The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1920, Image 5

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J Sanford Hartman loft yesterday for
Omaha to spend a few days.
Davo Rankin, of Bridgeport, trans,
acted business In tho city yesterday.
Dr. Morrill, .Dentist, office over
Wilcox Department Store. '
Miss AHco Baker, )5t Omaha, cam
Sunday to visit at tho homo of Dr.
Geo. B. Dent
Major General Wood passed thru
the city yesterday enrouto from Chi
cago to Denver.
Oscar Olson, of Swactwatcr,
Saturday to visit at tho D. A. Russel
home for a few days.
..Steam Baths, illn'ssnge nnd Electric
STrcatmcnt nt 312 East Gtlt, St. Phono
897. Mrs. Arthur Hush. tf.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Uttorback left
Sunday for Arap'ahoo whero they wll
visit for a few days'.
Miss Cora Souser underwent an
oporatlon on her tonsils Sunday nt
fho Platto Valley Hospital.
Miss Esslo Wcssburg and sister
Mrs. McCoy left Sunday for Ogdon
and expect to be gone two weeks.
Dr. H. 0. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bide. Phono US
Mrs. Fred Miller, of Fromont, who
has been visiting her mother Mrs. D.
Cox will leavo for her homo today.
Dick Hadley, of Lincoln, who has
been employed with tho P. F. E. in
this city this summer will leave this
evening fori Minnesota.
Try tho. Rexall first, it pays. 14tf
.Mrs. A. Stearns and daughter and
Miss Helen Rodlno will leavo tonight
for Cleveland whero tho lattor will
mako her homo in tho future.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Popejoy and
daughter Mary Maxino aro expected
to arrive homo tomorrow after visit
ing for two weeks at Waterloo, la.
Judgo Grimes and Claudo Delancy,
who have been trout fisliing at Wal
don, Colo., for two weeks aro oxpectea
home tomorrow or the day following.
Tho Old Lino Llfo Man,
lies. Phono 1138. Offico Phone G12J
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Don leavo this
week for Big Creek, near Encamp
ment, Wyo., whero they will camp out
and fish for trout ror a couple of
The Phi Gama Deltas of this cfty
had a get to gethor dinner last even
ing in honor of Dick Hadley, of Lin
coln, who will leavo tomorrow for
Mrs. T. C. Patterson and daughter
Miss Edith left yesterday for Colfax,
Iowa, whero they will visit for sever
al weeks. Mr. Patterson will jolt,
them tomorrow.
Mrs. Dan Roberts and son are ex
pected tomorrow to visit friends in
tho city enrouto from Chcyenno to
Detroit. Mrs. Roberts was a former
resident of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckley return
ed "Saturday from a five weeks visit
with relatives in Portland. On tho
westward trip they stopped several
days in tho Glacier park.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Langford and
two sons leavo this week for Estes
Park where they will remain for two
or threo weeks. Mr. Langford owns a
cabin in tho Thompson canyon which
they will occupy while In tho park.
SWtor Clotilda loft Saturday for
Miss Julia Gleason loft Sunday for
Grand Island and St. Joe.
MIsa Gladys Stogatl returned Sat
urday from-a two weeks visit In Mo.
Dixon & Sbn grind their own lensos.
Dave Jordon, Qf Albany, N. Y. loft
today after visiting D. 'GraVos for &
Miss Nell Cooney came from Over
ton Saturday aftor visiting her pnr
ents for a week.
When In North Platto Btop at the
New Hotel Palace abd Cafe. You will
be treated well. 68tf
Miss Evallno Duffey of Shorldan is
tho guest of. Mr. and Mrs. E. Souder
mart this week.
Dr. Mitchell and family left Satur
day for Wyoming whore they will
spend a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Win. Welch returned Saturday
from Florida whero she had been visit
Ing relatives for somo time.
Miss Florenco Gough has boon, elec
ted to teach tho McNeel school nlno
miles northwest of tho city.
Misses Helen and Ruth Krler, of
Salt Lako, visited at tho L. C. McGraw
homo Saturday enrouto east.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simmons and
children left Saturday for Hastings
whero they will spend a. week.
Mrs. Robin Taylor, of Wray, Colo.',
left Saturday after visiting at tho homo
of Miss Ruth Davidson for a few days.
Mrs. W. C. Shelver and son Teddy
left Saturday for Evanston, Colo., and
Salt Lako City to spend a couple of
The Rexall handles the goods. 14tf
A telegram was received yesterday
from tho Post Offico Department at
Washington, saying that North .Platto
is approved as ono of tho ten stations
of tho transcontlnotal mall service
provided a suitable landing field 1
secured nnd tho necessary buildings
neglect it. Yours mr.y bo needing at
tention now. To bo on tho "safe side"
come to us for consultation or exam
ination. If we find your eyes function
ing normally we'll bo glad to toll you
so with congratulations. If not wtf
will be glad to advise you of tho prop
er courso to pursue. Dixon & Son,
Sight Specialists.
Tho subscription rate of tho Daily
and Sunday B.eo outside of, Omaha has
advanced to $9 a year.. Explaining this
increaso tho ma'haement says: Thoro
has been an increasa oi over .350 in
tho cost of print paper sinco 1914. Tho
Tribune still maintains tho $2 a year
in advance prico but wo do not know
how long wo will be able to continuo
this rate.
Tho Soeberger-Halllgan-Baro auto
iparty returned tho latter part of last
week from their trip to tho Yellow
stone Park, returning homo via Salt
Lako and through northern Utah and
Colorado. They drove north from
Cheyenne to Cody and through the
Shoshone cr.nyon Into tho park whero
they spent seven days. Aftor making
the park they left through tho south
entrance down to Jackson lako thence
across the Teton mountains Into Ida
ho. Tho trip, which covered twenty
four hundred miles, was one of almost
continuous scenic splendor.
The screen's dynamic dare-devil in his latest thriller
3 Cold Coins"
You can rely on anything you buy from us because we
never put any but RELIABLE jewejry in our s.tore. While we
have many inexpensive1 things they are yet trustworthy.
We invite yoa to come in and see our jewelry and jewel
ry store things whether you now desire to purchase or not, It
is always a pleasure to show our goods' and we never urge you
to buy.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Hwley Pennington went east this
Chas. Waltors returned this morn
ing from a business trip o Laramie.
Henry Hansen returned thli morn
ing from a business trln to Omaha.
Pat Murphy returned to Paxton this
morning nftcr visiting friends in tho
city for a few days.
Judgo Woodhurst returned from
Paxton yosterday whoro ho trans ed
legal business.
E. A. Olson returned to his homo in
Lowollen nfter transacting business
in this city for a few. days
Albert Logan, of San Antonio,
Texas, arrived last evening nnd v ill
It I ., I . M.n nr. TT..1.1 1
riDH, ui. iuu Will. IIUUUUIU nUUlCi ,
Mis Mabel McVlckor camo yesterday
from Lexington and will leavo today
for Chappol and Alliance.
Miss Bernice Clinton and Julia Sul
livan, of Iowa, camo yesterday to visit
their aunt Mrs. James Hart.
Treasurer Sam Souder of North
Platto was among tho visitors iiere
Sunday. Brady Vindicator.
F. W. Hanson and Miss Mario Poter
son left this morning for their homo
in Wlnett, Montana, after visiting at
tho Peterson home.
Fred Rasmussen, editor of the Her
shoy Times, is in tho city on busi
ness yesterday and today. Ho reports
several good rains thoro recently.
Silver Leaf Camp No. 301, Royai
Nolghbos of America will meet tomor
row afternoon at threo o'clock. All
Neighbors aro requested to attond.
The cottage built to house tho Platto
Valley Bank while its now homo was
being completed, ft being moved oft
tho pavement and tho street will soon
be cleared.
C. M. Newton returned Saturday
night from his trip to Estes Park.
Mrs. Newton, Donald Newton, Edmund
Dickey and Kenneth Wholan will re
turn today.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred BJorklund re
turned homo Monday afternoon from
North Platto, whero thoy visited a
few days with their daughters, Missci
Hattlo and Lydla. Gothenburg Tlmo3.
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Malono i ado
tho trip from Denver, yesterday In
Mr. Malonoy's car. Mrs. Malonoy s" oil
tho trip well and Is about recovered
from tho effects of her experience.
Tho Methodist Aid Society will hola
Its regular meeting In tho church
parlors next Thursday evening. Tho
hosteses aro Mosdamcs Leypoldt.
Hartman, Cox, Farmer and Aldrlcli.
Ladies who havo recently Joined tho
church aro especially invited.
Miss Gladys Cornwoll entertained a
number of her friends last Saturday
night in honor of Miss Erma "White
head of Wood River. Othor out of
town guests wero Misses Rhodes and
Seaman of Kearney and Mls3 "Wlck
wlro of Grand Island. Rofroshmonts
wero sorved and n good tlmo is ro
portod by thoso who attended.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet this after
noon at tho homo of Mrs. Rose Loudon
C02 S. Pino. Special business will bo
tho election of offlcors for tho coming
year and tho selection of dologate3 to
tho stato convention at David City.
Wo also want to announco tho boostor
meeUng to bo hold at Hcrshey and
Sutherland in tho near future Mrs
MInnIo Perkins, Press Supt.
Tho writer and his family rccontly
took a trip through tho canyons of
tho BIgnoll country and returned over
thd Jack Morrow flats by way of tho
Experiment Station. Wo woro th
guests of Mr. and MrB. "W. J. Ilendy
on tho trip as well us at tho flnb" pic,
nio dinner which was onjoyod in tho
canyons at tho Experimental Station.
Wo Baw somo fino fields of corn ami
alfalfa and from tho number of shocks
of small grain to tho pcrri wo would
Judgo it is a bumper crop,
Ladies' Silk Hose
We have been fortunate in securing a limited quantity ol Ladies
Silk Hose in seconds or hese that have slight imperfections in them
These hose are bought by us as are' and will be sold to customers the
same way. That is yoif will not be allowed to pick over the lot but will'
have to buy any pair ofyour siza and coloryou wish just as they come.
We have"hose in ouifstock inthe seme quality but perfect but they will
cost you $1.02 a pair more in perfect goods than they do in these seconds.
LOT 1. Colors,, brown, navy
grey or black,pcrpair. . . .
LOT 2. Colors grey or
Black, per pair.
You will find these hose displayed cn cur Bcrgoirt Square clcrg with
many other items that will interest you.
Stato Agent nt Work.
H. Moore, stato agent for Prohibi
tion enforcement, was in tho city Sun
day and rounded up soveral suspected
of soiling booze. An employee of C
H. Wholan was suspected and the
Whelan business room was raldod but
no Hquor Is reported to havo been
Boy ScoiOff to Camp.
Tomorrow morning, Camp Mroctor
Elmor Stephens and his troops ot
scouts leavo for tho Stato Boy couts
Camp at Columbus. Thoy will bo quar
tered at Camp Sholton, tho state camp
of tho Y. M. C. A.' Tho following boys
will go: Robert. Walsh, Paul Overman,
Beolor Scott," Romalno Throckmorton,
Harrison Tout and threo others whoso
names could not bo learned.
Miss Ruth Hubbard is assisting In
Dr. Solby' offico during tho absence
of Miss Cora Souser.
Mrs. E. B. Cummlng left yesterday
for SIdnoy whero she will visit rela
tlvcs for a fow days.
' Mrs. O. D. Chamborlaln and child
ren loft this morning for Takona,
Wash., to spend threo weeks with rel
atives. Word was received In tho city this
morning that Mrs. Joseph R. Caso
died Aug. tho fifth. Mr. and Mrs. Casey
woro former rosldonts herd and lad
many friends in our city.
Crystal, .
Tonight and Tomorrow
Tho picture which created tho sen
sation of last week in Omaha Movio
Special Tonight Fatty Arbucklo
comedy n
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
RESOURCES JUNE 30, 1920, $1,329,175.53.
Inslnllmont Stock
Tho installment stock of this association is issued in
shares of $200.00 each and may bo subscribed for at any
timo upon tho payment of 25 cents per share entry fee
and a monthly payment of $1.00. This stock earns divi
dends of eight per cent. per annum, compounded semi-annually
and matures in 128 months. This maturity is ef
fected by adding to tho $128.00 paid by tho investor, $72.00s
to cover tho earned dividends for that period.
$10.00 per month so-invested will yield In . 128
months $2000.00.
$10.00 per month so invested will yield in 256
months $6000.00.
Prosidont. Sccrotarv.
' J.t
Saturday evening Mrs. R. C, Lang
ford gavo a dinner party nt tho
Country Club in honor of Cathorlno
Ann Brandt, Thoro woro twolvd guests
After tho dinner tho guosts spent nn
enjoyablo evening.
Tho wheat harvest at tho Experi
mental Station is completed and somo
of tho grain has boon thrashed. Ono
pioco on tho tablo wont 33 bushols to
tho aero. This was on ground which
raised corn last year.