Miss Mary Ellon, who recently loft hor pos ition at tho local soda fountain to take up musical work In Now York has been arrested. In a recont letter to hor chum, Mary haid hor cabaret danco act was a 'riot.' Must havo stepped on a falso noto and skidded, say wo."' Riot is right. Tho Truth is ovon worse. Como to tho Crystal Theatro Satur day and Monday. Coorgo ivinkowUch. Goorgo Wlnkowltch, a Union Pacific Engineer, familiarly known as "Jum bo" by his friends, dlod at Saratoga, Wyo., whero ho had gono to spend somo tlmo In tho mountains. Ills body arrived at North Platto Wednesday evening and tho funeral, wa3 hold at tho Moloney Chapol yostorday after noon at 4:30, Rev. Mackintosh officia ting. Gcorgo Wlnkowltch was an old rooldont of North Platto and had Bpont tho wholo tlmo in tho sorvlco of tho Union Pacific. Ho was a man of nus slvo framo with a qulot manner and a, lover of hunting nnd fishing. No roL atlvos aro known in this part of tho country although a sister was located In California. Mrs. Helen Smith and Majorlo ann Hazel Murtl went to Gothenburg Wed nesday to spend tho day, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ci Comically ro- turncd to Wallace yestedayjiaftor Roscdo Zlmmer, of Sidney, camo yesterday to visit at tho W. H. Le Dloyt homo for a week. Attornoy Victor Halllgan camo homo. from Tryon Wednesday whero ho had' been transacting legal business. Dr. H. C. Broctc. Dontlst. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bids. Phono 148 Do your havo a pair of our puro thread' silk hose at $1.29? Real bar gains, do not fall to soo them. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. , Mrs. H. T. Smith loft yesterday for her homo In Pleastan Hill, Mo., after visiting nt tho homes of her brothers Joss and Chas. Edwards. Platform Manager Truax says folks will not regret buying Chautauqua Season Tickets. Ho is enthusiastic in his praise 6f tho program. Dr. Howard lost. Dentist, Twlnom Building. Phono 307. 77tf Two boys scouts from each troop wont to Columbus Wednesday whoro thoy will bo in camp for a wcok. Thoy were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Stophons. Tho First Division of tho Presby terian Aid Society will hold an ox cliango In Dorryberry and Forbes window Saturday, August 14th, be ginning nt 10 o'clock, All preparations aro belsg mado to movo Into our now location, but wo aro now showing everything in now fall morchandlso In order not to kcop our customers from their early shop pingCoats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses all on display. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. GLADYS BROCKWELL as "The Rose oLNorae" r. lalo of courage and cupId In Alaska. octal New Sonnet Comedy- "Back to the Kitchen." C; astropho Impending! Catastrophes are forever Imponding in tho Sonnott coiii (Hob but this ono is a record broker. Keith, Tonight. FARMER-LABORER PICNIC. BIG TIME AT TUB FAIR GROUNDS SATl'ItOAY "ALL DAY AND HALF THE NIGHT." Ono of tho biggest days in tho his tory of North Platto is promised for Saturday when tho big Farmer-Labor PIcnIo is to bo stagod. Tho exorcises start at ton o'clock whon a parndo will form at tho Court House and movo to tho Fair Grounds. Headed by tho Chamber of Commorco Band, tho parado will lncludo labor unions, far mer organizations and chlldron. This will bo followed by speaking in tlio forenoon nnd ngain aftor dlnnor. Tho principal speakers advertised for this occasion aro F. L. Bollon, candldato for Attornoy Gonoral of Nebraska, T. C. Grlmos, candldato for Congressman from this District and Rov. Boobo of Rod Cloud. Following tho spoaklng thoro will bo a ball -gamo and then tho running racos. Aftor suppor thoro WIlKbo a tug-of- war between farmer's nnd iaborors, somo moving pictures" ahd sncaklni. Amplo concession! aro on tho ground now but overyono is urged to bring a baskot of good things to. oat nnd then buy freoly from tho concessions. Tho program Is well planned to ontortaln all who attend and a number of fea tures havo not yot boon announced. Wo understand all tho entertainment is to bo froo including tho racos and ball games so a largo crowd is ex pected. to ATTUNDANO.Ii SMALL AT THE RACES Tho racos woro pulled off yesterday at tlio Fair Grounds boforo a very sinnll crowd. Probably tho weather had much to do with koeplng pcbplo away. Tho Chamber of Commorco Band played somo livoly munlo and tho races woro pulled oil according to sohddule. This afternoon nt flvo o'clock" thoy nro billed to go on again and with tho moderating weather a larger crowd ts cxpoctcd. Joseph tt, Richards. , ' Tho funeral ot tho lato Josoph O. Richards was hold yostorday aftor noon at tho Richard resldonco on West Sixth Stroot nt two o'clock. ThV . pjonoor resident passed away Tues day morning after nn Illnoss ofsovoV al months. Mr. RIchnrds was" born In Scanton," Pa., April 13th, 1840 and In 1880 was marrnod to Miss Lllllo M. Scanton who sur vices hlin. " " Ho has been among us, for tho past, thlrty-fivo yoars engaged In different lines of work and has boon a member, of tho Mpdorn Woodmon of Amorlca and tho Fraternal Aid Union,, formor- ; ly tho American Nobles, nnd has many" friends, nil of whom hold him In high esteem. . - Ho leaves to mourn him Ills wlfo . and three chlldron, Mrs. Josslo Mor-' ant, Mrs. Fred M. Lansing and sob Josoph . son- Mrs. E. H. Gengo, ot Donver, a for mor North PIntto roBldent, passed away In Donver last week after a brief illnoss, death bolng duo to n clot on -tho brain. Tho docensod will bo well remomborcd Cy local pcoplo,, hor hus band having filled for Bovoral year's tho position of station agent. A 1ms- Tho caso of State vs McGeo chorgod band and flvo chlldron survive with obtaining monoy undpr falso ' Mr, Pnl Irs' Fred Tcmplo camo pretonsos camo to trial Tuesday, When JLho sato did not. show 3bo facta as alleged Judge Woodliurst dlsmlsjiod tujrn tomorxp.XromTJ,,n9l"j tho Case. ' f sho "has boon' vlsltin'g. r from Laxlngton Wednesday. Miss Mario Stack 1b expected to ro- kWheroj AUCTION SALE OF HONES AT PUBLIC SALE 5 NORTH PLATTE RESIDENCES WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON SATURDAY, AUGUST l. at 2:30 p. m. tho sale will begin at tho time set at 1207 west 4th Street BUFFALO BILL'S HOME The former residence of Col. W. F. Cody, West Fourtli, ( Street, considered ono of the best locations in our city. Can bo sold with 2, 3 or 4 lots, covered with trees, shruby beiy and roses, a 12-room 3-story house with large recep tion hall, front and back parlors, dining room, kitchen, pantry, toilet, front, rear and side porches, second floor G ber-rooms and bath, third floor Ono largo room leads into tho cupola, all finished and formerly used as a curio room. Will say this house has a very fine fireplace, well finished in all respects. ' IIAHMET E. WELCHt Owner. No. 2. G-Iloom JIouho . With bath, all' modern oxcopt heat, this homo is well finished In ovory . rospoct, shade trocs and shrubbory. Location nono hotter. 008 west Cth stroot, north front, lot 2, block 12G, 50x132 foot. Whon you ex amine this location Just figure Its valuo in addition to tho valuo of tho' Sji'ouso. LOUISE IIUIIKE, Owner. , No. !!. R-ltoom House , in good condition. Location 420 South Elm strcot, Jot 02x132, bluo gras lawn nnd troos. This Is a location somo nsk for aud can't aHvays got, so bo thoro and buy at your prlco.1 L. W. KINSMAN, Owner. No. 1 North SIdo Wo oxpoct to be at this placo about 4! 30 p. m. This is a now house, location 712 Curtis Avo. In tho 1100 block, west 8th. Street, lot G5xl70. Anyono that Is paying $15.00 a month ront Bhou'ld bo at this iplaco at tho set tlmo 4:30 p. m., and soo what you may havo missed If you had not boon thoro. W. E. MATHER, Owner, x No. ft. 3room Houso Noxt lot north of No. 4. If you havo a friend toll him to como to thl9 salo and you can docldo If you want to Hvo nolghbors. Thoy aro going to sell and soli nt tho prlco you can afford to pay. V ELIZA KAISER, Owner. TERMS OF THIS SALE 15 por cent day ot snlo, 35 por cent whon Bottlomont Is mado, when forms will bo given on tho balance and this will bo as soon as abstract of tltlo and deeds can bo mado. Tlmo of possosslon will bo understood day of salo. For any further information see tho ownors or managor. By asking you will bo takon to any of theso places. JUST PHONE 323 OR 1130 NORTH PLATTE REALTY AUCTION CO. COL. O. jr. SWEDBURG, and COL. If. K, JOIIANSEN, Auctioneers. B. A. OLSON, Maaaper.