The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1920, Image 7

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How Many Others Have Unwittingly
Sat In Peril of Which They
Were Ignorant?
It may hnvo clinnceil that sorac of
us have unwittingly snt under n sword
of Damocles and "through good luck
rather than Rood management" have
escaped its fall. Damocles himself
was happily iRiioratit of his danger
for a hrlef time.
The story, with Its perfectly ohvlouo
moral, Is that In the relpn of Din
nyslus the KIder the ruler of Syra
cuse In Greece, years hefore the Ohrls
tlon era, one Damocles, a member of
the court, wishing to establish himself
securely with the monarch, flattered
him unduly. Being a good deal of a
man and believing that "flattery, like
cologne water. Is to be studied. of, not
swallowed," Dlonyslus decided to
teach the courtier a lesson.
lie Invited him to a wonderful bnn
quet, which Danvpcles enjoyed greatly
until he perceived above his head a
sword which was held by one single
hair. How soon he was able to leave
'his perilous station is unrecorded, but
his feelings during the rest of tho
feast may be Imagined nnd need not
be described.
Matrimonial Oddities.
In bygone days In Indin women were
sometimes allowed to choose their own
husband. One of their old fairy tales
tells of a fair princess, who, after a
tournament, placed a garland around
tho neck of a knight who had won her
Among tho Eskimos of the east coast
of Greenland n man captures tho girl
he wants, but from that time on tho
tisual order of things Is reversed. He
has to exercise tho greatest vlgllanco
to prevent her from eloping with any
other man whom she may prefer, as
this seems to be her privilege. In tho
northern New Hebrides n bride who
is unhappy seeks the earliest oppor
tunity of running away from her hus
band and seeking a homo with somo
man she likes better. If her parents
cannot Induce her to return to tho In
jured husband they usually send him
a pig to soothe his wounded feelings.
National Geographic Society Bulletin.
' Qtlll MaW line of BlowdUn.
The blowguu Is still popularVfor
hunting birds among the Kosatl In
dians in Louisiana. -This weapon con
sists of a tube, usually of cane, about
six feet long, rubbed smooth on the
Inside with an Implement made for
the purpose and carefully straightened
with tho aid of flrer Slender, pointed
darts about eight Inches long are used
fas ammunition, each one wrapped
neatly along a third of Its length with
thistledown or cotton to make It fit the
Inside of the tube. The hunter places
a dart In the tube, which ho raises to
bis lips and with which ho takes care
ful aim at his game ; then with a quick
puff of breath he drives the little dart
flying with a sufficient force to Impale
and kill a small bird or squirrel.
America Land of Tobacco.
America Is still tho greatest pro
ducer of tobacco and also the great
est consumer of it, the greatest cx-
jortcr and the greatest Importer, too.
1 he keeps her association with it which
Is'gan with the discovery of the new
orld. It was the riches of tobacco
13 well as gold and fountains of
;outh that drew hither the adven
tirers who penetrated the new con
tinents. Later tobacco was so pre
cious a" thing among the tlrst English
lonlsts that they plowed up the
BVects of Jamestown to plant It
To whom are you going to Bell youi
I iy and Grain? Tho Harrington Men
c atlle Co. will offer tho highest
p Ices. 64U
Notlco of Flnnl Report.
Estato No. 1722 of Georgo E. Rogers
ceased in tho County Court of Lln-
n County, Nebraska.
Fho State of Nebraska, to all pen
sps Interested in saw estate tane
njlco that tho Administratrix has UK
a final account and report of her
Ininlstration and a petition for final
tlement and dlschargo as such,
ch have been sot for hearing bo-
fo said court on September 3rd, 1920
0 o'clock a. m., whon you may np-
iplr and contest tho same.
ated August 7, 1320.
3w County Judge.
AUGUST, 1920.
Bo it ordained by tho Mayor 'und
Council of tho City of North Platto,
Section 1. Taxes aro horeby levied
on all of the property within tho
limits of tho city of North Platto, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, at tho rate of
six mills on the dollars of tho assessed
valuation thereof, for the purpose of
paying Intorost nnd principal on tin
One Hundred Thousand Dollars W.-.tor
Bonds horotofore issued by said city.
Section 2. Taxes aro horeby levied
on all of tho proporty within tho
limits of said city nt tho rate of throe
mills on tho dollars of tho assessed
valuation for tho purposo of paying
tho interest and principal on tht
Twenty-flvo Thousand Dollar Sowpr
Bonds horctoforo issued by said city,
Section 3. Taxos aro hereby levied
on all of tho proporty within the lim
its of said city at tho rate of ono-hnli
mill on the dollar of tho assessed val
uation thereof for tho purposo of pay
ing the interest on Twolvo Thousand
Dollar Brjdgo Bonds horctoforo issued
by said City.
Section 4. Taxes are hereby lovloti
on all of tho proporty within tho lim
its of said city at tho rate of one-halt
mill on tho dollar of tho assessed val
uation thereof for tho purposo of pay
ing tho Interest on Ten Thousand Dol
lar Bridgo Bon'ds heretofore issued
by said City.
Section F. Taxos aro hereby levied
on all of tho property within tho lim.
its of said city at thojato of one-half
mill on tho dollar of tho assessed val
uation thereof, for tho purpose of pay
ing interest on tho Twelve Thousand
Dollar Firo Station Bonds herotofort,
issued by said City.
Soction 0. Taxes arc hereby levied
on all 'Of tho proporty within the lim
ts of tho said city at tho rate of one
half mill on tho dollar of tho assessed
valuation thereof, for tho purpose of
paying tho Intorost on tho Twolvo
Thousand Dollar Park Bonds hereto
fore issued by said City
Section 7. Taxos aro hereby levied
on all"of tho proporty within tho lim
its of tho said city at tho rate ol
three-fourths mill on tho dollars of
tho assessed valuation thereof for tho
purpose of paying tho Interest on tho
Sixteen Thousand Dollar Paving
Bonds heretofore issued by said City.
Soction 8. Taxes aro hereby levied
on all of the property within tho lim
its of tho said city at tho rate of
fourteen mills on the dollar of tho as
sessed valuation thereof, for general
revenue purposes of said city for the
Ileal year, beginning tho second Mon
day of August, 1920.
Section 9. Taxes are hereby levied
on n,U of .the property within tho lim
its of the said city at tho rato or
throe mills on the dollar of the as
sossed valuation thereof, for tho pub
lie library fund to bo expended in the
maintenance of the free public library
of said City foe said fiscal year.
Section 10. Taxes aro hereby levied
on all of t,he property within the lim
its of the said city at tho rato o?
three mills on tho dollar of tho as
sossed valuation to bo expended for
tho maintcnanco of public parks in
said city for said fiscal year.
Section 11. Taxes aro hereby levied
on all of tho property within the lim
its of tho said city at tho rato of
five mills on the dollar of the assess
ed valuation thereof, for tho payment
of tho lighting of streets and alleys of
said city for said fiscal year.
Section 12. Taxos are hereby levied
on all of tho proporty within the lim
its of the said city at the rato or
two and one-half mills on tho dollar
of tho assessed valuation thereof, to
be expended in the maintenance and
flushing of sewers.
Section 13. Taxes are hereby levied
on all of the proporty wllhin the lim
its of the said city at the rato of
six mills on tho dollar of tho assessed
valuation thereof for tho firo depart
ment and tho paying for fire protec
tion for said fiscal year.
Section 14. Taxos aro horeby levied
on all of tho property within tho lim
its of tho said city at tho rato of
fivo mills on tho dollar of the assessed
valuation thereof for tho purposo of
paying tho salaries of and maintaining
tho folico forco of said city.
Section 15. Taxes are hereby levied
on all of the property within tho lim
its of the said city at tho rato of
one mill on tho dollar of tho assessed
valuation thereof for tho purposo of
providing public music, entertainment
and amusements with said city.
Soction 1G. This ordinance shall takJ
effect and bo In force from and aftor
Its passage, approval and publication
according to law.
II !
It i
"I will teach your Kentucky cousin a JuerDerc&iacne m
ison. . Waxw-ell I
"I never was so insulted in my life." KgVQBV M "' ' " "' r
"I will pay him off in a way he will DivectOV (Jen! ""'
never forget." ' M .
As the Beautiful Society Butterfly Who Found Love
and Romance When She Thought Her 5oul Was Bead.
A MctroAdapfalioii
buJimeMixbhis avid
AP.Ybungeirfrom tfd
big uiiverjloirosco
StaqeHib by Fmfe v-
ic CrramneHcittovi
AT THE SUN, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Passed and approved this 3rd day of
August, 1920.
A. F. STREITZ, Mayo..
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Cleric
Choice Keith and Perkins County Farms.
At Public Auction Commencing at 10:30 A. M.
join win in linirt nt Comnanv Farm Headquarters, new town
Spuhlervillo, 14 miles south-west of Paxton.
.t T),,i,nr Aunttnn nf nur Keith and Perkins County
Farms divided into quarter, half and section tracts, tho choicest farm
fand In Western Nebraska, located from 2 to 13 miles south of-Paxton,
Keith County, Nebraska, 7 to 12 miles from Itoscoo and 8 to 12 miles
rrom EIslo and Madrlu. un tuo main uno 01 iuu umuu i-uwau u
high lino Burlington railroads.
TERMS: 1C per cent day of salo. Reasonable payments on con
tract January 1st. Settlement March 1, 1921. Llboral amount ear
ned back In mortgage, o per cent.
Writo Comnany Offices, Lincoln or Paxton, for detailed doscrip-
.lon of lands offered.
311 Fraternity Bldg., LINCOLN, NEBR.
COL. D. F. BRYSON, Auctioneer.
AUGUST, 1920.
BE IT ORDAINED by tho Mayor
and Council of tho City of North
Platte, Nebraska:
Section 1. Thero is hereby appro
priated tho entire proceeds of tho oc
cupation tnxes except tho occupation
tax on Firo Insuranco Companies, col
lected during tho fiscal year beginning
tho second Monday in August, 1920,
for general revenue purposes includ
ing salaries of said City Officials.
Section 2. Thero Is hereby appro
priated tho whole proceeds of tho City
Occupation tax on Firo Insuranco
Companies for tho use of tho North
Platto Firo Department.
Section 3. Thero is hereby appro
priated tho whole proceeds of tho
City's levy of six mills for water bond
Interest to pay intorest and principal
for tho Ono Hundred Thousand Dol
lar Water Bonds horctoforo issued by
said City to bo known as tho Water
Bond Interest Fund of 1920.
Section 4. Thero Is hereby appro
priated all of tho City's levy of three
mills for Sowor Bond Intorost to pay
Interest and principal of Twenty-five
Thousand Dollar Sower Bonds horcto
foro issued by said City to bo known
as Sower Bond Intorest Fund of 1920.
Section G. Thorj Is hereby appro
priated tho whole proceeds of tho
City's levy of ono-half mill for Bridgo
Bond interest to pay intorest and
principal of tho Twelve Thousand Dol
lar Bridgo Bonds heretofore Issued by
tho said City, to bo known as tho
Bridgo Bond Intorost Fund of 1920.
Soction G. Thoro Is hereby appro
priated tho wholo proceeds of tho
City's levy of ono-half mill for Bridgo
Bond interest to pay Intorest nnd
principal of tho Ten Thousand Dollar
Bridgo Bonds heretofore issued by
said City, to bo known as tho Bridgo
Bond Intorest Fund of 1920.
Section 7. Thoro Is hereby appro
priated tho wholo proceeds of tho
city's lovy of ono-half mill for Firo
Station Bond intorost to pay interest
and principal of tho Twolvo Thousand
Dollar Firo Station Bonds heretofore
issued by said City, to bo known as
tho Firo Station Bond Interest Fund
of 1920.
Soction 8. Thoro Is horeby appro
priated tho wholo proceeds of tho
City's lovy of ono-half mill for Park
Bond Tntorest to pay tho lutorost nnd
principal of tho Twolvo Thousand Dol
lar Park Bonds horetoforo issued by
said City to bo known as tho Park
Bond Intorost Fund of 1920.
Section 9 Thero Is horeby appro
prlated tho wholo proceeds of tho
City's levy of throe-fourths mill for
Paving Bond Interest to pay interest
and principal of tho SIxteon Thousand
Dollar Paving BondH horctoforo is
sued by said City, to bo known as tho
Paving Interest Fund of 1920.
Section 10. Thero is hereby appro
priated tho wholo proceeds of tho
City's lovy of three mlllB to bo ex
pended in tho maintenance of tho Pub
Ho Library in said City for said Fiscal
year- to bo known as the. Public Li
brary Fund for 1920.
Soction 11. Thoro is hereby appro
priated the wholo proceeds of tho
CIts lovy of threo mills to bo ex
ponded and used for amusements: for
laying out, improving and beautifying
city parks, and for tho payment of
salaries and wages of persons em
ployed in tho performance of such
labor o bo know as tho Park Fund
of 1920.
Section 12. Thero is hereby appro
priated tho wholo proceeds of said
City's lovy of five mills to provido and
pay for tho llgthlng of tho streets nnd
alloys for said fiscal year, to bo known
ns tho Street Lighting Fund of 1920.
Soction 13. Thoro is heroby appro
priated tho wholo of tho proceeds ot
said City's levy of two and ono-half
mills to pay tho expenses of malm
tonnnco of tho city sowors including
tho oxpenso of flushing tho same dur
ing said fiscal year, to bo known ns
tho Sower Maintcnanco Fund of 190.
Section 14. Thero is hereby appro
priated tho wholo proceeds of tho
City's levy of six mills for tho main
tenance of tho Firo Department in
eluding salaries and Firo protection
for said fiscal year, to bo known as
tho Firo Fund of 1920.
Section 15. Thero is hereby appro
priated all of tho City's lovy of two
and ono-half mills to bo oxpended In
the maintenance and un-kcep of tho
romoterv for s.ild fiscal year, to bo
known ns tho Ofcmefory Fund of 1920.
Section 10. Thero is hereby nppro-
nrlntcd the wholo nroceods of tho
Cltv'q lovy of fivo mills to bo oxnond
ed nnd used for tho payment of sal
nrtos and maintcnanco nf tho Pollco
Force within the said city, to bo
known ns the Police Forco Fund ot
Section 17. Thoro is heroby appro,
printed tho wholo of tho City's lew
nf ono mill to bo expended nnd used
for tj)o procuring of music, enter
tntnmonlR and amusements, within tho
"iM o,ltv. to be known as tho MurIc
Fund of 1920.
Soction 18. Thoro Is horeby appro
priated tho proceeds of tho Incomo of
the. Water Dopartmont of said city for
said fiscal year to bo oxpended in tho
pavmont of salaries, oxponsos and
mnlntonanco. ronownls and extensions
of the said Water Works for Raid fiscal
vonr, nnd to. bo known ns tho Wafer
Fund of 1920.
Soction 19. Thoro Is hereby appro
priated out of tho City's lovy of four
teen mills for General Fund, tho sum ment of judgments or other chargos
of $7,000.00 for bridgos, culverts, logully assessed against said city.
streets, grades, drains, side-walks and
Section 20. Thoro is horeby appro
printed nil ot tho remainder of tho
Gonoral Fund Lovy of said city for tho
purposo of paying expenses of City
Elections, incidontl labor and general
incidental oxponsos, nnd for tho pay-
Section 21. This ordinnnco shall tako
effect and bo in forco from nnd aftoi.
its passago, approval and publication
according to lnw.
Passod and npproved this 3rd day
ot August, 1920. i
A. F. STREITZ, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. Elder. City Clork (SEAL)
the; CHILDRENS, mouthpiece to joyland.
Lot them drluk and bo merry Nowi Next tituo and always Tho
STAR BOTTLE tho vlslblo testimonial of tho STAR goodness.
Your favorite flavor 10 cents tho bottlo: cheapor by tho caso.
Little Children nnd grown ups lovo to drink STAR beverages tho
individual bottlo.
Putsvyour palato In delightful touch with tho luscious fruit flavoroN
Put up In tho dlstinctlvo bottlo.
Originators of Bettor Bovoragcs.
Wood Brothers all steel individual thrasher
complete with weigher and loader
Power Hay Press, the money maker,
with self-feeder
. $650.00
These prices at North Platte and while
our present stock lasts.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
Phone 34