i An EYE FAULT caught in time will save you "trouble" with your eyes for the rest of your life. Come in and without cost we will examine your eyes and if. you need glasses-either your first ones or new ones, we will sell them to you for a reasonable p'rice , CLINTON, The Jeweler. THE SIGN OP TILE BIG RING. OR. 0. 0. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Olllce over the McDonald i State Bunk, LOCAL AND I'JSIISONAL Chas. Wuugh returned Saturday from a trip to Scotts Bluff. ; Edna Falk left Saturday for Ctyoy ijimnVahd. other Vcstcrh points.' ; 1 - .r 1 Wo can lnnko lmmedlato deliveries! (Wood Brotliors All Steel Indlvjdual Qlnra Kimball Young, tho famous ,,'moylo star, passed thru tho city Sat urday. v ( ft 4,! ' ' i. fMrs. It. 0. Langford and Miss Alice Langford camo from "Washington, D. Saturday. .Everett LoRoy Ramsay, returned Snturilay' from Elm' Crook where ho played 'ball. Mrs. Guy Popojoy, loft Sunday for Chicago and will bo aslont about throo weoks. Miss L. Il.'Stovons returned to hor homo In Fromont aftor visiting J oro and In Goring. Morlo Rench, of Qnmhu, who had been visiting at Uio Jog Nolan homo left yoatWday. Gladys Stocull loft Saturday for Moborloy, Mo to vlatt rolntlvos for a couple of weoks. Mrs.rLoard, of Fullorton; roturnod tOjhor slioino yesterday after visiting friends In tho city. Hpyt Smlthors, of Koarnoy, who had boon visiting his parents, left Saturday for his homo. Gladys Roso, of Ogalalla, who has been visiting Ella and Edna Falk loft fop hor homo Saturday. , ,JMr. and Mrs. L. B. Redmond and daughter loft Saturday for Denver and othor western points. Lillian Carlson resumed hor duties yctorday at tho AV. J. O'Connor Btoro aftor a two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Oborburk, who havo boon visiting tho Mar's slstor Mrs. Ray Gunsolly loft Saturday. Miss Carrlo Finch, who had been visiting at tho Goo. B. Dent homo left ln(jt weok for hor homo in Columbus, Ohtq. Mrs. Frank McGovorn and Mrs, Qcb. Vosolpkn roturnod Sunday from a three, weoks visit with frlonda in Graiid island. Mr, nnd Mrs. C. M. Nowton and son Donald and- Kenneth "Wholan loft Sunday, for a trip to Choyonno, Don ver and Estos Park. Mr. and Mrs. 0. "Wllloughby nro tak ing tholr vacation from their dutloa at tho J. C. Ponny store and aro visit ing friends In Denver. Mra. Ilartman of Broadwater, was token homo from tho General IIos- plirit Saturday. Sho wnB formorly Cecelia Mnnalian of this olty. Dr. 0. E. Vnndlvor, of Ogalalla, visited ,Dr. Rodflold Sunday". Ills son Howard played on tho Sldnoy- Ball team in tho gnnios Sundlay and Monday. G. If. Wurfel, Union Pacific road mastor at Koamey, is in tho city to day. - Mrs. G. F. Welngand, of Omaha, 1b horo to attoW tho funeral of tho late Joioph Spies. Winona Group ompllro girls will -go into camp at tho Watts Ranch tomor row for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. KUlnin and son arrived in the city Monday afternoon aftor a visit with tho homo folks at Omaha. Tho Womons Missionary Society of tho Lulhora.ChurcheWiU meet at tho homo of Mrs. F. Frodrickson Friday at 3 p. m. Ms. E. J. Miller and daughter, of Kearn6yV, wlio1'lVav!o 'boVn' visiting at tho Scharmann homo left for Koarnoy last evening. ' . Dr. Wurtollfowlll leave tSttiCy for his land in Morrill (iounty. He will complcto Ills illing nnd establish a rosldonco thoro In tho noar future Saturday, Judgo Woodhurst issued a tnurrlngO' llcouso to Goorgo Winters and Miss LJlllo M. Grockoy, both of Lexington. . Ho also marrlod them. 0. W. Wheolor, advance man for tho Standard Chautauqua Is in tho city looking aftor tho arrangements for tho opening of tho 1920 session on August lGth. M!b,h Lcota Scharmann gave a party Friday ovonlng In honor of Miss Ruth Miller df Koarnoy who is visiting hor. About twenty girls woro present and enjoyed tho games and refreshments. Miss Ruth Knrlson, of Gothenburg', Is visiting in tho city this weok. MIsh Kurlson taught in tho local schools during tho past two years but will teach in Gothonburg during tho com ing year. Rov. and Mrs. J. II. Curry lcavo Wednesday morning for Minneapolis and tho north lakes of Minnesota f&r a month's vacation. Dr. Curry expects to havo somo real fish storlos to toll when ho returns. A now flftcon-drnwor catnloguo case for tho chlldron's bookB has boon In stalled In tho City Llbrnry and Miss Murphy . Is remaking tho Indox. Tho JuvonlloB will bo kept soparato from tho adult department and special at tention will bo given to this dopart mont. Tonight will bo tho last showing of Charlos Ray In "Rod Hot Dollars" at tho Koith. It is tho story of a boy's grit, a girl' devotion, and a couple of old mon who loam that lovo Is bottor than hate. If you havo ovor soon Ray in ono of his Irroslstlblo roloa you will certainly want to seo this ono. IN CHILDHOOD most eyo troublos bogln. Thoro is tho placo to arrest them. Dofocts of sight aro moro easi ly corrootod In tho early days and action now may save your child from wearing glnssos pormanotly. Bring tho child In rogularly for compotont caro and ndvlco about tho oyos. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Tho U. P. Ball team played tho Horshoy Olants last Sunday after tho Sldnoy gamo and won by 8 to 4. Johnson and Hoggerty woro tho bat tery for tho U. P. bunch and McCain, Hoggs and Bucknor did tho work for tho Giants. Tho noxt gamo for tho U. P. mon is with tho P. O. Independents on Wednesday at 0 o'clock. SCltAlTJiB Column of oiiHcn"te. A The othtr day when we woro going over to DUruln' Garage to buy an Otdamoblle, man stopped tie and asked us why people all over town dug such ditches between the lawn an.l ;hc sidewalk. Wo could not tell him eo we thought we wquld go over and ask Hd Davis, so, we dftl. Ed wanted to know if we were complain ing about tlioso ditches and wo mid yes we wore for our bicycle went into ono of .thorn tho ohter day when wo wera trying to, get out of tho way of a dog and wo took a tumble wljlch hurt our dignity as well as stove in our framo. Ed asked us if they woro irrigation dltchos and we Said that could not bo for people would prefer to water the sidewalk with, the tho sprlnklor and Ed said maybo tfiey woro drainage ditchos. Wo told him tlint peoplo usually built tholr side walks lowor tlian the lawn so tho water would run off tho lawn onto tho sidewalk and so not hurt the lawn. Then we said that maybe it was to keep peoplo from walking on the lawns and Ed asked if we though the ditch would catch people by their high hool and wo Bald tl.nt. mieht hr i, that wo would think they would uso a fenco to keep people off tho lawns and Ed asked If tho ditch was to run ono wheel of tho lnwnmower in so Is would not scar up tho sidewalk and wo said that if it was a good thing to run ono wheel in it would bo a good thing to make another to run the other wheel in nnd Ed said that was reasonable TJhon Ed asked If wo had some of those ditches at our house and wo said wo had dug some In the spring and he asked why we had done It and wo said it was because Art Salisbury and Jim Fonda had done It and Ed said "Well, well, thr.tj's strango" and wo said It wasn't any stranger for us to havo them than for him to have them, and ho said he would knock off our block if wo In sinuated anything and so wov came away. And now wo know. !:o:; Tho Christian Aid Socloty will meet in tho church basement on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. L. L. Zook is chair man, i Fred Elliott nnd his son Ben left for Denver this morning where they will spend a fow days Bight scoing. r m the dark, in a low brawl in the Cote Dorion ? PH At thfe SUN, Tuesday & Wednesday. XOHTH VLAWB VEOVLK I IS BSTKS PARK. -A. A card from Senator Hoagland says "Tho Tileya, Kd Dlokoy, Sidney Bakers, Phil Beats, Howard" Me Michaels, Doraey LoypoldU and Wal ter Hoaglanda are having the ttlho of ; their llvet in Estee Park. It is cool I and we are enjoying tho mountain I drive. Tiley and Dickey till hold tho medal for catching trout but Sld I ney Baker hag a bad case. Crosbys ; started homa today by way of Den ; vor." m Wllllnn Charlos Raskins Arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loslle Raskins, Saturday. His father does not know whothor he will take to law or not but ho Is ahro he 111 tako to football. -::o Post Office Independents Win. In the gamo at Staploton, Sunday tho Post Office Indopondonts won by a score of 5 to 4 nnd squared them- 8elvos for tho (,ofoat two weoks as0t A mrso crowtl auemiecl " Bamo nn" Bl,owed tho,r nPPciatlon of tho snappy bal1 p,ayc(1 nt a11 Umos- The gam W"8 fenturecl by nbsolutoly air t,E'lt aml sensational noldlng on tho part of tho North Platters, three doubles being chalked up to tholr credit. Batteries forthe Independents Rnuch and Rauch: for Stapleton Hor rJng and Davis. Noxt Sunday tho In dependents will play Curtis at Curtis. Crystalf Theatre, Tonight and Tomorrow OWEN MOORE TS "The Desperate Hero" A comedy drama that will en- j i tertam and send you awayj .... cnucKimS Tlio Ii. Y. P. U. will holit a.pfcnlt on Friday evonlng. All niBhiborV hn"d friends will meet at tho, ohinyh. at J o'clock and convoyancos ' will bo on hand. The place has not. yet bden decided. ' Hay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness Successfully Handled by Spocial OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT of the Nose and Throat DR. W. I. Oasis Bldg Osteophthic A real investment is one that combines safety of principal together with a fixed and definite in comean investment yielding a rate of interest that Is liberal yet consistent with sound, conserva ' tive business methods. No investment on earth so nearly approaches this high standard' of excellence as First Mortgage loans on Real Estate In this character of investment the element of speculation is entirely removed, and in these days of uncertainty and unrest it behooves one to look carefully to the safety of principal and certainty of income. .You can secure such loans from S500 to which we have made offer for sale. Consult us if interested :oodman NORTH PLATTE, NEB. L it you want to goo something , qilenly soe Irono Castle in a new and auiful tolo" as ftvta and mother, i a plcturo of real life, with, a real ipBrhuf 'Soo "The Invisible Bond" at tho Crystal Thursday and Friday. SHAFFER PJhysician North Platte. Neb. $10,000 with our own money and WANS. .Buckley frost Co.