9 NORTH PLATTE SEMT-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. The VALLEY Author of "Cappy Rick" CHAPTER XIII. Continued. 14 Tlio visitor wn accordingly ndmlt jtod to the grcnt man's presence and tfavored with on ofllclnl handshake of Krcnt heartiness. "I've been Imping to have tills pleasure for quite some time. Poiindstone." Uncle announced easily hh he disposed of his hat nnd overcoat on an ndjaccnt chair. Buck's nlert blue eyes opened wide In sympathy wldi his genial mouth, to deluge Mayor PoundBtone with a smile that was friendly, guileless, confidential nnd sin gularly delightful. Mr. Ogllvy was a man possessed of tremendous personal magnetism when he chose to exert It. and that smile was ever the opening gun of his mngnotlc bombardment, for It wns a smile thnt always had the effect of making the observer desire to behold It again of disarming sus picion nnd establishing confidence. "Olnd you did mighty glad." the mayor cried heartily. "I have rend your articles of Incorporation, Mr. Ogllvy. You will recall thnt they were pub lished In tlio Sequoia Sentinel. It .strikes me " "Then you know exactly what we purpose doing, and any further expla nation would be superfluous." Buck Interrupted nmlnbly, glnd to dispose of the matter so promptly. Again ho fa vored the mnyor with his bright smllo. nnd the latter, now fully convinced that here was n young man of vast em prise whom It behooved him to receive tin n whole-hearted and public-spirited manner, nodded vigorous npprovnl. "Woll, that being tho case,. Mr. Ogll vy," he continued, "what can we So quolnns do to make you happy?" "Why, to begin with, Mr. Poundstone, you might ncccpt my solemn assur ances that desplto the skepticism which for some unknown reason np ipenrs'to shroud our enterprise In the .minds of some people, we have Incor porated n railroad company for the purpose of building a railroad. The only thing that can possibly Interfere with tho project will bo the declina tion of the city council to crnnt us n frnncblso to run our line thro"urb the city to tldownter. And I nm glad to iliavc your nssuranco that the city .council will not drop n cold chisel In tho cogs of tho wheels of progress." Mr. Poundstono had given no audi mssurnnco, but for some renson he did 'not feel cqunl to the task of contra dieting this plcnsnnt fellow. Ogllvy continued: "At tho proper tlmo wo H.inll apply for tho fronrhlso. It will then he time enough to discuss It. In the meantime tho N. C. 0. plans a pub lie dedicatory ceremony at tho first 'breaking of ground, and I would ho greatly honored, Mr. Mayor, If you would consent to turn tho first shovel ful of enrth and deliver the address of "welcome upon that occasion." The mnyor swelled like n Thanksglv lug turkey. "Tho honor will ho mine," ho corrected his visitor. "Thank you so much, sir. Well, that's innothcV worry off my mind." With the Itnct of n prlmo minister Buck then jspoko of tho magic effect tho building jot such a .llnp would have upon tho jgrowtli of Sequoln. Sequoia, ho felt icpuyjne.cd, was destined to become a 'city of af least a hundred thousand linhnhltnnts; ho rhapsodized over the progressive plrlt of tho community innd with n vnv of his hand studded 'the walers of Humboldt bay with tho jinnsts of tho world's shipping. Sud 'dcnly he checked himself, glnnced at 'Ills watch, apologized for consuming so irnucli of His Honor's vnluablo time, ex pressed himself fellcllnted at knowing Itho Mayor, gracefully expressed hlsnp jprcclntlon for tho encouragement given hls enterprise nnd departed Half an hour Inter tho Mayor's tele- mhonc-hell rnng. Buck Ogllvy was on Hho lino. "I beg your pardon for both orlng you with my affairs twlco In tho ' 'sanio day Mr. Mayor," bo announced idcprecntlngly, "hut-tho fact Is, a condl Hon has Just arisen which necessitates khe Immedlnte employment of an attor Iney, Tho Job Is not n very Important lono and almost any lawyer would do, lmt In view of the fnet thnt we must, iHOonor or later, employ an attorney to tlook after our Interests locally, It oc curred to mo thnt I might as well mako tho selection of a permanent nttorney now, I am n stranger in this city Mr. Poundstono. Would It he Imposing on hour consideration It I asked you to vecommend Mich n person?" ' "Why, not i all, not ut all I De lighted fo help you, Mr. Ogllvy. Let ane seo now. Cndmnn tc Bancs, with 'offices In the Knights of Pythias Tern iplo. would bo Just tho ronl, ulthough tthere Is Ilodnoy McKcMrlck, In the Chamber of Commerce building a splendid fellow, Mr. Ogllvy, and most tlesirnhle. And If I may bo pardoned a dash of paternal ego. there Is my son IJIenry Pouiidstono, Junior. While Ilonry Ifc a young mnn, his career In the law hns been most gratifying, nl though he hasn't had pn broad an ex iPcrlence as the others 1 mentioned, and perhaps your choice had better He be ',twecn Cadmnn & Bnncs ami Rodney ffllcKendrlck." "Thank you n thousand times," Mr, Ot'Hvy murmured, unri hung up. "We (thought so. Huck. we thnuglit so," ho 'AOllloqiilxei. "Yes. Cadmnn & Banes r Bodiier McKendrlek may do, but By PETER B. KYNE Lord have mercy on the corporate soul of the N. C. O. If I fall to retain Henry Poundstone, Junior. What a wise plan It Is to look up the relatives of n public ofllclnl ! Weill Forward, men, follow meto Henry's office." Henry Poundstono, Junior, proved to be the sole Inhabitant of one rather bare ofllce In the Cardigan block. Buck had fully resolved to give him n re- I'tnlncr of a thousand dollnrs, or even more, If ho asked for it, but after one look at Henry he cut the appropria tion to two hundred nnd fifty .dollars. Young Mr. Poundstone wns blonde and frail, with large round spectacles, rab bit teeth, nnd the swiftly receding chin of tho terrapin. Moreover, he was In such a flutter of anticipation over the nrrlval of a client thnt Buck deduced two things fo-wlt, thnt the Mnyor had telephoned Henry ho wns npt to hnvo a client, nnd that as a result of this miracle, Henry was In no fit state to discuss the sordid subject of fees and retainers. Ergo, Mr. Ogllvy de cided to obviate such discussion now or In the future. He handed Henry a check for two hundred nnd fifty dol lnrs, which ho wrote out on the spot, and with his bright winning smile re marked : "Now, Mr. Poundstone, we will proceed to business. Thnt retain er Isn't a largo one. I admit, but neither Is tho Job I hnvo for you today. Lnter, If need of your services on n Inrger scale should develop, we shall of course expect to mnke a now arrangement whereby you will receive the customnry retnlner of all of . our corporation nt- torheys. I trust that Is satisfactory." "Eminently so," gnsped the young disciple of Blnckstone. "Very well, then; let us proceed to business," Buck removed from a small leather bag a bale of legal-looking documents. "I hnve here." he an nounced, "agreements from landowners nlong tho proposed right of wny of the N. 0. 0. to give to thnt compnny. on demand, within one yenr from date, satisfactory deeds covering rights of wny which are minutely described In tho said agreement. I wish the deeds prepnrcd for signing nnd recording nt the earliest possible moment. 'You Rball hnve them at this tlmo to-morrow," Henry promised. Tho head of Henry Poundstone, i Junior, wndJield high for the first tiioc sinco no, nan nung n mooest. m.mg.o to tho. breezes of Sequoia six months before, nnd there wns an unnccustom ed glenm of lmportnnce In his pnle eyes ns ho rushed Into his father's ofllee In tho city hall. 'By Jinks, Dnd," ho exulted. "I've hooked a fish nt lust nnd he a whop nor. Read this." and ho thrust n vol low telegraph-form under the Mnyor's nose. Tho latter adjusted his glasses nnd rend: "Imperative building operations com mence Immediately. Local skepticism Injurious and delays dangerous. We must show good faith to our New York friends. J. P. M. Insists upon know ing promptly whero we stnnd with Sequoia city council. Seo them Im mediately nnd sccuro temporary fran chise, 1 possible, to enable us to cross Water street nt B street nnd build out Front street. If your Judgment Indi cates no hold-up on pennnnent fran chise, conmitiico nctlve operations Im mediately upon ncqulsltlon of perman ent franchise. "HOCKLEY." This telegram, ns the Mayor observ ed, vhnd been filed nt San Francisco subsequent to Ogllvy's visit to him that afternoon. "Ah-lt-b !" breathed Ills Honor. "That accounts for his failure to bring the matter up at our lntorvlcw. Upon his return to the hotel ho found this tele gram nnd got busy nt once. By Jupiter, this looks like business Henry, how did you come Into posses slon of this telegram?" "It must have been mixed up in the documents Ogllvy left with mo. I found It on my desk when 1 was sort ing out tho papers, nnd In my capnclty of attorney for the N. C. O. I hnd no hesitancy In reading It." Well, I do declnrol Wonder who Hockloy Is." "Hockley doesn't mntter," youn Henry declared triumphantly, "al though I'd bet a hat bo's ono of those heavy-weight Wall street fellows nnd ono of ,T. P. M's vice-presidents, proh ably. J. P. M of course, Is tho mnn behind." "Who tho devil Is J. P. M?" Henry smiled tolerantly upon his Ignorant parent "Well, how may J. Plerpont Morgan do for n guess?" be queried "Hell's bells nnd panther-tracks 1" Muyor Poundstone started as If snuke bitten. "I should say you have hooked a big llsh, Boy, you've landed n whale I Did Ogllvy say anything about future business?' "He did. Said If I proved satlsfae- tory, ho would probably tako me on and pay tho customary retainer given all of their corporation attorneys." "Well, by golly, he'd better tako you on I 1 had n notion thnt chap Ogllvy was smart enough to know which side his bread Is buttered on and who does I he buttering." "If I could guarantee Mr,. Ogllvy GIANTS Copjrlftht by Pettr D. Kyne that temporary franchise mentioned In his telegram, It might help mo to get In right with .7. P. M. nt the start," his hopeful suggested. "Ounrantee It!" his father shouted, "Guarantee 111 Well I should snlckerl Wo'll Just show .f. P. M. nnd his crowd that they made no mlstnko when they picked you as their Sequoia legal rep resentative. I'll call a special meeting of thnt little old city council of mine nnd Jam Hint temporary franchise through while you'd bo saying Mack Robinson I' " He cnrefully mnde n copy of the telegram II-m 1" he grunted. "Wnnts to cross Water street at B and build out Front street. Well, I dare say nobody will kick over the traces at thnt. Nothing hut warehouses and lumber-drying yards nlong there, anyhow. Still come to think of it, Pennington will probably raise a howl about sparks from the engines of the N. C. O. setting his lumber piles afire." "He'll be dead against It." Henry de clared. "I know, because at the Wed nesday meeting of the Lumber Manu facturers' association tho subject of the N. C. O. came up and Pennington mnde n talk against It. He snld the N. C. O. ought to he discouraged, If It was n legitimate enterprise, which ho doubted, because the most fenslhlo and natural route for n rond would be from Wllllts. Mendocino county, north to Sequoln. I tell you he's dead set a gn I nst It." Then wo won't tell him anything about It, Henry. We'll Just. pull, off this speclnl session of the council and forget to Invite the reporters; after the Job has been put over, Pennington enn come o round and howl all he wnnts. We're not letting a chanco like this slip by us without grabbing a handful of the tnll-fenthers, Henry. No, sir not If we know It." "You bet!" snld Henry enrncstly. At cloven-thirty Thursdny morning, young Henry Poundstone, having work ed the greater part of the previous night prepnrlng tho deeds, delivered both deeds and franchise to Buck Ogllvy at tlio latter's hotel, it wns with difficulty thnt the latter (coulu conceal Ills tremendous nninzement wiiuii ui-iii.v vucmmi miiiucu mill ihu frnrM tv i,o lm.i Riirmn(i thnt when Henry casually handed him, the fnko tck,Kram ntnong tho contracts as bait for Henry and his father, but his fondest hope, nt tho tlmo he conceived the brllllnnr lden, was that Henry would show tho telegram to his father nnd thus inculcate In the old gentle man a friendly feeling toward the N. C. 0. not unmixed with pleasurable anticipations of the dny when Henry Poundstone Junior, should bo one of the most highly prized me.mbers of the legal staff 6f a public-service corpora tlon. When he could control his emotions, Mr. Ogllvy gazed approvingly upon Henry Poundstone. "Mr. Poundstone," he snld solemnly, "I hnve met some meteoric young nttorneys In my dny, but you're the first genuine comet I hnvo seen In the legal firmament. Do yon mind telling me exnetly how you procured this franchise nnd why you procured It. without explicit orders from me?" Henry did his best to look puzzled, "Why," he snld, "you left that tele gram with me, nnd I concluded that you regarded It as self-explanatory or else had forgotten to mention It. I knew you were busy, and I didn't wnnt to bother you with details, so I Just went nhend nnd filled that order for you. Anything wrong nbout thnt?" "Certnlnly not. Its perfectly won derful. But how did you put It over?" Henry smirked. "My dnd's the engi neer," he said bluntly. "If thirty days ain't enough time, see mo and I'll get you thirty days more. And In tho meantime nobody knows a thing about this little deal. I figured 'Colonel Pen nington might try to block you at thnt crossing, so I " Buck Osllvy extended his hand In benediction And let It Imp on Henry Poundstnne's thin shoulder. "My dear Poundstone," he said ear nestly, "I nm not u mnn to forget clever work, At the proper time I shall " He smiled his radiant smile. You understand, n$ course, that 1 am speaking for myself ami can mnke you no firm promises. However " He smiled again, "All I have to say Is that you'll do I" "Thank you," said Henry Pound stone, ,lr. "Thank you ever so much." An experience extending over n very active business career of thirty years had convinced Col, Seth Pennington of the futility of wracking his brains In vain speculation over mysteries. Wjhen. therefore, the Northern Onllfor nm Oregon railroad commenced to encroach on the Colonel's time-appro prlatlon for sleep, ho realized that there was but ono way In which to conserve his rest nnd that was by engaging to fathom the mystery for htm a specialist In the unraveling of mysteries. In times gono by, tho Colo nel had foand a certain national de tective agency an extremely efllclent aid to well-known commercial ngen clos, nnd to these tried and true sub ordlnates ho turned now for explicit nnd satisfying Information nnent the Northern California Outrage! The Information forthcoming from Dun's nnd Bradstreet's was vngue nnd unsntlsfylng. Neither of those two commercial agencies could asccrtnln anything of interest regarding the flnnnces of the N. C. 0. For the pres ent tho corporation hnd no ofllce. Its destinies In Knn Francisco being guarded by a well-known nttorney who hnd declined to mnke any statement regnrdlng the compnny but promised one nt nn early date. The board of directors consisted of this nttorney. his two nsslstnnts, his stenographer, and Mr. Buchnnnn Ogllvy. The com pnny hnd been Incorporated for five million dollnrs, divided Into five mil lion shares of par value of one dollnr each, and five shares had been sub scribed 1 "It looks fishy to me," the Colonel commented to his mnnager, "nnd I'm more thun ever convinced It's a scheme of thnt Trinidad Redwood Timber company to stnrt a timber boom nnd unload. And that Is something the Lngunn Grande Lumber compnny does not view with favor, for the reason I thnt one of these bright days those Trinidad people will come to their senses nnd sell cheap to its. However, to he sure Is to bo satisfied. Tele phone the Snn Francisco ofllce to hnve the detective ngency thnt hnndled the longshoremen's strike Job for us send n couple of their best operatives up on tho next stenmer, with Instructions to report to me on nrrlvnl." When the operatives reported, the Colonel's orders were brief nnd ex plicit. "I wnnt to know nil nbout o mnnlnnmcd Buchanan Ogllvy, who Is up North somewhere procuring rights of wny for tho Northern Callfornln Oregon railroad. Find him. ?et up with him In tho morning nnd put him to bed at night. Report to me dnlly." Reports yielded the Colonel nothing until the first day of Buck's return to Sequoia, when the following writ ten report caused tho Colonel to sit up nnd tnke notice. It was headed: "Report of Operative No. 41," and It rend: "Ogllvy In his room until 12 o'clock noon. At jziira entereu timing room, leaving nt I p. m. and proceeding di rect to, ofllce of, Cardlgnn Redwood Lumber company. Ogllvy remained In Cardigan's pilvnte ofllce half nn hour, spent another half hour conversing with young lndy in general ofllce Young lady a brunette. 0. then re turned to Hotel Sequoln,, where ho "You're the First Genuine Comet" wrote several letters In writing room. At 3 p. m. called to telephone. At 3:02 p. m. left hurriedly for Cardigan Redwood Lumber company's ofllce. Entered private ofllce without waiting to be announced. Emerged at 3:12, walking slowly nnd In deep thought. At 3:24 entered tho telephonelnuld ing nnd placed n long-dlstnnce call. He asked for tho Cardigan Redwood Lumber company In San Francisco. "Concluded his conversation at 3:32 and proceeded to tho city hnll, enter ing the mayor's ofllce at 3:43 and emerging nt 4:10. He then returned to the Hotel Sequoln nnd snt In the lobby until banded i telegram nt 4:40: whereupon he entered the telephone booth nnd talked to someone, emerg ing nt 4 :43 to go to his room. Ho returned nt 4:40 and hurried to tho law ofllce of Henry Poundstone, Jr., In the Cardigan block. He was with Poundstono until 4:50, when ho re turned leisurely to tho Hotel Sequoia, enriylng a small leather grip. He also hod this grip when he entered Poundstone's ofllce. "Arrived nt tho hotel nt:03 and went to his room. At 0:45 ho entered n public automobile In front of the hotel and was driven to No. 840 Elm street. Tho brunetto young lady who works In the Cardigan Redwood Lum ber company's ofllco emerged present ly and entered ' the car, which then proceeded to , No. 38 Redwood boule vard, where tho brunetto young lady alighted and entered the house. She returned at seven sharp, accompanied by a young lady whom sho Introduced to O. All thrco were then driven to the Canton restnunint nt 432 Third street. At T:lo Bryce Cnrdlgnn en tered the restaurant and wns escorted by the waiter to tho table occupied by 0. and party. "At 0:30 entlro party left restaurant nnd entered n Nnpler enr driven by n hnlf-breed Indlnn whom the second young lady hnlled ns George, O. nnd the brunette young lady were dropped at S1G Elm street while Cardigan and the other young lndy proceeded di rectly to No. 38 Redwood boulevnrd. After aiding the lady to alight Cardi gan talked with her n few minutes at the gate, then hnde her good-night. "Upon returning to Hotel Sequoia, found O. In hotel bar. Saw him to bed at 10 sharp." Needless to relate, this report had a most nmuzlng effect upon Colonel Pennington, and when nt length he could recover bis mental equilibrium, ho set nbout quite calmly to anslyzo the report with tho result that he promptly arrived at the following con clusion: f (1) His niece Shirley Sumner wow not to be trusted In so far ns young Bryce Cnrdlgnn was concerned. De spite her assumption of hostility to ward the fellow flluce that memorable ' day In Pennlgton's woods, the Colonel wns now fully convinced thnt she had mnde her pence with him nnd hnd been the recipient of his secret atten tion right nlong. (2) The N. C. O. was still n mys tery, but n mystery In which Bryce Cardigan wns Interested. Moreover, he was anxious to nld tlio N. C. O. In every wny possible. However, the Colonel could understnnd this. Cnrdl gnn would aid anything thnt might possibly tend to lift tho Cnrdlgnn lumber Interests out from under the Iron heel of Colonel Pennington. (3) The N. C. 0. wns going to make a mighty bluff, even to the extent of applying for a franchise to run over the city streets of Sequoln. Hence Ogllvy's visit to Mnyor Poundstone doubtless on the ndvice of Bryce Car dlgnn. (4) Ogllvy hnd cnrrled a smnll lenther bng to nnd from Henry Pound stone's ofllce. That bag was readily explained. It had contained n bribe In gold coin nnd young Henry hnd been selected ns the go-between. (Thnt mennt thnt Mnyor Poundstone - had agreed to deliver the franchise for a consideration. Ogllvy hnd cnlled first on the mayor to nrrnnge'the rtw tnlls; then ho hnd called on the mnyor's son to complete the transac tion. (5) If a franchise had been ar ranged for and tho bribe already de livered, that meant the prompt nnd unndvertlsed commencement of oper ations. Yes, tho N. C. O. wns going to carry Its monumental bluff to the point of building a mllo of track through town. . . , No no. they wouldn't spend that much money on n bluff; they wouldn't bribe Poundstone unless the rond was meant And wns It a common carrier, after all? The trail was growing hot; tlio Colonel mopped his brow nnd concen trated further. If the N. C. O. was renlly going to stnrt operations. In or der to move Its mnterlal from the Cardigan dock to the scene of opera tions It would hnve to cut his (tho Colonel's) tracks somewhere on Watpr street Damnation I That was It, They were trying to slip one over on him. They were planning to get n jump-crossing In before he should awake to the situation; they were planning, too, to hnve the city coun cil slip through the franchise when nobody was looking, nnd once the crossing should be In, they could lnugh nt Colonel Pennington! "The scoundrels r ne murmurea. "I'm on to them! Cnrdlgnn Is piny Ing the gnme with them. Tlint's why he bought those rails from the old Laurel Creek spur! Oh. what a blithering Idiot I hnve been! How ever, It's not too late yet. Pound stone Is coming over to dinner Thurs dny night, nnd I'll wring tho swine dry before he leaves the house. And ns for those falls Cardigan managed to hornswoggle me out of " He seized the telephone nnd fnlrly shouted to his exch'nnge operator to get his woods foromnn, Jules Ron dcnji, on the line. "That you, Rondeau? he .shouted when the big French- Canndinp re sponded. "Pennington tnlklng. Whnt hns young Cnrdlgnn done about those. rails I sold him from the nbnndoned spur up Lnurel creek?" "He have two4 flat-ears upon ze spur now. Dose woodsgang of bees she tear up dose rails from ze bead of ze spur nnd lond In ze flnt-cnrs," "Seo to It, Itondenu, that they do not leave untIM give the word. Un derstand? Tell 'them the switch-engine Is in the shop for repairs or is busy nt other work nnythlng that will stall him off nnd delny delivery." "Suppose Bryce Cardigan, he comes around nnd sny. 'Why?'" Rondeau queried cautiously. "Kill him," the Colonel retorted coolly. "It strikes mo you. nnd the Blnck Minorca are rather slow play ing even with young Cardigan." Rondeau grunted. "I theenk mebbe so you kill heem yourself, vboss," he replied enigmatically, and hung up, (TO BE CONTINUED.) Tohacco Not Wasted Now. In former times all tohacco confls cnted by the English customs author Itles was destroyed by burning in a furnace called tho king's pipe. Now adays all such tobacco, as well as that which Is returned ns unusable for smoking. Is sold to manufacturing chemists, who turn It Into sheep dip, Insecticides for the uso of gnrdeners, nnd the like. Not Pure Reading Matter. "How to lie when nsleep," runa a newspaper headline. The space would be better filled persuading people to tell the truth whllo awake. Boston Transcript. Dally Thounht. Not what has happened to myself today, hut what has happened to others through me-r-that should uo my thought Stop That Backache! Those agonizing twinges across the small of the back, that dull, throbbing ache, may be your warning of serious kidney weakness serious, if neglected, for it might easily lead to gravel, stone in the kidney, bladder inflammation, dropsy or fatal Bright'a disease. So if you are suffering with a bad back, have dizzy spells, headaches, nervous, de spondent attacks or disordered kidney action, get after the cause. Use Doan' Kidney Pillt, the remedy that has been tried out for you by thousands. A Nebraska Case J. A. Beard, plaster er, Humboldt, Nebr., says: "Several years nco I was laid up with my back. With the Jeaat move sharp, cutting pains shot through tho small of my back and kidneys. The kidney secretions contained sediment and burned In pas-' sago. Three boxes of. Doan's Kidney Pills' left my Mdnoys and back In a healthy con dition." Gt Dean's at Any Store, COc Dos DOAN'S "pTxlV FOSTER. MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Skin Troubles SootWed With Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcnm 25c True Patriotism. When the heart Is right, thero Is true patriotism. George Berkeley. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu ine Aspirin proved safe by millions nnd prescribed by physicians for over, twenty years. Accept only on unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache. Tooth ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Colds and Pnln. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell Inrger "Bnyer pnekages." Aspirin Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon oacetlcacldeoter of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. No Escape. "Going tp the party tonight?" "I guess so. The wife has n new gown." Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands, of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women s complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not mi& healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased You may sutler pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Ur. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv. Easily Answered. Chemistry Professor "Name three articles containing starch." Student "Two cufTs and a collar." To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch pimples, redness, roughness or Itching, If uny, with (hitlcura Oint ment, then bnthe with Cuticura Soap and hot wnter. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 2.50 each. Adv. The man who succeeds In conquer ing his hnd habits Is Indeed a con quering hero. Important to Mothers Examlno carefully every bottle ol CASTORIA, that famous old remedy tor miants anu cnuurcn, unu seo tuntu T)rtnta tlia Signature UTMA In Uso for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Besides the original hole In the doughnut, some of them hnve become pneumntlc. Sure Relief INDJGESTKWJ 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BI LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION TV S