The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 30, 1920, Image 4

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ArkEYE FAULT caught in time will save you "trouble"
with your" eyes for the rest of your life. '
' Come in and without cost we will examine your eyes and
$f;you need glasses-elther your first ones or new ones, we will
ijsjl them to you for a reasonable price .
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Chmig6 iiincoln Hlpira)-.
iiumor ntiwmmmmo ink ?fi6vV:
on foot to cliange the Linooln HlglH
Svuy o It'will follow the Union Pacific
tlirougn xennpKa. a moving 01 tuo
garage men Waa hold Wednesday at
th Chambor of Contiflercor roomifj
when tho matter waa dlscuaicd and lu
waa deolded to leave the mntter with
Secretary Moran to got In touch with
George Walz, of Fromont, who la the
oltalrm&n of the state Linooln High-
way Committee and get Instructions
from him.
Hoy Scout Council Lunch.
Tllo woekly noonday luncheon and
ImalncBs meeting of tho Local Council
of tho Boy Scouta will be hold on
Monday Inatond of TueBday a8 here
tofore. All members of tho Council
are requoated to bo on hand next
Monday at tho Onsls. !
Cohagcn, of Brulo.
Cheyenne Frontier Days Again.
Quito a numbor of North Platto
jooplo attended the celebration of
Frpntler Day' at Cheyenne this Week.
It was the twenty-fourth annual event.
It waa a dlfforont show that was
staged this year from those of former
years, Tho drunkenness and "parties"
are' gone and now tho colebratlon Is
a real affair with evcryono having a
good tlmo and seeing tho show.
Tho hotels aro packed ' and-tho
streets are jammed. Everyono scorns
to ho trying to forget tho things of
today and to llvo tho life of the -carefree
west many years ago.
Mrs. Mike
visiting friends horo this week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Plolstlckor re
turned from Denver Wednesday.
Dixon & Son grind their own lenses.
Mlss-.Jnnott Puthoff of Wood IUvor,
Is visiting her aunt Mrs. Elmer Coats.
Air's, p. M. Loypoldt and family re
turned from a trip to Estcs Park Wed
nesday. Mrs. Elmer Oman and Mrs. Noll
Egma'n wore Brady visitors In tho
Mrs. Itoscoo Zlminor nhd children
loft SVcdnosday after vlsltng at tho W. j
H. LoDloyt homo.
Judge Grimes and Claude Dolauoy
loft'WodnoHday for points In Wyoming
whojo tljq fishing Is good.
Bruce Brown, of tho MaxVoll Tolor
' phono Exchango, was In tho city on
. business Wednesday.
Mrs. Lochlol Johnston returned last
evening from Orand Island whoro sho
had visited for a weok.
Mrs. Charley Chaplin passed thru
tho city yesterday enrouto from Los
Angeles to oastorn points.
. Mrs. Lnura Knapp, of York, Nob.,
lias boon In tho city for several days
visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. TX. Plummor.
A baby girl was born In this city
Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mln
ahan of Ogallala. Mrs. Mlnahan was
fonhoriy.tMlss Bossle Chnmberlaln of
this city. ,
Mrs. ,Lona Salisbury and daughter
Miss Bosslo loft last ovonlng for
Aurora, JJobr,, to visit rolatlvos for
two 'vfcoks.
A card from Dr. Drost says ho Is on
hls .way;to New York City to ho will
' transact huslnoss but that on his way
ho will stopover at points In West
J. Vernon LunBford has purchased
tho1 property at G15 E. 2nd Stroot and
will remodel It, making a modern
homo and will resldo there In tho
near' future.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. VanCloavo
and two youngor daughters
loft Wednesday for Estcs
Park and other Colorado points for a
short vacation.
Ever hoar of a Shndow Chaser?
Thero aro a lot of them In your town.
Seo "Tho Groat Shadow" at tho Keith
tomorrow night.
Tho Wlnonah Campflro girls loft
Wednesday for Blrdwood whoro thoy
will camp for a week on tho Tollllon
farm. Tholr guardian Mrs. J. Fors
tedt accompanied them.
Twcnty-Ilvo or more members of tho
North Platto Bobcccas wont to Iler-
shoy Tuesday ovonlng and organized, a
I'knlc at Dodge Hill.
This ovonlng tho young people of .ho
Baptist Church will meet at the .hurch
at 7-o'clock. They will go out to Dodgo
Hill and have supper by moonlight.
All who care to como aro Invited.
A marriage liconso wns Issued yes
terday to Burr JohnBon and Helen
Humphroy and Judge Woodhurst
united them In marriage. Both aro
North Platto young people and will
mako this tholr home.
Pi! to ami
comes the time when all novelty shoes
and broken lines must be closed out
quickly. It is our business policy to do
so regardless of market condition.
In the various groups which we
have assembled and repriced for speedy
diaposal you'll find the greatest values of
the season. .
The illustration abovecomes in a White
Nile or a soft Black Kid priced at
41 GTS2
11. o
yU Z or
i y is
ltaptlst Church.
At tho Sunday morning service bap
tism will bo followed by a short sor-
lodgo of Bobeccas there with thirty ' mon -In rmouy with tho Lard's Sup
per. All tnoio wno navo como into the
church during the last two month by
loiter, ex.porlenco o:- conversion are
requosted to bo present and rccolvo
tho hand of fellowship. Mornln.? sor
vico nt 11, ovonlng sorvlco at 8.
charter rcomborB. (
Miss Arvllla Whittaker loaves next
Monday for threo or four weeks In tho
East. While In Chicago sho will at
torn! tho Stylo Show at to cricoid,
Gardens. This last soveral days. Miss
Whittaker will also visit Mllwaukeo
and othor points before rotumlng to
North foalia. '' ' 1
Charles Bay has been famous somo
llttlo tlmo for his baseball pictures
and now ho onters tho fight ring and
innkos a picture that is the host kind
of entertainment. "Tho Egg Crato
Wallop" Is a typical Ray picture and
that moans,, niuch Keith Monday and
Mrs. E. A. Garlichs, of Norfolk, who
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis and gall stones Is report
ed to bo recovering nicely, Tho Gar
HchoB lived In-North Plato up to a
few yoars ago when they moved to
Missouri. Her mnhy friends will wel-
como tho nows of Mrs. Garlich'a oarly
FORTY YEARS OLD? If you aro it
is woll to pay attention to $vour eyes.
Remember tho normal oyo raroly fails
to require the aid of glassos between
fort and forty-nvo years of ago.
Symptoms of need aro inability to read
or bow at tho usual dlstanco with
former comfort and ondurnnco. Dixon
& Sou, Sight Specialists.
Somebody Is going to get shot, but
it isn't easy to tell who is going to do
tho shooting excopt that you know tho
rovolvor will. But whoever (loos will
havo to answer to BUI Hart Hint's
certain. For Bill can track thorn by
tholr footprints or their "Wagon
Tracks" which Is tho namo of tho
picture at tho Crystal Saturday and
Methodist Church.
Sunday morning service will be n't
11 n..m. The sermon subject wlil bo'
"A Good Account." Tho evening ser
vico will bo at 7:30 with a sermon en
titled "God's Wonderful Bible." The
orchestra will play at tho Sunday
School at 9:45. Tho Ep worth League
Is at T:00 Just before tho preaching
BorVlco in the ovonlng.
: :o.
Christian Emleavcor Organized ,
At a buslnes meeting and social
hold at tho Presbyterian church last
ovonlng tho Christian -Endeavor So
ciety of that church organized with
tho following officers: Miss Georglna
McKay president; Normnn Moulton
vice-president; Francos Edwards sec
retary and Robert Hbagland treasurer.
After tho businossTneeting a social
hour was spent in games nftor which
refreshments wcro served. All .prosont
report n flno tlmo and vote Mrs. Proa
sor and Mrs. Eldor excellent hostessos.
Country -Club Anniversary,
Noxt Thursday is tho First aunlvor
Bary of tho North Platto Country Club.
It will bo a big day for tho members
and their families. From one to six
in tho afternoon thero will bo a golf
tournament for a cup which Is now on
display at the Clinton Jewelry Store.
Supper Is ordored from bIx to soven
and then two hours are to bo glvon
over to games, consisting of driving
contests, races, otc. Dancing and
card complete tho program for tho
A. P. Kelly 1b spending thlB week in
Cheyonno attending Frontier Days.
Charles Boguo returned to Omaha
yesterday after spending a few days
with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Long left Wed
nesday for Choyenno in their car to
attend the Frontier Days there.
Alice and Madolln Hardy, of Denver,
are expected the first of tho week to
visit Misses Wilma Coates and Helen
Bill Burger, of the Shoe Market, will
leave Saturday for Grand Islnnd and
then will go to Iowa for a two weeks
Mrs. J. V. Robinson left this week
for her home In Iowa after visiting
hor mother Mrs. Lona Salisbury for
several weeks.
Marrlago license was issued Tues
day to Amos M. Thompson, ago 22, and
Miss Blanche I. Gorkln, both of Well
fleet. Judge Woodhurst also perform
ed tho ceremony.
" W. R. Maloney started to Denver
thlB morning at tho wheel of his Bulck
Six. Ho will visit his wife there for
a few days and mako arrangements
for bringlnb her back to tholr homo In
this city.
Miss Margaret Johnston Is Guardian
of tho Toheha Campflro group which
is how composed of eight girls and
BQoral more aro about to join. This
campflro will hold a pastry sale in
Derryborry and Forbes window on
Saturday afternoon of this veok.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Huntington and
daughtor Irma and Ida May Salisbury
loft Wednesday for California where
they will reside in the future. They
wore accompan:ed by Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson who will return in a month.
Many fnrowoll parties and social
functions have been given them.
Ironing Dem onstration
"M On August Sth, 6(h and 7th, wo are demon-
stratintf the use' of the
Simplex Ironing Machine
A ladv demonstrator will be ironing so that
you may see what is being turned out.
Bring your ironing along.
North Platte light and Power Co.
" -i
lir.J "" B.fAT V. ' VCITiulW 1
Having received personal instruc
tion under prominent Osteopathic
Specialists of Chicago and Phlladophla
In tho treatment of Hay-Fever and Ca-
tarrhal-Deafnesa I am opening my.
clyinlo for tho treatment of those
Oasis Bldg. North Platto, Neb.
3 El S Jk Li
Wo will sell you $1.00 worth
of Sugar at 17c per lb. with
every $5.00 Cash Grocery order
purchased at our Store, as long
as sugar holds out. Come or
phono early.
81il Jfo. Locust. Phono 212.
We Deliver.
Wood Brothsrs all steel individual thrasher
. complete with weigher and loader
Power Hay Press, the money maker,
with self-feeder
These prices at North Platte and while
our present stock lasts.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
Phone 34
A real investment is one that combines safety of
principal together with a fixed and definite in
come an investment yielding a rate of interest
that is liberal yettjonsistent with sound, conserva
tive business methods.
No investment on earth so nearly approaches this
high standard of excellence as
First Mortgage Loans on Real Estate
In this character of investment the element of
speculation is entirely removed, and in those days
of uncertainty and unrest it behooves one to look
. carefully to the safety of principal and certainty
of income.
You can secure such loans from
$500 to $10,000
which we have made with our own money and
offer for sale. &
Consult us if interested.
Goodman-Buckley Trust Co.
ants. ar. iienry gdqfoyl
Teacher of
Tho Art of Singing.
Kcsldencd 'Studio 108 West 8d. St.-
Graduate Dentist
Office o.Yr th McDonald'
State Bank.