The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 02, 1920, Image 1

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No. 59
Under tho Civil Administration Codo
Governor McKclvio has been luvestcd
with tho power, through tho Depart
ment of Finance, to cxcrclso geuoral
supervision aud control of tho asscss-
i . ....... . . . . ..
meat anu levying oi taxes, no una
full power and control to reduco tho
valuations so that no unnecessary or
surplus taxes bo collected. Thoro is
no way for Governor McKolvlo to
shllrk this rcsponslbllty. It is his duty
to tako action immediately In behalf
of tho overburdened taxpayers of this
From actual experienco as Governor
in this Stato and wltli tho condition of
Local Democrats will bo Interested
in tho following statement given out
by John H. Morehead, candidate for
Governor on tho Democratic ticket:
I was Indeed pleased to find at tho
meeting of tho Stato Central Com
mltteo today that tho people of Ne
braska aro dooply Interested In tho
ponding campaign. I intend to mako
an extended trip throughout tho
State. I expect to bo in tho Stato all
tho time from now until after the
election. Of course, if I am elected,
I intond, In tho future, just as I ltavo
in tho past, to remain in tho Stato and
dischargo my duties as Governor. I
will uphold tho courts of Nebraska
and not nullify their Just decrees thru
exccutlvo action.
One of tho principal issues in tho
coming campaign will bo that of olect
ing State officials pledged to the re
duction of the tax burdens borne by
people of the State. This can only bo
dono through careful and economical
conduct of the StatVe business. Tho
present Governor has declared that
there will bo balances In tho several
funds raised to conduct tho State's
business at tho end of tho blennlum.
Why, then, does ho through tho powers
given him under tho Codo Bill, in
crease the assessment of land through
Nebraska from fifty to seventy fivo per
cent without any decrease in the levy.
In doing this ho is Increasing tho tax
rrden of the people oi tho stato thru
the raising of fuiids which ho himself
has declared aro not ' necessary or
needed to conduct the State's business.
Its financial affairs, my judgmont is
that tho proposed increases in taxa
tion aro unnecessary and uncalled
for. My efforts ao Governor havo al
ways been to reduco taxes to a mini
mum. During my first term tho Stato
indebtedness was decreased about
three quarters of a million dollars
without increasing tho valuation of
property or tho tax rates. Durfng my
second term tho Stato lovy was re
duced, thereby Bavlng hundredo of
thousands of dollars to tho taxpayers
of Nebraska.
If elected, I pledge myself to main
tain nn equitablo assessment as be
tweon all classes of property; to cs-
vnluatlon throughout the
Stato and "fix lovies that will raise
sufficient revenue to transact tho
business of tho Stato and no more,
am absolutely opposed to levying taxes
that aro unnecessary or that nro In
1Mb of tho amount required to
properly transact tho business ot tho
Stato. There is no reason why tho
people should bo burdoned by taxation
to crcat surpluses. If Iam elected it
will not bo done.
, This is only one of tho questions
that I expect to discuss during the
campaign. There aro other Important
questions to which I expect to give
Tho point cards of tho Class of 1920
entitling tho members to cntranco to
tho University of Nebraska havo been
received and show tho usual high
standing. Only 30 credits aro noeded
to enter tho University in full stand
ing whtlo conditional cntranco can bo
obtained with 28 . Practically tho
wholo class has 32 credits and thoso
who do not havo that many wcro cut
down becauso thoy took too largo a
proportion of their work In music,
cooking, typewriting, etc. Thirty-two
credits wcro roqulred for graduation
from tho local high school.
Formor-GoYernor Keith Neville, of
North Platto, was elected Chalrmau of
tho Democratic Stato Central Coin
mltteo at Omaha Saturday. J. S. Mc
Carthy ot Omaha and Mrs. A. C. Shall-
onborgor of Alma were elected Vlco
Chalrman. Tho other members of tho
July 30, 1920.
... V
Mr. H. J. Mornn, ' .
Socretary, Chamber of Commerce,
North Platte, Nebraska. 4
My, Dear Mr. Moran: '
... . . . V '
tiio receipt is acknowledged of your letter of July 26th. In reply I bog
to advise that Mr. A. R Dunphy, Superintendent ot tho Omaha-Salt Lako
division of tho Air Mail Service, will visit North Platte before August 15th
to arrango with the citizens of North Platto for a field and service! station
for tho Air Mall, as it is probable that North Platte may be selected for a
landing and gassing station.
Sincerely yours,
Second AsslstnnUPostmastor General.
Hub Store Changes Hands.
M. H. Davis, of Hershoy, has pur
chased the stock of goods and the fur
niture and fixtures of tho Hub Store
and will continue tho business at tho
Tho question of taxation is always old stand. Ho is an experienced mor
important. Tho people of Nebraska chant and intends to place tho Hub
should know what is the cause of this . Store in the front rank. Messers.
increase in taxation and why thesoj Elliott and Banks, who aro retiring
additional taxes should bo collected from this Storo will leave for Califor
nia paid. As Governor McKefvio is a in a few days. North PJutto will
levying thoso taxes ho should be re- nilss these gentlmen in Its business
quired to give full particulars as to
what is being dono with the money
and why there is an Increase fn tax
ation. If these taxes aro not necessary
to conduct tho State's business they
should not bo levied nor collected.
Thero aro several ways of Increasing
taxation: One Is by increasing the
'evles; the other by increasing taxa
ton. Tho effect on tho taxpayer Is
tho samo whichever method Is adopted
If these taxes aro not necessary, Gov
McKelvIe should Immediately
see to it that tho valuation returned
by tho various counties bo reduced.
life and we wish them succes In what
over they may undortake in tho west.
After this date garbage will bo re
moved at least onco a week. Havo a
suitable can AT THE ALLEY GATE,
and If not promptly removed, Phono
John Nelson, 955-J. Tin cans and ash
es nro not carbRge. 59-2
Will Rogers won tho girl ho loved
for another man. Ho put tho honey In
another follows honeymoon. See
"Water Water Evorywhoro". Keith,
Wednesday and Thursday.
In connection with the above letter a telegram was received
by Secretary Moran which says that the Air Mail Plane will land
in North Platte about noon Tuesday, August 3. The Chamber o
Commerce has arranged for the fire whistle to blow when the
planes are sighted and it asks that all who can get away will go to
me aero Held jU3t east ot the city and welcome these pilots.
Tho annual report of Mrs. Alleen G.
Cochran, County Superintendent of
Lncoln County, is about completed and
ready to send to tho Stato Superin
tendent. It shows that tho total amount
of money spent for school purposes
last year In Lincoln county was a trifle
less than ?290,000. Of this amount
$173,000 was spent for teacher's sal
aries. Thoro wcro 2G7 teachers at work
in this county during tho year. Ntot a
school houso was built during tho year
according to this report. At this tlmo
thero aro only two Bod schools In tho
county, all of tho rest being of w6od,
brick or concrete
Win. Wnltomath, of tho Waltemnth
Lumber and Coal Co., purchased an
Interest In tho W. W. Young Lumber
business at Hershoy, His partners are
Goo. L. Mudd and Arthur E Holtgron
both of Hershoy. Tho consideration
was $10,000. Tho firm will go under
the business uamo of tho Homo Lum
ber and Supply Co.
City Llbrnry Grows.
.A collection of thlrty-flvo children's
books was donated to tho City Library
this week by Mrs Macomber, ono of
tho rural patrons.
Tho monthly report ot Miss Murphy,
tho librarian, shows eighty moro bor
rowers during July than during Juno.
Parly nt dressier Home.
Miss Mildred Cressler cntortnlnod
fifteen ot her friends at a thcatro
party last evening In honor of her
birthday. After tho thcatro a dainty
two courso luncheon was sorvod at
hor homo on West Gth St. Tho re
mainder ot tho ovonlng wns spont in
games and music. Thoso who attendod
wero Misses Mildred Illrscli, Mlnorva
Hastings, Annlta Sioboldt, Ellon Eric-
son, Ida Payne. Jennlo Johnson. Bov-
erloy Wurtollo, Mabol Brotornltz, Mer
cedes Burgnor and Madollno BUckons
dorfor. Tho out ot town guests wcro
"A gang ot twonty-ono mon Is now
nt work building a now tolograph lino
botwoon North Platto and Scottsblutt"
Bald J. B. Young, local Manager of
tho Wostorn Union Tolograph Com
pany today, "Whon this llho Is com
pleted which will probably bo within
tho next two or thrco weeks, North'
Platto Is to bo' tho rolny station for
all Wostorn Nebraska." Mr.- Young said
that until tho Wostorn Union oponod
up Its local downtown offices hero
Just hlrtoon months aso, thoro was
not a man In North Platto on tho pay
roll ot tho Wostorn Unton, all tho buaf
noss being handlod by tho Union Pa
cific. Now thoro aro sixteen full tlmo
employees and with Uio oponing of tho
now lino nnd tho rolny station ttio
forco hero will bo doubled. Ho ex
pects to havo moro than thirty em
ployees in tho North Platto payroll
Misses Tholma Armbursten of Loxlng-! within tho noxt few weeks. At tho
ton nnd Madollno Blickonsderfor of
Robert Warwick
Thursday and Friday
supported by Kathleen Williams
A story of tares in tho garden of love. Mighty good entertain
ment. A deeply human story that you will not soon forget.
Attention Cream Sellers.
To advertise the change in management of the North
Platte Creamery, wo are giving to our cream patrons a 12
inch Genuine "Taylor" Thermomenter.
Come in and get yours, or a can of cream and
we will mail it to you.
53c Highest Price Paid for Cream. 53c
The Dickey Cream Co.,
A Rip-Roaring Romance
Wil I i am
i . it
Executlvo Commltteo will ho named
by Neville with tho help of his vice
chairmen. Thoy wore also authorized
to decldo on tho number of members
of tho Executive Commltteo. Mr. No
vlllo doos not expect to move to Lin
coin although that will bo tho hend
quarters of tho Commltteo. Ho will
bo in Lincoln from tlmo to tlmo as tho
need comes but tho dotnll work of tho
campaign will bo handled by othors.
Today Governor Novlllo said that he
looked for tho election of Morehead as
Govornor and for Nebraska to bo In
tho Cox camp. His efforts during tho
noxt thrco months wll bo entiroly di
rected toward making as many votors
for tho Democratic ticket as possible
and wo predict that ho will do as woli
ns anyono could possibly do nnd if it
is posslblo for tho Democratic Party
to win in this stato ho will seo that
it is dono.
Georgo Glbbs will leavo tomorrow
for Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tomplo camo
homo yesterday from Donvor.
Mrs. Anna Soyforth went to Schuy
ler yesterday to visit hor sister.
t Chas. Soyforth loft last ovonlng for
Denver to spond a couplo ot weoks.
Mrs. C. E. Sousor and daughter
Mon spont tho week end In Claries.
Miss Vera Cough wont to Donvor
yesterday to Bpcnd a couplo of wcoks.
Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Sanuolson and
family returned from Estos Parle Sun
Miss Florenco Gough Is on duty at
tho Clinio during tho absonco of hor
sister Vcra.
C. M. Newton roturned to Estos
Park Sunday and will accompany his
family home.
Mlsu Graco Drcterultz roturned yes
terday from SIdnoy whoro sho visited
friends for a week.
proscnt tlmo all transcontinental mos
sagea passing through Omaha and
Choyonno aro caught up horo and
given a shovo. Tills Is tho object ot
relay station and North Platto wan
solectcd becauso ot Us location.
With tho introduction of tho Multi
plex System of handling messages an.
operator elts at a koybonrd, practical
ly llko that of a typowrltor and manip
ulates tho keys Just ns In typewriting.
Tho mossago is registered and carried
to Omaha or Donvor nnd thoro It is .
automatically wrltton out ready for
delivery. Tho old tlmo tolegraph op
erator Is not used with tho Multiplex
SyBtem. Tho local offlco uses threo
Multiplex. machines nnd threo local
young women nro handling them Thoy
aro Ruby MoMlchaol, Holon Sandnll
and Graco Brotornltz. "AH three ot
thoso young ladles nro graduates ot
tho North Platto High School whoro
thoy took tho typewriting courso and
thoy aro quite oxport and especially
accurate in tholr work," said B. Jaeger
Chief Oporator In tho local office.
Tho wlros of tho Wostorn Union
woro placed undor tho paving from
tho depot to tho hendquarters In tho
Waltemath Building and nil Improve
ments aro bolng protected In the samo
Wnntcd Girl to assist with general
housowbrk. Mrs. B. C. Boggs. Phono
1082 or call at 402 West 8th St. I
Mrs. C. V. Turplo camo homo from
Donvor today. Mr. Turplo Is thoro
transacting business.
Nina Hasmussen roturned
Tfnilanc fMv tlila tt'nntr itrlm. aim liml
been visiting friends. homo of tho brldo's paronts In Well-
Miss Madollno Bllckensdorfor of Don. lloot- Mrs- Bo,an 19 tho daughter o
Thomns C. Bolnn and Miss Josephine
McMlchaol, both ot this city wero
from granted a marriage llconso last Sat
urday and wero married Sunday at tho
Hsre he is, just 'making up'
He's the matinee idol, a heart
breaker, a Broadway Jazz Beau,
and quite by chance he became
a real cowboy end then, oh
boy! oh boy! You'll split a rib
Mlsa Altha Miller, of Hershoy, and
Sidney McFarland, of this city, woro
married Sunday morning at G:30 at
tho Episcopal church by Rev. Roland
Mackintosh. Tho brldo was attondod
by Miss Mabello McFarland sister of
tho groom nnd tho groom by his
brother Donald. .They loft tho samo
morning for Chicago and Detroit after
which thoy will mako their homo in
this city.
Tho brldo is tho youngost daughter
of Mrs. Anna Miller, of Hershoy, and
was formorly employed In a local
bank in that city. Sho has visited horo
on many occasions and lias mado many
friends. Tho groom is a splendid
young man, boing tho' oldest son ot
Mr. and Mrs. Moso McFarland and is
omployed as switchman in tho local
yards. Ho sorvod his country for two
voars both horo ,and abroad loavlng
v'orth Platto with Co. E. On tholr ro-
t rn thoy will mako. their homo here.
"has. M. Reynolds, Prosldont ot tho
Nebraska Fuel Co., of Omaha, with
M"i. Roynolds and children visited at
th W. C. Roynolds homo on Friday
an ' Saturday. Thoy woro returning
frc-v) a vacation trip to Colorado, Mr.
anrt Mrs. Roynolds accompanied thorn
as fr r as Koarnoy on tholr way to Om
aha, -oturnlng to North Platto on tho
Ono of tho basement rooms at tho
City Library has bcon fitted, up aa a
rangadno department In order to ro
llove tho crowded condition in tho
main library.
vor, camo Saturday to visit her cousin
Madollno Bllckonsdorfer.
Mrs. Roso Gurrlson is taking her
vacation from duties nt tho Lcador
More. Co- and is visiting In Paxtan.
Chas. Lonnon passed through tho
city yesterday enroute from Los An
geles oast. Ho was a fcrmor resident
Mrs. P. M. Sorenson returned today
rom Vermillion, South Dakota, whoro
sho visited her daughter Mrs. Whlt
taker. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eyorloy we,ut to
Portland and Los Angolos yostorday
and expect to bo abcont for several
Don Hlnckloy, formorly In business
hero, lator in tho drug business in
Gothenburg and now in Uio automobllo
business In Omaha, was a visitor in
tho olty Saturday. Ho is on his way to
Colorado on a short vacation.
Glen G. Hampton, Vlco-Presldont ot
tho Gothenburg Stato Bank, stopped
horo Saturday on his way to Colorado.
His family will return with him after
Hhort vacation In tho mountains.
Thoy nro travelling by auto.
Mr. and Mrs Jos. MoMlchaol who ro-
sldod hero a short tlmo ago but re
turned to Wolliloct to make tholr
homo. Sho is a graduate of tho local
high school and has been connected
with tho W. R. Malonoy Co. since grad
uation. Mr. Bolan Is omployed by tho
Union Pacific In tho local yards. They
will return to North Platto after a trip
In tho west and mako tholr homo horo.
Tho B. L. F. will hold their picnic at
tho City Park Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rosslter, who
woro rocontly married In Donvor camo
homo Sunday, Mrs. Rosslter was for
merly Miss' Comfort Conway.
For Salo A Crown bicycle In giod
shapo. Phono 430W.
Mrs. J. R. McWllltnms and daughter
will leavo tomorrow (or Donvor to
visit relatives.
On Thursday, a flno girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Amen, of Julos
burg, at tho Platto Valloy Hospital in
this city. Mrs. Amon was formorly
Miss Pearl Koontz, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Koontz of tills city.
Bvoryono concorned is roportod to bo
doing nicely.
Jimmy Pafce Went to Arizona so can you
if you o to the
Sua Theatre, Thursday and Friday
to see
Adapted frpm "Snap Judgment" with