NORTH "PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. DO ALL MY HOUSEWORK Before I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound I could hardily stand, says Mrs. Kwarcinski. Chicago. 111.." 1 nnfrornrl voliU Ma. placement and irregularities nnd I did not Know what to do. My mother advised mc to take Lyditt E. Pinkham's Vege table Comnound and use tho S a n a t i v o wasn so i iook tier advico and used these remedies and cured myself. Ifeel fino and do all my housework which I could not do before, as I could narrilv etand up and I havo three healthy chil dren. You can use this letter if you wish, for your remedy ia certainly won derful for sick, run down women." Mrs. A. Kwarcinski, 3G27 W. Oakdah. Ave., Chicago, 111. For forty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been making women strong and well, relieving back ache, nervousness, ulceration, and in flammation, weakness, displacements, irregularities and periodic pains. It has also proved invaluable in preparing for childbirth and the Change of Life. Women who Buffer are invited to write for free and helpful advico to Lydix.E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con fidential), Lynn, Mass. It is freo and clways helpful. The Antiseptic Powder to Shike Into Your Sboei And sprinkle In tho Foot Bath. -It takes the sting out or. b'orns, minions, Blisters and Callouses and elves rest nnd com fort to hot, tired, smart inc. swollen feet. juoro than 1,500,000 pounds of Towdor for tho l eet vrero used by our Army and Navy curing the war. Alien's ioot- nC'-"" thB . takes tho friction from the shoe, fresh ens tho feet and makes walking a de light. t Nothing relieves the pain of tight or new shoes so quickly or thoroughly. Try It to-day. Sold everywhere. Women Made Young Bright eves, a clear olein and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system In order by regularly taking Th world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, blrdder end uric acid troubloa, the ncmies of llio and looks. In use since 1696. AH druggists, tr-reo sires. look for the name Gold Medal on ovary box end accept no imitation Thousands of Happy Housewives in Western Canada are hulplnp their husbands to prosper are triad they encouraged them to bo where they could make a home of their own Bave payinfr rent and reduce the cost of living where they could reach prosperity and independence by buying on cimy terms Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land similar to that which through many years has yielded from SO to 45 buahela of wheat to the ncre. Hundreds of farmers in Western .Canada have raised crops in a single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. With such crops come prosperity. Inde pendence, good homes, and all the com forts and conveniences which make for happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying: are sources of Income second only to train growing and stock raising. Good climate, good neighbors, churches, schools, rural telephone, etc., give you the opportunities of a new land with the conveniences of old settled districts. For Illustrated literature, mapa. descrip tion of farm opportunities In Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, reduced railway rates, etc., write Department of Immigration. Otto Can., or W. V. BENNETT Boom 4, Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb, Pwn7tln nnvrnmnt Aent. HOT WEATHER Hits the Stomach Hardest Chicago, m. Hot weather upsets tho strongest stomnch nnd causes serl 'ous trouble for the weak ones, so word is now going out to thousands of eatonlc users thnt they should, dur ing this hot weather, be on the safe side and take one eatonlc tablet about half an hour before meals, as well as after eating. Do this nnd keep the excess nclds nnd poisonous gases from forming In stomnch and bowels. Eatonlc acts quickly; It will help the appetite nnd take away tho hot-weather, feverish, thirsty feeling from mouth and stomach, because It takes up the excess nclds, poisons and cases and' carries them out of the body nnd, of course, when the cause of tho trouble Is removed, there can bo no bad feeling. Eatonlc Is like n bit of candy, and Is recommended to nil ns n snfe, sure remedy these hot days for stomach and bodllyetroubles, caused from overeating and drinking cold things. Adv. r bfk. Or. CM. Drry Michigan Auw CMcaiv. drsa-rlat W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 31-1920. I Nl L IU DDTJ EVENING M TAIE 0 Mary Grahany n as h MR. DOWNY WOODPECKER. "Gossip," said Mr. Downy Wood pecker, "Is wrong. Yes, Mrs. Downy, It Is wrong. More tlinn thnt, It Is unfair, JJore thtiu (lint, It Is uiitnnj More tliiin that. It Is unkind." "Gracious," said Mrs. Downy, "It Is n great deal to ho nmn; than nil those things you've mentioned. nut," Willi sinllo bonk, blltlltl menu, rlie snhl, n sweet upon hur "I under wlmt you Our family lias been gossiped about. Alas I how often I've Offering Them. heard people say tlmt we're like our cousins, the Sapsuckcrs, because we boro Into the tree, so folks think, for Bap. If they'd only come nnd look at our tongues they'd see how wrong this Is. They'd see thnt our binned tongues would never do for that. "IJtit do you suppose they bother? Not a bit of It. They cling lo the old, old story. And they don't enro about being set right. Why, it's n surprise to me thnt folks Uon't come around anil say. 'Hey. there, Mrs. Downy, let's have a look nt your tongue to see If .all tills talk Is gossip or not.' "That Is whnt I should think they would say, so they would make sure whether their stories were true or not. "I've known so ninny people and creatures who have repented what they've heard without bothering to find out In the llrst place whether It was true or not. "That's such n mistake. "So much trouble can be caused that way. "Hut I must, tell you Itow muchI think of the lady who lives In thnt white house yonder. She doesn't gos sip. She doesn't complain., Iiut she does sny how nice things are. "Yon know there are some "people who like to pay how nice things nre, and others who really hate to admit that everything Is all right. They would rather complain nnd wish they had something else or thnt things were different. "Thnt I cannot understnnd. "Now the lndy In the white house Is getting ready for some visitors. She Is picking flower.1? so as to innko their rooms look bright nnd nay. for she says they come, from the city, where there are no (lowers, or rather I shorld say. gardens with flowers. "And I've heard her say, 'Look nt the little woodpeckers, having such n good time.' She has put out bread crumbs and suet and n little pan of watr nnd Is offering them to nny bird visitors who mny come to call on her. "But, oh. I do wish folks would see that our tongues nre different from the way they must think them to he In order to tell the gossipy story which some of them do tell." "To be sure we don't stick out our tongues rudely, but we would show by tho wny we bore Into trees which hnvo live wood for the delicious milky drinks to bo found In; or In dead wood for little uoilcloiis bugs, thnt we aren't hnrmful sapsuckers. They'd see If only they'd look." "Ah, yes," said Mr. Downy, "Just ns I sny, gossip Is wrong." He wns perched on the side of n tree, mnklng n great deal of racket, and Mrs. Downy was on the other side of the ree. He wore a hand ffoMie suit, so Mrs. Downy thought, of black nnd white, with n very dnshlng red patch of feathers at the back of his head. Mrs. D o w n y ' s dress was much the same In color, but she didn't wenr the red feathers, becnuse Bhe wanted her Beating Their Drums. Downy mate to be the more stylish of the two. "I love people," said Mr. Downy. "I like u sociable life. I enjoy making n noise, drumming for food, and drum ming for love," ho notled softly. Mrs. Downy put her head on one side, shy ly. "We're not like the quarrelsome sparrows," said Mrs. Downy. . "Let's sing n song nnd give n band concert or n drum concert to tell folks we like company." So Mr. and Mrs. Downy began beat ing their drums on the bark of the tree and tunny of their' family Joined them. Mr. Downy led tho band, sing ing gaily: I heat a drum, and bo do wo all, My drum Is the bark of a tree. And If you come around some day I'll rub-a-dub-dub for thee. Why Snakes Were Made. Little Nettle Mammn, I know why God made snakes. Mamma Why, dear? Little Nettie When be got through making the world it was full of holes, so he made the snakes to 1111 up tho hnlcH. TUX e.4.' " lt Ml. i-J L. V lmLJ TREASURES OF BUDDHIST ART Marvelous Collection Presirved for Centuries In the Temple of DalgoJI In Japan. , rnlgoJI, the bend "'tuple of the Onn school of, the Shlnjron sect of Bud dhlsin In Japan, situated not fnr from Kyoto, In the UJI olstrlct, suggests by Its name Is relation to Emperor Dnlgo, who reigned from 803 to KW. Its name originated from we fac that Its founder, Abbot Shoho, came to this village and exclaimed after he drank from an old fanner's spring: "Tho water was as good as dalgol" It Is a Buddhist word meaning an unctuous rich liquor. The posthumous title of the emperor must have originated from bis devotion to tho temple nnd Its founder, as well as from his burial In the temple grounds. Bare specimens of Buddhist nrt and literature, carefully preserved as the temple treasures of DalgoJI, and ex hibited recently nt Toklo, through the efforts of Dr. Katsum! Korolta of the editorial staff of blstorlographleal materials In Toklo imperial university, bring the story of the temple down to .'t(X) years ago. Among the pecu liar paintings In the temple nre the 'llower viewing screens," .pictures of horse training and n collection of fan paintings said to be tire treasures. . In the literary collection there Is an Illustrated copy of the third roll of "Scripture of Cause and Effect of the I'ast and the Present." It wis made nearly 1,200 years ago, but the colors in the picture nre as fresh ns the present day pigments. This scroll Is considered the oldest thing extant In Japan of colored nrt on paper. TREES. GIVE MILKLIKE JUICE Tropica Provide Pretty Fair Substi tute for the Animal Product In Use In Nortlurn Climes, " In British Gulnnn and the West Indies, particularly on the banks of the Blver Demenira, there grows a tree known to the natives as the hyn hyn, which yields from Its bark ami pith a Juice slightly richer and thicker thnn cow's milk. The tree Is about forty feet high and eighteen Inches In circumference when full grown, mid the nnyves use Its Juice ns wo use milk. It being perfectly harmless nnd mixing well with water. The Cingalese have ii tree they call It klrlaghumn which yields n tin Id in all respects like milk; while In. the forests of I'nra grows a tree called the mnssenodendron, which gives a mllkllke Juice. It can bo kept for an indefinite time nnd shows no tendency to become sour. On the other hand, certain trees In the valleys of Aragua and In Cnuagua yield a similar fluid, which, when ex posed to the nlr, begins to form Into a kind of chese, which very soon becomes sour. In the Canary Islands there Is n tree called tabaya dolce, of which the milk, thickened Into u jelly, Is con sidered n delicacy. Unpleasant Dreams. A London chemist, dreiimlng thnt he had swallowed poison by mistake, rose from the chair In which he had fallen asleqp and, so vivid had the dream been, he went to the shop and took an antidote. But this, In the absence of real poison, began to poi son him, and before he realized the inlstnke the error was beyond repair. In another case a mnn, after a heat ed argument vlth n visiting friend, dreamed' thnt his guest was In his room molesting lilm. He actually "felt" rough hands on his body, Jumped out of bed, and ran to bis friend's room. There he attacked his Innocent "assnllant" so violently that the latter was confined to bed for sev eral weeks. Bachelor to the Rescue. In a street car the other day I sat olieetly behind a woman who was try ing desperately to untie il face veil. 1 wns fiifcclnr.ted by her persistant but fruitless attempts to untie the veil who one hand while with the other sl.e clutched her nos glasses, which were helplessly entangled in It. I was Just wondering why somo woman pas senger did not offer assistance, when she turned to me and said: "Pardon me, but would you be kind enough to see if you can unfasten this veil." After frantic efforts, amid the sup pressed merriment of the passengers I came out victor. But I was a much embnrrassed bnchelor. Exchange. Ostrich Plumes. Ostrich plumes are not actually plucked, by the wny. They are cut pruned with no damage or pain to the bird. When the feathers nre "ripe" the ostriches nre driven Into a V shaped enclosure. Their heads are covered with a hood like a stocking, which renders them trnt'table. The wings nre spread by the man doing the "plucking" nnd tho feathers are clipped off fairly close to the llesh. This does not hurt tho bird In the least and within sixty days the dead quill ends drop out of their own ac cord. The tall feathers are also clipped. Kept Fish Alive. During the recent storm several au tomobiles got Into such deep water at Pennsylvania and Twenty-second streets that. they had to atop until the Hood abated, One member of a fish ing party climbed out on the rminlnjr bonrd of his car and carefully tied a net of live fish to n spoke nnd calmly dropped . It Into the water. Indian unollH News. iUXfflNQ3 CONSERVE WINDFALL APPLES Culls and Imperfect Fruit Can Ba Canned for Home Consumption During Entire Year. Apples that fall off the tree or are Imperfect may not keep well nor llnd a ready sale, but they can be used satisfactorily to make apple products. These products uiv available for homo consumption throughout the entire which Is an advantage worthy of the consideration of apple growers. The following recipes recommended by the United .Slnles department of agriculture will utilise the windfalls and culls. Do not can any decayed part nor allow apples to become over ripe before canning. Wash the apples, which, must be reasonably linn. Ucnlove core nnd blemishes (pare. If desirable when for Immediate use). Place whole apples In blanching tray or blanching cloth and blanch In boiling wnter' for two minutes, Bemove nnd plunge quickly Into cold water. Pack In large, empty glass Jars or gallon tin cans. Pour over the product n hot, thin sirup of about IS di grees density. This Is made In the proportion of 24 pounds of sugar to OU quarts of water. i'lnce rubber and top In position. Seal partially, not tight. If using tin cans, cap and tip completely. Process half-gallon or gallon containers 120 minutes In boil ing water In homemade or hot-water bath outfit; 15 minutes In water-seal; 10 minutes In steam-pressure outfit, with 5 pounds of steam pressure. Re move Jars, tighten covers, Invert to cool, nnd test Joints. Wrap In paper and store. The time of heating will have to be varied according to ripe ness and condition of the fruit. Use Just enough time to sterilize perfectly, nnd yet not enough to change the col or or reduce the pulp to sauce. Firm and tart apples may be cored and peeled first, then canned by the above recipe. Apples canned whole may be used for tho following pur poses : A brenkfnst dish, with cream and stignr added; baked, like fresh apples; apple salad; a relish with roast pork the apples may be fried In the pork fat; apple dumplings, deep apple pie, m rl win ! Packing Apples in Yakima Valley. and other desserts In which whole apples are desirable. The sirup of conned whole apples can be used for pudding sauces or fruit drinks. SIZING HOPPER FOR FRUITS Saves Much Hand Labor and increases Value of Product Plan for Building One. A simple sizing hopper for small fruits and berries saves a world of bund labor and raises the market value of the fruit. A frame, built like nn ordinary screen with bnck and sides of eight-Inch board, should be I three feet wide nt the large end and taper to 18 Inches. .Make the slatted bottom of any sultnble material. The width of the slatR apart depends upon the size of the product to be sorted. The Joggle cam must be of hardwood. As the crank Is turned the slatted sec tion vibrates up and down separating the fruit Into largo and small sizes which run Into different bnrrels. GOOD COLD STORAGE HOUSES Should Be So Constructed as to Main tain Practically Uniform Tem perature for Apples. Cold storage houses should be so constructed and equipped as to main tain a practically uniform tempera ture of from HI degrees to 32 degrees F. for the successful storage of apples. Thero should be sufficient spaces to permit a free-air circulation and to render en eh lot readily accessible to Inspection and withdrawal. Contain ers should be clean and strongly built. DAMAGE BY CURRANT APHIS Louse Sucks Sap and Curls Lea.ves Can Be Controlled by Spraying With Oil Emulsion. The currant aphis, a form of plnnt louse, sucks tho sap nnd curls tho lenves. It Is easily controlled by sprny Ing with an oil emulsion spray or n nicotine solution. The Inject Is found clustered on the lower surface pf the lenves. Perfect Health is If the Blood is Kept Pure Almost Every Humrtn Ailment Is Directly Traceable to Im purities in the Blood. You should pay particular heed to nny indication that your blood supply is becoming aluggish, or thnt there is a lessening in its etrong nnd vital force. By keeping your blood purified, your system more easily wards off disease that Is ever present, wag ing to attack whe'evo- Ihcro ia nn Nebraska Hotel Castle I 032 S. lCUi Stroot Omaha, Neb. Now, nlwolutclr tlroproof. 300 ItOOMB With private toilet 11.15; with nrlTiilo bath 11.75 to US.W FRED A. CASTLE, Proprietor DOCTORS MACII & MACIT, DENTISTS Thlm Floor I'imon Mock 16th nnd F.tnmSti.,Omli,Nlj. lliat rmilpprri dental oAltn ln()ra Mm. UtManibl i Hfn. Hiorlnl discount lo all pooplo llTlntf ouuido ot Omaha. Highest Prices So a Cream Shlo direct to manufacturer and eliminate thn mid (Jleman. Ship any day si wo will cla you benefit of nil raises In price wliila croam is in transit. Wa quarantes asrvica and good satisfaction. ALA.MIT0 DAIRY CO., Omaha, Neb. Electric Service on Automobiles Atwater-Kcnt Auto-l.ilu Iiljurc Connecticut Dixie Gray & Datls North-East Slaiaishuff Wcstiagliousc 44, Sxtoc"-BOSCH AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CORP. OMAHA. NEMtASKA TS IL Sill 1 1 united fiorows Service I PR. BRADBIUI2Y, DENTBST 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work cuarantfled 1 0 years. Fillings, Crowns, Bridco-work, Plates and Extracting. Homo treatment for Gum Disoasos, tightens teeth and presorvos health. It will pay you to como for this Quality Work. Send for Booklet , U31 WOODMEN OF WORLD CI U I lD I NO, OMAHA. N B B. "Can't Cut Off My Leg"! Says Railroad Engineer' 'I am a rntlroad onclnoer: about 20 years ngo my lei; was sorlouBry Injured In an accident, out west, upon my remains to allow tho doctor to amputate It 1 wan tolil it would do impoMime to nrni trie wound. I havo tried all kinds of Milves nnd had many doctors In tho past years, but to no nvnll. Finally I resolved to 1180 I'lSTlSHKUN'S OIKTJIUKT on my leu. You cannot ImaKlno my astonish ment when I found It was dolnp what over 100 thlnes had failed to do. My leg is now completely cured." ous naurt, iw Myrtle avenue, urooitiyn, jn. v. ureur for nil. PTemt old nren nnd nil f'dn dlscnecs. 60 cents. Mall orders filled. Mm Oln'rr-int Po rr . nulTnln. N. Y- Cold Water Has Odd Use. For yonrs slouin litis lioon used for tliinvliiK tliu frozen boII of niliiliii; claims In AIiihUii, In Mlto of (lllllciiltloa Now It liast lii'i'ii dlKcovt'tcd thnt cold surf nee will or. which of coiirsu la wiinuiM- Hum tho Ki'Oiinil, Ih n much hotter ihnwIiiK medium thnn cither .steiiiu or hot wnter, Mutes Pnpuhir Me cliiinlcs Mitwizlne. Tills neeinlnf; pur iidox Is expliilned by the fuct thnt the siiiienihiinihint hent milts of steiun rlh'e rtuililly iiroiiinl the pipe, untl nre wnnt ed, hiht tho few licit units cnrrled by the cold water remain in tho ground and do their work slowly but ther (Highly. In one test in tno JJoiiie dis trict, u IMnch pipe wns Inserted In n (Much drilled hole, nnd fed with 20 gallons of water a minute nt n Icin (leraturo of 5-2 degrees 1, tho ground being nt 'iS degrees. In !i0 hours an 8-foot cylindrical thaw had been made. Recognizing Her Likeness. Lucy was gazing through tho win dow of the local photographer, her eyes glued on u certain picture. It was the nnntiiil procession' of school children through tile village. "Mary!" she shrieked excitedly to her friend. "Come 'ere I" "What's tho matter, Lucy?" asked (he other. "You see the photo of Annie Smith on the third row there?" "Yes," replied Mary. "An' you hoo tho pnlr o hoots be hind Annie?" "Yes." "Well, thnt's me." Los Angeles Times. Good Judgment leads thousands of housewives to serve f GfapesNuts in place of foods that require hours of drudgery in a hot kitchen. JVeeds No Sugar Comes ready to eat from the package. "There's a Reason 'for GrapeNuts Yours opening. , few bottles of S. S. S. tho great vcgctnblo blood mcdicino, will rovitnlizo your blood nnd glva you new strength nnd a healthy, vigorous vitality. Everyono needs it just now to keep tho system in perfect condition. Go to your drupr storo and get n bottle to-dny, nnd If you need any medical advico, you can obtain it without cn3t by writ ing to Medical Director, Swift Spe cific Coj. 112 Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Gn. Directory Hotel Loyal, Omaha Take Dodce Street Cr From Station ABSOLUTELY nitnPROOF Pafnc l$l.50 up without bath. Xtait, ti.ys up with Uth. Ttio Hotel With a Reputation H0U5T0UN R. IIARrER rropiUton CIIAS. J.KR1CL OMAHA PIPE CO. Importer nnd Jobbors PIPES AND SMOKERS' SUNDRIES EXPERT PIPE REPAIRING 1503 Howard Street, Omnha, ith. rartMt R ! Tu4 tlor. .4 Offlr. rtilar. ItKtl la ImtrUa, t ofj Onr 63.000 turn V,t, OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY CI). S. V. Cor. 11th and Doualaa Si.., Omaha, Nb. Ulrs. ot MODERN STORE, OFFICE and BANK FIXTURES Phono Douglaa 3ii4,' All m ask It a obanio to bid. MID-WEST ELECTRIC CO. 1807 Hurncy St. Onmlm, Nob. 700Chorry HU De Moliivt, In. ELECTRICAL J03DERS niilrlbatort for General Ulectrlo Oo.i Ametletn lClectrloCoTtiepbunt'!i 0. A. Wood l'reseryer Oo, tJT A eood stock ot general mppllcs, both ottlei. 1IOIL1IUS SMOICKSTACKS TWO FIJINTB DRAKE, WSLSJARJS, MOUNT COMPANY Miiln Onioe mill Work 23rd, Hickory and U. !. R. R. l'tioue DotiRliit 1013 1IUAKG1I 20th, Center and C. B. & Q. lMionnPoiiRliia 1111 Oxy-Acoiylcne Welding ' STANDI'! l'ES TANK8 DAISY FLY KILLER SCTSS ALU FLIU3. Nt.t. clein.ornrtmcntfthcon Wnlcnt. eli.ap, Lait all ituon. lima at metal, can't aplll or tlportr; vrlll not coll or In'nra onrthlnir. uaarantMd .ffoctlre. Col'l. by denier, or 6 by Exrr.rss, ortnau. II.E3. lAltom BOMCiU), UO 1)0 Kalu Avo.. Brooklyn. N. Y. GAVE HIM UP IN DISGUST Colored American Put Algerian to tho Supreme Test juid Then Dellv I ered Stern Verdict. Tho total lack of comprehension be tween the American negro and his Algerian brother will go down In his tory as one of the outstanding feature! of the war. There was. for Instance, the ence of the dusky stevedore nt Ilrest and nno of the colored French troops on duty there, Long and laboriously the Yaillc tried to establish some means of lin guistic communication, but thoro vn no response. Then n brilliant thought struck tho boy from Oorgla. llo produced u pair of Ivory cubes and rolled llieni enticingly under tho Aigerlnn's nose. Intelligence still registered zero. "Mnn," Mild Sam In disgust. "You nln't no eullud piisson. You ain't even no liumnn. You Is Just a corpse." The American Legion Weekly. Balled Up the Barber. Judge Hlank Is fond of relntlng how he put one ov- on the barber who wlsluul to make a sale. Tlie man l.iid just shnved him, and wanted to sell him u lotion to use on his fncu when he shnved himself. "Is that what you use on your cus tomers?" asked tho Judge. "No," replied the barber, "It's so expensive I cannot afford it." "If you tnn't afl'nrd It when you get 20 cents for shavinr. a mnn," returned the Juffgc, "how do you expect mo to afford It when 1 shnve myself fop nothing?" Tlie bnrher was nonplussed nnd gnvo up trying to inako tho snlo. Huston Transcript. A man always imagines that ho wants his earth until ho gets sick.