The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 27, 1920, Image 3

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Aristocrats Among Sweater!
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
. 4
Met finnf wits 15luid Drachm
liltlm r 'ill I I ff' imJIi'"1'111''! a
Ungincjio nuuas m "-ja
Always .
in hi i j1
facsimile Sijmrtnrej"
d iF J1
(a For
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Stephens Salient Six
"The Greatest Motor Car Value in the World Today"
Most powerful six cylinder motor of its size Twice winner of the National
Economy Test Better than 21 mile3 to the gallon made possible by the
Stephens own fuel handling system. Wide range of models as to seating
capacity. Card tires regular equipment.
Manufactured by the Stephens Motor Works, Moline Plow Co.
Mr, Dealer: Your territory may be open. Write at once for particular.
2216-18 Farnam Street - - OMAHA, NEB.
Has a Kind Nature.
"She? .ays sh refused no fewer
than six offers of marriage." "How
thoughtful and considerate of hor."
And, using their feet mure than ever before.
For all these workers the frequent use of
Allen's FootEasc, the antiseptic, healinK
powder to be shaken into the shoes and
sprinkled in the foot-bath, increases their
efficiency and insures needed physical com
fort. It takcs the Friction from the Shoe,
freshen the feet, and prevents tired, nch
ing and blistered feet. Women everywhere
are constant users of Allen's FootKase.
Ton't get foot sore, get Allen's FootEase.
Sold by dealers everywhere. Adv.
Passing It Along.
"What Is meant hy 'an embarrass
input of riches?"' Inquired the nam
who always wants i know something,
"I couldn't say, offhaml." replied the
delegate. "Ask some delegate whose
campaign fund has been oversub
scribed." -
Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and itching w4th hot
bnths of Outlcuru Soap and touches of
Gutleurn Ointment. Also make use
now and then of that exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum,
, one of the Indispensable Cutlcura
I Toilet Trio. Adv.
Really Little He Could Do After Such
a Declaration From His
Adored One.
In the hush of the twilight they lin
gered by the gate. He was full of
hope, but fearful to try his luck, while
she well, her fair face was lined and
drawn with determination.
Presently, after a silence long and
leep, she began:
"I will never"
Her eyes met his pleading orbs with
an Intensity of purpose which made
his heart quail.
"Wed any man I"
His bronzed face paled and be felt
as If he stood on the brink of n chasm
of despair. Then, with a politely cold
smile on her curved lips, she con
tinued: "Present company "
Agnln she pnused and he waited In
feverish anxiety for her next words."
"Always accepted 1"
And soon the wedding bells will be
ringing for him and his girl.
Sorry He Spoke.
Hub The preacher said this morn
ing, you'll remember, that the tlnest
garment a woman can wear Is the
inuntle of charity.
Wife Yes, and Judging from the
fuss they makeover the bills. It's about
the only garment some husbands want
their wives to wear. Boston Transcript.
Pursuing Swimmer Had No Idea .f
Letting a Chance Like That Get
Away From Him.
There were mutinous murmurs
aboard a certain merchantman when
word spread among the crew that the
ship wnnld not. after all, put In nt
Tahiti, but merely drop the null over
and go on. Tahiti, being French soil,
Is a little Island of liquor In mid-Pacific,
and the thirsty men aboard had
been lying awake nights thinking of
the drinks that lay ahead.
The disappointment was too much
for one seaman, who, uttering a plain
tive cry, leaped into the sea an ' start
ed to swim for the visible shore. The
captain, much vexed and a little envi
ous, ordered the best swimmer In the
crew" to go after him and bring him
back before ho reached land. An ex
cited lookout kept all on deck posted
on the progress of the race.
"He's gaining 1 He's gaining) Two
hundred yards a hundred yards fif
ty yards. In a dozen strokes he'll have
him. Five more strokes! A yurd to
go. Great guns!"
"What Is It? What Is It?"
"Great guns, sir, he's passed hire!"
American Legion Weekly.
NECESSITY Hint humble and use
ful mother of Inventions brought
forth some years ago after her kind the
humble and useful sweater and Its
early Intention and seeming destiny,
was Hltnply to be comfortable. Man
kind adopted It and has required noth
ing further than comfort from ''It nil
these years. Women adopted It and
have led It a merry chase Into the
land of fancy and changing styles.
She requires that It be novel, varied,
chic, Hist, and somewhat useful after
ward, and It Is far from bumble or
plain now. There are In fact so many
diversified kinds of sweaters that pic
tures of them might provide Illustra
tions for a calendar of the year.
July presents us with such delight
ful affairs In the smart company of
sweaters as that new model shown In
the picture It appears to be of fiber
silk knitted so as to show a solid rib
alternating with an open mesh. It Is
a slip-over model, ninong the neatest
of this popular variety, and Is very
nicely adjusted to the figure with
definite fit about the shoulders and
bust, and n charming management of
the wulxl. ll appears that we cannot
tell the story of anything thee days
without adding a little yarn to It.
Yarn trims everything hots, blouses,
frocks, and provides a double cord for
the waist of this sweater and a single
one for the neck. Little yarn balls
llnlsh the cords that are tied In the
simplest bows.
This swuitcr has some own sisters
that are band crocheted of silk yarn
in nimiv of the hrlirht sweater tone
Usually they are finished at the bottom
with n deep fringe. Narrow plcot
edged ribbon may be used for finishing
touches or long narrow sashes band
crocheted to match.
Besides these rather luxurious silk
sweaters- In open work designs there
are mnnv In lliiht-colored wools; as a
rule women who crochet or knit make
them for themselves. But the machine-
made sweaters are so attractive that no
one need long for anything better. Some
women buy a plain, machine-knit
sweater and crochet an edge about It
In vurn of a lluht contrasting color,
This Is easy to do nnd gives a dis
tinctive personal touch to the garment.
Household Bills an His Mind.'
Wife I wish you would put up the
hammock, John.
John (absently) How much do you
think I could get on It? Boston Eve-
1 nlng Transcript.
Ribbons Inspire Accessories
Food For
A July
and every morning vhen the thought
of health enters into the meal time
This easily digested food needs no
sugar, yet it has a most pleasing sweet
flavor, and is full of the sound good
ness of wheat and malted barley.
"Theres a Reason"
WHEN the young woman's fancy
Isn't turned to thoughts of love
It must certainly be occupied with
thoughts of sports apparel for mid
summer. It doesn't seem possible that
there can be time left for anything
else In minds that succeed In thinking
up s many sporty clothes. Everything
from hats to shoes Is permeated vvitn
this flavor of out-door pastimes.
Gifted and Ingenious designers are
taking advantage of their ribbon op
poriunlrtes and converting lovely rib
bons into smart soft bats for sports
wear. This Is not a new venture for
the ribbon hat has proved so practical
for sports and also for between-seaso:is
wear, that It Is here to stay. A l'eaturo
of these hats that makes them strong
with the tourist Is that many of them
are collapsible aild may be carried In
.a suit case or small bag. Another mer
it that everyone likes Is their flexibil
ity. Brims tunyyho turned up or down
and drawn Into Ihies that are most be
coming t th wearer. Faille and
satin ribbons are most popular fur hat
A group of these sports hats shown
above reveals how successfully rib
bons have played their purt in this
typo of headwear and the most natural
step In the world was taken by tho
designer who made bags and scarf
to match. In the set at the lop, bright
green trlcolette and faille ribbon make
a soft hat and wide scarf, the rlbbon-r
in white shirred In a puff about tho
edges of the scarf and across the front
of the hat The girdle of trlcolette Is
very little wider than the ribbon shir
red over It.
Just below at the right, there Is a
hat made or white faille ribbon with
plcot edge and a bag to match In
which the ribbon covers a foundation
of white satin. The mounting Is silver
metal and the handles are of the rib
bon. At the left there Is a brilliant set
made of white satin ribbon having
black embroidered figures over It. This
hat Is made over a light frame and Is
n dignified example of sports styles.
The ribbon Is Ingeniously managed In
the bug, lielng folded to bring the
embroidered figures lo the center.
Leather Belts.
New leather belts are Interesting, To
begin with, they are most of them
quite narrow, and as a second thing
they are worn often at a point above
or bejow the waistline of the coat or
frock they go with. One is a narrow
belt of glazed dark blue lent her, with
a narrow binding of black on each
side. This part of the belt reaches
around the waist. Then there are two
ends of tho belt of braided thongs of
the leather which are loosely tied and
hang down at the side, front or back.
How Many Women Are Like This?
Cau anything bo mora wearing for women than tho ccasolcsa
round pf household duties? Oh! tho monotony of it all
work and drudgo ; no timo to bo sick ; tired, ailing, yet can
not stop. Thcro comes a timo when something "snaps " and
thoy find thbmsolvcs " simply Worn out," and to mako matters
worso,havo contractedscrious feminino disorder which almost
ulways follows tho constant overtaxing of a woman's strength.
Then thoy should remember that taoro is no remedy llko
Lydla Et PinUham's Vc;;otablo Compouud thb expe
rience of theso two women establishes that factt
Sandusky.Ohlo. "Aftcrthoblrta
ot my baby I had organlo trouble.
doctor said It was caused by
Codar Hapiils, la. "After th
birth ot my last child I had such
painful spoils that would uuflt mo
entirely for my housoworlc. I suf
fered for months and tho doctor said
that my troublo was organlo ulcers
and I would havo to havo an opera
tion. That was tin awful thing to
mo, with a young baby nud four other
children, bo ono day I thought ot
Lydla E. rinUham's Vcgotablo
Compound and how It had holpod
mo years boforo nnd I docldod to try
It again. I took flvo bottlos ot Voce
tablo Compound and used Lydla K.
Flnkham'a Banatlvo Wash andalnco
thon I havoboon a? uoll woman, ublo
to take caroof myhouso nnd family
I am ready and thankful to swear by
your moaicmo any iiuio. ininioriy
1 tuiujum.ummmu
illness ot any kind for throo yoars."
Mrs. II. Koicma, GIT Ellis lUYd,
Uedaraiopias, iowa.
My doctor said It was caused bv
inn Iimtv ltf tlnir and I would
havo to havo an operation. X
would not conaont to an operation
and lot It go lor over n year, uaving
my slstor do my work for me as I
was not ablo to walk. Ono day my
aunt camo to soo mo and told ma
about your medlcino said It cured
hor of the miuo thing. 1 took Lydla
13. rinkhain's Vcgotablo Compound
and used Lydla B. Plnkham's Sana
tlvo Wash and thoy have cured me.
Novr I do my own housework, wash
ing and Ironing and sowing for my
family and also do sewing for other
people. iBtiUtakeabottloot Vego
tablo Compound every spring for a
toalo. I recommend your medicine
In nthnrn who havo troubles similar
jrosn,1323 Btono St.,Sandusky,Ohlo.
to mlno and you can nso my
it you wlh.rt Mrs. IUul r
All Worn Out Women Should Tako
Iff Lffll 3 reTiilEl
"How much does u farmhand charge
for u full day's work?"
"I dunno," said Farmer Oorntossel.
"I s'posc my Ideas Is Influenced by the
way I was raised. At the present time,
so far us 1 can see, thero ain't any
such thing as a full day's work."
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Bayer TabletH of Aspirin" Is genu
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only nn unbroken
"Buyer package" which contains proper
directions to relieve Headoche, Tooth
ache, Enrnche, Neuralgia, Uheuraatlsm,
Colds nnd I'nln. Handy tin boxes of VI
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bnyer packages." Aspirin
Is trnde mark Bayer Manufacture Mon
oacetlcnchlester of Sallcyflcacld. Adv.
Pleasant Reminiscence.
"1 suppose that us an unlnstrueted
delegate you were the object of some
flattering attention."
"I wns," replied the delegate. "I
want to say It was one of those cases
where Ignorance is bliss."
Harvest 20 to 45
Bushel to Aero Wheat
in Western Canada
Think what that menus to you In
Rood hard dollars with the grcut d
rnnnd. for wheat ut IiIkIi prlcoa. Mnny
fnrmorH In Western Cuunda have wild
for tholr land from n single crop. The
Bamo success may still bo yours, for
you enn liuy on easy terms,
Farm Land at $15 to
$30 an Acre
locnted near thriving towns, good mar
kets, nillwnyK land of a kind which
Krows 20 tu -1.1 litlxhrU of vrhrnt (
ncrr. Oood Kruxlmr Innds ut low price
convenlont to your Krnlii farm eniimn
you to reap the prontn from (ock riiU
InK nnd dnlrylui;.
Learn tho Facts About
Western Canada ,
low taxation (.none on Improvements),
healthful cllmut. uood schools,
churches, pleasant social relationship",
a prosperous nnd Industrious people
Tor IllUHtriitert literature. mnp, dencrlp
llnn of farm opportunity In Mtnllolia,
HaHkatchowan, und Alberto, reduced
railway rates, etc. write Deparlmi-ut
ot Immigration, Ottawa. Can., or
toora 4. Bes Bldg Omaha, Neb.
rntmiUnti Government Afrent
Do This Get the
Greatest Benefits
Chicago, 111. Thousands of reports
from people ull over the U. S. who
havo tested Katonle, show the greatest
benefits are obtained by using it for u
few weeks, taking oue or two tablets
after each meal.
Katonle users know that It stops
Belching, Bloating, Heartburn, anil
Now U the Tim to Ct lUd ot
These Uiljr Spots,
There's no longer the llshtet need ot
feellnK ashamed ot your freckles, as Othlne
double strength la guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Blmply get an ounce of Othlne double
strength from your druggist, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should oon nee that even the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounce Is needed to com
plelely clear the skin und gain u beautiful
clear complexion.
He euro to ask tor the double strength
Othlne, as this Is xold undtor guarantee of
money back It tt falls to remove freckles.
Knlqker Why is Jones resigning bis
Booker lie hasn't got enough not to
do. New York Sun.
Floured Foulard Blouses.
Figured foulard blouses are being
shown for summer und are attractive.
Nliiht and Morning".
Have Strong, Healthy they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Burn, if bore,
Irritated, Inflamed or
often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for
Infantor Adult. At all Druggists, write for
Free Eye Book. Noriu Eye Rtnuij Co., Ciucsto
rim i -. v , -i
Stomach Miseries quickly, but tho
really lasting benefits nro obtained by
using Katonle long enough to take tho
harmful excess, acids and gasea entire
ly out of the nystem. This requires u
little time, for Katonle takes up the
excess acldltj and poisons and carries
them out of the body and of course,
when it Is nil removed, the sufferer gels
well, feels line full of 'life unci 'pep.
If you have been taking an Katonle
now and then, be sure and take It regu
larly for a time and obtain nil of these
wonderful b'eneflts. Please speak to
your druggist ubout this, so thut he cap
tell others that need this helu, Adv
all, Nest,
vrnient, chuftu. butM
all season. Uu'a ot
metal, can't spill or
tip overt will r.ot toll
or Injure, snrthlng.
(ioarsnteed effective,
bolil by dealer, or
DraaM. I L2i.
DAUOUJ fcOMiUtS, U9 Do Ksltt Ave., Brooklyn. Si. Y.
l e iiue lor nute v,twv ti,u w, i... .1.1
nul UrtUB ot ltlO.UUO allures of Til btuuilurd
Oil Company of Tem, lnc , capital muck
12110,000, (1 00 per share In l"ts not
than 20 shuii-s A produiilnK company Nn
wildcat An opportunity for you Rrmli
with order VrousHurd (orhpany, 212 titrvf
art Illdg , IlnUHtnn, Texas. Licensed llroknra.