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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1920)
J WILSON TOUT, Kdftor and Piibllsher. 4SURSCRIPTI0N PRICK: Oho Yenr, In ndrnnco $2.00 Enterod at the North Platte, Nebraska Postoffice an Second Clnfl Matter, TUBS HAY, JULY j(ltli 11)20; LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr nd Mrs. P. S. Evans ruturnod from Xearnoy Sunday. LouT BraUrnflK wont to Stnploton Sunday to upend a few days. Hazel Simpson loft Sunday for Don "vor to Mpond sevoral months. John Baker left Saturday for Fon tonella, I., to vlHit foe r weak. Frank Horrod loft Sunday for Colo rado Point to loonto porninnontly. Mrsy. T. JeffrloB and clilldron loft Snturdny for Mlllor to visit rolntlvoH. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Romlgh loft Snt- dny fr Oak Bluffs to visit for some llmo, Lost) A silver'bar pin set with bril liants. Reward. FJndor call at thin offloo. Tho Epworth Louguo of the M. E. church will hold u picnic Thursday evening. LrtDora and Edith Stenner roulgnod tholr positions nt tho O'Connor storo Snturdny. Ruth Elder If to ontor Colorado State Tonchors' Collego at Orooloy In Soptombor. Henry Hookor returned from Ster ling last wook whdre ho hud been visiting friends. Miss Anna 0'IIaro Is taking n vaca tion from her duties at tho Prater lrug Htoro this weok. Thurston Woodhurst cnino up from Kenrnoy Saturday to visit tho homo folks for a fow days. Chns. .Yost has decided to ontor Midland College at tho opening of chool In Soptombor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Flkes left Sat urday for St. Louis nftor visiting nt tho Mlko Hayes homo. Harold Potoruon camo from Sterling 'Sunday and Is a guest nttho P. M. ;Soronaon homo this weok. Elizabeth Weir enmo up from Grand Island yostorday to visit at tho P. M. SoronBon homo for a wook. 9 Mrs. W. It. Koslor, of Kansas City, camo yostorday to visit hor paronts JMr. and Mrs. C. II. Stnmp. Earl Foster Is pluunlng on attending 'tho Colorado School of Minos nt Gold on, dining tho coming year. Mrs, F. M. Lansing returned from Des Moines last wook bolng called "here by the' Ulnoss of hor fnthor. J. W. Roan, of tho recruiting sor vlco left Saturday , for Sutherland where ho was on duty over tho woolc unfl. Don't forgot there will bo "Too !Much Johnson" ut tho Keith tonight nnd it's tho Inst tlmo, too. Rut como ainywny. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sholvor and son "Toddy returned Snturdny from Wis consin whoro thoy visited rolntlvos for n month. Mr. and Mrs. Tim O'Koefo ruturnod "Sunday from Konrnoy whero thoy had boon cnllod by tho deatli of Mr. 0' Keofo's father. Mr. rind Mrs. Tim OAKoofo wnB call ed to Kearney Friday by tho suddon donth of Mr. O'Koofo's mothor Mrs. Lnwronco O'Koofd. W MurcolloB returned Sunday from Waterloo, la., whoro ho had boon visit ing hlfi mothor and has rosuned duties tit tho Romlgh Qnrngo. Melvln Gulloy, enrouto from Knusns 'City to bis homo In Goring, stopped over to visit hla brother J. C. Gulloy nnd will leave tomorrow. Whom should n mnn trust If not Ills own swoolhoart? Soo Tom Mooro in Duds nnd you'll know. Keith Theatre Wednqsdny and Thursday. . Gladys Stcgnl ontortntnod a number of young folks nt a dinner party Inst ovonlng Jii honor of Miss Gladys Plpor, of Cheyenne, who Is tho houso guest of Florcnco Cough. A pu.rty consisting of Lola. Katlo, Ivan lUHl Charlos Walters and Harry Waltomnth left this morning for Estea Park. ThOv expect to bo gono oovoral wooks. Mrs. Walters will Joint horn Inter, -Mrs. J. 13. Loftio, of Salt Lake, City upent Saturday In town onrouto to Grand Island.' Slfo was formerly (Miss Mary Loftla of tills city and taught In tho Tljty bcIiooIh for many years. Don't toll a woman your life ls dull. Sho may inako It exciting for you, If your life docs scorn dull go to tho Crystal Thursilny and Friday and see Ethel Clayton liven things up In "Mora Deadly Thnn tho Mnlo." our desire Is to supply you with Tho Host Sorrier, nnd Tho Rest (lliiKsc at Tho Rest Prices. "The Rexnll hnndlos tho goods. 14tf For Said Buick Six FIvo pasien- gor touring in good condition, with oxtrn oqulpmont. Rargnln .for cash "Will trade for Liberty Ronds. Phono $13. BOtf The Roy Scouts of Troops 1 nnd 5 . . . - . a . . i ... ii. t -. . r puueu on ii Hiuiii ui mu ihhhi ;uii cort whlcli shows thorn to bo allvo. Thoy carried chairs over to the Court Houso entrance and rented thorn to patrons of tho Concert for ton cents each. After tho concert tho chnlrs woro carried away. This was an ac commodation to a number of people who would rather not sit on tho grass and if carried out at cnoh concert will amount to quito a sum for tho year. Count ou tho Doy .Scouts. Household Arts Teacher Secured. aMIh,b Bobs Doyloe has nccoptod a pufco'dn the local schools as hoad of tho Household Art Department for tho next yoar. Slio will tench Cooking and Sowing. Sho Is a graduato of Cos Collego and has taken advanced work nt Iowa Stela Collego at Amos, She has had sevoral years oxporlonco teaching these subjects in High Schools In Iowa. Her salary will bo $1800 for the year. :!o:: Nolieo (o Water Consumers. Tho credit limit for payment of wntor ront for tho months April, I "ay nnd Juno comes to nn and next Tues day, July 20th, nnd many of our con sumers have not paid up yet, If you expect water servlco soo that your bill is paid on or bforo tho 20th as all consumers delinquent aftci that dnfe will have their services shut oil until, bill Is paid. A charge Dl $1.00 All! bo added to tho bills of all tho4. whose sorvlco is shut off foi non-payinjiu lo i. . for the ma'i's time as requt. i I y ordinance HERSIIEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. o: HOJIKS FOR SALE. NO INCREASE IN TAX VALUES. On terms Just Uko rent. Got your home troubles in tho otoar now before winter comos and And you looking for a house. Wo offer the following prop erties on exceptionally onsy torms and vnfmuch as prop-tles are going to bo herd to gpt this fall, it .would bo well to settle tho mattor now. Prices nro steady and will not go down so long as the demand Is so great. 18 room liouso ,two Btory, strictly modem, 1008 West 4th St. $2500 down nnd balanco $7fi per month on con tract. Room for three families. Tho upstairs will ront for $70 per month Price $10,000. I Two, flvo room, now modern houiios,! itf H. & S. Addition. Prlco $G200 each'. $150 cash down, balance on contrnet ' like ront. .Three, four room houses, west 2nd street, 2000 block, Just completed. $500 down on each, bnlnnco like ront. Prices $2300 nnd $2400. One tlirea room houso nnd one four room house off of West Cth Stroot, south of upper yard office Just com pleted. Prlco $2400 and $2200. Small payment down, bnlnnco llko rent. We rognrd all of tho abovo proper .... uto.v nn,l rnnnrl nt thnv nrl- ties as special bnrgnlns on tho torms.'"11 u" 1 . 7""o"", offered and would llko to show them to you" by nppolntmont. Phono or seo tho IIOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN AGENCY. ' 54-2 ::o:: Como and Soo tho Ladles Now Art Turning Noodlo now bolng dcnion- trated by Miss Ruth Jackson at Tho Leador Mor. Co. Farewell Appearance The Original Southern Rag-A-Jazz At The K. C. Hall ,3 Friday and Saturday, July 23-24. SPECIAL 20 Bars Laundry Soap $1.00 Kirks Castile Toilet Soap, 3 bars for 25c One pound of Coffee, whole berry 30c Swifts Premium Bacon . 4 06 Matches per box , rjc Five pound pail of Lard 3 cans Oil Sardines 25c Horse Shoo Tobacco 85c Star Tobacco ' g5c 3 cans of Corn 1 .joc Cow Brand Flour, per sack $3,G5 One Dollars worth of Sugar at 17c per pound with each $5.00 order. . BIRDWOOD STORE. We pay the market prices. Cash or trade for Eggs. OPEN TILL :00 P. 3L I 1 L Another Ilo Scout Activity. Troops One and Two of tho Hoy Scouts have offered tholr sorvlcos to the Cleanup Campaign Committee. and litre hoen assigned to duty as insjioc- tors. . They will oovor the city, lnifpobt the yards, alloy, etc, and fill odt a report on each homo. Those places whlch pass the tnndnrd will bo award- ed a 100 window card and those which pass tho standard will boaWard- rnaannuhln tlmo liafnrn nndtAor in- speotfon Is made and a card nwardod If the improvement Is good. Tho Com- inlttoo roports that tho preliminary inspection shows many 100 homos and others hurrying to get in ilne. ... '. !!?!:" ( heck ( ouufy I rpiisuivr. , C. D, Robinson, of Red Cloud, and George Antbes. of pmaha. Deupty Auditors from tho Statc-Addltor'solTlco havo just completed checking Uio books of tho County 'ireasurer. Thoy found them correct, S. M. So.idor, tho Tronsuror reports tho total I collections ot ins ouico irom way at, xvi w unio to bo $1,009,091.88. This breaks all , previous records for any equal longth i or timo. "ino nmouni oi woik invol ved In making those collections may bo understood whon it is known that this office issued 15,000 tax receipts last yoar and Lincoln County stands fourth In tho stato In tho number, of nutoinooiio receipts issued, we nonn out over 5100 auto licenses In Lincoln County," said Mr. Souder. 8 RargaJns In Fords. Ford Coupo with startor, $300.00. 'Ford Rncor, $275.00. HENDY-OOIER AUTO CO. DR. 0. !!. CRESSLkR. Graduate Dentist Ofllc nvrr th" McPops'' f5infi Hunk Notice of Filial Report Estate No. 1C28 of Don Westonfold, deceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobrnskn. mi. at Tni.HnniM n. ..11 niM sons Interested in said Estate take ?2 Jf ti n Pn,,,,? S''1 nhnbl; notice that the Executors have filed afef. " ."" .,0f . L,"C,n f"'1 ,i .uanLon a himh. win!. i.nv lmnn n for heariiiir be- foro said court on August 13, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., whon you may nppoar and contest tho same. ' Dated July 19th, 1920. Wm, II. C WOODHURST, July20-3w County Judge. Band Tuesday, July 20, isJ,5 1 Railroad Labor Award Today. Thoordoro Bryan and Will Thlso, of Oelwin, Town, stoppod off Friday to see Secrotnry Moran.of the Chnmbor of Commorco. Mr. Rryan is building a new $80,000 theatre in Oolwln and Mr. Thlso Is pnymastor for tho C. & G. W. R. R. at that placo. Those golitle- men are on a motor trl to San Fran- : cIsco from which place tl'cy will go to Honolulu by boat. , "o-: : ATTENTION" I'LKASK! Men with cythos and mowing ma- chinos that will cut woods please leave your name and phone number and rtd-1 dress with J. E. Seb.istini). Gen 1. Chairman. McI1 vlth wnRonB tlmt ctm 1)atll rul). b,Hh ,oavo your nma wItl) H J M(,.nn S(,cretary of ciiamhor-of Commerce. p,ono C7i Tho By ScoutR started Inapectlo'n MnmiHv. Thorn nr-n nn mill .,r ihum Thoy have vour 100 card pjeiise j. I pllly ,t , your front Wn(i0Wi- Cion homoH 1110ftn enterprising oltb.en Arc you one of tlxom7 your for j,e CRm9i J. K. SEBASTIAN. General Chairman. :o: ECHEMIKRUY Wants to Show you Furniture Ranges Stoves Beds Springs Mattresses Cots Pads Pillows Dlshos Tlnwaro Hardwaro Tonts of all Kinds. Camp Outfits You neod the goods I GOTTA have the Money. Lets Go To 5:5-4- 1044E. Front. ORDER FOR HEARING. j IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LIN COLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. 1 In the matter of the Estate of Niels Hansen, Deceased. i Tho State of Nebraska: to all per sons interested In said estate, both creditors and hoirs: Jergen P. Jergonsen having filed his petition under ontn in this court stating that Niels Hansen, died In testate on or about tho 14th day of June, 1898, and that at the date of hla a"'lu "l UUIUUKli; HHU Ul llie OHIO of his denth ho wns the ownor of the North West Qunrter of the North East Qarter tho North East Quarter of the North West Quarter and the South Half of the Noih West Quarter all of Section 14, Township 10, Range 28, hi' Lincoln County, Nebraska, and that tho petitioner Is tho present owners of said promises having pur chased the same by mesne convey ances from the heir of said deceased; that said deceased left as his solo and only heir at law his father Jens Hansen; said petitioner praying that a decree of said coutt may be render ed determining the date of tho deatli of -said deceased, the right of succes sion to said abovo described real es tate, who are tho hoirs of said do ceased, tthelr degree of kinship and tho right of descent of tho real prop- orty of which tho said deceased died and enter his decree accordingly; it is therefore ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at tho county courtroom In tho city of North Platte Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the Gth day of August, 1920, at tho hour of ono o'clock p. m. . Dated this 28th day of June, 1920. 1 Wm. H. C. WOODHUR'ST, J13-3w County Judge NOITCi: TO CREDITORS. Estate No. -17G5 of Bemrd Miller. uecenseu. , In the Cojunty Count of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credi tors of said ostato will take notlco that tho timo .limited for presentation and illlng of claims against said estato is Movombor G, 1920, and for settlement 01 sniu esiaie is July L', iuui, that l will sit nt tho county court room In jnld county on August 6, 1920, nt 9 o'clock a. m. nnd on Novombor G, W20, at 9 o'clock a. m., to rocolvo, examine, hoar, allow or adjust all claims nnd objections duly filed. WM. IT. C. WOODHURST. JO-4 County Judge NOTICE OF HEARING. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LIN COLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In tho Matter of tho Estato of Louis Armstrong, Doccased. TO THE HEIRS AND ALL PER SONS INTERESTED IN THE ES TATE OF LOUIS ARMSTRONG, DE CEASED, You aro horoby notified that on Juno 29, 1920, William A. Armstong and Goorgo T. Sldwoll as Executors of said Estato, filed in said Court, their final account nml appllcnt'lon for tho assignment ot tho real estato belonging to said Estato. to-wlt: All of the Northeast Quarter (NEV4) of Soctlon Seventeen (17) In Township Fourteen (14), North of Rango Thlr ty (30), West Gth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nobraska, and All of tho North-west Qunrtor (NWU) of Sec tlon Eight (8) in Township Fourteen (14), North of Rango Fifty-flvo (55) West Gth P. M. in Kimball County, Nobraska, and that said final account nnd application for tho nsslgnment of said real ostatq will bo hoard before this Court in tho County Court room In tho Courthouso In tho City of North Plntto, County qf Lincoln, Stato of Nobrnskn, on tho 24th day of July, 1920, at 0 o'clock a. m., and you nro hereby cited to flPPcnr at said timo and placo and show causo, if any, tfcoro bo, why enld final account, and ap plication for tho assignment of .said real,-citato, should not bo allowod.. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, June 29, J920. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, jG-3w (SEAL) County Judge. Don't Forget "THE SUN" j lias 31ntlnecs Each Hnjr Except J Sunday at 2:00 p. in. nnd 1:00 p. m. Coolest Place In Town. .52-4 ..... mm ................ 1 I DR. J. S, TWINEM I Medicine Surgery Obstetrics Hospital Facilities Platte Valley Hospital ::KKKKKaKKK::KK:::jK::K The Platte Valley Hospital. 719 West Filth Street, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Open to tho Jrcdlcnl Profession for tho treatment of Mcdknl, Sur gical, nnd Obstetrical cases. Modern, Inrgo nnd niry. Plcusant toonis -nt the most reasonable prices. . Rest of caro glTcn to all. .Regis tered Nurses only employed. DOROTHY REED, R. N., Superintendent. Phono 110. ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 .nd 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska GEO. B. DENT, I'hsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Snrgerj and Obstretrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Office 130, Residence 115 W. T. PBrxCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex asslstant deputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 815 Sonth Vino Street Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black 633 JOHN S. SIMMS. M. I). Special Attention Given to Sunrerj DIcDonnld Rank Building Office Phone S3 Residence 39 BR. IlEDFIELD Physician, Obstetrictnn Surgeon, X-Bnv Calls Promptly Answered Night or Daj Phono Office CIS Residence G7C Office Phone 340 Res. Phone 1237 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platte. Neb Phone for Appointments. Gamble with Springer. THE CHAIN SYSTEM No. 1, 220 North Locust, Phone 203. No. 2, 110 East B Street, Phone 49C No. 3, C21 Enst Fourth, Phono 971. No. 4, 824 West Third, Phono No. 75. HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. We want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. No market for bones at present. L. LIPSHITZ. ' OERRYRBRltl & QR IlKS, Licensed Embameie Undertakers nndFuneralDlroetora Day phono 41 Night phone Black 088 DOCTOR C. A. SELBY l'liyslcian and Surgeo Office over Roxall Drug Stoio Office Phone 371. House 10G8 DIt, HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over Hlrschfcld's Office Phone 333 Ros. Phone 1020 npCTOK D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and Radian Therapj 7K City NftUaaJU Bak BHildliff. OnAka, Nebraska. FARM L'dANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building DKS. STATES Ss STATES Chiropractors .r, 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1243 ELECTRIC SERVICE PREST-O-LITE Storage Batteries Midway Motor Cc. Office phone 211. Res. phone 217 L. C . DRO S T, Osteopntliic Physician. North Platte. fst-tiraska. Knights of Columbus UiUdlng. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (incorporated) One Halt Block North 01 Posloflice. Phone 58 A modern Institution for the cientitic treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casus. , Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories Staff: Geo. B. Dent M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D. J. B. RedfieltUl.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Notice of Final Report. EstatO No. 1729 nf Oflnrirn Tlrnivn Cauright, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tiio btate of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested in said Estate take notice that the Administrator has filed a final account and ronnrt nf ph. ministration and a petition for final ettlement and discharge as such, which have been set- for hearing be- oro sain court on August 6, 1920, at 0 o'clock n. m., when you may appear nd contest tho same. Dated-July 9, 1920. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST. J1-13-3W Countv Judtre. Notico of Petition. Estato No. 1715 of Joseph J. Bowker, deceased in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. . The Stato of Nebraska, To all per- ons Interested In said Estate take not- ce that a potltlon has been filed for tho probate instrument purport ing to be tho last will and testament of Joseph J. Bowker, deceased, and for tho nppointment of Annie C. Krnmp as Executrix of said Estate, which has been set for hearing heroin on July 23, 920, at 9 o'clock a, m. Dated Juno 2G, 1920. TO. H. C. WOODHURST, 49-3w County Judge. Legal Notlco. Horaco G. Beckner; C. Hastings Reid; Thomas L. Thomas; Pharaoh H. Hill; William S. Christy: Edward v. ungianu; nud Section 15, Town ship 15, Range 20r Lincoln County, (Nobraska, and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof, will hereby tnko notico that R.N. Bruor, plaintiff In nn action wherein the said R. N. Bruer Is plaintiff and you and each of you aro dofondants, has filed his petition in the district court of Lincoln Coun (ty, Nobraska, tho object and prayer of which is to qtilot plaintiff's title to Section 15, Township 15, Rango 29, 1 Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you and to havo it de creed by tho court that 'and oach of you and you all ! persons claiming anv interest of any kind in said real estate or anv part thoreof have no right, title or intorest of any kind, character or des cription in and to said real estato whatsoever. I Your aro furthor notified that unless you answer said petition by the 9th nay or August, laao, Judgment by de fault will go takon against you forever excluding you from any claim of any kind in and to said real estate. 1 R. N. BRUER. By Halligan, Beatty & Halllgan, J29-J23 Hla Attorneys.