The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 20, 1920, Image 7

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False Claims.
GKNTL13. women have always ap
preciated ull the little subtle
touches that an; the essentials of good
dressing, tin days 'gone Ity our grand
mothers learned the nrt of embroidery
and occupied many hours of their time
dwlng painstaking und beautiful work
on their belouglngs. They replenished
their store of underniusllns with
dainty hand-made pieces, adding re
finements to them In embroidery and
other stitching. Underwear of line
cottons, decorated with exquisite em
broideries, Is as much admired as
ever, but most of It Is made In other
lands than ours.
-Meantime styles In underthings
progress. They have not grown any
less dainty .but they have become
more luxurious. Wash silks nnd
satins, laces und even chiffons have
been added to the materials used for
making them nnd ribbons have re
placed embroidery. The camisole pet
ticoat and ' boudoir mantle pictured
here reflect the mode In luxurious and
beautiful underthlngs of silk which
ban eclipsed cotton In the favor of
many fair women.
If It were not for embellishments of
ribbon our underwear of today would
be uninteresting and tame. No mat
ter whether of silk or cotton It Is all
desljhicd with reference to ribbon dec
orations and no manufacturer could
hope for any success who failed to
reckon with ribbon. Lingerie hows
llower forms and ornaments that are
detachable are taken as a matter of
course In the wardrobe of today.
The petticoat pictured N made of
white wash satin and finished at the
bottom edge with a border of lace.
Deen scalloned nieces with bound
edges are set on Instead of a llounce
and beaded with a band of lace In
sertion. Small tlowerllke rosettes
made of narrow pink ribbon are set at
the top and bottom of the scallop. 1 lie
cnmlsole Is made of a filmy lace with
narrow satin ribbon simulating (low
ers applied to It. The same ribbon
supplies the shoulder straps and
mnkes the little blossoms set on where
they join the Jody. Wider ribbon
with a plcot edge takes care of the
adjustment nt the waist and supplies
a pretty bow and ends for a finish.
Hy such means Vv much-occupied
women of todny eoSFivo to have those
delicate underthlngs that are essen
tial to perfect dress.
Conference of Engineers Expected to
Eliminate Confusion and Other
Confusion and other dinicultlc that
have come from the use In different
states or varying lots for materials
used In road construction are expect
ed to be eliminated by a recent con
ference held In the ollices of the bu
reau of public roads. United States de
partment of agriculture. Highway
testing engineers representing most of
the states attended. From their sug
gestions a system of standardized tests
Is to he evolved.
Manufacturers of road materials, as
well as the federal and state high
way departments, have been "inconven
ienced, because materials that would j
meet tie requirements of one state
would be rejected In another often
because of different Interpretations of
epeclllcatlons. .Much of this work Is
done co-operatively by the federal and
"IXE hope there Is no Mother who thinks she can treat her sick baby without
YV calling in a Physician, or with remedies that she uses for herself.
Most Mothers know that Baby requires remedies especially prepared for
babies, yet there are some who think that what is good enough for them is good
enough for Baby, and it is to these Mothers we appeal to give nothing to their
babies that is not specially prepared for babies or recommended by their Physician.
False claims may kill, but false claims can never restore your child.
For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been aiding fh the reduction
of the deaths among infante as Mothers have become more and more acquainted
with it. Always keep it in the house.
Helping Carry Forward the Nation's
Great Road Building Program, Sup
port of Which Is Urged by Secretary
v Meredith of the Department of Aq.
state governments under the federal
aid road act, which Is one of tin- rea
sons why It has been thought advlsnble
to set tip national standards that will
be In effect in all states.
The Conference was held under the
auspices of the National Association of
State Highway OtllclaN. This organi
zation will promulgate the standard
ized tests. It Is expected that Use
of the toxtw will be generally adopted,
although their use by the states wilt
be voluntary.
A number of slate highway testing
engineers, in addition to a number of
engineers of the bureau of public rouds
attended the conference.
NKtiLHJKKS patterned after the
garb of Chinese women are de
veloping popularity at a rate that
promises to make them rivals of the
kimono. They prove to he comfortable,
practical and unexpectedly becoming
I'SiH'vlally to small women. Other
sklrtless' models reveal a trouser-ward
trend In boudoir clothes, us Is apparent
In any representative display of such
garments. Turkish trousers of satin
or even of if Ilk nnd metal tissues, over
low bodices, form the .foundation for
long, loose coats of crepe georgette
or chiffon. In tfie showiest and most
spli-ndld exntnples of negligees; so
there Is plenty of precedent for the
Clilnese garments of much less mag
nificence, although nearly nil of these
are fashioned In silk or satin which
Is more tlmn fine enough.
An excellent example of Indoor dress
of Chinese Inspiration Is shown In the
figure ut the left of the two pictured
above. It is of plain, deep blue satin
bordered with brocaded satin In which
pnlm leaves nnd irregular dnshes of
color appear with green, honnn and
blue figuring In the composition. Noth
ing could be much en.lor to put to
gether than this cheerful negligee.
At t' 1 ght, crepe de chine und
georgette make 1111 equally simple In
door dress having a straight chemise
slip of the heavier material and an
over garment of kice and georgette,
with square neck that allows it to slip
over the head. A ribbon girdle and
small spray of ribbon llowers acquit
themselves perfectly as finishing
touches. A bandeau id' ribbons on the
head Is substituted-for a boudoir cap
and proves an advantage In the direc
tion of dignity.
Very pretty negligees of lightweight
brocaded satins and In novelty crepe
do chine are among the last addition
to indoor clothes. They are usually
cut like long, loose and slightly draped
coats with long shawl collars that are
n froth of lace frills and organdie.
Handeaux of frills and ribbon, with
tiny chiffon roses for trimming, cor
respond with the collar and complete
the daintiest und most easily put on
of negligees, irs they fasten with a
single ornamept (of chiffon roses) be
low the waistline. They look much
like an opera cap In outline.
Promote Self-ReBpect In Community
and Cheapen Cost of Trans
portation to Markets.
flood roads promote self-respect In
n community. They make possible
social intercourse. They bring the
benefits of churches and schools with
in the rea(ii of all. They help to
keep the boys on the farm. They
cheapen the cost of transportation or
farm products to the markets and
thus add to the farm profits. They
add to the value of farm hinds much
more than they cost. They mark the
degree of civilization of the rural community.
As Essential on Farms as Public High,
ways to Enable Farmer to
Handle Produce.
A well-ordered farm should have
well-ordered roads and driveway to
and around the buildings. In other
words, private roads on the farm ure
lis Important to the Interests they
serve as the public roads over which
the farmer's produce Is marketed. A
good road from the farmer's gait- to
his marketing place should not be de
preciated by a poor road from the
gate to the barn or packing house.
11 nrmnL-n PER OLNi.
.:u.:nttnrFaod toKctfuU-
tlnlhcStonwrlu ntMl ItoUcn
Cheerfulness andRcstContsms1
Ik.MV Stltt
i .infidPpmcdyfor
and Fcvcrisnnw - resdUnjfrWEl,JnfanCy
Children Cry For
Mothers Must Use Care.
Why do we so often call your attention to imitations of Fletcher's
Castoria? Because it is a baby's incdicinr. and imitations are always
dangerous, particularly imitations of a remedy for infants.
Your druggist may not keep an imitation but they are to be found
on drug-store shelves. Reliable druggists think only of the welfare ,
of their customers. The other kind only of the greater profit to be
made on imitations.
Your own judgment tells you that Fletcher's Castoria having for
over thirty years at great expense held up its reputation, must jeal
ously guard it. Then, it follows thM: this company must use the very,
best of material. Must employ experts in the selection of the herba.
Mu6t retain skilled chemists in its manufacture.
Your same good judgment must tell you that these irresponsible
imitators are trading on your credulity and the reputation built up
by Mr. Fletcher, during all these years, for his Castoria.
Bears the Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
A Little Air Jaunt.
Hy flying to Adelaide. South Austra
lia, and hack to .Melbourne, Sir Itoss
Smith hns completed his little air Jaunt
from London to the commonwealth.
The famous Vlckeis Vliny machine has
been presented to the commonwealth
government and will be preserved for
the nation In the war museum Al
though probably no machine has ever
undergone such an extraordinary test
as this l.ondnn-to-Adelalde flyer, the
giant machine Is still In good order
nnd might conceivably undertake the
return trip If called upon.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
You Can't Rub lit Away;
Rheumatism is in the Blood
Liniments Will Never Cure.
If jou are afflicted with Rheu
matism, why waste timo with lini
ments, lotions and other local appli
cations that never did cure Rheu
matism, and never will?
Do not try to rub the pain away.
Try the sensible plan of finding the
cause of the pain, and go after
that. Remove the cause, and you
remove tho pain.
You will never ho rid of Rhcu-
Note of Suspicion.
"1 notice," remarked Karmer Com
(ossel. "that you alwayn go away tip
north when .ou make up your mind to
go flshln' suiu enough."
"That has been my custom," re
marked the enthusiast.
"Well, 1 dtmno, but It's a good Iden
to get so far away that the fish can't
be expected to keep so's you could
show your catch Instld o' braggln"
about It."
matism until you clcanao your
blood of tho germs that cause tho
disease. S. S. S. has never had an
equal as a blood purifier and scores
of sufferera say that it has cleansed
their bjood of Rheumatism, and re
moved all trace of the disease from
their system.
Get a bottle of S .S. S.. and get
on the right treatment to-day. Spe
cial medical advice free. Address
Medical Director, 111 Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Is genu
million? i
Bureau of Roads Approves Forty.Nine
Projects at an Estimated
Cost of $5,946,910.
Forty-nine federal ald'road project,
an aggregate of 4,r9.21) miles at an
estimated eonstrurilon cost of S.YP18,
010. have been approved by the fedriil
bureau of roads. This announcement
was made by the state highway hoard
here today. The federal government
Is lo pay $2.fiOil.,.)7fi1 and the state and
counties the remainder.
Make It Possible to Produce Vegetables
and Fruits for Canning and
City Markets.
Rich agricultural Inud limited to
cereal crops on unimproved roads may
be made to yield a much higher re
turn where with an Improved road It
Is practicable to produce vegetables
and fruits for canneries and city mar-
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin
Ine Aspirin proved safe by
nnd prescribed by physicians for over 1
twenty years. Accept only an unbroken
"Bayer package" which contains prope!
directions to relieve Headache. Tooth'
ache, Barache. Neuralgia, Uheumatlsm t
Colds and I'aln. Handy tin boxes' of Vi i
tablets cost few cents. Druggists nlso
sell larger Bayer packages." Aspirin
Is trade mark Bayer .Manufacture Mom '
oucetlcucldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv.
No Objection to That.
".Bins was held up the other night
"By a bandit V"
"No; as a shining example."
His Special Gift. 1
A school inspector visited one of the !
Mhools over which he bears rule, and
made something of a speech to the as-
sembled children. j
"Now." said the great man. "the
thing that you want to keep in mind
Is that you should always seek to do
some one tiling better than anyone else
can do it. You can begin to do that
right now. Tell me Is there anyone
among you who can do that one thing
better than anyone else?"
A youngster held up his band.
"Ami what Is It?"
"I can rem I toy own writing better
than anyone else can." said the boy.
Its Merit,
"The wild goose is neither graceful
nor beautiful." "No. hut when you
come to the point. It Is game."
.x" Morning
eepYour EVes
Clean - Cloar HoolthV
Tar htm O Car Book Murtove Co.Cr.luta.UlA
Tired and Worn?
Docs nuinincr Hud you tired, weak
id! worn out? Do you have conatnnt
backache; feel lame nnd idiff, and
without life or nnibition? There's n
l'fuxnn wliv vou foel so badly. Likely
your kidneys have weakened and are
canning ynu to loci no miReraoie. uti
back your health and keep it! Help
the wehkened kidneys with Doan's
Kitlncy IHUs. Doan's have helped
UioiiwiimIh and should help you. Ask
your ncighborl
A Nebraska Case
T 1 Q i n t A
liJuekmnlll), 902 "J,,v,
Si.. Auburn, Nobr ..fol
i'iiiiio vory Inmu
unci noro. f hail'
Hlitirp pnlns through
my kidneys and at
times when 1 would
stoop over It wiih
almost Impossible
rnr aio to mruiKiu
an. My kidneys act.
...I Irrutflllnrlv flntl
tho ncrrotloiiB were highly colored-nnd
burned la pusaiiKe. A menu nuviseii
inn to try norm's Kldnty fills und
two boxes cured me."
Get Doin'i at Any Store, COe Dos
Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go.
15th nd Howard, Omaha, U. S. A.
Rectnra Color nd I
lWuty to Gray and Fuded I!irJ
t'. tut l o at drurditi. I
UtMiit Chrm. Win, I'jtclincuf. W.Y.j
MUsed the Switch.
I thought I hud ull my belongings
when I left my berth for tho dressing
room. When I wits reudy to do my
hair I missed my switch of artificial
curls. When I returned I found them
pinned to the back of the seat, to the
utniiKement of my fellow truvclerH.
HINDERCORNS nmon cm.. ciJ
loutfi. ru., atop all pain. tiUJrei cunuurt to iuo
(ret, uakec KiUklnr , lie Xir mall or at JJroiM
cilia. liiicoxCbtuim Wors,l'atcliieu,N.T.
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young women over nlueteen yenni of hge
who have had at leust two years In high chool
to taku Nuries' Training lu general hospitnl
Our graduate are In great demand. Addrt-m
Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln. Nobraika
After you eat always use
CFOR YOUR stomach's sake)
one or two tablets cat like candy.
Instantly relieves Henrtburn, Bloated
Gassy Feeling. Stops indigestion,
food souring, repeating, headache
and tho many miseries caused by
EATONIC is the best remedy, it takes
the harmful ucids and gases right out
of the body and, of course, you get
well. Tens of thousands wonderfully
benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or
money refunded by your own drug
gist. Cost a trifle. Please try It. I
,(, i:TH SomeililUK rnw, nuUimally ortvir
tlxod, only on.- u( Uh Mini; ilrinuml iivt'rv
wheie No coiiiiwtltlnii or truublu Kt'lllnK.
fi mik'H dully iiuiuriH 1300 monthly. I.Iutl
twm, hhIph in-lim furululim freu. Kxtrnitrill
nary opoorl unity to Ktuit mimll, creatn Iiuh
ijuinriin. Hxclualvn It. free; worth foitutiv
Inter.' Write .lnrkxtin KtunUnrd Huli'H I'c ,
lOHIi Arrudc III. Ik . I)t. A. HI. I.ntlla, tu.
hctcrul Cliiilrn TnuU IjiikI In (iimnUK Hill
Itlvrr Valley, near 111 und Korku, iirlrmt I ik lit
hy owner Hu illri.'i't, buvu comntlMlon.
Writ tlett I'Ihiio llnime, Orund ForkB. N u.
mi:n ami tvoMUN i:vi:uvviiKiti; tu
rurnlliK uvur f 10.00 xvvry duy aullltiK n r
product; nwertimii Ilka HUgur; rvlutlvu tout
only 3c e pound, ( money making
repoatttr on eartli. Experience unnrceiuur
l'ttrtlculorn frre. Write A-l PHODUCTH ft-.
Dept. KW it, til North Well Bt.. Chlcmrit