The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 23, 1920, Image 7

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    Harding Speech
of Acceptance.
lt'publlcnn Nominee lUscusscs
Problems of Nation,
Senator Wurrn G. Harding whi
offlcinlly notified on Thursday of his
nomination as tho republican candidate
for tho presidency. Ills speech of ac
ceptance Is, In part, ae follows:
Chairman Lodge, Members of Not!
flcatlon c'nimiiittee, , Members of Na
tional Committee, Ladies and Gentle
men: Tin- message wlm-li jou have
formally conveyed brings to inu a
realization of responsibility which la
not underestimated. It Is a supreme
task to Interpret the covenant of a
great political party, the activities of
which are so woven Into the history
of this republic, and a very sacred and
fcolemn undertaking to utter the facts
and aspirations of the many millions
who adhere to that party. The party
platform has charred the way, yet,
Koinehow, we have come to expect that
Interpretation which voices the faith
of nominees who must assume specltlc
Let me be understood clearly from
tho very beginning. I fielleve in party
sponsorship In government. 1 believe
in party government us distinguished
from personal government, individual,
dictatorial, autocracy or what not.
No man is big enough to run this
groat republic. There never has been
one. Such domination was never in
tended. Trnnituillty, stability, depend
ability all are assured In party spon
sorship, and we mean to renew the as
surances which were rendered in the
eatnclysmnl war.
Our first committal Is the restriction
of representative popular government,
under the constitution,- through the
agency of tho republican party. Our
'vision includes more than a chief
executive, wo believe In a cabinet of
highest capacity, cquul to the re
sponsibilities which our system con
templates, in whose councils the vice
president, second olllcial of the repub
lic, shall be asked to participate. The
same vision Includes a cordial under
standing and co-ordinated activities
Avith a house of congress, fresh from
the people, voicing the convictions
which members bring from direct con
tact with the electorate, and cordial co
operation along with the rest order
functions of tho senate, lit to be the
.greatest deliberative hotly of the world.
It Is not dillicult, Chairman Lodge,
'Ao make ourselves clear on the question
of international relationship. We re
publicans of the senate, conscious of
our solemn oaths and mindful of our
constitutional obligations, when we
saw the structure of a world super
government taking visionary form Join
ed in a becoming warning of our de
votion to this republic. If the torch
of constitutionalism had not been dim
med the deluod pence of the world
and the tragedy of disappointment and
Europe's misunderstanding of America
easily might have been avoided. The
republicans of the senate halted the
barter of Independent American emi
nence and Intluoneo, which It was pro
posed to exchnngf for an obscure and
unequal place In the merged govern
ment of the world. Our party means
to hold the heritage of American na
tionality unimpaired and unsurrend
ered. The world will not misconstrue. We
do not mean to hold aloof. We do not
mean to shun a single responsibility
of this republic to world civilization.
There Is no hate in the American
heart. We have no envy, no suspicion,
no aversion for any people In the
world. We hold to our rights and mean
to defend, nnd we mean to sustain the
rights of this nation and our citizens
alike everywhere under tho shining
sun. Yet there Is the concord of amity
iind sympathy and fraternity In every
resolution. There Is genuine aspira
tion in every American breast for a
tranquil friendship with all the world.
One may readily sense the con
science of our America. I am sure I
understand the purpose of the dom
inant group of the sonnto. Wo wore
not seeking to defeat a world aspira
tion, we were resolved to safegunrd
America. We were resolved then, even
as we are today and will be tomorrow,
to preserve this free and independent
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
in trie call if tl'e consiionro of
Amerlcn is peace, peace that closes the
gaping wound of world nr. and
silences the Impnwlonwl voice of In
turnatloual envy, and dlmrust. Head'
lug this call and knowing as I do the
disposition of the eon w, 1 promise
you formal and effective pence ni
vaulckly as n republican congress cat
pass Its declaration for a republican
executive to sign.
Jt Is better to be the free and disin
terested agent of International Justice
and advancing civilization witli the
covenant of conscience than be shack
led by a written compact which surren
ders freedom of action and gives to a
military alliance the right to proclaim
America's- duty to the world. No sur
render of rights to a world council or
Its military alliance, no assumed man
datory, however appealing, ever shall
summon the sons of this republic to
war. Their ipreine sacrlllce shall
only be asked for America and Its cull
of honor. There Is a sanctity In that'
right we will not relegate.
Disposed as we are, the way Is very
dimple. Let the failure attending us-
.sumption, obstinacy. Impracticability
and delay be recognized and let us
llnd the big, practical, unselllsh way to
do our part, neither covetous because
of ambition nor hesitant through fear,
but ready to serve ourselves, humanity
and Cod. With a senate advising as
the constitution contemplates, I would
hopefully appreciate the nations of
Europe and of the earth, prohibiting
that understanding which makes us a
willing participant In consecration of
nations to a new relationship to com
mit tho moral forces of the world,
America included, to peace and Inter
national Justice, still leaving America
free, Independent and self-reliant, but
offering friendship lo all the world.
It Is folly to close our eyes to out
standing facts. Humnnlty Is restive.
Much of the world Is In revolution, ,
tho agents of riicnrd and destruction
have wrought their tragedy In pathetic
Hussla, have lighted there torch among
other peoples, nnd hope to see America
ns a part of the great red contlagrtt
tlon. Ours is the temple of liberty
under the law, and It Is ours to call
the sons of opportunity to Us defense.
America must not only save herself,
but ours must be the appealing voice
to sober the world.
It must be understood that toll alone
makes for accomplishment and ad
vancement, and righteous possession Is
the reward of toll aqd Its Incentive.
There is no progress except in the
stimulus of competition.
The chief trouble today is that the
world war wrought the destruction of
healthful competition, left our store
houses empty, and there Is a minimum
production when our need Is maximum.
.Maximums, not minlmums, is the call
of America. It Isn't a new story, be
cause war never falls to leave depleted
storehouses and always Impairs the ef
ficiency of production. War also estab
lishes its higher standards for wages,
and they abide. I wish the higher wage
to abide, on one explicit condition that
the wage earner will give full return
for the wages received.
I want, somehow, to appeal to the
sons and daughters of the republic, to
every producer, to Join hand and brain
In production. More production, honest
production, patriotic production, be
cause patriotic production Is no less a
defense of our best civilization than
that of armed forces. Profiteering Is a
crime of raminb a'.nu, wv production
Is a crime of omission. We must work
our most and best, else the destructive
reaction will come.
The menacing tendency of the pres
ent day Is not chargeable wholly to the
unsettled and fevered conditions
caused by the war. The manifest
weakness In popular government lies
In the temptation to appeal to grouped
citizenship for political advantage.
It would lie the blindness of folly to
Ignore the activities in our own coun
try, which are aimed to destroy our
economic system, and to commit us to
tho colossal tragedy wl'Jch has de
stroyed all freedom and made Itussla
Impotent. This movement Is not to be
halted In throated liberties. We must
not abridge the freedom of speech, the
freedom of press, or the freedom of
assembly, because there Is no promise
In repression. These liberties are as
sacred as the freedom of religious be
lief, as Inviolable as tho rights of life
and the pursuit of happiness. We do
hold to the right to crush sedition, to
stifle a menacing contempt for law, to
stamp out a peril to tho safety of the
republic or Its people, when emergency
calls, because security nnd the majesty
of the law are tho first essentials of
liberty. He wlio threatens destruction
f tho euvortuimni In' (rwen. r Uuut
hi contempt TTir UnVtul authority
ceases to he an alert citizen and for
felts his rights to the freedom of the
No party Is InilllYf-rent to the welfnre
of the wage earner. To tis his good
fortune Is of deepest concern and we
look to make that good fort line perma
nent. We do not oppose ;ut approve
collective bargaining, been use Hint l I
an outstanding right, but we arc un j
alterable insistent that Its exorcise J
must not destroy the equally sacred
right of tho Individual, In his neces
sary pursuit of llNcllhood. Any Atnorl
ran has the right to quit his employ
ment, so has every American the right
lo seek employment. The group must
not 'endanger the individual, and We
must discourage groups preying upon
one another and none luill he allowed
to forget that the governments obliga
tions are alike to all the people.
We are so ;onlldcnt that much of the
present day Insisfllcleney and Inef
ficiency of transportation are due to
the withering hand of government op
eration that we emphasize anew our
opposition to government ownership,
we want to expodlte the reparation
nnd make sure the mistake Is not re
pealed, A sintc of Inndequnto transportation
facilities mainly chargeable to the fail
ure of governmental experiment, Is
lo'lug millions to agriculture. It Is
hindering Industry, It Is menacing the
American people with a fuel shortage
little less than a peril. It emphasizes
the present day problem and suggest:
that spirit of encouragement and as
sistance which commits all America to
relieve such an emergency, (iross ex
pansion of currency and credit have
depreciated the dollar Just as expan
sion and inflation have discredited the
coins of the world. We Inllated In
haste, we must dellate in deliberation.
We debased the dollar In reckless
finance, we miMt restore In honesty.
In all sincerity, we promise the pre
vention of unreasonable profits. .We
challenge profiteering with all the mor
al forcl1 and the legal powers of gov
ernment and people. Hut It Is fair,
aye, It is timely, to give reminder
that law Is not the sole corrective of
our economic ills.
Let us call to all the people for
thrift and economy. For denial and
sacrifice if need be. For a nation
wide drive against extravagance nnd
luxury. To a reconimltt-al to simplic
ity of living. To that prudent and
normal plan of life which is the health
of the republic.
New candidates, who are facing n
massing growth and an extraordinary
Industrial development, call for a now
and forward looking program. The
American fnrmer had a hundred and
twenty millions to feed 111 the home
.unrket, and heard the cry of the
world for food and nnswered it, though
he faced an appalling task amid handi
caps never encountered before.
Contemplating the defenselessness of
the Individual farmer to meet the or
ganized buyers of his products and tho
distributors of the tilings the farmer
buys, I hold that farmers should not
only be permitted, but encouraged to
Join in co-operative association to reap
the Just measure of reward merited
by their arduous toll.
Our platform Is an earnest pledge
of renewed concern for this most es
sential and elemental Industry and In
both appreciation and interest we
pledge effective expression In law and
practice. We will hull that co-oper
ation which again v ill make profitable
and desirable the ownership and oper
ation of comparatively small furais,
Intensively cultivated, and which will
facilitate the caring for the products
of farm and orchard without the la
mentable wVste under present condi
tions. America would look with anxiety on
the discouragement of farming activi
ty either through the government's
neglect or Its paralysis of socialistic
practices. A republican administra
tion will ho committed to renewed re
gard for agriculture and seek the par
ticipation of fnrmer.s in curing the ills
Justly complained of, and aim to' place
the American farm where It ought to
be; highly ranked in American activi
ties and fully sharing the highest good
fortunes of American life.
Becomingly associated with fids
subject qre the policies of Irrigation
and reclamation, so essential to agri
cultural expansion, and the continued
development of the great and wonder
ful west. It Is our purpose to continue
and enlarge general aid not in sec
tional partiality, hut for the good of
all America.
I believe a budget system will effect
a necessary, helpful reformation, and
reveal business methods lo government
business. I believe federal depart
ments should be made more business
like and send back lo productive effort
thousands, of federal employees, who
are either duplicating work or not es
sentfal at all.
I believe in the protective tnrin pol
icy and know we will be calling for Its
Having Amcricuuisiu again.
I believe In a great merchant ma
rine. I would have this republic the
leading muratlme nation of the world
I believe In a navy ample to protect
It nnd able to assure us dependable de
fense. I believe in a small army, but
the best In the world, with a mindful
ness for preparedness, which would
avoid the unutterable cost of our pre
vlous neglect. I believe in our emi
nence In trade abroad, which the gov
ernment should aid In expanding, both
hi revealing markets anil speeding car
goes. I believe In establishing stand
ards for immigration, which are con
corned with the future citizenship of
the republic, not with mere man power
In Industry. I bHIove that every mini
who dons tho garb of American citizen
ship and walks in the light of Amer
ican opportunity, must huconio Amort
can In heart and soul..
I hellee lii holding fast to eer. for
wnrd step In unshackling child labor
and elevating conditions of women's
employment. 1 believe the federal gov-"
eminent should stamp out lynching and j
remove thnt stnln from the nanfe of j
America. I believe the federal govern- i
menf should give effective aid In solv
ing the problem of ample and becom
ing l ousing of its cltlxctts.hlp. I be
lieve thin government should mako Its
l.lheily and Victory bonds worth nil
that Its patriotic citizens paid In pur
chasing them. 1 believe the tax bur
dens Imposed for the war emergency
must ne revised to the needs of
peace nud In the Interest of equity In
distribution of the burden.
I believe the negro eltlnons of Amer
ica should he guaranteed tho enjoy
ment of all their rights as thev have
earned the full measure of cltlnenshlp
bestowed: that their sacrifices in blood
on the battlefields of the republic have
entitled them to all of freedom and
opportunity, all of sympathy and aid
that the American spirit of fairness
and Justice demands. I believe there
Is an easy and open path to righteous
relationship with Mexico. It has .seem
ed to me that our undeveloped, uncer
tain and Infirm policy has made us a
culpable party to the governmental
misfortunes In that land. Oar relations
ought to bo both friendly and sympa
thetic. Wo would Hire to acclaim a
stable government there and offer n
neighborly baud In pointing out the
way to greater progress. 1 believe 111
law enforcement. If elected, I mean
to be a constitutional president, and It
Is impossible to Ignore the constitution,
unthinkable to evade the law, when
our every committal Is to orderly gov
ernment. The four million defenders
on land and sea were worthy of the
best traditions of a people never war
like In peace and never pacifists In
war. They commanded our pride.
They have our gratitude, which must
have genuine expression. It Is not
only a duty, it Is a privilege to see that
the sacrifices made shall he requited
and that those still suffering from cas
ualties and disabilities shall be abun
dantly aided and restored to the high
est capabilities of citizenship and Its
enjoyment. The womanhood of Amer
ica, always Its glory, Its Inspiration,
and the potent uplifting force In Its
social and spiritual development is
about to be enfranchised. In-so-far as
congress can go, the fact Is already ac
complished by party edict. Hy my re
corded vote, by personal conviction,
I am committed to tills measure of
Justice. It Is my earnest hope, my
sincere desire, that the one needed
state vote be quickly recorded In the
alllrmatlon of the right of equal suf
frage and that the vote of every citi
zen shall be cast and counted In the
approaching election. And to the great
number of noble women who have op
posed In convict Ion this tremendous
change In the ancient relation of the
sexes as applied to governmunt, I ven
ture to plead that they will accept the
full responsibility of enlarged citizen
ship and give to tho best In the repub
lic their suffrage and support.
Ours is not only a fortunate people,
but a very common sense people, with
vision high, hut their feet on the earth,
with belief In themselves and faith In
God. Whether enemies threaten from
without or menaces arise from within,
there Is some Indefinable voice saying,
"Have confidence in the Republic
America will go on."
Room 1 utiil 2 Belton Building
North Platte, N shrank.
Physician. Obstetrician
Surgeon, X-Itay
Cnlls Promptly Answered NJghJ or Day
Phono Office 042 Residence G7G
Office Phono 340 Res. Phono 1237
Osteopathic Physician
Belton Bldg. North Platto, Nob
Phono for Appolntmontc.
W. T. PltlTCHARJ),
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ox
nssistant doputy Stato Veterinarian
Hospital 815 South Vino Street.
Hospital Phono Block 633
Houso Phone Black 633
The Platte Valley
719 West Fifth Street,
Open to tho Medical Profession
for tho treatment of Medical, Sur
gical, anil Obstetrical cases.
Modem, largo nnd nlry. Pleasant
rooms -nt the most reasonable
Best of euro given to all. Regis
tered Nurses only employed.
Phono 110.
GEO. 11. PENT,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Glren to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building &. Loan Building
Phones: Office ISO, Residence tlG
Over Hlrsclifcld's
Offlco Phono 333 Hob. Phono 1020
Practlco Limited to
Surgurj anil Radium ThcrutM !
it? City Nutlounl limit Itulhllui:
Onmtin. Nelint
JOHN S. SlJHlH. M. 1).
Special Attention Given to
.McDonald IIiiul. Ilnihllng j
on ice mono S!l Kesldcucc S
Notico of Final Report.
Estnto No. 1G2S of Don Wostenfeld,
deceased In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraskn.
The Stnto of Nobraskn, to all per
sons Interested in said Estate take
notice thnt the Executors Jmvo filed a
final account and report of their ud i
ministration nnd a palltlon for flral
duiiiuiniiiL twin iimciiursu i'.s niiiu,
which have boon sot for honrlng bo
foro said court on August 13, 1920, at
9 o'clock n. m., when you niny appear
and contost tho same.
Dated July 19th. 1920.
Jtily20-3v bounty Judge
order roit hearing.
In tho mattor of the Estuto of Niels
IIuuboii, Deceased.
Tho State of Nebraska: to nil per
sons Interested in sum estate, both
creditors and heirs:
Jcrgon P. Jorgenson having filed
his petition under ontn In. thin court
stating that Niels Hanson, died In
testate on or about ,tho 1-4 tli day of
June, 1S9S, and that nt the dtito of his
death ho was a rosldont and Inhabi
tant of tho County of Lincoln and
Stnto of Nebraska; that at tho ditto
of his death ho was the owner of the
North West Quarter of the North East
Quarter and tho North East Quarter
of tho North West Quarter and tho
South Half of tho North WoBt Quarter
all of Section 14, Township 10, Range
28, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, nnd
that tho petitioner Is tho present
ownors of Biild promises having pur
chased tho snmo by mcsno convey
ances from t.ho heir of said deceased;
that Bald deceased loft as his solo
and only heir nt law his father Jons
Hansen; said petitioner praying that
n docrco of said court may bo render
ed determining tho dnto of tho death
of said deceased, tho right of succes
sion to said above described real es
tuto, who oro tho heirs of snld de
ceased,' tholr degree of kinship nnd
tho right of doscont of tho rcnl prop
erty of which tho said deceased died
and outer his decroo accordingly; It
is thoroforo ordered thnt a hearing
bo had on snld petition at tho county
courtroom in tho city of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 0th
day of AiiKiist. 1920. nt tho hour of
ono o'clock p. in.
Dated this 28th day of Juno, 1920.
13-3w County Judge.
Estato No. 17G5 of Bornrd Miller,
In tho County Count of Lincoln
county, Nobrnskn.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, hb. Credi
tors of said estuto will tako notico that
tho timo limited for prosontntlon nnd
tiling of claims against said estato Is
November fi, 1920, nnd for nottloinont
of said estnto Is July 2, 1921, that I
will sit at tho county court room In
said county on August G, 1920, nt 9
o'clock a. in. and on Novombor G, 1920,
nt 9 o'clock a. m., to receive oxamlno,
hoar, allow or adlunt all claims nnd
objections duly filed.
JG-4 County .Tudgo.
In tho Mattor of tho Estato of Louis
Armstrong, Doccascd.
mrTnrtmrin tit m ITtl TTC3
mm?. rvn t nitia AitMCTnnw tvp
You aro horoby notified that on v. Ragland; nnd Section 15, Town
Juno 29, 1920. William A. Annstong Bhlp 15( Rang0 29, Lincoln County,
and aoorso T. Sldwoll as Executors Nebraska, and all persons claiming
of said Lstato, filed In said Court, ,ntorost of Wnd , Ha,d roa,
their final account and application cstato or t thercof wln h b
or tho assignment o tho real cFtato tako not ty,mtRiN Bru plalntlffla
belonging to said Estato, to-wlt: All nn act wJ , R
of tho Northeast Quarter fNE'4) of . ,,,,-. ,, . . . .,..
Section Sovontoo (17) in vns lp
T.m lT "IV ?.rt
, .. ,, ... n, n,
County, Nobraska, and All of tho
North-west Quarter (NW) of Soc-
tlon Eight (8) In Township Fourteen
(14), Nprth of nango Flfty-nvo (55),
West Gth P. M. In Kimball County,
Nobraska, and that said final account
and application for tho assignment of
said real estate will bo hoard beforo
this Court in the Countv Court room
in tho Courthouso In tho City of North
Platto, County of Lincoln, Stnto of
NObrnska, on tho 24tll day or July, uripuou in uuu iu um rem uhiuio
1920, at 0 o'clock a. in., nnd you aro whatsoovor.
hereby cited to appear at said timo Your aro furthor notified that unless
and place and show causo, If any thoro you answer said petition by tho 9th
bo, why Bald final account and np- day of August, 1920, Judgmont by de
pllcatlon for tho assignment of said fault will go takon against you forever
real estato, should not bo allowod. excluding you from any claim of any
Datod nt North Platto, Nobraska, kind In and to said real estato.
Juno 29, 1920. I U. N. BRUER,
Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, ' By Halllgan, Boatty & Ilalllgan,
J6-3w (SEAL) County Judgo. J29-J23 Hla Attorneys.
I have the Money
on hand to close
loans promptly.
Real Estate Mortgages1
Bought and Sold
Loan Broker
Building & Loan Building
.", (I, 7 Ilulldlng & Loan Building.
Office Phono 70. Res. Phone 1243
Storage Batteries
I Midway Motor Co.
Office phone a!41. hn. phono 217
L . C . D R OS1,
OstcoDitlhlc Pi.vmIcwui.
'orth Plntu- ... t'tHSKH.
Knights of t'olumhti Building
..Genera! Hospital..
One Hall Block North ol Posloftice.
- I'hone 56
A modern Institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Riiy
hihI diagnostic Inboratoruu.
Geo. D. Dent M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
Notice of Final Report.
Estnto No. 1729 of Qoorgo Drown
Canrlght, decensed In tho Comity
Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of NobraBka, to all per
sons Intoroatod In Bald Estnto tako
notico that the Administrator hns filed
a final account and roport of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
ottlement and discharge as such,
hich have been sot for hearing bc
oro said court on August G, 1920, at
o'clock a. in., when you mny appear
nd contost tho same.
Dated July 9, 1920.
Jl-13-3w Countv Judge.
Notico of Petition.
Estuto No. 1715 of Josoph J. Bowker,
doccascd In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, To all por
ons interested in snld Estnto take not
co that a petition has been filed for
ho probata of an instrument purport
ing to bo tho last will and tostamont
of JobopU J. Bowker, docoased, and for
tho appointment of Annie C. Kranip as
Executrix of Bald Estnto, which has
boon set for hearing heroin on July 23,
920, at 9 o'clock a. in.
Dated Juno 2G, 1920.
49-3w County Judge,
Legal Notice
Horaco Bocknor; C. Hastings
n ... Thnm(1H Ti ,,. m,nrn,,
TT TIlll. Wlltln S rlila! n.liirnr.l
nrQ ofondlint ,mfJ (cd h,B Ht',on
i the district court of Lincoln Coun-
ty, Nobraska, tho object and prayer
. .t. . ' . .
"l i; ,'"7 M""o
??.ct,0,n Township 15, Rango 29.
"" u "f "'-i "B"'"
""u W4-" Ul uu u,m l" uc
cruu u 1110 1 cou" lat,
nnd ,of yu an(l a11
i' uiu..iui.b uy huuiohi oi
anv kind In said real cstato or any
vart thereof have no right, titlo or
Interest of any kind, character or des-