The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1920, Image 1

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    lUtt Historical Bolt!7
01 s
At a recent meoting tho proposition
of promoting an organization of tn
tennis fans of tho city into an associ
ation which woulu" onablo every per
son interested to 'play tho game, was
brought up boforo tho Welfare Board
and referred to tho Recreation Com
mitteo with powor to act. There was a
vacancy in tho Chairmanship of the
Committeo so B. M. Reynolds was
given authority to do what was neces
sary to got tho mattor boforo tho
ipeople. Ho at onco decided that tho
most favorable location for city
courts is tho B. & M. right of way
between Dowey and Locust and west
of Locust. Mr. Reynolds secured tho
use of theso courts and at a recent
meoting of the Chamber of Commerco
the matter was favorably received and
assistance promised in getting the
grounds in shape. The Methodist
Church people havo a tennis court and
thero aro ono or two private courts
In different parts of town but thero
Js no adequate provision for tho needs
of the young people of tho city. Mr.
Ttfehlman has been made tempbrary,
treasurer of a fund to put ono or more
tioned above and he will receive moni
tion above and ho will receive mem
berships at tho Platte Valley Bank at
any timo now. It is planned to call a
tpublic meeting of all those interested
in forming an association and in this
mariner getting early action. Tennis
can be played during the early fell
-months and when school starts it is
a favorite recreation of High School
boys and girls until cold weather
comes. Tlvoso Interested should seo
Mr. Reynolds or Mr. Mehlman and
thus enable them to get a lino on the
tennis enthusiasm of tho city.
"Billy" SundaV passed through the
city Saturday enrouo from California
caSt. 1
Miss Elizabeth Weir camo up from
Grand Island Saturday to visit friends
In tho city.
H. I. Block loft Saturday for tho
east whero ho will do tho fall buying
for his stores.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cohon and chil
dren, of Wallace, visited friends In
the city Saturday. v '
Miss BIsIo Mehlman returned to Th0-Lincoln County Commissioners
her homo in Denver Saturday after and Clerk Allen havo returned from
,tho hearing beforo the Stato Board, ot
Equalization at Lincoln last Friday
and Saturday. Tho Board thought It
could havo tho matter sottled by tho
first of this week and announco a do
clslon but at tho tlmo of going to
press wo havo no information. The
Board proposed to raise tho assess
ment in Lincoln County just 50.
This was objected to by tho County
oclcials becauso they considered It
unfair. They claimed beforo tho Board
that eighty percent of the land In
Lincoln County was not farm land but
was pasture or grazing land. This
olghy porcont has a low value com
pared with tillable" land. Tho most of
tho real eotato transfers havo been
among tho farm tracts of good land
and the prices received for theso
tracts havo led state officials
to think that a low averago
officials becauso they considered it
assessment should bo raised. ' Tho
proposed to make a fifty percent raise
on all real cstato In the County. Tho
Commissioners made a strong protest
and stated that twenty-flvo percent
would bo as much as anyono would
consider who know conditions. Thora
is reason to believe that tho Board
will not raise Llncolu County more
than that twenty-flvo per cent.
visiting her brother L. E. Mehjmann
and family.
MIsaes Anna and Lucille Linden
moyor returned to their homo In
Fairflold after visaing Miss Celeste
Miss Madolino Hardy- loft Saturday
evening for her home in Denver after
visiting at tho homo of Miss Wiltna
Tonight will bo tho last showing of
Marguorlto Clark's splendid picture
A Girl Named Mary at tho Keith.
Don't forget.
Misses Doris Stevens and Grace
Hirsch will leavo tomorrow for Gree
ley, Colo,, whero they, will visit for a
couplo of weeks.
Go to tho Keith Wednesday and &ce
Tom Mix bust bronchos clean up
bandltsl and win tho daughter of an
oil magnate. A great story of the
Texas country.
Miss Helen D. Mason who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Millard Hos
ier, for tho past two weeks, lpft to
her-homo in Aurora, 111., today.
Tom Mix is coming. Tho daredevil
of tho screen the cowboy extraordin
ary is coming to "tho Keith Wednes
day and Thursday in tho most exciting
and adventurous story "3 Gold Coins."
This is said to bo the finest story in
which tho famous Mix has ever ap
peared. His stufats aro absolutely new.
He plays n devil-may-care sort; of. a.
hero who has his Ups and downs, but
who profits by his rich sense of hum
or. Tho star is seen In the saddle
lassboing an automobile and other
ambidextrous stunts. Don't miss it at
any cost.
; Pintle Valley Rank Motcs.
The platto Valloy Bank oiiouod for
business Monday morning in Its now
homo at tho corner of Fifth and
Dawey. Tho banking room is not quita
completod but business will go on as
usual. As soon as tho final touchos are
mndo tho offlcals plau on a formal
opening to tho public. This will b
announced In detail In tho ' papers.
.. v Scout Cnmp Being Rushed.
Work on tho Boy Scout Camp Is bo
fng hurried preparatory to turning it
over to tho Campfiro Girls for their
uso this week. Director Stephens la
Working his boys to tho limit. Tho
Moss Hall is about completed. Tents
will bo used by tho girls for sleoping
quarters. Ton campflros will bo In this
camp with over fifty girls already
registered. Tho camp will opon Tues
day evening.
Lincoln County Teachers' Institute
Tho Lincoln County Teachora' In
stitute will, bo hold In two soctlons
this year. Tho session will bo hold In
North Platte, Sept. 8, 9 and 10. All
beginning teachers aro roqulred to
attend this section . Experienced
teachers will bo welcome Tho socond
section will bo hold Oct. 14, 15 and 1G.
Every teacher in tho County Is re
quired to attend this section.
American Legion Delegates.
, Delegates totho State Meeting of
tiio American Legion at Hastings wore
selected at tho last meeting of the
North Platto Legion. They aro
Messers. Carr, Greisen and Sandall.
L. C. McGraw went to Chappel yes
terday to transact business.
f.lfts to Cnmp FJro Gins.
John B. Edwards, ot tho Edwards
.Roynolds Clothing Co. gavo about two
dozen bloomers and tho samo number
of gym suits to tho campfiro glrl3 for
tholr camp this wcok and Mrs. Adda
Turplo presented them with a big
iron kettlo.
Peaches 1 Pcnchos
Nov is tho tlmo to start canning.
Wo will sell Poaches this woek at
,$1.90 per crato and soli you 50c
worth of sugar at 17c per pound with
each and every crato. Plenty of fruit
jars on hand to supply your wants.
Wparo always on tho Job In fruit
soasgn. Look us up.
Phono 441.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rush loft this
morning in their car for Colo, and
other western points. They wore ac
companied by Miss Allco Solman.
Ajidrow Duuphoy, Superlntondont
of tho Omaha-Choyonno Division of
tho United States Air Mall Service was
In North Platto Saturday and mot
with Uio Directors of tho Chambor ot
Commerce. Ho said ho was hero at tho
request of tho Socond Assistant Post
mastor General, Otto Proagcr, who la
in chargo of tho Air Mall Sorvlco. Ho
said ho was horo to look ovor tho pos
sibilities "of making North Platto a
station on tho Coast-to-Coast, Mall
Routo. Thora aro to bo ton stops on
tho routo. On account of tho meager
appropriation for tho air sorvico ho
said that tho government could not go
to tho oxponso of buying and equip
ping a landing Hold. When questioned
by tho Directors ho ' Bald tlioy
would roqulro a 1. ndlng Hold with
amplo spaco for tho uso of tho largest
pianos. Thoy would havo to havo a
hangar at loast 80 by 90 with 18 foot
hoight. It would havo to bo of solid
.enough construction to maintain a
temporaturo of fifty dogroos in cold
weather. Tho Hold Bhould also havo
a ono thousand gallon tank for high
test gasoline. Tho sorvico Is oxpoctod
to start by Sept. 1st. From ono to
flvo planes will leavo Now York each
According to tho iprollmlnary sohod
ulo tho eastbound piano would roach
North Platto at 3;10 In tho nfternoon
and tho westbound pianos at 7:10 in
tho ovening. Tho latter piano would
stay hero all night. An alternative
schedule provided for both pianos
reaching hero between ton and twelve
In tho forenoon. r
At tho closo of tho meeting ttjo Di
rectors unanimously passed a resolu
tion pledging North Platto to furnish
tho field, croct a hanger and tank and
co-oporato with tho Air Sorvico in
every way posslblo to mako tho field
satisfactory. Mr. Dunphoy wired tho
resolution to Washington with his
rocommondatlon that tho offer bo ac
cepted and that North Platto bp soloc
tcd as ono of tho ton stops from coast
to const.
Sovoral Holds tiro boluy cousldored
by tho committeo of tho Chnmbor of
Commorco, any ono of which will bo
satisfactory. A lcaao will bo signed
Miss Elslo Wnltoiunth Entortnlns '
Miss Elslo Waltemnth ontortninca
a number of friends at hor homo Sat
urday afternoon In 'honor jf oift ot
town guests who aro spondlng their
vacations In North Platto. Among tho
out of town guosts woro tho MIbsos
Holon Bums, Madolino Hardy and .
Elslo Molhmann of Denver, Miss Eliz
abeth Wolr of Grand Island and Miss .
Mabel Morant of Lamonn, la.
Miss Lillaln Sturgls and William'.
Vosclpka woro married at Lexington
last Saturday. A cousin of Miss Stur- '
gis, who lives near Loxlntgon was h.
brldomaid. Theso young pooplo aro
woll known horo, Miss Sturgls being
an official ot Homo Buildor's Asnoc
ntlon and Mr. Vosoipka is nn engineer
on tho Union Pacific. Thoy went thru
North Platto yestorday on tholr way
to north Pacific and Canadian
points for a protracted trip. They will
mnko tholr homo in North Platte whon
thoy roturn.
School Directors Meeting.
A mooting for school board mem
bers will bo held at tho Court Hoiisu
in North Platto on SatuTday Oct. 10
at 2 p. m. This mooting is called by
tho County Superintendent, Mrs.
Ailcon G. Cochran, for tho discussion
of matters pertaining to tho welfare
ot tho schools.
Slower for llrldo-To-llc. ,v
Mrs. William Stack ontortalned laou,
ovening at a miscellaneous shower la
honor of Miss Irono Hubbard who will
ho marrlod August 12th. Tho ovoriing ;!
was spent in sowing after which a ,
dainty lunch was sorved. Tho brldo to ,.
bo received many boatulful and use
ful gifts.
The Chamber of Commerce is doing all in its power to land the Aerial Mail Service for North
Platte but the Government wants the indorsement of the citizens as a
whole, so the Directors hereby call a
Of all persons in North Platte, Men and Women, to be held at the
Court House
1 ,
Tuesday, August 10th
The whole matter will be explained and theberielitsancl luture prospects of the Air Mail Service .landing field will
be shown. Make an effort to attend this meeting as it is of vit d importance to North Platte. We want to be one of
the ten stops from the Atlantic to the Pacific. ,